RESIDENCY PROCESS UNFAIR See Editorial Page p , t43au 1 :43 tiiy TENUOUS High-70 Low-53 For details, see Today Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol LXXXIV, No. 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 14, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages Sc&I If-IOUSE NFAPPCL 6AY Schools lose Unless they come up with some 80 more students, the Ann Arbor schools will be out $250,000 in state aid this year. Grants of state money are determined by-among. other things-the size of the student body, and local schools have fewer students enrolled than had been expected. Chances of getting enrollment up to snuff by the Sept. 28 deadline are "50-50" according to Asst. Superintendent LeRoy Cappaert. Cappaert told The Daily that the loss of $250,000 out of the expected $1,406,722 in state aid would be a "significant" blow to the system. A fair for all Ann Arbor's first Multi-Ethnic Fair opens on the streets downtown this morning and will run through Saturday. The extravaganza-which will feature ethnic food, music, dancing, fashion shows and other events-will include entries from native American, Polish, Arab, Latvian, Es- tonian, Chinese, Chicano, Ukranian, French, Lithuanian, and German groups. Ann Arbor's population is 15 per cent "foreign stock" - mostly9Englisli, Canadian, Ger- man and Polish. Corpse robbed Sometime between one and nine a.m. yesterday a diamond ring valued at more than $1,000 was yanked off the finger of -a woman's body at University Hospital. According to a hospital spokesman, the woman had died during the early morning hours, and that at nine a.m. the ring was discovered missing. The spokesman said hospital security officers were making a routine inves- tigation. He said that a large number of people have access to the hospital's wards and that thefts are not uncommon. Oops! A story in yesterday's Daily said that the University received 60 applications for in-state residency status for the summer half-term. Of those, 20 were rejected, the story reported. In fact, 20 were accepted and 40 were rejected. " Happenings ... . clude a rally to protest alleged U. S. involvement in the Chilean coup scheduled for noon on the diag .. otherwise movies top the bill of fare . . . LaCava's My Maki, Godfrey is at Arch. Aud. at 7 and 9:05 p.m., The Twilight Zone Festival is featured at 7 and 9 p.m. at Aud. A.. . Slaughterhouse Five is at Aud. 3 of the MLB and Alice in Wonderland is at Aud. 4, both appearing at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. 0 Contract expires With the current contract between the United Auto Workers and Chrysler Corp. set to expire at midnight, tonight union officials said yesterday that the third- largest automobile manufacturer had not made a new economic proposal, adding, "it better happen soon." The UAW has called Chrysler's initial three per cent wage increase offer "a mockery" and said a second proposal is necessary to forestall a -strike by the firm's 127,500 UAW-represented workers in the United States and Can- ada. Hay fever blues Touchier than ever about appearing with swollen eyes before the press, President Nixon disclosed yesterday that he is suffering from "my usual bout with hay fever." Nixon told a group of congressmen that he suffers hay fever. each year from Sept. 5 until early October and that injections recommended by his doctors only make him feel worse, so he doesn't take them. Nixon said he finds relief when he goes cruising on the Potomac River aboard his personal yacht. Don't we all. A hittle bloodletting Motorists in Lexington, Ky. can now pay traffic -fines in blood at the local court house. The court, according to John Norris, director of the Kentucky Blood Center is offering for persons between the ages of 18 and 65 the option of donating'a pint of blood to the center in place of pa ing a fine. Only fines up to and including $10 can be paid through a blood donation. 0 On the tiside The Attica Brigade presents a second installment about the infamous Attica prison riot on the Editorial Page . . . Cinema Weekend graces the Arts Page bring- ing joy to frantic flickgoers . . and Dan Borus pens some thoughts concerning "the black-out ban" on the VinnrtQ c ano Miore By GORDON ATCHESON Although the people of Ann Ar- bor as a community have grown younger and more tenant - orient- ed in the past decade, the new resi- dents are not primarily students but white collar workers. The young people migrating to Ann Arbor tend to desire a less high pressure urban environment than Detroit offers while persuing job opportunities in the metropoli- tan area. . As a result, Acting Planning Di- rector John Hyslop predicts the city will take a turn towards becoming a "bedroom community" - in which people reside but work else- where. yo ung THE TREND marks a decided de-emphasis of the University's in- fluence on municipal development. "Formerly the University, di- rectly or indirectly, was responsi- ble for Ann Arbor's development throughout the city's history," says Hyslop. "But the importance lev- eled off during the 60's and has now dissipated." The city planning department re- leased a report last week compar- ing census data from 1960 and 1970 showing that a greater percentage of local residents now fall in the 15-24 year old age group, rent liv- ing space and pay more for that space than ten years ago. While the University played a comrnutters major roll in causing these demo- graphic changes, its effect has been far less profound as com- pared to previous times. I The report states Ann Arbor has changed from a "small college town" to a "bustling city." In the last ten years, the city's popula- tion has jumped nearly 50 per cent to about 100,000. PREVENTING the city from be- ing swallowed up by the ever-ex- panding Detroit metronolis, how- ever, is the biggest problem facing the planning department in the coming decade, according to Hys- lop. "To a certain extent we can do very little about the condition," Hyslop says. "Unfortunately the planning department has little con- trol over how areas outside the city use their land." Consequently Hyslop foresees much more cooperation between various municipal governments aimed at regional control and land use. Locally planning will be directed toward revitalizing the downtown -State to Main Street-area by promoting more dense housing which would provide open spaces for parks and other recreational facilities. HOUSING C 0 S T S, however, look may prove one of the most diffi- cult hurdles to clear because of the inflated value put on living space in the city. The report showed that local rent is over 60 per cent higher than thQ median rate across the state and the market worth of housing units also far exceeds the state norm. Primarily responsible for the high price tag placed on housing is the extremely low vacancy rate, meaning nearly every available unit can be rented. Moreover, Ann Arbor residents by and large earn more than their counterparts elsewhere in-the state and therefore willingly pay in- Scity creased housing costs - encour- aging spiraling rents. Much of the student community constitutes a captive rental market which must live within easy access of the University, regardless of cost. For instance the report states that the area "encompassing the bulk of University housing" is ex- clusively multifamily living units serving a population made up' of 93 per cent college age persons. In that area rents are relatively low but most of the dwellings are either residence halls or older, converted single family units. On the other hand the outlying See HOUSING, Page 7 REPORTED NEAR SANTIAGO Chilean Israeli, Ara loyalists sai. '0 -on forces clash battle in air TEL AVIV (Reuter) - More than 30 Israeli and Syrian jets fought a major air battle over the Mediterranean off the Syrian coast yes- terday and more than a dozen planes apparently went down in flames. It was the biggest air conflict in the region since the 1967 Middle East war. The fighting came in two stages during the early after- noon, with sophisticated Phantoms, Mirages and MIGs using air can- non and air-to-air rockets. . Israel said it shot down 13 Syrian MIG 21s and lost one Mirage, and claimed the battle was fought over international waters after the Syrians had fired on a routine patrol. -- - - - - - Syria said the fighting "resulted in five enemy planes being shot C sets down and eight of our own- air- SetS craft being hit." It said the Israeli planes had vi- olated Syrian airspace. n ewAT triOne Israeli and One Syrian pilot 1eW stru1e were recovered by Israeli helicop- ter after parachuting from their smoking planes. A Lebanese report said one Syrian plane fell in Leba- nese territory and its pilot was rescued by helicopter and taken to By BILL HEENAN a hospital in,Beirut. and JACK KROST Reports from Tel Aviv, Beirut, Student Government C o u n c il and Damas6us indicated the fight (SGC) last night added new di- occurred off the Syrian coast be- mensions to its support of the tui- tween 115 and 150 miles north of tion strike by approving demands the Israeli border. for student financial aid and black Beirut airport officialstsaid the enrollment. battle was fought over the Syrian SGC added to its support of the port of Tartous. The Israeli reports strike demands that tuition be said the fighting was over the sea. "rolled back," that all "needy" Israeli Air Force commander students receive financial aid, and Major-General Benyamin Peled that the University keep the prom- said in Tel Aviv last night the Sy- ise of 10 per cent minority enroll- rians had opened fire first on a rou- ment that it made during the Black tine patrol over the sea about 115 Action Movement strike of 1970. miles north of Haifa. Collin McCoy of the Student Ac- About 16 Syrian planes took part tion Committee (SAC) presented in this first encounter in which the demands as a preventive meas- nine were shot down and one, an ure, reasoning that minority sup- Israeli Mirage, was also hit, with port and financial aid would be the pilot baling out. among the first areas to receive In order to rescue the Israeli pi- budget cuts if the tiution strike is lot the Israeli Air Force mount- budgettsif ed another operation- to give pro- SGC President Lee Gill praised tection for an Israeli rescue hell- the new demands, but maintained copter. that "tuition is still the main While thetrescue operation was issue.'-' going on, the Syrians came up The vote on the SGC demands again, the general said, and the was 7-2 with Council members Jeff Four Syrian MIGs, that "came in- Schiller and Matt Dunaskiss voting to contact" with the Israeli planes no. Schiller claimed, the demands were all shot down. were "too vague," while Dunas- Meanwhile, the Israeli helicopter kiss claimed that the demands managed to rescue the downed Is- "fight against each other." raeli pilot acting on orders to pick In other actions, SGC Treasurer up any other survivors. It dis- See SGC, Page 2 See ISRAELI, Page 2 Bullard asks Kelley for ruling on "- - tuition hike legality By DAVID STOLL State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) has asked State Attorney General Frank Kelley for a formal opinion on the legality of the Re- gents' decision to increase tuition by 24 percent. Bullard's challenge, which took the form of a letter to Kelley larch. Workers troops vow civil war SANTIAGO (Reuter) - Chile's new military rulers smashed the last shreds of resistence within this capital yesterday but now re- portedly face a threat from with- out-alleged advancing columns of loyalist troops and workers vowing civil war. As the last shots died away in the center of Santiago, a leftwing Chilean diplomat told .newsmen in Buenos Aires that former army commander Carlos Prats, a staunch supporter of the slain *president Salvador Allende, "had re-assumed command of the army" in a move against Tuesday's military coup. There was no confirmation here, however, of the report by Enrique Vega, a strong ally of Allende, made at the headquarters of the Peronist youth organization in Buenos Aires, Argentina. VEGA SAID Prats was at the head of an infantry diision and two columns of workers marching on Santiago from the city of Con- cepcion, about 250 miles to the south. Vega did not reveal the source of his information. Vega also alleged that Allende had been killed by a former army officer named Garrido, denying the military juntas claim that Allende had committed suicide. Casualties and arrests in the capital appear to be high. 'There have been no official fig- ures to- verify claims by the Chilean embassy in Mexico that thousands died in the fighting, but a police officer said 30 bodies had been removed from the social se- curity building, scene of heavy fighting Wednesday. The capital shows ugly .signs of the fighting. Much of the city is scarred with bullet marks and shell holes as the military used helicopters, tanks, jet fighters, ba- zookas and heavy machine. guns to storm pro-Allende strongholds in banks, factories and gewspaper offices and then blasted snipers out of their nests. The shooting ended shortly be- fore noon and the curfew, clamped down when the coup began, was lifted so that some of the city's 2,500,000 inhabitants could go out into the streets and buy provisions. The new rulers displayed a con- fident front, belying Vegas report of impending civil war. General Prats' movements have not been known since the coup, although there have been rumors that he is organizing resistence to it have See LOYALISTS, Page 7 Tax talk Melvin Laird, President Nixon's chief domestic adviser, yesterday discussed the possibility of a new 10 per cent income tax surcharge, at a White House news briefing. See related story, page 3. SuccessfulI fiee strike wouldI By DAN BIDDLE If thousands of students support the tuition strike and withhold their September fee payments, the University will face "a substantial crisis." University officials have stated that a massive tuition squeeze would cause ,"a very serious prob- lem" in meeting budget needs. But the officials have offered few an- swers to the question of which areas would be most directly af- fected, and where alternative fund- ing would originate in the event of a successful strike. When Student Government Coun- cil (SGC) President Lee Gill first announced the tuition strike last week to some 600 incoming fresh- men, Allan Smith, the University's vice president for academic af- fairs, said he was "shocked" to hear- Gill ask the new students to "pocket your, September tuition 'curt li' budget possibility of rolling back tuition to last year's lower levels. However, short of going broke, U n i v e r sity financial Controller Chandler Matthews s a y s wide- spread withholding of the Septem- ber payment would hit the Uni- versity at a time when its expenses are high and its cash level com- paratively low. According to M a t t h e w s, the amount of available University cash reaches its lowest point in the year during the July-September period, due to continuing monthly salary. needs and light tuition in- come from the spring and summer half-terms. At the end of September, income from tuition flows directly into the payroll: University - employes re- See SUCCESSFUL, Page 2 MORE TFs JOIN STRIKIE: Smith to release data to justiy tuition hike