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September 19, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-19

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Wednesday, September 19, 1973


Nage Three

Wednesday, September 19, 1973 fl-C MICHIGAN DAILY



Tribunals set



SANTIAGO ,P) - The four-
man junta announced yesterday
that military courts will try
"foreign extremists" caught re-
sisting Chile's new military gov-
Conviction could bring the
death sentence.
A JUNTA spokesman, giving
official figures for the first- time,
said 95 persons have been killed
and 300 wounded since last Tues-
day's coup that toppled the three-
year-old government of Marxist
President Salvador Allende.
There have been 4.700 arrests
in a week of skirmishes between
troops and leftist militants sup-
porting Allende, he said.

Earlier estimates by police
sources had placed the number
of dead at 500 and some said the
final toll would be much higher.
UGARTE, junta president and
army commander-in-chief, told
newsmen: "We calculated we
would have a five-day fight, and
we were surprised when instead
weshad them reduced in 24
He added that the situation
throughout Chile is now "abso-
lutely normal."
A number of foreigners are be-
lieved to be among the 4,700 pri-
soners. Col. Pedro Ewin, govern-
ment secretary - general, said
the foreigners will be tried by

military courts "acting as war
councils:" Col. Oscar Benilla,
the interior minister, said a ma-
jority of the Chileans among the
prisoners will be freed once an
investigation is completed.
ONLY PINOCHET has author-
ity to impose the death sentence
on those convicted by the mili-
tary tribunals, Ewin, said.
"The courts are going to be
very severe with foreigners,"
Pinochet told newsmen, "be-.
cause it is unacceptable that
these persons, who came to re-
ceive education, appeared later
as extremists, killing our own
Patricio Alwin, leader of the
Christian Democratic party, the
nation's largest, said that before
the coup Chile was at the edge
of a "tremendously bloody".up-

crats, a middle-of-the road par-
ty, had governed Chile before
Allende's September 1970 elec-
tion as the Western Hemisphere's
first freely chosen Marxist pres-
ident. They strongly opposed his
efforts to socialize the economy.
The junta has said Allende
committed suicide after troops
entered the presidential palace
following bomb and rocket at-
The palace battle was followed
by four days of stiff fighting,
with soldiers using tanks, ma-
chine guns and rifles against die-
hard supporters of Allende snip-
ing from balconies and rooftops.
Elwin said the 95 killed included
72 civilians, 14 national police
and nine soldiers. Speaking at a
news conference, he ridiculed
figures published abroad that
there were 70,000 prisoners.

0 $2.00,

Goals expressed at
Geneva conference


AP Photo
SENATOR (UNCLE) SAM ERVIN, chairman of th e Senate Watergate Committee, strides forward
with renewed vigor to attend a closed session mee ting of the committee yesterday, following its al-
most two month recess. The meeting was held to a pprove a list of prospective witnesses for the public
hearings, which will resume next week.
Hunt named le adoffwitness

ate Watergate committee said
yesterday that wiretapper' E.
Howard Hunt will be leadoff
witness when televised hearings
resume Monday.
The panel also called John Ra-
gan, a former FBI man and one-
time Republican security con-
sultant, to testify about his part
inĀ° attempting to wiretap, the
home ofnewspaper columnist
Joseph Kraft.
THE ONLY two other witness-
es named were White House
speechwriter Patrick Buchanan
and former presidential law-en-
forcement aide John Caulfield,
who previously has admitted as-
sisting in therWatergate cover-up.
Missing from the witness list
were political saboteur Donald
Segretti, who has agreed to plead
guilty to four election-law viola-
tions, and Charles Colson, who
reportedly faces indictment i\
the Ellsberg break-in.
The committee retains hopes
that it can hear from Segretti
and former presidential counsel
Colson despite their legal trou-
RAGAN'S NAME was a sur-
prise. He had been mentioned
only once before in Watergate
testimony, when former presi-
dential counsel John Dean 'III
said Caulfield told him Ragan
helped tap Kraft's telephone.
Ragan, reached by telephone
at his home in Massapequa, N.
Y., denied tapping Kraft's

phone and said he didn't know
why the committee was calling
He said he had conducted a
"feasibility study" at Kraft's
home in 1969, while working as
security director for the Repub-
lican National Committee. But
he said he didn't know whose
home it was at the time. "There
was no tap," he said.
ONE COMMITTEE s o u r c e
said Ragan was believed to have
been involved in the Secret Serv-
ice's reported wiretapping of F.
Donald Nixon, the President's
brother. Ragan denied that also.
Ragan's name was on an ini-
tial witness list released by
Chairman Sam 1rvin Jr (D-N.
C.), at a news conference fol-
lowing an executive session of
the committee.
The :leadoff witness for the
hearings is convicted Watergate
conspirator Hunt, a former CIA
operative and member of the
White House plumbers groups.
HUNT ASKED a federal judge
Monday to withdraw his guilty
plea in the original Watergate
case and dismiss charges against
him. Hunt said he had been told
of the Watergate break-in had
the approval of high White House
officials and was connected with
national security.
His Senate testimony .is ex-
pected to deal both with Water-

gate and with other political es-
pionage and sabotage and is .toj
serve as a transition to other
phases of the investigation.
Ervin said Segretti remains un-
der subpoena and the committee
intends to call him.
THE COMMITTEE planned to
meet in another closed session
Wednesday to discuss a possible
appearance of former special
presidential counsel Colson. His
lawyer reportedly told the com-
mittee his client expected to be
indicted in connection with the
1971 burglary of the office of the
psychiatrist of Pentagon Papers
figure Daniel Ellsberg.
Volume LXXXIV, No. 12
wednesday, September 19, 1973
is edited and managed by students at1
the University of Michigan. News phone1
764-0562. Second class postagepaid at
Ann Arbor. Michigan 48106. PublishedI
daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 May-
nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.
Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (cam-
pus area); $11 local mail (Michigan and~
Ohio); $12 non-local mail (other states
and foreign).
Summer session published Tuesday
through Saturday ,morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus
area); $6.50 local mail (Michigan and!
Ohio); $7.00 non-local mail (other
states and foreign).

GENEVA, (Reuter) - The
second and decisive phase of the
35-nation European Security Con-
ference opened yesterday with its
Swiss Chairman expressing the
hope 'that delegates could bring
about a greater degree of secur-
ity, freedom and liberty in the
Officials and experts of 35 Eu-
ropean countries, the United
States and Canada are faced
with some six months of labori-
ous work on drafting detailed
proposals for measures to insure
security and encourage greater
East - West economic and scien-
tific cooperation and more hu-
man contacts.
held against the background of
growing western public criticism
of the Soviet Unions treatment of
its intellectual dissidents.
Rudolf'" Bindschedler, head of
the Swiss delegation, said in op-
ening the meeting: "I hope that
while we devote our efforts to-
wards peace we do not forget
justice. Durable peace cannot
exist unless it is founded on jus-
The western delegations are
determined to put a human face
on the conference by seeking im-
portant concessions from the
Soviet Bloc countries on more
travel and greater flow of in-
formation across the east-west
dividing' line in Europe.
THE WESTERN side has made
clear it will not go to the third
and final stage of the confer-
ence, which the Soviet Union
wants to be held at summit level
in Helsinki next year, unless
there is real progress on the hu-
man contacts question.
Human contacts will be discus-
sed under the third of the confer-
ences four agenda items.
It was immediately highlighted
today when in the committee
dealing with it the Soviet Union,
Bulgaria and Poland made sug-
gestions on the procedure for dis-
cussing cooperation in humani-
tarian and other fields.
the Soviet blocs tactic was to
try to get quick discussion on a
draft declaration on cultural co-
operation and exchange of in-
formation put forth jointly by

Bulgaria and Poland in the com-
mittee and not in a sub-commit-
The ,sources pointed out that
the declaration was in general
terms and provided only guide-
lines. The western side wanted
agreement on concrete measures
which would begin to break down
barriers on human contacts and
thus help in further reducing ten-
The Soviet Union's main inter-
est is in getting agreement on a
draft declaration it submitted
duringethe first stage of the con-
ference at Helsinki in July.
fect calls for an acceptance of
the post-war status quo in Eu-
It will be discussed under the
first agenda item - questions re-
lating to security in Europe.
Bindschedler, without making
any reference to this or any oth-
er of the many draft declarations
.put to the conference, told the
delegations: "It is not sufficient
to adopt declarations and proc-
lamations however solemn they
may be."
HE OBSERVED that although
such documents could exert po-
litical influence for a more or
less long period, they would not
be sufficient to build a perma-
nent and stable European sys-
"It is stability, order and se-
curity that weare seeking here
which form the only guarantee
for peace," he said.


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