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:43 a t t4p
Partly cloudy
Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 7 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 13, 1973 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
HRP meets
The Human Rights Party, which has been having
its problems of late, is making an effort to pull itself
together. A masts meeting is scheduled for tonight at
the Ann Arbor Public Library at 7:30 p.m. The party
will elect a steering committee and coordinator, discuss
fall election strategy, and work on the petition drive to
pu the $5 marijuana ordinance on next April's ballot.
Happenings ...
Ann Arbor Film Co-op's Twilight Zone Festival
continues at Aud. A Angell Hall with program No. 3
starting at 7 p.m. and program No. 4 starting at 9 p.m.
. LaCava's Man Godfrey is Cinema Guild's offering
at 7 and 9:05 p.m. in Arch. Aud. 7 . . . and New World
Film Co-op is again showing Slaughterhouse Five (MLB,
Aud. 3, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.) and Alice in Wonderland
(MLB, Aud. 4, 7:30 and 930 pm)
Pornpidou meets Mao
French President Georges Pompidou and Chairman
Mao Tse-Tung held a two hour meeting last night at
Mao's residence in Peking's Forbidden City, a French
spokesman reported. The meeting with Mao, which was
kept secret from journalists covering the president's
week-long visit, was twice as long as hat between
Mao and President Nixon - the last Western leader to
visit China.
Nixon's taxes: 'no comment'
The White House refused again yesterday to say
whether President Nixon paid federal incomes taxes in
1970 and' 1971. Using almost precisely the same words
he employed on Tuesday, Deputy Press Secretary Gerald
Warren repeated, "I am not going to discuss the Presi-
dent's income taxes. I think that's a personal -matter,
and I'm just not going to discuss it." The question arose
after the Baltimore Sun reported on Tuesday that Nixon
apparently had paid no income taxes in 1970 -and 1971
because his deductions for interest, real estate taxes
and the donation of his vice presidential papers to the
National Archives exceeded his annual salary of $200,-
Mine massacre
South African police shot and killed 12 black workers
during a labor riot in a gold mine near Johannesburg.
The incident that ended yesterday was the most serious
black-white confrontation under South Africa's apartheid
regime since the 1960 Sharpesville shooting. Another 27
Africans were reported injured, two of them seriously,
and one policeman was hurt. The disturbance, said to
have involved many of the 1,000 machine operators,
climaxed a week-old pay and job classification dispute.
Rebels fired
Chrysler Corp. has fired some 50 workers at its
Mack Avenue stamping plant for participating in a wild-
cat shutdown of the facility Aug. 14, sources said yester-
day. The sources at the plant confirmed the number
of dismissals, saying the workers were notified by tele-
gram several days after they forced the closure of
the plant for 27 hours. The sources said the workers
were identified by plant supervisory personnel at the
factory. A Chrysler Corp. spokesman refused to disclose
any information about dismissals at the plant. He said
the company has a policy of not discussing disciplinary
actions against workers.
London bomb
The third bomb blast in 48 hours exploded in one
of London's most crowded shopping streets yesterday and
injured six persons. The shopping-bag bomb blew up in
Oxford Street, at offices of the Prudential Assurance
Company. The explosion. shattered the windows of a
clothing store on the ground floor. Four of the injured
were office girls hit by flying glass. Scotland Yard
spokesmen said none of the six injured was in serious
Nude note
The Cookie Monster faded off the television screen in
Montreal yesterday and on came a parade of beautiful
nude women. Red-faced Don Di Cesare, assistant direc-
tor of National Cablevision Ltd., apologized to the par-
ents of children who were watching the educational pro-
gram Sesame Streec in which the monster is a central
character. An electronic switch shut down a weakening
signal from Burlington, Vermont automatically and re-
placed it with the program on a studio monitor, normally
just a test screen. But station employes were watching
the Miss Nude Galaxy Pageant held two weeks ago
in Quebec. A floor of calls from parents was the first
warning the pageant was on the air. "It was lousy tim-
ing," said Di Cesare. "Machinery is machinery."
On the inside ...
A story about Attica by the Attica Brigade ap-
pears on the Editorial Page . . . the Arts Page features
a story by Bill Irvine on the Friends' Roadshow, an Eng-
lish mime troup which performed recently at the blues
and Jazz festival . . . and Joel Greer writes about
By Reuter
Sources in the Nixon administra-
tion said yesterday that the U. S.
government had inside knowledge
at least 48 hours in advance of the
coup which toppled the Marxist
government of Salvador Allende in
Chile Tuesday.
Although official administration
sources repeatedly denied any
American involvement in the take-
over, these sources said members
of the Chilean military connected
with coup were in touch with of-
ficial or unofficial U. S. represen-
tatives for some time prior to the
THE SOURCES indicated that
these contacts had taken place not
later than last weekend and that
Washington had originally expected
the coup on Monday.
But the coup was postponed for
a day to complete final plans with
police units, it was stated.
President Allende upset the
United States by nationalizing U.S.
owned copper mines, telephone
exchanges and other properties.
HOWEVER, administration sour-
ces went out of their way today to
try to dispel any impression that
the United States had deliberately
stood by while Allende'sgovern-
ment fell. They claimed the coup
was purely an internal matter.
Meanwhile in Chile, leaders of
the newly-formed junta were fac-
ed with fierce resistan
groups in the country w
mained loyal to the Alle
Artillery blasts - andr
gun fire ripped through th
Santiago despite a 24-hour
The military said they had
'See related story
Page 7
wing resistance in at leas
ters - apart from the1
tial residence and the Mon
ace where Allende diedi
day's coup.
THERE WAS no offic
cation of the number ofc
Chile (
ce from the figure appeared to be high.
ihich re- In Mexico City, the Chilean em-
nde gov- bassy said several thousand people
had been killed in fighting between
machine- pro-Allende forces and troops in
1e city of Chile.
r curfew. Speaking for the new junta, Gen.
Imet left Augusto Pinochet, commander in
chief of the army, said the mili-
tary was ready to "exterminate
Marxism from the country."
5t 15 cen- A TELEPHONED report to Bue-
presiden- nos Aires from a journalist in San-
neda pal- tiago said troops appeared to be
in Tues- using artillery to crush resistance
from leftwing workers in the in-
dustrial belt around the city.
ial indi- Manuel Mejido of the newspaper
dead but See U.S., Page 10
ou t
About 120 persons jammed an
East Quad meeting room last night
to discuss the recently-called stu-
dent tuition strike and related is-
The forum was sponsored' by the
Student Action Committee (SAC),
a coalition of left wing organiza-
tions formed last summer after
the announcement of massive stu-
dent fee hikes by'-the University.
STUDENT Government Council
President Lee Gill, who originally
called for the strike in a speech to
incoming freshmen last week, pro-
vided the highlight of the evening
when he announced that President
Robben Fleming and Vice-presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Allan
Smith would be meeting with him
to discuss the tuition controversy.
Gill said that Smith would meet
with him today to "supply me with
straight dope on the tuition hike."
The SGC president said that his
session with Fleming would take
place on Tuesday.
"SOME PEOPLE", Gill said,
"have begun to hear rumblings that
this (strike) might be big."
Gill also announced that some
2,000 signatures have so far been
collected on petitions pledging sup-
port for the strike. SGC officials
hope to present 10 to 15 thousand
AP Photo names to the Regents when they
meet next week.t
nen on A PRINCIPAL Pniversity argu-
story ment for the fee jumps has been
they were necessary to meet stu-
dent aid commitments.
Forum participants last night at-
tacked such an explanation, claim-
ing, that the University's goal was
to pit poor students against weal-
thier ones, blacks against whites.'
One participant, Psychology Prof.
Dick Mann, maintained that the
proportion of students coming from
wealthy backgrounds was increas-
ing at the expense of both poor
M and middle-class young people.
M A N N said that computer
entry are studies show that 41.2 per cent of
urbanin-state students come from
the top 10 per cent income areas
in Michigan localities such as Ann
Arbor, Grosse Pointe, and Birm-
SAC members last night called
for volunteers to expand and con-
tinue the petition drives support-
ing the tuition strike. .
IN A MEETING last week, SGC
voted 8-1 support for the strike and
Gill called on students to withhold
their September tuition payments.
Some University sources have
indicated that a widespread refus-
al of September payments might
put the University in a near-criti-
cal financial bind at the end of
the month. Smith said last week
that a massive withholding of tui-
tion might indeed create a "crisis"
for the University.
Feldkamp tells
homeless frosh
Just an old colintry lawyer
Sen. Sam Ervin (D-N.C.), chairman of the Senate Watergate committee,, talks with newsm
Capitol Hill yesterday prior to attending an executive session of the committee. (See
on Page 3.)
University Housing Director John Feldkamp yesterday told a group
of 50 freshmen who have not yet been placed in campus dormitories
that the University "will not leave anyone stranded."
The encouraging words came at a meeting of the students-who' have
been temporarily quartered at East Quad and Bursley Hall-with Feld-
kamp yesterday morning.
AT EAST QUAD, the homeless freshmen have become third per-
sons in double rooms, but at Bursley they have not fared so well.
Storage rooms, and in one case, an over-sized linen closet, have been
pressed into service as student habitats.
Feldkamp says that the roomless students are being moved into
University housing as soon as space becomes available. It is likely,
however, that all of the students will not find living quarters by Satur-
day, at which time they will be required to leave the temporary
ACCORDING TO FELDKAMP, the University has arranged to
lodge those who remain without rooms, at the Michigan Union or the
Bell Tower Hotel and also to help subsidize the cost of such a stay.
But he cautioned that his office has no commitment to those who
failed to return their housing applications by Aug. 1.
FELDKAMP BLAMED the housing problem on increased enroll-
ment. "We have no figures yet, but it seems as though an increased
enrollment has simply meant a larger number of housing applications.
See DON'T, Page 10
journalism credit ext
Students opting to take Jour-
nalism 301 by examination in place
of the regular four-credit course
may be in for a hassle.
Although the journalism has de-
signed the test and scheduled it
for Saturday, just how the exam
will be graded and credit trans-
ferred ,onto transcripts, and even
how much the examination will
cost, remain a mystery.
The credit-by-exam program was
approved by the literary college
faculty in January.
The journalism department was
one of the first in the college to
adopt credit-by-exam, working
throughout the summer to develop
an eight-hour test for Journalism
301, a beginning writing course.
however, with the exam Satur-
day and the registration deadline
at 5 p.m. today, the University has
yet to establish basic administra-
tive guidelines for the credit-by-
examination program.
No one knows on what basis cre-
dit for the course will be given,
for instance. Pass/fail, pass/ no
entry, and grade/no
amens the, ossibilities
dil1g L pt P~bU1C.
Neither does anyone know how
the grade will be noted on the
transcript, how the grade will be
averaged in with others, or even
what constitutes a passing grade.
While the journalism department
does not know if a fee will be col-
lected for the exam, the Office of
Academic Affairs said there will
be one, although how or when it
will be collected, and how much it
will be, has not been determined.
The dozen or so students regis-
tered for the exam, according to
the journalism department, have
not yet been notified that there is
to be a fee at all.
"Quite frankly, we won't have all
the answers' by Saturday," said
Ernest Zimmerman, assistant to
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith.
AT THIS point. it is not clear
New residency rules vague
and secretive,' students claim
Both sides agree to
Laos coalition govt.
While University officials weed
through applications for residence
status changes, critics of the ad-
ministration are charging that the
new residepncy rules are vague and
that the procedure for implement-
ing them is secretive.
"The problem with the rules is
that they are administered in vir-
tual secrecy," says Roger Chard, a
lawyer in the student legal aid
office. "The potential for abuse is
have been rejected without any
explanation, Chard reports.
A letter with a check in the box
marked "denied" is the only in-
formation these students have re-
Roderick Daane, the University's
general counsel, explains, "The
University has the right to believe
that he (the applicant) has given.
us all the .facts, and (in the case
of denial) they are just not enough.
Denial can only be interpreted as
a failure on the applicant's part
to carr the hurden nf nrnrf by a
The new residency rules allow
for appeals within 20 days of the
initial decision. The secrecy in-
volved in the decision-making pro-
cess, h o w e v e r, makes appeals
rather meaningless, Chard claims.
Since the applicant is not informed
of how the decision was reached,
an appeal becomes largely a re-
statement of the first request, he
VIENTIANE, L a o s ( P) - The
the Vientiane side through a long
"YOU SHOULD be required to
tell neonle what you are doing and