Thursday, S ptember 20, 1973
Page Five
T h ursd a y, S e pte m b er 2 0, 1 9 7 3 11I H E M iC H I G A N D A IL Y P a g e Five11 i .l i . .I 1
Medieval studies stir
No one really seems to be able
to explain why students are turn-
ing on to the era of King Ar-
thur, but they're certainly en-
thusiastic over the University's
new interdisciplinary Medieval
and Renaissance Collegium.
"We are unique because we are
aiming for undergraduates, those
who do not distinguish between
history and language. We aim
to view culture and religion and
society as one, as the medievals
did," explains Prof. William
Ingram, director of the Colleg-
Affectionately called M.A.R.C.
by its participants, this fresh
program hopes to assemble the
knowledge of diverse faculty
members from varied depart-
ments and make it available to
eager students.
The core of the program cen-
ters on its course offerings and
its living quarters. Students par-
ticipate in courses such as Lon-
don from the time of Chaucer to
Shakespeare" or "Florence from
Dante to Machiavelli" to a class
called "Family Life in the Mid-
dle Ages."
Dltub: A
The program participants' high
spirit shows itself by extraneous
non-credit activities such as a
Dante reading group meeting on
Monday and Friday at 4 p.m.
in the M.A.R.C. library, and a
Middle English reading group
meeting Saturday midnights
starting Sept. 22.
"So far its great!" s a y s Mimi
Laubach, a resident in the Col-
legium. "But it's just starting
up, and if more people join
next year, maybe it can become
an established concentration pro-
donuts have given way-for the
most part - to more elaborate
and tasty fare. And it's even
reached the point where various
members are thinking of setting
up their own musical ensemble.
It looks as though the Bach
Club will continue after Smith
leaves campus. At the last meet-
ing, Smith refused to preside
over the club again and insisted
on the election of a new presi-
To his considerable delight, a
whole new group of people will-
ing to carry on the club's pur-
pose volunteered their services.
So it seems as though the Bach
Club, like its tradition of jelly
donuts, is well on its way to a
position of permanence in Ann
Arbor. And its members will con-
tinue to create the pleasant at-
mosphere that has kept the club
alive and healthy.
gram. But right now, I have to
go through the hassle of writing
my own independent major."
Jeanne Martin, Associate Di-
rector of the Collegium, explains,
"Interest in the program is pick-
ing up rapidly as compared to its
grimness at registration time.
"A great spread of depart-
ments are involved in the Colleg-
ium, such as history, art his-
tory, music school, law school
and the language departments.
Soneone from the medical school
is even teaching a course in
medieval medicine next semes-
Jeane Martin, who will con-
duct the Middle English reading
group, explains further. "An old
Latin reading group will be start-
ing soon, in addition to the seven
courses which so far have been
established for the winter semes-
Collegium activities for the
coming week inmlude Prof. V.,A.
Kolve of the University of Virgin-
ia lecturing on Chaucer, and the
School of Music Collegium Mu-
sicum "Concert of Early Music"
Sept. 27 in the Collegium lounge.
The Law Quad's pseudo-Ren-
aissance and Neo-Gothic archi-
tecture reinforces an authentic
atmosphere. The M.A.R.C. lounge
provides students a place to gath-
er for lecturers, seminars, mov-
i ,s, or concerts.
Other facilities include living
space for two dozen enthusiasts,
a highly specialized research lib-
rary, and the M.A.R.C. office.
Prof. Ralph Williams of the
English dept., organizer of the
Florence course and head of the
Dante reading group, says, "I'm
finding hope in the program and
seeing.strength to build even
Williams goes on to explain
that "interdisciplinary programs
have been called dilletantish
sometimes in the past. I think
we are not in this case because
we are accepting the responsibil-
ity of discipline. With such as-
sistants as professors Becker,
Trinkaus, and Thrupp we can-
not but be authentic."
The Collegium is funded for
three years by the National En-
dowments for the Humanities and
by the University.
Enthusiasm runs rampant in
the Medieval and Renaissance
Collegium. Check it out and may-
be you'll find your niche, even if
it doesn't have a terra cotta ma-
donna in it.
If you've been around campus
for awhile and noticed Bach Club
handbills, you might suspect that
the organization is just a front
for crazy cartoonists and jelly
donut fanatics. But a lot of stu-
dents would disagree with you.
Tonight's meeting, for instance,
would prove to you that the club
brings together students with in-
terests in Bach and classical
music for a good time, though
no previous knowledge is neces-
sary for participation.
Asking a tiny cover charge, the
club provides its members with
quality live music, home-cooked
refreshments, and a congenial
atmosphere every Thursday night
at 8 in East Quad's Greene
Tonight's winning combination
includes a chamber music pro-
gram of Bach, Beethoven, and
Schumann followed by a p p 1 e
crisp and c r e a m. Considering
last week's successful organiza-
tional meeting which attracted
over 50, this evening's get-to-
gether is expected to bring in
over 100 people.
The high turnout represents a
resounding accomplishment for
the club's founder and guiding
light, Randy Smith-the person
caricatured on the Bach Club
advertisements. He started the
organization six years ago out
of dissatisfaction with the in-
ability of campus groups to bring
people together.
Smith chose his main interest
-Bach, of course -and began
publicizing his efforts. Since
then, the club has grown from
gatherings of nine and lectures
by music faculty members to
live performances, refreshments,
and a consistent attendance of
30 to 40 members throughout the
The poster ads maintain the
same humorous appeal, but jelly
What a bargain
for two semesters
ONLY $10
(campus area),
Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
DRAMA AT THIS summer's Ann Arbor Medieval Festival is just one manifestation of local interest in
studying and recreating the Middle Ages. The University's Medieval and Renaissance Collegium gives
students the opportunity to investigate many aspects of the two periods.
6:00 2 4 7 News
9 Andy Griffith-Comedy 13W
50 Gilligan's Island-Comedy
56 Lilias, Yoga and You
6:30 2 CBS News
4 NBC News
7 ABC News
9 i Dream of Jeannie-Comedy
50 Hogan's Heroes-Comedy
56 Freneh Clief
:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 News
7'o Tell the Truth-Game
9 Beverly Hillbillies-Comedy
50 Mission: Impossible-
56 Course of Our Times-History
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 You Asked for It
7'Treasure Hunt
9 Bewitched-Comedy
56 Why You Smoke-Report
8:40 j2 The Waltons
4 Flip Wilson
7 Billie Jean King vs Bobby
9 Shake, Rock and Roll-Music
56 Playhouse New York
The 1940s
"'Fe Last GIs"
5 0 ?ight Gallery
8:30 9 Norman Corwin Presents
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 2 Movie-Crime Drama
"Bonnie and Clyde"
4 I onside
9 News-IDon Daly
9:30 9 To See Ourselves
56 Jazz Set
10:00 4 NBC Follies-Variety
7 Streets of San Francisco-
Crime Drama
9 MS:
50 Perry Mason BW
56 Masterpiece Theatre
"The Golden Bowl", Part 4
10:30 9 Singalong Jubilee
11:00 4 7 News
9 CBC News
50 One Step Beyond
11:15 2 New,.
11:30 4 Johnny Carson
7Jack Paar Tonite
9 News
50 Movie-Drama BW
"The Unfaithful." (194,)
11:45 2 Movie-Crime Drama
"Jack of Diamonds" (1967)
12:00 9 MIovie-Drama
"Oedipus the King." (English
1:00 4 7 News
1:45 Movie-:adventure BW
"Flame of Ba.bary Coast."
3:15 2 Mayberry R.F.D.
3:45 ' News
U' School of Music
to present concerts
Mental Health Research Institute
Dept. of Neurosciences, McMaster Unjv.
"The Control of Nerve Territory
by Axoplasmic Factors"
FILM-Cinema Guild presents Renoir's La Bete Humane in
Arch. Aud. at 7 and 9:05 tonight; Ann Arbor Film Co-op
features Fellini's Nights of Cabiria in Aud. A at 7 and
9; Mediatrics presents Cat Ballou in Nat. Sci. Aud. at 7
and 9:30; New World Film Co-op shows Fellini's Satyri-
con in MLB, Aud. 3 at 7:30 and 9:45 and Franks Billy
,Jack in MLB, Aud. 4 at 7:30 and 9:45.
MUSIC-The Bach Club presents the music of Beethoven,
Bach, and Schumann at 8 p.m. in E. Quad's Greene
Lounge with refreshments afterward; Primo Showbar
features Bobby Blue Bland tonight.
The University School of Music
begins a novel series of concerts
known at the "Faculty Chamber
Concerts" this Sunday at 4 in
Rackham Aud.
Structured from literature rare-
ly heard today, the works have
been chosen from a number of
unusual listings proposed by the
music school's performance fac-
Most of the concerts will pre-
sent a mixture of vocal and in-
strumental works, wide-ranging
in style and period. Although
some solos will be included, the
emphasis will beplaced on en-
semble performances.
Sunday's program will include
Giardani Clavier Concerto, Huy-
brecht's Sonatine, Turnina Dan-
zas Fantasticas, and Rachman-
inoff Sonata in G minor-opus 19..
It is hoped that each season at
least one work from the music
school's composition department.
will be presented. Outstanding
students have been invited to
participate as associates with
faculty members.
Sept. 20,
1 973
a lecture on Zen (Zazen) will be presented by the
reknown Zen Master
tea 3:15 MHRI
talk 3:45 MHRI
ts ~eurn
g adkLr
Unavailable in this country for many
years, we are finally able to present
this major Renoir film made during
the period of such masterpieces as
STHEGAME. Based on Zola's novel, it
deals with the compulsion of a rail-
road engineer to kill and all the com-
plications of his life that result in the
human beast.
THURS.: Renoir's great
"Rules of the Game"
TONIGHT at 7 and 9:05 Adm. $1
Rev. Soyu
to be followed by an aikido demonstration
by one of the foremost instructors
Sensei Takashi Kushida
7th degree black belt
Sept. 21, 1973 Friday
IM Bldg.-Wrestling Gym
State and Hoover Streets
Pointing the
way towards
CALL 764-0557
Classified Ads
Ad Copy-
WORDS I dav 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days A days odd.
0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3 90 4.50 .55
11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4 80 5.60 .75
16.20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85
21-25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05
26-30 1.30 3.60 5.00 6.60 8 10 9.40 1.20
31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40 9 05 1u..50 1.35
36.40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 11.60 1.50
41,45 2.55 5.10 6.95 9 00 10 95 12.70 1.65
46-50 2.80 5,60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 180
1 2.80 5.60 7.60 9 80 11.90 13.80 1.80
2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19 10 23 45 27.60 3.60
3 7.40 14.80 21 10 27.60 34.00 40.20 5 40
M1'M®/AAdk ®,
j Section of classifieds:
1 I