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September 15, 1973 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-15
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Page Eighteen


Saturday, September 15, 1973

Saturday, September 15, 1973





boys class of








Woodrow Wilson Hayes drew
his portly body to its full height
and rumbled to the lectern at
the head table during the Big
Ten Football Coaches fete held
in Chicago this past August. And
for a man with a reputation as
being gruff and tough, Woody
was relatively happy.
True, the band serenading the
writers and coaches had played
that damn Michigan song too
many times. And, yes, there was
that little 42-17 matter in Pasa-
dena. But generally speaking,
Hayes was happy.

ENGAGING in clever repartee,
Hayes awed his audience, which
undoubtedly had packed the Pal-
mer House to hear the dirty old
man from Columbusspeak his
As he meandered through the
football program he plugged his
new book, You Win with People.
Well with the people old
Woody's got, he's going to win
many times this year.
One of the reasons Hayes is
going to win this year was a
man he called forth to take a
bow at the luncheon, offensive
tackle John Hicks. An All-Every-
thing at the Ohioan school, Hicks

has slimmed down to a relative-
ly trim 240 and is quicker than
even before.
HICKS was an awesome force
in the Ohio State - Michigan
OHIO STATE (9-1, 7-1)
Michigan Opponent No. 11
Starters back-Offense 8
Defense 9
Series: Michigan 39-26-4
showdown last fall, even though
the Wolverines controlled the
football for most of the game. In
fact, Fred Grambau's inability
to handle Hicks with any com-

petence at all spurred the Michi-
gan charge. "I just didn't want
them to use Hicks," Michigan
coach Bo Schembechler said. "I
knew if we gave them the ball
Hicks would eventually run over
our guys."~
Joining Hicks on the mobile
and talented frontline are vet-
erans Jim Kregel (6-2, 234) at
left guard, Steve Myers (6-2, 240)
the junior center, and Dick Mack
(5-11, 218) at right side guard.
Kurt Schumacher (248 lbs) has,
through his excellent spring
showings, earned the spot vacat-
ed by the graduation of Merv.

All of which leads to the back-
field and it's the OSU backfield,
famous for clouds of dust, that
brings tears of joy to Woody's
chubby features.
At the outside rushing position
crouches super - soph Archie
Griffin. As a starting frosh for
the Scarlet and Gray the mer-
curial Griffin set a single game
OSU rushing record, travelling
239 yards with the football
against North Carolina. Griffin
proved his ability to attack a top
flight defense when he scam-
pered 30 yards for a key touch-
down against the Maize and
JOINING Griffin is the plod-
ding Harold "Champ" Henson.
Henson, whose straight forward
ability accentuates when he ap-
proaches the goal line, led the
nation in scoring with 20 touch-
downs to his credit. In addi-
tion "Champ" ploughed through
with 795 yards and was never
thrown for a loss.
In the all-important tailback
category, Hayes' man for the job
is sophomore- Brian Baschnagel
who led the team in punt returns
and in kickoff returns, while fin-
ishing second in pass receiving.
Quarterbackingthis rcontingent
of flashing backs is Cornelius
Green, a sophomore who came
on strong in the spring to edge
out Greg Hare, last year's star,
for the field general role. Green,
the pre-season dope has it, pos-
sesses all the tools.
CATCHING THE thrown ball
for the potent Buckeyes will be
Junior Mike Bartoszek at the
split position and at tight end
Fred Pagac, who, and this will
come as no surprise, can block
like hell.
No Ohio State team is com-
plete without an air-tight defense
and this year is no exception.
Staffing Hayes' defense are
among the finest defenders in
the land, despite the 42 points
the Trojans tallied last January.
See WOODY, Page 19

EDITOR'S NOTE - Late last sum-
mer, Daily Sports Editor Dan Borus
and Footbal Supplement Editor Marc
Feldman sat down in football coach
Bo Schembechler's office andtalked
about Michigan, Ann Arbor, recruit-
ing, and "Bo-ring" football. Here is
the text of that interview.
DAILY - Polls have predicted that
Michigan will finish high in the na-
tional rankings and either first or
second in the Big Ten. Are you as
optimistic about the 1973 season as the
poll takers? If so, why?
BO - Well, I think basically the reason
we're ranked so high is because we have
all of our backfield material back. This
is particularly true offensively, and de-
fensively, we lost only Randy Logan. But
losing Logan means an awful lot because
he was the key to our secondary last year.
We have an outstanding tight end in Paul
Seal, a fine defensive tackle in Dave
Gallagher, and enough outstanding foot-
ball players that everybody is giving us
strong consideration.
We do have problems in the fact that
we lost Seymour, Coyle, and Hart from
our offensive line. Those were three big,
strong linemen that will be awfully tough
to replace. If we have an area that is
going to need the most attention, I would
say that it would be our offensive line
from tackle to tackle.
We have a good senior group, no, an
excellent senior group. This group is the
largest we've had since I've been here
and it's got talent but it has got class
kids too. I think they're going to give
us some real good leadership.
If the question is 'are we optimistic or
not' . . . we are.
DAILY - Michigan has the reputa-
tion under your tutelege for a conserva-
tive yet successful brand of football. A
neutral observer would have been more
inclined to have rooted for Stanford in
the 1972 Rose Bowl because its offense
was more pass-happy. How do you re-
act to the "Bo-ring" criticisms on the
part of less appreciative fans and writ-
BO - We were devoid of the pass in
1971 when we couldn't pass. So because
that team was successful and had na-
tional notoriety, it stands to reason that
that is the way we do it; that is our
strategy; to run the ball and not make
any mistakes to win. But they forget *hat
in 1969 and 1970 under Moorhead we broke
every passing record Michigan ever had.
But last year with a sophomore quarter-
back, we passed rather sparingly, basic-
ally because we didn't want to make the
big mistake. As it turned out it was the
right thing to do because we still had
the ability to throw. In fact, we completed
13 passes against Ohio State and lost.

We don't want to do anything in our
offense that is going to continually put our
defense in bad field position.
If you get the football inside your own
twenty, to drive against us your chances
of scoring are about one in 35, and as you
get the football farther up the field, the
percentage is going to be much greater
of scoring. In fact, inside the thirty, the
chance of scoring is one in two.
In the last four years, we turned the
ball over inside our own 45 yard line on
49 occasions, a little over one per game.
As a result of those turnovers, our op-
ponents scored ten touchdowns and eight
field goals. During that same four year
period, the opponents turned the ball
over to us 103 times and we have scored
66 touchdowns and seven field goals.
Maybe it's boring - but the fact re-
mains that where you get the football
determines how much you are going to
score. Now you take a team like Stanford
which has a good passing attack, they
will win some big games. Fortunately
(for them) two of those games have been
in the Rose Bowl against Ohio State and
Michigan. This may indicate that it may
be better to go into a Rose Bowl with
a passing attack rather than a running
attack which takes more coordination and
practice. I don't know. However, with
an aerial offense your chances of getting
there are not as good.
After we had beaten Minnesota, 42-0 last
year, Joe Falls asked me 'What else is
there to write about'. I said 'Holy crim-
iny, if you would have checked what
Dave Brown, our safety man did against
the Minnesota option attack, it was un-
believable. It was the greatest safety play
I have ever seen against the run and
pass. He made 20 tackles and also picked
off a pass and ran for a touchdown. His
play was superb as was Franklin's.
The chances are this year we will play
more option football and pass more be-
cause we may not be quite as physical
up front.
DAILY - This year you have an Alt-
Big-Ten quarterback and the top return-
ing total offense leader is Dennis Frank-
lin. All-league quarterbacks are sup-
posed to pass a lot and Franklin did
throw 23 passes and gain 160 yards
through the air last year against Ohio
State. Can Wolverine fans look for a
more balanced attack this fall or a
'pass only when necessary' one?
BO - To me it depends on what you
mean by balanced. To me, 'balanced' is
not 50-50, but rather two-thirds rushing to
one-third passing. The big thing is when
you have a quarterback that can both
run and pass, how often do you want him
with the football, since if you have a

total option attack, he is going to get hit
every down. If you have some balance
between option plays "and regular power
plays, we'll be able to throw more from
the power I formation.
DAILY - With Bo Rather snagging
footballs for the Miami Dolphins and
Gil Chapman back at a running back,
who will be Franklin's major wide tar-
BO - We are impressed with Keith
Johnson, a sophomore, who is small but
very quick and tough. Coming in, we
have two outstanding freshmen (J i m
Smith and Rick White) at a position which
is probably the easiest to play. Once you
learn the pass routes and different de-
fensive secondary play.
There also is a youngster from Ann
Arbor named Jerry Collins who walked on
last year and has not played yet. Although
he has got speed, we don't know what will
happen when we put the pads on. I'm
satisfied that we have got enough mater-
ial out there is play without Chapman.
DAILY - Franklin, we've noticed, has
a tendency to aim or guide the foot-
ball rather than wing it. Is his arm
strong enough and his confidence in his
ability great enough to lead a potent
passing attack?
BO- - Actually Denny's arm is strong
and maybe it's indecision more than any-
thing else. I'll tell you what he does, he
rotates his hips too much. If you're
righthanded, you should point your left
shoulder in the direction that you are
throwing. He opens up too much, and that
slows down the quickness of his delivery,
and that's something he's got to work
on. I have no questions about the strength
of his arm, but I would like to see him
deliver the ball quicker.
DAILY - You have a nice problem
in the defensive backfield - practically
two complete starting units return. Who
looks to have the inside track and how
are you going to keep these new
benchwarmers happy?
BO - There's no way you can keep a
guy happy if he's not playing. The com-
petition in the defensive secondary is a
very healthy situation for us because they
are all top notch guys. Some may be
stronger in certain areas than others,
but the most complete guy would pro-
bably be David Brown. Greg Koss, though,
had one whale of a spring, and if we had
to play with Koss we would still have
a good safetyman.
On the shortside halfback Dave Elliott
came back from an injury to compete with
Roy Burks. At the end of spring prac-
tice, Elliott had the edge, although it
wasn't a big edge. Then (Tom) Drake
came back to go after (Barry) Dotzauer


Buck luck
Texas Christian

0- 6 Washington St.
13 at Wisconsin
20 at Indiana
N- 3 at Illinois
10- Michigan State
17 Iowa

Malcolm Emmons Photo
Bruising, crushing, and mean Randy Gradishar of Ohio State (53) moves in for the tackle of North Carolina's Dan Hite in All-Ameri-
can style in last years Buckeye victory over the Tar Heels. Randy hopes to lead Woody's charges to a Big Ten title in 1973.

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Open 4 P.M. 665-3231 114 E. Washington

Fat Woody

"ai"y"ho*o"y"" ENFIN
"We have a good senior group, no, an excellent senior group. This group is the largest
we've had since I've been here and it's got talent but it has got class kids too."

... .... .. . . . .

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