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September 13, 1973 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-13

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.Thursday, September 13, 19734,


Page Nine'

h~ {
joel greer1
Michigan .Rec program .. .
. unkept promises
WHEN THE REGENTS tacked on an additional $10 to our
tuition last April, they made several promises:
a total cost of $5.5 million;j
1) Two new intramural facilities would be constructed atj
2) The Coliseum, which formerly housed the ice rink,
would be renovated by October 15 to contain several basket-
ball courts;
3) Yost Field House, which was once the track team's
home, would become the ice rink;
4) A new track building would be constructed near the
baseball field; and
5) Funds for the operation of the new buildings-and the
old ones-would be made available.
Sadly, only some of the promises have been met.
Currently, the planning of the new buildings has moved along
at a tolerable pace. The ice rink, of course, must be ready. And
so, too, must the track building.
Varsity sports at Michigan must go on. Of course, they will.
But what about the student who is paying the 10 bucks, and who
isn't on a "free ride?" This semester, the 'U' raised tuition by
24 per cent, and next semester the first four bucks of the ten
dollar recreation assessment will be added to student's bills.
But the Coliseum, which was "supposed" to open in
October, now won't be ready until mid-January, at the earliest.
Waterman and Barbour gymnasiums, both necessary links in
the University's recreation program, are now closed. The cause?
A lack of those "promised" operational funds.
That explanation would be the simplest. But actually it's not
the case. Intramural director Rod Grambeau receives his budget
from the Athletic Department. Don Canham heads that depart-
ment which also must fund the physical education department.
Canham has always claimed that without those other in-
trusions he would make out just fine. That is, if he can justify
spending over $1 million on minor varsity sports. So Canham
gives a chunk of the budget to phys. ed. head Paul Hunsicker and
then part of that filters down to Grambeau.
This year, Grambeau's budget request was cut by $12,000
and his only course was to close Waterman and Barbour (until
October 1, he says).
Grambeau, you see, is not in any position to tell Canham
that he Isn't happy.
"I wouldn't like to comment on this," he says, "but the
more problems you have with your budget, the more problems
you have everywhere else."
The closing of Barbour actually eliminates all free play
after 5 p.m., and when co-rec sports are supposed to start, they
will be without a home. This will be especially tragic, since co-rec
basketball, in which three guys and three girls team up, has
become a campus favorite. Co-rec softball and co-rec volleyball
are also.popular.
Canham is currently having problems getting the track
building off the ground. All those who in the past used Yost for
their winter home, may be without one temporarily. Needless to
say, there will be a lot of unhappy people.
All of this brings us to the question of the Athletic Depart-
ment's organization. Nobody is happy with the current
structure, and at the present everyone is suffering. Canham
feels that it is a burden for him to carry recreation, while
Grambeau is unhappy with the budget response. And it's the
students who get the shaft in the end.
Last winter, the University executive officers were. commis-
sioned by the regents to explore alternative ways of funding
recreation and operational costs. To this day, nothing has been
It was suggested at an earlier Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics meeting, th'at beer should be sold at campus
sporting events and the profits go to campus recreation. The
committee roared with laughter and agreed that drunks had no
place in the Michigan Stadium. I wonder how many wine bottles
are carted out of Michigan Stadium each Saturday?
The Board, however, doesn't realize that it's the students
who are to be served. Those few "gifted" athletes are wined
and dined by Canham's Board, but the rest of us are laughed
at like we're meaningless.
Then there is ACRICS, the Advisory Committee on Recreation,
Intramurals and Club Sports. Its chief function is to advise the
department on problems concerning those three areas. But when
the majority -of votes come from the department itself, it

becomes very hard for it to be "advised."
As a member of that committee for nearly a year and one-
half, it's been almost impossible to pass legislation that goes
against Canham's wishes.
So as long as recreation is buried under Canham's
dynasty it will rerpain a losing entity.
We'lltcontinue paying for promises and getting little more
than that.





take over topso
By The Associated Press teredsix hits in the seven innings Phillies last night.
CHICAGO - B o b Robertson's he worked, being aided by two{ The victory kept the Mets In the
three-run homer led Bruce Kison double plays which ended Cub thick of the tight National League
and the Pittsburgh Pirates to a threats. East championship race.
4-2 victory over the Chicago Cubs * * * The Phillies nicked Jon Mattlack,
yesterday. Cards tumble 13-15, for a run in the first inning
The triumph evened the Pirates' ST. LOUIS-Bob Bailey boomed when Billy Grabarkewitz singled,
record at 71-71 and lifted them his 24th home run leading off in moved up on a walk and scored
- minto first place over the St. Louis the ninth inning last night, lifting on Bill Robinson's double.
Cardinals in the National League the Montreal Expos to a 2-1 vic- Garrett's 13th homer tied the
East. The Cardinals lost to Mon- tory over the St. Louis Cardinals. score in the third and then Milner
treal. . The loss, fifth straight for the socked his 22nd in the sixth inning.
With one out in the Pirates' Crs rpe dobld goe
fouthWilie tarellwakedandCars~ ropedSt. Louis out of Rusty Staubdobe and soe
frthMnn Sangie sglhedRennaethe National League East lead, New Yorks decisive run in the
-tanneyt thgen fouled.ut befre leaving St. Louis one-half game eighth on Milner's infield single.
tRoertotn foled wit bhis r 14 behind Pittsburgh, which defeated
skz f Robertson followed with his 14th Chicago 4-2. Third place Montreal
~home run of the baseball season.Chcg4-.TidpaeMnrl Reds roll on
w ' yi'> ,'-'* s The 'Pirates added another run moved to within one game of the CINCINNATI-Pitcher Jack Bill.
3 t r~ i in the fifth on an infield single Mnra ih-adrSeeRg ingham keyed a five-run second
by Gene Clines and a two-out dou- ers worked out of a bases-loaded inning with a bases-loaded double
AP Photo ble by Al Oliver. and scattered eight hits to give
BILL ROBINSON of the Phillies demonstrates his ownn unorthodox technique for kicking the ball out of Kison, recently recalled from the none-out jam in the seventh in- the Ln els des
the fielder's glove against a surprised John Miner of the New York Mets last night in Philadelphia. minor leagues, posted his first 1973 ng. * * , over the Los Angeles Dodgers last
Milner had the last laugh, however, as the Mets edged the Phils, 3-2, to move within 21/ games of the victory over Pittsburgh. The gan- night.
league lead. gling, 23-year-old righthander scat- Mets top Phils The victory, the 11th in 13 games
helped the New York Mets to a the National League West Division
3-2 victory over the Philadelphia ( race.
Night Editor: (f iiiI t aI j
Thursday, Major League Standings
East East
Sept3,1973 L Pt GB W L Pt GB
Baltimore 85 59 .590 - Pittsburgh 71 71 .500
HASTNGSBoston 79 66 .545 6'A st. Louis 72 73 .497
Detroit 77 69 .527 9 Montreal 71 73 .493 I
New York 72 73 .497 13/ New York 70 75 .4 2%
zMilwaukee 70 76 .479 16 Chicago 69 -75 .479 3
Cleveland 64 84 .432 23 Philadelphia 65 80 .448 7%
Oakland 84 60 .583 - Cincinnati 89 57 .610 --
1 7 Kansas City 78 66 .542 6 Los Angeles 84 62 .575 5
DOES IT EXIST? "Chico 7." :4971=/2 aFncso064.6
Minnesota 70 74 .487 14 Houston 74 73 .503SM
California 66 75 .468 16% Atlanta 72 76 .486 I1
Hwon tTexas-51 93 .353 33 San Diego 53 91 .368 35
Results .Results
,Milwaukee,st Pittsburgh 4, Chicago2
a w ffs i u ro1Batimore 5, Milwaukee 3, 2nd New York 3 Philadelphia 2

By JOHN KAHLER Both guard positions are toss- running at that position, as isF
"We have seven or eight of the ups between pairs of .sophomores. Royce Mix, yet another soph. r
soundest running backs in the con- Joe Devlin and Rod Walters battle At quarterback, senior K y 1 ea
ference. . . . If they can get some on the left side and either Dan Skogman who started last seasons
holes to run through, we will do McCarney and/or Rick Marsh will as number one, and sophomoreI
well." man the right side. Junior Jock Butch Caldwell, who finished theI
That pronouncement by an Iowa Michelosen returns to man the season there, are locked in at
Hawkeye spokesman earlier this center position. tight struggle for the starting spot.t
week accurately summarizes the Coach Frank Lauterbur stead- Caldwell and Ousley are bothI
state of the offense in Iowa City fastly' remains optimistic about his roll-out quarterbacks with decentl
as the Hawks prepare to host Mich- offensive line's potential. "We'll be running ability, whole Skogman
igan in the season opener this young, but we'll be able to' do prefers to drop back and throw.
Saturday. things we couldn't do before be- Whoever the quarterback, he will
However, given the offensive cause we'll be more physical," he have capable receivers. Tom Ca-
line's inexperience and lack of pre- intoned. "Our linemen are fine balka returns from the injured list
season development, and the cali- r olees with excellent size. I just to claim the tight end position.
ber of Michigan's defense, those feel confident they can provide the Wide receivers Rodney Wellington,
"sound" running backs" may be daylight our runners need. This is a sophomore speed merchant, and
running into walls rather than one area where we must be greatly co-captain Brian Rollins should
through holes, come Saturday af- improved over a year ago." give the passing game punch.
ternoon. The outlook is somewhat brighter The Hawkeye people talk about
By the Iowans' own admission, in the backfield. Iowa lost its top opening up their offense and em-
the offensive unit is "in turmoil" three rushers of last year due to --
up front. Virtually all the posi- graduation, but nobody in Iowa
tions are up for grabs and just City seems concerned about that.
who will start is pure conjec- Capable sophomores abound to
ture. Some holdovers remain man the running back positions.
from last year's line, which at Phil Hayman was the presea-
times last year was less than son favorite to start at fullback,
effective. but Jim Jensen has come on
The current leaders at tackle strong in practice of late and
and Ernie Roberson. Both saw a Both will see action Saturday. I
lot of playing time last year, but Mark Fetter, an experienced
neither has his position sewed up. sophomore, currently holds down
Waschek, in particular, is being the tailback position. Craig John-
pushed hard by Warren Peiffer, a son, a senior who missed last sea-
junior. son with an ankle injury, is in the
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ploying more variation. Questions
remain though, about the Hawks'
ability to move the ball, let alone
add new twists to their offense.
Perhaps the true capacity of the
Iowa offense comes through when
the Iowans are asked to predict
the nature of Saturday's game.
They all seem to think it will be

Boston 7, New York 1
Texas 5, Minnesota 2
Kansas City at Oakland
Chicago at California
Other clubs not scheduled
Today's Games
Boston at New York
Milwaukee at Baltimore
Kansas City at California
Only games scheduled

Cincinnati 7, Los Angeles 3
Atlanta 10, San Francisco 4
Montreal 2, St. Louis 1
Other clubs not scheduied
Today's Games
Pittsburgh at Chicago
New York at Philadelphia
Los Angeles at Houston
San Francisco at San Diego
Only games scheduled


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