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September 20, 1973 - Image 1

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eeToday for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 20, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Pilot TFs join strike
Sixteen of the 17 Pilot Program resident fellows yes-
terday passed a resolution in support of the tuition
strike. Specifically, they called for a reevaluation of
the tuition rates, adequate financial aid for all students
who need it, re-establishment of in-state status for all
teaching fellows, and a list of other demands, including
"significant student involvement in all administrative
Dog's owners sought
The small dog who was a victim of a hit-and-run cyclist
on the Diag Tuesday is reported resting comfortably at
the Dun Vegan Animal Clinic and will probably be re-
leased today. There's one problem, however. It seems no
one has claimed the poor little pup, and the man who
saved him has no idea who to return him to. The dog is
part-terrier, 16 to 18 inches tall and from one to three
years old. He is tan with black ears. If you suspect this
might be your dog, please call Dr. Harper at the clinic
and let him know. (Ph. 761-7523).
Regents to meet
The Regents hit town today and tomorrow for this
month's docket of meetings-several closed, a few open.
Today the Regents will hear a public comments session
on the subject of public disclosure of salaries of Univer-
sity employes. Tomorrow the board is expected to vote
on a motion submitted by Regent Gerald Dunn (R-Lan-
sing) which would require the University to disclose its
salary lists. Also slated for tomorrow's public meeting
is a vote on formal approval of the recent tuition in-
crease and this year's University budget, both okayed by
telephone vote last month. The meetings will take place
in the Regents' Meeting Room, first floor Ad. Bldg., at
11:00 a.m. both days.
Frat burglar nabbed
Two Phi Gamma Delta fraternity members received
minor knife wounds early yesterday morning as they
surprised and helped apprehend a prowler. According to
city Police Chief Walter Krasny, the two, Michael Sta-
niec and Edward Neff, were awakened around 5 a.m.
to discover a would-be burglar in Neff's room. They
attempted to subdue the man and received relatively
minor cuts. The prowler, identified as Tyrone Rich-
ardson, 23, was finally takeninto custody by police.
. ..include a PIRGIM meeting tonight at 7:30 in Rm.
4203 of the Union. The meeting is open to anyone who
chooses to attend . . . a mobile van jam-crammed with
specialists in veteran's counseling will be over in Ypsi-
lanti from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. near the corner of Washing-
ton St. and Michigan Ave. Interested veterans should
check it out . . . the Ann Arbor Camera Club meets to-
night in the basement of the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Camera buffs unite, and all that . .. and the Bach Club
meets tonight at 8 in theaGreene Lounge in East Quad.
Refreshments will be served.
UA W-Chrysler detente
The United Auto Workers and Chrysler reached agree-
ment on a new contract to cover 10,500 white collar work-
ers, bringing all 127,500 UAW members at Chrysler un-
der tentative new agreements. The white collar pact was
not officially announced, but top officials of the two main
locals involved, and a union spokesman said agreement
had been reached and a ratification vote was set for
today. Details of the pact were not announced. The un-
ion's Chrysler Copncil met meanwhile to approve the
contract agreed on earlier for 117,000 assembly line
workers, and send it to the rank and file for ratification.
Sextuplets in danger
Doctors and nurses in Denver worked to combat a
lung disease in three of the remainig five Stanek sex-
tuplets, born Sunday night, after the smallest of the six
babies, Julia, died from the illness, hyaline membrane
disease. Catherine and Nathan Stanek were given blood
transfusions overnight and Wednesday. Catherine was
listed in poor but improving condition at Colorado Gen-
eral Hospital and Nathan was in poor condition. Steven,
the third infant with symptoms of the disease, was re-
ported in fair condition but improving. Jeffrey Stanek's
condition dropped slightly from good to fair, doctors
said, and John was still in good condition.
More silence
Lt. James J. Pelosi, who graduated from West Point
in June after enduring 19 months of a now-outlawed
punishment called silence, says he is still shunned by

some of his comrades. "I thought I would leave the non-
sense that went on at West Point back at West Point,"
said Pelosi, a second lieutenant who is undergoing basic
officer training at Ft. Benning, Ga., along with 150 class-
mates from the U.S. Military Academy. "But other peo-
ple apparently, didn't feel that way," he said in an inter-
On the inside .4.
Guest writer Charles Rooney takes a look behind the
Chilean coup on the Editorial Page . . . The Arts Page
features a story on the University's Medieval and Ren-
naisance Collorinm by Jim Schiop . . . And on the
Sports Pages find out all about the slinging Stanford

By AP and Reuter
A spokesman for President Nixon
strongly denied yesterday that the
White House is putting any kind of
pressure on Vice President Spiro
Agnew to resign.
Deputy White House Press Sec-
retary Gerald Warren labeled as
false news reports that say or hint
"a disposition by the White House
or the people in the White House
to force the resignation of the vice
president, or that the White House
is exerting pressure on the vice
president to resign" or that the
White House has been the source
of stories that Agnew was think-
ing about resigning.
EARLIER IN the day, however,
Vic Gold, former press secretary
to Agnew, charged that top White
House aides Melvin Laird and l



Sources claim White House pressure

Alexander Haig Jr. were encour-
aging rumors and reports about
Agnew's legal troubles so that
stories about Agnew would over-
shadow the Watergate scandal.
"This is all calculated by the
White House toukeeptthe Agnew
story alive," Gold said in an in-
terview. "I'm blaming the White
House at the highest level. Mr.
Haig and Mr. Laird.
"It is my contention that this
stuff about the vice president is
a great distraction from the Wat-
ergate and the White House is de-
lighted with it.

"Isn't it odd that three weeks
ago the country was talking about
the President resigning and now
they're talking about the vice pres-
ident resigning? Some people may
think that's a coincidence. Some
people think that storks bring ba-
bies. I'm not that naive."
current press secretary, acknowl-
edged that certain individuals at
the White House might be encour-
aging the current furor over Ag-
new's possible resignation, but he
said he thought that anyone who
believed that this reflected offic-

ial policy was overreading


"Under no circumstances do we
regard it as a conscious concoc-
tion of anybody in the White
House," Thomson said. "I refuse
to believe that it representsrany-
thing close to official policy. It is
rather the expression *of private
yesterday that one of Nixon's as-
sistants was reported by sources
with excellent access to the White
House to have said flatly that Ag-
new must go.


Another aide was known to have
made suggestions to columnists
that the subject of Agnew's de-
parture from the Administration
might be appropriate for specula-
tion, the newspaper said.
A SPOKESMAN for Agnew again
rejected speculation that Agnew
might resign, and his close friends
maintained he intended to finish
his second term as vice president
and that he would be proven inno-
cent of accepting illegal payments.
But there has been increasing
evidence in recent weeks that Nix-
on and Agnew - who in the past

has complained he had little to do
withinthe Administration - were
growing apart.r
nothing'to refute the evidence. Told
by a reporter that his refusal to
comment on the resignation spec-
ulation could be interpreted as a
"kiss of death" for Agnew, War-
ren said he refused to comment no
matter how the questions were
Nixon and Agnew have not met
privately since the news of Ag-
new's alleged involvement in graft
first surfaced. Many White House
observers believe Nixon would like
John Connally to become vice
president, as a way of advancing
the Texan's drive toward the GOP
presidential nomination in 1976.

Dispute settled;


concert to

held at


For a while, it looked like Sly might be up to his old tricks:
with only a few days remaining before the first scheduled
Ann Arbor concert of Sly and the Family Stone, local sponsors
and University officials were still sweating over the contract
for the use of Hill Auditorium.
But Vice President for Student Services Henry Johnson
and promoter Ron Palmerlee emerged smiling from a round
of eleventh-hour negotiations last night to announce that Sly
and his band will indeed play tomorrow night at Hill as

AP Photo
The other side of the fence
A band of street urchins squeeze between the bars of an iron fence surrounding the courtyard of a Buddhist pagoda. The children are crowding
to view a recent ceremony in Saigon. They are typical of the children left orphaned or otherwise homeless by the war.
Junta allw privat investment
in.Chi tIle 'smaj or copperlmi n es
SANTIAGO (Reuter) - Chile's ing to build during his three years' industrial sectors, with special em- COPPER EXPORTS traditionall
new military government will open rule before his death in last week's phasis on copper to exploit current bring in 85 per cent of Chile's fo
up the big five copper mines na- coup. copper price rises on the world eign currency earnings.
tignalized under the late President The officials said the new gov- market, the officials said. Copper production last year wa
Salvadore Allende to private for- ernment will spearhead efforts to According to a television broad- 716,900 metric tons. According t
eign and Chilean investment, offi- restore the economy by raising cast by Admiral Jose Toribio Me- officials here the Allende govern
cials said here yesterday. copper production to one million rino, a member of the four-man ment had forecast a drop in 197
They said the new government -tons a year. And it will accept military junta, copper production to 680,000 tons because of labo
will pursue liberal economic poli- private foreign and Chilean invest- is already back to normal after troubles including a 45-day strik
cies based on private enterprise. ment in the big five copper mines, the coup. at the giant El Teniente Mine ear
THIS APPARENTLY heralds the they added. "Without doubt, and without mir- lier this year.
demolition of the socialist economy THE MAIN production effort will acles, we will very soon reach a Officials said the governmen
which Allende, a Marxist, was try- be in the mining, agricultural and million tons of copper," he said.
was eager to exploit the rise it

THAT IS, IF Sly shows up. The
unpredictable maverick of rock
music has punctuated his career
with late arrivals and no-shows,
but Palmerlee and Sly's New York
booking agent vigorously asserted
last night that Friday won't be
one of those nights when everyone
arrives except the band.
The show is set for 8:30 p.m.
with tickets going for $5.50, and
Palmerlee says he expects a fast
LAST NIGHT Palmerlee and
other representatives of the Black
Pre-Law S t u d e n t s Association
(BPL), the sponsors of the event,
inked a contract with the Univer-
sity sending all profits from Sly's
show to the Martin Luther King
scholarship fund for black students
in the law school.
Earlier in the week, University
officials had voiced fears that the
whole operation would collapse;
they said BPL had on several oc-
casions failed to produce $1,000.
needed to pay for use of the audi-
But Johnson, Student Accounts
Auditor Maurice Rinkel, and BPL's
people met for nearly two hours
last night and afterwards declared
with mutual relief that the show
will go on.
BPL says some 500 tickets have
been sold and the rest of the 4,300
seats are up for grabs at Discount
Records on South University, Little
Things on North State St., and the

CSJ vid
SGC .-vote
A five-judge Central Student Ju-
diciary panel last night shot down
Student GovernmentsCouncil's
plans for a Sept. 24 special con-
stitutional election.
Speaking for the court, CSJ
Chairman Ron Henry ruled the
election "null and void" because
of procedural violations by SGC of
the new All-Campus Constitution.
cision came on a suit filed Monday
by former SGC member David
Smith. Representing Smith before
CSJ was former SGC Treasurer
David Shaper, the author of the
new charter.
Last week, SGC approved plans
to hold a special election for voters
to reconsider the new constitution
which had originally been approv-
ed last spring.
The plan - known as "10-10-10"
- calls for a greatly expanded
SGC to be selected by a highly
See CSJ, Page 2


Strike demands in-state status
for TFs; slates rally, pickets

copper p r i c e s on the London
market from last year's average of
48.55 U.S. cents per pound to more
than 65 cents currently.
THE JUNTA'S decision to accept
foreign investment in the big five
copper mines - Chquicamata, El
Teniente, El Salvador, Exotica and
Andina (Rio Blanco) - indicated
that the copper industry was about
to be de-nationalized.
The U.S. Kennecott, Anaconda
and Cerro corporations owned the
mines before the Christian Demo-
crat government of President Edu-
ardo Frei - which preceded Al-
lende' s government-took a part
share in them.

A well-attended but disorganized
mass meeting of the tuition strike
last night resulted in the addition
of a new demand-that of restored
in-state tuition status for all teach-
ing fellows-to the original three
strike demands.
Thekmeeting alsourged students
to picket the Regents at their pub-
lic meeting tomorrow, following a
rally scheduled for tomorrow at
11:00 a.m. on the Diag.
THE PLANNED tuition strike
centers around two groups - Stu'
dent Government Counciland the
Student Action Committee (SAC),
an ad hoctgroup which is behind
most of the organizing for the
The original three SAC demands,
which were endorsed by Student
Government Council (SGC) include
rollback of tuition; full implemen-
tation of the 1970 BAM (Black Ac-

ergetic crowd of about 150 dwin-
dled down to about 50 by 10:30,
which is when the decisions were
finally reached.
SGC members were not avail-
able for comment on whether en-
dorsement of the fourth demand
would be on the agenda for their
meeting tomorrow.
SGC President Lee Gill did not
attend the mass meeting.

adopted from a list of a possible
four, proposed by several residents
of Alice Lloyd Hall. Discussion on
the other three was tabled when
consensus could not be reached.
The meeting was started with a
brief speech by SAC organizer Mar-
garet Gyetco, after which inform-
al discussion on goals and tactics
had been planned.
broke down as the meeting was at-
See NEW, Page 2

Loud Bobby battles
a silent Bilie today,
HOUSTON (Reuter) - Fifty-
five-year-old Bobby Riggs and
29-year-old Billie Jean King
were a study in contrasts yes-
terday on the eve of their $100,-
000 winner-take-all "Battle of
the Sexes" at the Houston As-
trodome tonight.
It is probably the most bally-
hooed a n d intriguing tennis
match of all time.
Riggs, as fast-talking and
cocksure as ever, continued to
bounce around town with an en-
tourage - including two well-
endowed "bosom buddies" -
promoting the best-of-five sets
match and exuding confidence.ts
He also granted interviews to
all comers in his hotel suite in
between gulping down more
than 400 vitamin pills a day.
BUT THE normally ebullient
and talkative Billie Jean King
remained in seclusion, apart

THEY WERE nationalized
July 1971 under Dr. Allende
unanimous vote of both houses


Szuba allowed to leave Chile

After agonizing delays, Michigan
swimmer Tom Szuba and seven
others h ave finl2v escnped :he

will land on American soil early
this morning.
The plane, according to State De-
nartment sources. had been read-

going boy but when we talked to
him last Saturday, he sounded
very quiet. Obviously he has been
touched by all the killing he has

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