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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 19, 1973 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Thank you
A young man came up to our offices yesterday morning
and told us the following story. At around nine in the
morning, a small dog was struck by a bicyclist in front
of the UQLI. The force of, the blow broke his leg and
severed an artery. As throngs of students passed by, too
busy to stop, the dog lay bleeding on the Diag pavement.
Finally, a young student stopped and despite the early
morning chill,, removed his shirt and wrapped it around
the damaged leg to stop the bleeding. He then arranged
to have someone call a vet, and waited with the wounded
animal until help arrived. The student probably missed
his nine o'clock lecture. He also probably ruined his
shirt. The young man who stopped by here wanted to
thank him. So do we.
Chilean radio
Janes Maharg, University professor of Romance Lan-
guages, and a 'D-Xer'-a person who merely listens to
shortwave broadcasts as opposed to a ham operator, who
broadcasts as well-reports that he heard Chilean short-
wave broadcasts' for the first time since the coup
Monday night. Maharg says that radio stations are no
longer broadcasting under their pre-coup names, but
under the designation "Radio Network of the Armed
Forces." Monday, he heard the hours vWhen the curfew
would be lifted yesterday broadcast-between noon and
8 p.m.
Tuition strike meeting
A meeting of persons interested in the tuition strike
has been called at 7:30 p. m. tonight in Room 126 of East
Quad. The ad hoc Student Action Committee says that
at the meeting, demands to implement the 1970 Black
Action Movement and adequate financial aid to those
who need it, will also be discussed.
Happenings ..*.
. . .include a range of meetings of various campus
groups . . . the Ann Arbor American Youth Hostels
group will have a mass meeting for new members at
8 p.m. in the Union ... Rackham Student Govt.'s Exec-
utive Board will meet at 7 p.m. on the second floor of
Rackham . . . and the undergraduate Political Science
Association will convene at 2402 Mason Hall at 7.30 p.m.
on the lighter side, both the Ann Arbor and New
World Film Co-op's are featuring Fellini's Satyricon and
Cinema Guild is showing Whelan's Clouds Over Europe
... Summerhill, What's New At School? is at Aud. B
at 4 p.m. . . . and free pool lessons will be given from
5 to 7 p.m. in the Billiards Room on the Union's second
Amnesty decree
Jordan's King Hussein declared a general amnesty
yesterday in a bid to reconcile Palestinian guerrillas he
ousted from the country three years ago. The amnesty
decree affects all guerrillas, political detainees and want-
ed persons in and outside Jordan, including some 300
guerrillas in Jordanian prisons. Not included in the list
of guerrillas - who will be released from prison or not
sought by the government-are common murderers and
persons convicted of espionage.
Bhutto arrives
President Nixon gave public assurance to Prime Min-
ister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto yesterday that "independence
and integrity of Pakistan is a cornerstone of U. S. poli-
cy". The statement came during a ceremonial greeting
for the Pakistani leader on his arrival at the White
House for a two-day visit, and went farther than pre-
vious U. S. pledges of support for the dismembered na-
Sextuplet failing
The health of one of the sextuplets born Sunday night
in Denver deteriorated yesterday as doctors planned a
blood exchange transfusion in an attempt to stabilize
her condition. The condition of Julia Stanek dropped
from fair to poor yesterday afternoon, said a spokes-
woman at Colorado General Hospital. Julia's sister and
four brothers remained in fair to good condition.
Analyst reinsta ted
An Air Force cost analyst who was fired after he
disclosed a $2 billion Overrun on the C5A aircraft pro-
ject, was ordered reinstated yesterday with full back
pay. The U. S. Civil Service Commission ruled that the
Air Force acted improperly in dismissing A. Ernest Fitz-
gerald. The commission held, however, that the firing
had been for purely personal reasons and not in retalia-
tion for his CSA testimony.
On the instde
Co-editor-in-chief Chris Parks rakes the city adminis-
tration over the coals on the Editorial Page , . . Marcia
Merker gives a rundown of this year's cross country
squad on the Sports Page . . . and on the Arts Page, a
review of Rosalie Sorrels' Ark concert is featured.
by Senate
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee yesterday approved-with only
one senator dissenting-the nomi-
nation of Henry Kissinger to be
secretary of state.
But the committee, following up
the controversy touched off by Kis-
singer's role in the wiretapping of
several members of his staff,
passed unanimously a resolution
calling for an examination of the
use of electronic equipment con-
cerning foreign policy activities.
The full Senate is expected to
give final approval tomorrow or
Friday to Kissinger's nomination.
xious that Kissinger, the first for-
eign-born citizen to head the state
department, take up his new post
as soon as possible.
He is due to address the U.N.
General Assembly next week on the
Middle East crisis and has al-
ready postponed another trip to
The post of secretary of state
will provide little new for Kissin-
ger. As a senior presidential ad-
viser, a post he retains, he has
played a leading role in foreign
affairstduring the past four years;
negotiating the Vietnam peace
agreement intParis, visiting Peking
and Moscow and preparing for the
administration's 1973 "Year of
THE ONLY ONE of the 17 com-
mittee members to oppose Kissir-
ger was Sen. George McGovern,
last year's defeated Democratic
presidential candidate, who said he
was casting a symbolic vote
against the Nixon administration's
policies in Indochina and Bangla-
The one possible obstacle to Kis-
singer's approval by the Senate
committee came when members
insisted on being given a full report
of the wiretapping by 13 govern-
ment officials, including the Kis-
singer staff members, and news-
men, in connection with leakages of
information early in Nixon's first
presidential term.
Attorney General Elliot Richard-
son refused to hand over the re-
port but agreed to allow two senior
committee members to study it.
Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-Ark.),
the committee chairman, said yes-
terday the committee had general-
ly concluded that Kissinger's role
was peripheral.
But the committee unanimously
passed a resolution calling for a
"full examination of the use of
electronic and other means of sur-
veillance of American citizens in
connection with alleged intelligence
gathering or other activities re-
lated to foreign policy."
FULBRIGHT SAID the commit-
tee felt strict procedures should be
set up to insure there is more
supervision over wiretapping in
national security cases where court
approval is not needed.
He and several other committee
members said the committee will
also study way to provide more
effective congressional scrutiny of
foreign policy in general.
The lack of White House consul-
tation with the Senate, which has
the constitutional role of giving
advice and consent on foreign
See APPROVAL, Page 2
W hite House refuses
comment on Post claim
WASHINGTON (Reuter)-A spokesman for Vice-President
Spiro Agnew yesterday described as just a rumor a report that
Agnew is "991,> per cent certain to resign-probably this
But the spokesman refused to flatly confirm or deny the
report which appeared yesterday in a Washington Post story
by Pulitzer-Prize winning correspondent David Broder. Broder
attributed the remark to a "Republican party leader."
THE REPORT came as government prosecutors in Baltimore were
AP Photo
SEN. GEORGE McGOVERN (D-S.D.), who yesterday cast the lone vote in opposition to the nomination of
IHenry Kissinger as secretary of state, explains his vote to newsmen on Capitol Hill. McGovern said his
vote was a protest against the administration's policies in Indochina and Bangladesh.
U.N. grants membership
preparing to begin presenting to a
Agnew, while ggvernor of Mary-
land, accepted payments from con-
tractors in return for state con-
Agnew's resignation at this time
would be a serious blow to Presi-
dent Nixon, already' battered by
the revelations of the Watergate
The White House, which early
yesterday disclaimed all knowledge
of the report, later refused to dis-
cuss it. To a barrage of reporters'
questions, presidential spokesman
Gerald Warren said: "My position
this morning, after talking to- a
number of people, including the
President, is that the Vice-Presi-
dent is just not going to comment.
A REPUBLICAN party leader,
who was said to have spent two
hours late last week trying to
argue Agnew out of the decision,
was quoted by Broder as saying he
was "991/2 per cent certain he
(Agnew) will resign-and probably
this week."
The unnamed Republican was
quoted as saying Agnew was de-
termined to prove his innocence
of the allegations of bribery, ex-
tortion and tax law violations being
Thes54-year-old Agnew has al-
ready dismissed the allegations as
"damned lies."
TOLD BY a reporter that his
refusal to comment could be in-
terpreted as a "kiss of death" for
Agnew, Warren said yesterday he
refused to comment no mattr how
the questions were phrased.
Warren, who said Nixon had seen
the Washington Post report, re-
fused to reply when asked to re-
peat previous White House state-
ments that the President had full
confidence in Agnew.
But Warren repeated another
earlier statement in which he de-
nied there was a contingency plan
for naming .a successor to Agnew.
UNDER THE Constitution, when
the vice-presidency is vacant Con-
gress has to approve a nonination
submitted by the President.
The newspaper report apparently
took Congress by surprise. Minor-
ity Whip Sen. Robert Griffin (R-
Mich.), who has close ties with the
See AGNEW, Page 2
grand jury evidence alleging that
Dorms to
Dormitory food services will
once again be a bad scene for
lettuce lovers this year: students
will be eating leaf spinach, esca-
role, and romaine, but not so much
as a shred of non-union ice'berg
The lack of the crunchy light-
green salad supplement in dorm
diets is not the whim of some lofty
bureaucrat with a lettuce allergy:
it's the result of a decision by the
University Housing Council (UHC)
,last night to continue the food serv-
ice boycott of non-union lettuce,
UHC voted to forbid purchase
of any lettuce not grown and pick-
ed by the United Farm Workers
(UFW), who are currently fighting
to attain union contracts from sev-
eral produce firms and major food
chains, including A&P.
Under the leadership of Cesar
Chavez, UFW has organized thou-
sands of previously unprotected
farm workers on the West Coast.
Chavez, himself came to the city
over the summer for a benefit to
raise money for the UFW cause.
UHC, a group of students elected
to advise the University's Housing
Policy Board, voted 3-1 approval
of the -continued lettuce boycott,
which had been in effect on the
campus for several years.
The policy board is expected to
give quick approval to the boycott.
Claudia Evans, a member of the
ill-defined Mad Hatters' Tea Party,
cast the solitary "no" vote. She
urged fruitlessly that the council
"find out how the students feel"
before proceeding to remove let-
tuce from the menu.
UHC also voted unanimously to -
seek a campus-wide referendum
on the boycott in November's Stu-
dent Government Council election.
The United Nations (U.N.) General
Assembly, opening its 28th session
yesterday, admitted the two Ger-
man states to full membership in
a history-making action that em-
phasized the growing trend to-
wards East-West detente.
The Bahamas also gained entry,
bringing U.N. membership to 135
Dr. Leopoldo Benites, U.N. am-
bassador from Ecuador since 1960,
was elected president of the As-
sembly, succeeding Polish Deputy
Foreign Minister Stanislaw Trep-
The Assembly was convened
little more than an hour after the
Security Council shelved a com-
plaint lodged by Cuba against the
Chilean military junta, which the
Castro government accused of hav-
ing attacked the Cuban Embassy
in Santiago and a Cuban merchant
No resolution was offered in
reply to Cuban Ambassador Ricar-
do Alarcon Quesadas' bitter attack
on the Chilean regime and what
he called the "seamy scum" of
the U.S. C e n t r a 1 Intelligence
Agency and defense department.
Council President Lazar Mojsov
of Yugoslavia adjourned the debate
for an indefinite period to allow for
"p r i v a t e consultations." Diplo-
matic sources said this was a po-
lite way of disposing of the issue.
No further meeting on it is ex-
Admission of East and West Ger-
many to membership was not
achieved without some controversy,
despite the unanimous recommend-
ation transmitted to the Assembly
by the Security Council.
Israeli Ambassador Jyosef Te-
koah, voicing "regret and repug-
nance" that East Germany had
ignored responsibiilty for the Nazi
holocaust in which millions of Jews
died, asked for a separate vote on
the two applications.
But after stating his objections
to East German membership he
said it was clear there was no pos-
sibility of bringing about a vote,
because this might "open up a
pandora's box, upset the scenario
agreed upon and result in a great-
er number of countries voting for
the admission of East Germany
than for the admission of the Fed-
eral German Republic."
He did not, therefore, press the
point and the Assembly was able
to proceed to the admission of the
German states by acclamation. But
not before Guinea Ambassador
Jeanne-Martin Cissee had express-
ed reservations about West Ger-
many's qualifications and Saudi
Arabian Ambassador J a m i l Ba-
roody had delivered a lengthy at-
tack on Israeli policy.
'U' grad sees
expanded use
of acupuncture
A year ago it was called "quackupuncture", but
now there are eighty University research projects
trying to find out how acupuncture works.
Dr. Martin Rossman, a practicing acupunc-
turist and a graduate of the University's Medical
School, called acupuncture a "miracle cure", and
believes it has a firm future in American medi-
He was present in Ann Arbor for the Blues and
Jazz festival as the resident physician and acu-
puncturist for the artists and their crews.
"THERE'S ABSOLUTELY no denying that it
works," he said. "A doctor treats you for twenty
years with no results, then some fool sticks a
needle in you, and the pain goes away."
A year ago Rossman started working with a
team of American and Chinese doctors studying
acupuncture at Hawthorne State Hospital in North-
ville, Michigan.
"We stuck pins in about 600 medical rejects,
(those the medical profession has given up hope
for) and approximately 60 per cent showed signs
of improvement," he said.
Police crack down
on posting handbills
The posting of handbills on build-
ings around the city has apparently
been added to the growing list of
crimes city police have decided to
crack down on in recent days.
In the last four months members
ordinance. He also said that en-
forcement was "without concern
for political affiliations."
However, reports from organiza-
tions whose members have been
repeatedly warned against posting
handbills indicate that the heat
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