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September 18, 1973 - Image 1

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For details, see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No 11 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 18, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages



Bike Thief foiled
Some heads-up detective work by women of the
Gamma Phi Beta sorority resulted in the nabbing of a
bicycle thief by city police yesterday. A member of the
sorority noticed a sign on the bulletin board in the
basement of the Union last week advertising a bike
and asking anyone interested to leave their name and
address. She did, and Saturday a man came around
to the house and sold her the bike. The next night it
was stolen, ahd later sorority members noticed that the
sign advertising the bike went back up in the Union. Sus-
pecting fotil play they decided to set a trap. One put her
name and address on the sign and others contacted the
police and filled them in. When the man arrived at the
house yesterday to re-sell the bike the cops sprung the
trap and took him into custody.
Happenings .. .
WCBN-FM (89.5) presents a documentary on the
Ann Arbor Housing Shortage at 6:30 p.m. . . . UM Bi-
cycle Club is holding an organization meeting at 7:30
p.m. in room 1042 E. Engin Bldg. . . . the Psych Film
Series features Summerhill, What's New At School at
Aud. B Angell Hall at 4 p.m. . . . and History 103 and
Asian Studies 101 classes are showing Satyait Ray's
Aparajito in Aud. B at 7:30 p.m. The University Hous-
ing Council will meet at 7 p.m. in the SGC chambers
(3X of the Union) to vote on whether to boycott non-
union lettuce for dorm food service. Viva la huelga.
Henry's OK
The Senate's Democratic and Republican leaders
say the role of Henry Kissinger in national security wire-
tapping will not bar his confirmation to be secretary
of, state. Majority Leader Mike Mansfield says he ex-
pects the Senate to vote confirmation of Kissinger with-
in the week.
FDA 'irresponsible'
A Food and Drug Administration decision to with-
hold public warning of certain hazardous medical devic-
es and drugs was called "irresponsible and indefensible"
by a Ralph Nader organization. The decision, based on
FDA fear that such -a warning could literally frighten
some people to death, is "the height of arrogance," said
Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe, physician-director of the Health
Research Group.
Officials at fault
The natural gas shortage is blamed in part on of-
ficials telling the industry that new price ceilings were
too low to. encourage exploration and production. Has-
kel Wald, chief economist for the Federal Power Com-
mission, says: "The undermining of the commission's
policies by the mounting antiregulation campaign, along
with other developments which have the effect of en-
couraging the expectation of higher future prices, goes
a long way toward explaining the deteriorating gas
supply after 1968."
Assassination plot?
Two daily newspapers quoting high military sources
reported that the toppled government of the late Presi-
dent Salvador Allende had prepared a plan to assassin-
ate all top military officers and opposition political lead-
Interest rates hiked
Several more major banks pushed their prime lending
rates up to 10 per cent in spite of a demand from
Washington late last week for two banks to justify the
increase. The increase, the 16th quarter-point hike this
year in the banks' minimum lending fee for large cor-
porations, was begun late last week by San Francisco's
Wells Fargo and New York's First National City, two
of the nation's biggest banks. Among those joining the
increase were Chicago's First National Bank, 10th big-
gest in the country; Harris Trust, also of Chicago and
New York's Bankers Trust, seventh in size.
Relief for battle site
The U.S. Embassy and several international re-

lief organizations announced plans to alleviate a critical
medical situation in Kompong Cham. The provincial
capital 47 miles northeast of Phnom Penh was besieged
for about a month by Communist-led insurgents until
government forces cleared out the rebel forces last
British hit sexisn,
The British government announced it will propose
a law to ban discrimination on grounds of sex. Home
Secretary Robert Carr said the legislature will be aimed
mainly at ensuring equal pay and opportunity for work-
ing women.
Ot the inside . .
The Arts Page features a wide array of record re-
views ranging from classical to rock . . . City Editor
Charlie Stein writes about the tuition strike and student
activism on the Editorial Page . . . and Sports Editor
Dan Borus re-hashes Michigan's 31-7 victory and lunch


City Lounc,
tighter fisc

ii desires
'al control







Spurred on by a report revealing
the city's grave financial condi-
tion, City Council last night indi-
cated it would keep a much tighter
watch on departmental spending
policies, amid charges of incom-
petence and dishonesty leveled at
the administration.
The report from Asst. City Ad-
ministrator of Finance Kenneth
Sheehan stated that the city in-
curred a $308,000 deficit during the
past fiscal year, ending in June.
The report further warned the city
to prepare for "payless paydays"
toward the end of this budget year.
THE REPORT blamed individual

departmental overexpenditures as
a major cause of the "extremely
serious condition" of the city's fi-
nances. Fourteen of the 20 city de-
partments "spent more than orig-
inally budgeted.
Several council members said
that from now on periodic checks
will be made of department ex-
penditures and department heads
will be questioned about any ir-
John McCormick (R-Fifth Ward)
accused the department officers of
"blatantly ignoring" budget re-
strictions delineated by council.
diction of payless paydays "alarm-


swimmer in

Ch ile; trapped

on goodwill


An athlete's life is not always
fun and games. In the case of
Michigan swimmer, Tom Szuba, it
can be downright frightening.
Szuba and seven other swimmers
have been trapped in Santiago,
Chile amidst the military coup that
took place there.
THE GROUP, part of an Ama-
teur Athletic Union (AAU) spon-
sored tour of South America, ar-
rived in the Chilean capital last
Tuesday, two days before the over-
But prior to their leaving, the
roof caved in on the Allende gov-
ernment and the nightmare began
for the Americans.
"I've been crawling on my stom-
ach for the past two and a half
days," Szuba told his father in an
early morning phone call last Sat-
"TOM SAID he was all right,"
said Dr. Anthony Szuba, "but that
he's seen a lot of killing.
"They were staying downtown
when the fighting broke out and
now they are in the (American)
embassy, but I don't know when
he's coming home."
Apparently there was also a
food shortage, Tom reports, to the
extent that one female swimmer,
Nancy Kirkpatrick of Santa Clara,
Calif., was stranded in a home
without any food for two days and
no way to get to her.
DR. SZUBA also said that yes-
terday he received a call from

Senator Robert Griffin (R-Mich.)
assuring him that the trapped ath-
letes would be rescued at te irst
possible moment.
"First U.S. plane to get into San-
tiago, Tom will be on!" stated an
anxious Dr. Szuba.
Spokespersonsbfor the Chilean
taskforce had no word on the fate
of the Santiago eight, but the State
Department was in contact with
the family of another swimmer,
See 'U', Page 8
Area man
slain over
Two Willis men were arraigned
on a charge of first degree murder
yesterday after a romantic dispute
ended with the killing of an Ann
Arbor man Sunday night.
In another weekend crime inci-
dent, the badly decomposed body
of a woman, apparently murdered,
was found Saturday in the picnic
area of the Knights of Columbus
Hall on Dexter Road and has been
tentatively identified as that of an
Ann Arbor woman who disappear-
ed several months ago.
See AREA, Page 2

ist," McCormick urged a "close
watch on departmental spending."
He added that Sheehan was "prob-
ably responsible" for communicat-
ing such information to council.
In the past council has not di-
rectly received that type of infor-
mation, prompting Jerry DeGrieck
(HRP-First Ward) to comment
"council has been consistently lied
to in terms of the budget condi-
tion." He asked council to search
for the causes of the fiscal crisis.
"If the situation is not a matter
of dishonesty, then it is a matter
of incompetence," he added.
under fire from several council
members who have directly ac-
cused him of incompetence and
negligence. Sheehan has said the
adlministration followed a number
of fiscally unsound practices in
compiling the budget despite his
recommendations for "drastic ac-
Mayor James Stephenson called
the budget problem "a big mess
which cannot be solved overnight"
but like several .other GOP council
members pinned much of the
blame on the prior council and its
so called Democrat-Human Rights
Party coalition.
William Colburn (R-Third Ward)
charged .that "decisions of the last
council got us in his mess." Coun-
cil also ignored pertinent budget-
ary advice from, Sheehan, Colburn
Ward) joined in the chorus urging
a closer look at future department
expenditures saying "we must de-
mand budgetary obedience from
the department heads."
Also during last night's session
DeGrieck called for a- minute of
silence in memory of Salvadore
Allende, the Chilean president kill-
ed in a coup last week.
After sitting through the invoca-
tion and pledge of allegience which
traditionally open meetings, De-
Grieck rose and asked for a tribute
to the fallen leader as a protest
against "our government's inter-
ference with the lives of the
Chilean people and similar Ameri-
can acts of imperialism across the
rest of the world."
JOINING DeGRIECK in the ges-
ture were council members Norris
Thomas (D-First Ward) and Carol
Jones (D-Second Ward) along with
a number of people in the audi-
But the Republican council mem-
bers remained seated. Stephenson
ordered the clerk to call the i oll
as he leaned back in his chair and
smiled at DeGrieck.
Before the meeting continued,
DeGrieck turned to Stephenson and
said "that was an appropriate
r e a c t i o n considering your own

30 years anI
out gets OK
DETROIT (Reuter)-The United
Auto Workers union reached agree-
ment yesterday on a cotract to
end a brief strike against Chrysler
Corporation. The union called the
settlement the most complex it had
ever put together.
UAW President Leonard Wood-
cock refused to put a price tag on
the agreement but said the union
won its major goal - voluntary
overtime, a retirement after 30
years of service program,' a 17 per,
cent improvement inthe cost of
living formula and a first year
wage increase of 25 cents an hour.
Workers will ge three per cent in-
creases in the second and the third
years of the contract.
WOODCOCK maintained he had
"no idea" how much the contract
cost or whether it topped the gov-
ernment's guidelines for 5.5 per
cent increase in wage and 6.2 per
cent in total benefits.
He said the strike against Chrys-
ler would continue until union offi-
cials and the 115,000 striking work-
ers ratified the new contract,
which they are expected to do. He
said he would now go to Ford and
accept nothing less and after that
to General Motors with the Chrys-
ler contract which he considers a
pattern for the U.S. and Canadian
BUT WOODCOCK indicated that
he hoped that Chrysler plants,
closed since m i d n i g h t Friday,
could be open again' early next
weel, perhaps by Monday. He said
the shutdown would "certainly"
continuethrough this week \ be-
cause of the time consuming pro-
cess of ratification and a decision
on what should be done on plant
level disputes which had not been

AP Photo
UAW President Leonard Woodcock shows a happy face as he
leaves a press conference yesterday afternoon after announcing
that the UAW and Chrysler Corp. had reached a tentative agree-
ment on a new contract covering 117,000 production workers. The
settlement came 63 hours after the union struck the nation's num-
ber three automaker.

Administrators, students battle
over tuition hike on radio show

Two students and two University
administrators faced off on the
issue of the tuition hike last night
on WCBN-and the principle bone
of contention between them was
how everyone did their arithmetic.
The radio p r o g r a m, WCBN's
"Talkback," featured Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Allan
Smith, Director of the Office of
Financial Aid Thomas Butts, and
Student Action Committee (SAC)
members Margaret Gyetko and
Alan Kaufman.
MOST OF THE discussion cen-
tered around the financial reasons
for the average 24 per cent tuition
hike approved last summer by the
Smith said that the University
received $38 million last year in
fee revenue. He claimed that this
year's figure, despite the tuition
hike, will be only $2.3 million
Smith emphasized that the
amount is only a guess, saying
"anybody who wants to, can make
an estimate of fee income." He
said that "a decision is made on
what fee revenue has to be. We
had to produce a fee schedule that
will generate $42.1 million. The
figures came back and they were
at this level (the 24 per cent fee
SMITH SAID that loss of out-of-
state tuition revenue, $2.5 million
by his estimate, increased student
aid and a deficit in last year's fee
revenue totals combined to limit
a large increase in the projected
fee income.
SAC and the Student Government
Council on the other hand have

est group on campus, had only a
14 per cent fee increase.
KAUFMAN, ON the other hand,
claimed that the University's esti-
mated out-of-state tuition loss was
exaggerated in view of the new
residency rules, which he termed
"practically insufferable."
The discussion, hosted by Lee
Van Ameyde and John Rafferty,t
also covered questions of financial

aid and 1970 Black Action Move-
ment (BAM) demands for minority
enrollment. Both Kaufman and
Gyetko blasted the University for
not meeting the BAM sponsored
10 per cent black enrollment goal
this year.
Smith replied that the University
"continues to work harder than
most universities in the United
States on minority enrollment."

Ypsi Council tables
obscenity ordinance
after lengthy debate

Ypsilanti City Council last night
tabled what may yet become the
area's first anti-obscenity law since
last summer's Supreme Court de-
cision granting to "local communi-
ties" the right to determine their
own obscenity "standards.
The ordinance, which was passed
on first reading Sept. 4 and has
been the subject of great debate
in Ypsilanti ever since, would pro-
hibit sale or display of "obscene"
material and would effectively
shut down adult book stores and
movie theatres in Ypsilanti.
THE MOTION to table was in-
troduced by Dale Hooker who voted
for the ordinance on the first read-
ing, but said last night: "Even
though I am in agreement with or-
dinance I cannot vote for it until.

passage of the ordinance were
clearly in the majority, a signifi-
cant number of EMU students who
were opposed to the ordinance
were also present.
THE NUMBERS of pornography
fighters were swelled by the ar-
rival of several"buses bearing min-
isters and their flocks from as far
away as Garden City and Whit-
more Lake.
According to Ypsilanti attorney
Ken Bronson, only "actual physi-
cal acts" or "anatomically spe-
cific" material would be prosecut-
ed under the act, partly because
"the present Michigan law is too
Clarification of the state pornog-
raphy law rests with the disposi-
tion of a case currently before the
Supreme Court. Last week in De-
troit, a three judge panel refused

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