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September 06, 1973 - Image 21

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-06

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Thursday, September 6,. 1973


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Thursday, September 6~, 1 97~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY


Ghosts seem to pop up regu-
larly in fraternities and in other
haunts of fertile - minded stu-
dents. Yet the "established"
Ann Arbor area has a few of its
own tales to offer to, those who
bother to unearth them.
Closest to campus is the story
of ,Dr Kellogg's Medical Works
on Broadway, as recently told by
historian Wystan Stevens. Kel-

logg was no ordinary doctor in
the 1800's. Always a poor stu-
dent, Kellogg never studied med-
icine. He made many diagnoses
by mail without ever having seen
the sick persons.
How did he do it? Through
clairvoyance with spirit guides
named Walapaca and Owosso. It
certainly wasn't a method the
AMA would have sanctioned, but
Kellogg was highly respected--

enough, in fact, that the public
begged for his autobiography
when he was only 34.
It's no wonder that superna-
tural phenomena should be re-
puted to occur in the building of
a clairvoyant. According to Kel-
logg's autobiography, visitors to
his Medical Works in the 1860's
witnessed the sound of "the
loud crying of a child in great
distress" emanating from the
building's lower floors.
Heard day and night, the sound

James' wife, Ann, wasted away
with "an untold tale of crime and
cruelty in him whom she loved"
after having warned a Martha
Crawford not to marry John.
Martha was forced to mar-
ry, however, by James, who pro-
mised she would never return
home alive and single.
After John's death, Martha was
left with his property, an easy,
target for her money-hungry
brother-in-law. Indeed, she died
mysteriously, complaining of in-

And she kept mentioning the
name "James."
The public was so disturbed by
Van Woert's testimony that Mar-
tha's body was disinterred. Sure
enough, a coroner's inquest re-
vealed that the woman had been
Following a good deal of com-
munity pressure, James and his
drug peddlar friend disappeared
suddenly and forever. Some said
the whole affair was a well-laid
plot to banish James Mulhol-

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"Like Ann, Martha

too had had a terrible secret never divulged to

the public. To only one person did she scream'They will murder me,
they will kill me' before death."
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was never explained: Perhaps
the phantom child was one of Dr.
Kellogg's unsuccessful cases ...
In recent years, Kellogg's
building served as B. A. Hil-
bert's Paints and Glass store,
now closed. According to the
owner's wife, nothing out of the
ordinary ever occurred there,
although before buying the estab-
lishment they had heard various
Shortly before the Dr. Kel-
logg episode, the nearby village
of Dixboro was receiving nation-
al attention from lovers of the
supernatural. The tale as related
by the University's Prof. Russell
Bidlack concerned two brothers,
James and John Mulholland,
who had emigrated from Ireland,
and their melancholy, psychical-
ly deteriorating wives.

cessai1t stomach and chest pains
after taking a "medicine" from
her brother-in-law's peddlar
Like Ann, Martha too had had
a terrible secret never divulged
to the public. To only one per-
son did she scream "They will
murder me, they will kill me"
before her death.
The fun began when Isaac Van
Woert, a carpenter, moved into
Martha's vacant house. In a
sworn statement to a justice of
the peace in Ann Arbor, Van
Woert revealed his encounters
with Martha's ghost.
As parapschologists know, a
spirit returns to earth because
of an unsettled death. According
to Van Woert, Martha's ghost re-
peatedly uttered, "They have
kilt me. Oh they have kilt me!"

land . . . but there were still
loose ends.
It seems that the second half
of the 19th century in the Ann
Arbor area gave rise to a ple-
thora of ghosts. Karl Harriman
published his Ann Arbor Tales
in 1902, which asserted that "fif-
teen years ago there were four
distinct and widely separated
haunted houses in the vicinity of
Ann Arbor."
One located on W. Huron St.,
he said, was pointed out to mis-
behaving children as the resi-
dence of "the original bogey
man." Although Harriman's book
is supposedly fiction, it is based
on his experiences as a student
at the University.
Which all goes to prove that
attending the University can be
a frightening experience .

Doily Photo
ALMOST EVERYBODY PONDERS the hereafter once in awhile. Contrary to popular beliefs about the
"spookyness" of graveyards, however, a ghost normally haunts the scene-day or night-of its "un-
settled" death, often a building.


ONCE THE SCENE of Dr. Kellogg's Medical Works and unex-
plained noises, the old B.A. Hilbert paint store still stands on
Broadway, now under new ownership. In Kellogg's day the estab-
lishment had four stories.





o xcellence


Fine traditions of excellence in athle- tradition shared by all Ann Arborites.
tics and academics are among the reasons

people chose the University of Michigan.
Traditional excellence in accommodations
and service are the reason people chose the
Ramada Downtown Inn for dining, entertain-
ment and over night guests.
The Tudor Room

Top of the Ram Supper Club
Invite someone special to spend the
evening with you at the Top of the Ram
Supper Club. Open seven nights a week,
Sunday through Thursday from 6 to 10 PM
and Friday and Saturday from 6 to 11 PM,


Begin your day in the Tudor Room. for dining. (Meals served later by reservation,
For the early riser, a Continental Breakfast only). The live entertainment goes on, Tues-
is served from 6 - 7 AM. Complete breakfasts day through Saturday until 1 PM.
served from 7 -11 AM. For lunch, make The spectacular view of Ann Arbor
your selection from the fine menu of the KM fDAjfrom the Ramada Downtown Inn's
Tudor Room, or enjoy a buffet with a eleventh floor, superb food, and great
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wide variety of dishes both hot and cold. After AREA CODE 313 769-9500 Ram Supper Club a memorable occasion

from the Crowd


Make good


of your spare time,
working on and
learning about
newspaper production.

you've finished, you pay for either the full
buffet or just the salads, depending on your
The Swinging Door Pub
Open from 11 AM until 7 PM, The
Swinging Door Pub is a fine place to enjoy an
informal lunch or stop for a drink at the close
of the day. A good time with good friends is a

Plan to Spend Some Time at the
Ramada Downtown Inn
Located on one of Ann Arbor's main
streets, the Ramada Downtown Inn is within
walking distance of campus, fine stores and
galleries...and conveniently accessible from
major expressways. Whether you're stopping
for a short visit or looking for a permanent
location in Ann Arbor, make your first stop
at the Ramada Downtown Inn.



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