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September 15, 1973 - Image 1

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4 AgbP
:43 a. t 1.

For details, see today

Eighty-T hre Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 9 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 15, 1973 Ten Cents 8 pa

iges plus 20 page tabloid supp.


Handicapped girl attacked
City police are investigating the attack Thursday on a
13-year-old handicapped girl by about 20 young thugs.
The youths apparently spotted the girl as she left the
Clague Middle School, 2616 Nixon Road, and attacked her
in a nearby field. They surrounded her, beat her, and
apparently kicked her.
Flick wins award
Robert McKee-a grad student in speech and radio-
has been named the winner of the -McGraw-Hill Film
Scholarship competition. McKee's flick "Day Off" a film
commentary on several aspects of a man's life, was shot
in Ann Arbor and features a number of local residents.
He produced the film last year as part of an advanced
writing course taught by Prof. Frank Beaver of
the Speech Department.
Ethnic Fair underway
The Multi-Ethnic Fair downtown is, under way. The
fair participants include some 19 ethnic groups, com-
prising among others an Arab belly dancing show, a
group of Native American dancers, and an ensemble of
Latvian singers. Hours for the fair today are from 11
a.m. to 11 p.m.
Happenings .. .
are topped by a Women's. Symposium at Mary
Markley Hall today beginning at 9 a.m. One of the main
topics will be "Women and their Bodies.". . . and
on Sunday, WCBN-FM (89.5 on your dial) will broadcast
a tape of a lecture by Anais Nin at 5 p. m.. . . and
if those don't interest you, why not visit the Multi-Ethnic
Fair, being held downtown. The fair opens at 11 in the
morning and closes at 11 at night.
Laird vs. Schultz
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has warned
that 12,000 Zenith 19-inch color television sets pose a
potential fire hazard and advised consumers to unplug
them immediately. The commission said it learned of
the problem from Zenith Radio Corp. following a fire
in Milwaukee, Wis. No one was injured in that fire.
Zenith charged
The White House acknowledged there may be "some
misunderstanding" about tax policy between Presidential
adviser Melvin Laird and Treasury Secretary George
Shultz, but said there is "no great disagreement" be-
tween them on the subject. Shultz told reporters in Tokyo
that Laird should "keep his cotton-pickin' hands off eco-
nomic policy." Laird had said earlier that the admin-
istration was considering asking for a refundable anti-
inflation tax increase.
Banks queried
The Nixon administration demanded the nation's larg-
est banks justify increasing their prime lending rate to
a record high of 10 per cent. The move followed an an-
nouncement by New York's First National City Bank
that it was following Wells Fargo Bank of San Fran-
cisco in raising its prime rate from 9 3/4 to 10 per cent.
Kissinger attacked
Rep. Donald Fraser (D-Minn.), urged the Senate to
withhold confirmation of Henry Kissinger as secretary
of state until there is assurance that the Nixon adminis-
tration will not engage in military combat without Con-
gressional approval. Fraser, chairman of Americans
for Democratic Action, spoke before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.

Ooohl It's Jackie!
The U. S. Court of Appeals in New York has reduced
the distance free-lance photographer Ronald Galella
must keep from Jacqueline Onassis and her two chil-
dren. The court redkiced from 150 to 25 feet the distance
the nosy photog must keep between himself and Mrs.
Onassis, and reduced from 225 to 30 feet the distance he
must stay from Mrs. Onassis' children Caroline and John.
On the inside..**
On today's Editorial Page, Ted Stein takes a look at
possible CIA involvement in the recent Chile coup . .
The Arts Page features a review of "Day of the Jackal"
by Bruce Shlain . .. and Frank Longo gives a pre-game
report on today's Michigan-Iowa State football battle on
the Sports Page.





Union calls overtime.
safety main issues
DETROIT (UPI)--The United Auto Workers (UAW) struck
the Chrysler Corp. late last night after failing to reach agreer
ment on a new contract for 127,500 U.S. and Canadian auto
The strike was announced by union president Leonard
Woodcock less than one hour before the 11:59 p.m. expiration
of the present three-year contract. It capped three months of
bargaining between the nation's second-largest union and the
third-largest auto company. The strike also has shattered two
years of U.S. labor peace.
WOODCOCK SAID there were "significant matters of difference on
health and safety issues, voluntary overtime and a broad range of

A satisified customer
One festival-goer enjoys the traditional all-American soft drink at Ann Arbor's first Multi-Ethnic Fair which featured food, music, dancing
and other events of Polish, Latvian, Estonian, Chinese, Arab, Chicano, Ukranian, Fyench, Lithuanian, German, and native American
Repnort warncty coud

fac e
Because of a massive budgetary
deficit, come April the city may
not be able to pay municipal em-
ployes or meet its other financial
obligations, according to a report
released by the city administration
The report by Asst. City Admin-
istrator of Finance Kenneth Shee-
han termed the present financial
picture "extremely serious" and
warned the city to "be prepared
for payless paydays,"
DURING THE LAST fiscal year,
ending June 30, the city incurred
a $308,500 operating deficit, raising
the total debt to an unprecedented
$1 million.a

The grave fiscal condition re-
sulted from inaccurate estimates
of potential revenue soulces and
departmental expenditures made
when the city administration origi-
nally drew-up the budget in March,
Sheehan last night said the
budget had been balanced by con-
sidering the maximum conceivable
revenue level the -city could antici-
pate, a practice he termed "silly."
THE REPORT stated that rev-
enues from all major sources ex-
cept property tax and federal rev-,
enue sharing "were substantially
below estimates."
Further aggrevating the situa-
tion, a majority of city depart-



ments overspent their allotted
funds. The police department, for
instance, exceeded its budget by
over $150,000.
Moreover, a third of those pro-
grams which showed no deficits
over-expended their original ap-
propriations and balanced their
budgets thanks to additional fed-
eral monies.
Because of City Council policy,
the various departments "felt they
had a mandate" to maintain per-
sonnel and service levels "regard-
less of budget constraints," the re-
port states.
SHEEHAN ADDED that by the
end of next April "it is a very
real possibility" the city simply
will not have the money to meet
payroll requirements.
City Administrator Sylvester Mur-
ray claimed he was "not con-
vinced" the financial status is as
grim as presented in the report.
"I do not foresee payless pay-
days," he said, but called the situ-
ation "serious."
Murray, who has held the ad-
ministrator's job for less than a
month, admitted Sheehan knows*
more about the budget condition
than he presently does. Murray,
however, indicated he will closely
question Sheehan at next Monday's
City Council meeting when that
body officially receives the report.
IN SHEEHAN'S mind the city is

trying to provide high caliber mu-
nicipal services without the neces-
sary funds, or as he puts it, "We
are trying to run a champagne
operation on a beer budget."
"We simply cannot afford to be
a first class city," he added.
Large scale personnel reductions
are the only way to bring the
budget into line, according to
Sheehan. He pointed to the police,
fire, and parks departments as the
areas most likely to suffer cut-
ment on his proposals to reduce
the debt until an independent firm
now auditing the city's books an-
nounces its findings sometime in
the next two months.
Although the report strongly cri-
ticizes' council policies regarding
budget matters, Sheehan said the
blame lies with "council, the ad-
ministration, and the city as a
He stressed that the situation has
not "developed overnight" as the
administration consistently ignored
his recommendations for "drastic
under fire from several council
members who have directed as yet
unsubstansiated charges of incom-
petence and negligence against

other issues."
Though the salaried workers at
Chrysler are represented by the
UAW, Woodcock said they would
remain on the job because, among
other things, "they have to get "out
the payroll."
While Woodcock said he could
not estimate how long the auto
strike would continue, he said bar-
gainers would return to the nego-
tiating suite at Chrysler head-
quarters at 11 a.m. today "to drive
as hard as we can to reach agree-
ment. "
EVEN BEFORE the strike was
announced, Chrysler workers at
several Detroit area. plants began
leaving their jobs as "strike
fever" spread down the assembly
The opti'mism that had surround-
ed the talks for days lessened in
the final hours as negotiations con-
tinued under a complete news
At the announcement of the
strike, the union's negotiating team
marched from the bargaining suite
to the 'company newsroom behind
UAW Vice-President Douglas Fra-
ser. The negotiators sang loudly
"Solidarity Forever," the UAW
theme song.
THE STRIKE against Chrysler
marked the third time in the last
three contract negotiations that the
union has resorted to strike action
against one of the "Big Three"
automakers. In 1967, Ford was
closed for 66 days while General
Moors was shut -for 67 days in
The last time Chrysler was
closed by a national UAW strike
was in 1950. That walkout, lasted
104 days.
The key issue that Woodcock
said stood in the way of settle-
ment was the union's demand for
voluntary overtime.
THE UAW HAS insisted that
workers be given the right to say
whether they will or will not work
more than 40 hours per week. The.
automakers say they would not ber
able to plan production adequately
if they could not schedule over-
time as they wished.
Even before contract talks began
with the automakers July 16, both
sides agreed the overtime issue
could put them on a "collision
course" to a strike.
There was speculation that GM
and Ford, much'larger than Chrys-
ler, were calling the shots on that
issue, but Woodcock said, "We
have no reason to believe 'there's
been' any intervention by General
Motors or Ford."

as, cause
or coup
By AP and Reuter
SANTIAGO - Chile's military
junta said yesterday that the arm-
ed forces overthrew the Marxist-led
government because more than
10,000 "extremists" from other
countries had invaded Chile.
The statement, by the junta's
minister of interior, Gen Oscar Bo-
nilla, was the junta's first public
declaration of its reasons for top-,
pling the leftist government in a
coup Tuesday that resulted in the
death of President Salvador Al-
lende, a Marxist.
"intervene in order to safeguard
the destiny of the country, serious-
ly threatened by extremist ele-
ments,"'Bonilla said.
The extremists included. Mexi-
cans, Cubans, Hondurans, Argen-
tines and members Uruguay's Tup-
amaros guerrillas, Bonilla said.
The government earlier announced
it had begun deporting scores of
extremists from Chile.
Meanwhile, a semblance of
peace returned to Santiago yes-
terday as Chile's new ruling mili-
tary junta embarked on its second
offensive in four days - to win
diplomatic recognition in the face
of worldwide condemnation of
Tuesday's bloody coup.
IN A NOTE circulated to for-
eign embassies in Santiago, the
junta, headed by Army Comman-
der Gen. Augusto Pinochet, said it
sidered itself the legitimate gov-
considered itself the legitimate
government of Chile and expressed
its wish to continue diplomatic re-
U. S. State, Department spokes-
man Paul Hare acknowledged re-
ceipt of the note, but said the Nix-
on Administration - which has
been accused by some countries of
complicity in the coup that left
Marxist President Salvador Allen-
de dead - had not yet taken action
on it.
However, officials in Washington
indicated yesterday that U. S. re-
See JUNTA, Page 8



dcliii uency myth
Just say the word 'juvenile delinquent' and most people will conjure
up images straight out of "West Side Story:" tough, lower class Puerto
Ricans or blacks leaning against a lamppost and leering 'at the world
as they dream up new crimes to terrorize the neighborhood.
But according to a recent study by Bill Haney and Martin Gold of
the University's Institute for Social Research this popular image is little
more than a myth.
AFTER INTERVIEWING over 1,200 teenagers between the ages of
13 and 16, Haney and Gold concluded that middle class boys are just as
likely to commit delinquent acts as lower class boys.
However, the middle class deliquents are more likely to be over-
looked and not prosecuted because their parents can buy them out of
IN AN ARTICLE published in the September issue of Psychology
Today, Haney and Gold claim the white authorities tend to be lenient
with a white boy, "interpreting his behavior. as a tolerable sowing-his-
wild-oats brand of delinquency."
But, the authors explain, "they become fearful and hardnosed with
the black adolescent who coincides with their image of The Delinquent."
The fact that authorities believe in the Hollywood stereotype of the
delinquent is a significant danger to society, as Haney and Gold see it,
since expensive social programs aimed at the wrong groups will do
little to help the delinquency problem.
THE PROBLEM is further complicated by the fact that only about
three per cent of the crimes committeed by juveniles are 'detected, the
authors say.
They found that catching a delinquent does little to stop his or her
illegal acts. To the contrary, getting caught makes adolescents more
likely to commit delinquent acts."
GOLD AND HANEY compared a group of apprehended offenders
with=a carefully matched group of unapprehended delinquents. They
matched 35 pairs on sex, age, race, and number and kind of offens6s.
In 20 of the 35 pairs, the apprehended juvenile subsequently committed
more offenses than his unapprehended match.
Who is most likely to be a delinquent?



o ffice
Some 50 persons protesting the
overthrow of the Allende regime in
Chile,roccupied the local office of
U.S. Rep. Marvin Esch for three
hours yesterday afternoon, remain-
ing there until the Congressman
issued a statement on the coup.
Esch, who was reached by phone
at Mackinac Island, where he is
attending a state Republican con-
ference, said that he could not
condemn the military takeover un-
til he had more information.


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