Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, September 19, 1973 II Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, September 19, 1973 II I, W E DEMAND " Rollback of tuition PINS A1.ND NEEDLI Approval P likely for AcupuE (Continued from Page 1) r AMERICAN DOCTORS and sci-1 entists do not know why acupunc-l ture is so effective, but easternersi believe that it involves the physi-c (Continued from Page 1) cal manipulation of energy.I policy matters, has been a con- Rossman explained that when tinual point of friction. disease or pain occurs, the body McGovern said that if Kissinger energy is blocked from its regular is confirmed, at least Congress w1 ill!pattern of flow through the sys- then be able to cross examine tem. The proper placement of publicly the man who is really needles in the acupuncture points directing foreign policy in his breaks up the block and allows the present post at the White House." flow to continue. But McGovern said he was voting against the Kissinger nomination on grounds of conscience. He saidA gnewn B Kissinger and Nixon "needlessly IU t(i} ti~ prolonged the slaughter in Indo- china since 1969 . . . They close their eyes to the slaughter frmr y hundreds of thousandssof Bengal rsr at a time (1971) when the Nixon administration was tilting toward (Continued from Page 1)t Pakistan against India." White House, denied he was the unnamed Republican Party leader, I and said he had no advance knowl-1 jedge of the report. Senate Democratic Leader Mike1 Mansfield (D-Mont.) told report-c ers: "I was kind of surprised. It is kind of interesting-but it is thet first I have heard of the report."I BUT CONGRESSIONAL observ- ers agreed that the resignation oft Agnew at this time, with the Sen-i ate Watergate hearings due to re- Atetosropcieme nx-ody wudda h Attention Prospective Nixon adminstraton ataggering Synchronized Swimmers blow. A congressional Democratic lead- er said the resignation would be I accepted by much of the country M ichii sh as a sign that Agnew was guilty of taking illegal payments, even if it - was later proved he was innocent. Agnew, who until the illegal pay- ments allegations were disclosedi 109crwas considered a leading contend- WED., SEPT. 2 er for the Republican presidential i nomination in 1976, denied at pressi OCT. 3-.- pmconferences last month that he was thinking of resigning. MARGA R ET"I WILL REMAIN in the high c office to which I was twice elect-1 BEL L ed," he said. . POOL But "leaks" to the press havet POOLbeen such that Agnew angrily1 charged he was being "indicted byc icture use Used as an anesthesia the need- births, tonsilitis, and for the re- les block pain impulses by stimu- moval of brain tumors. lating all other nerve impulses "It can even give you a real which travel through the spinal nice high," said Rossman. "I had cord. one guy who said it was like taking Acupuncture has been known to three 'reds'. It's great for relaxa- aid in the cure of neck and back tion and I treat myself whenever I aches, arthritis pain, headaches, have a hangover." hay fever, asthma, ulcers, tennis Rossman described his acupunc- elbow, menstrual pains, and hang- ture treatment as "amazingly sim- overs. ple" SIT HAS BEEN successfully used First he examines the patient to as an anesthesia for cesarian decide where to place the needles. Once he locates the various points (there are between 700-800 tradi- * etional acupuncture points) he gen- tly twirls 'the needle until a ting- ling or numbing sensation is felt by the patient. The needle goes in " about one fourth of an inch below the surface of the skin. THERE ARE various ways of ap- the press." plying acupuncture, the major ones lf 41 rises Nixon then came to his aid, say- ing his confidence in Agnew's in- tegrity had not been shaken by the charges made against him, but had b e e n strengthened by Agnew's courageous conduct and his ability. UNTIL THE storm broke over the alleged illegal payments, Ag- new had been, regarded as the senior administration official not touched by the quagmire of the Watergate scandal. I neing needmes, massage ana the latest and perhaps most effective is the use of ultra sonic sound ma- chines. Rossman has been practicing ac- upuncture for six months in Stin- son, California. ie, along with hundreds of other doctors, plans to go to China to learn more about the process of acupuncture. And the Chinese? They've been using it for five thousand years. * Complete implementation of Black Ac ton ovement demands as agreed to by the University in 1 970 " Increased financial aid for all in need Poice crack down on posting handbills 1ss EETI G (Continued from Page 1) on the posting of handbills without property owners consent, also stip- ulates that "no one shall knowingly remove property not his own from any building, fence, tree or pole." And according to Raaflaub, mer- chants in the State Street area have done exactly that. They have hired crews to remove handbills not only from their own property, but also from trash containers owned by the city and utility poles TON IGHT East Quad Room 126 7:30 STUDENT ACTION COMMITTEE That's right! A new name for you apartment hunters-and at this time of year it must be a welcome sight. --- - owned by Detroit Edison. "THE POSTERS are . someone else's property," s a i d Raaflaub. "On the face of it it is illegal for anyone to remove them if they're posted on another person's prop- erty." City Attorney Ed Pear said yes- terday that no city merchants have ever been prosecuted for cleaning up their business districts, but ad- mitted that the TU member might have a "legitimate defense" if he brought the matter up in court. Krasny denied the charge that his department had, intended -to enforce the ordinance selectively. He said that the part of' the ordi- nance which appears to prohibit handbill clean-up e f f o r t s "has never really been brought to our attention before." THE HANDBILL crackdown comes -close on the heels of harsh- er enforcements of both marijuana laws and traffic laws-particularly with regard to bicycles. In each case, Krasny has denied any change in enforcement policy. People! Music! Food! BACH CLUB PRESENTS: Pat VAUGHAN, basse Huw LEWIS, piano Ellen BENSON, piano Playing works of Beethoven, Bach, Schumann Thurs., Sept. 20---8 p.m. East Quad Greene Lounge Everyone invited! No musical knowledge needed. ADMISSION: 50c Apple crisp with cream served afterward further info: 761-0102 or 665-6265 LET US TELL YOU MORE . . . First off, we are located mile from the Eastern Michigan University Campus and only a 10 minute drive from your North Campus at U. of M. We have a unique environment to offer those that live at Huron View. We have more than 800 students living here--not only from your Uni- versity but others also. This offers a tremendous academic and social environment for student renters. NOW FOR YOUR APARTMENT ... One, Two and Three Bedrooms with air conditioning, pool, recreational areas, drapes and laundry fa- cilities, and furniture available if you wish. I"I NOW FOR YOUR COST,... ONE BEDROOMS (150-160) TWO BEDROOMS (170-200) THREE BEDROOMS (220-260) RENTAL OFFICE OPEN NOON-6 P.M. EXCEPT SUNDAYS PHONE 483-6007 dry,. i- I y JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. THE turtleneck. . .Revere's ., K ': * lightweight polyester/cotton knit shirt that gets fall's layered looks under way. .the shirt that teams with sleeveless sweaters and blazers, and makes the new short-cropped jacket look even greater! White, black, navy or green. Sizes S,M,L,XL. $6. / s ' y""". . .., it:.. */i''ii . i ~~'i: /%k I I N !E IAN Lv f i