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September 11, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-11

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See Editorial Page


, it igau


See Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Yol. LXXXIV, No. 5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesdoy, September 11, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Faculty salaries
The issue of disclosure of University faculty salary
lists will be the subject of a special comment session
at next week's Regents' meeting. All those interested in
speaking for or against the disclosure should contact
Dick Kennedy's office on the 2nd floor of the Adminis-
tration Building before 5:00 p.m. on Monday Sept. 17.
Those interested in presenting written recommendations'
should also submit their material to Kennedy's office.
The special session will be held in the Regents Room,
1st floor of the Administration Building at 11 a.m. on
Thursday Sept. 20.
Tuition meeting
The Student Action Committee is presenting a forum
7:30 tomorrow night, in room 126, East Quad, "to roll
back tuition, to complete implementation of the BAM de-
mands as already agreed to by the University in 1970,
and to adequate financial aid for all students who need
it." According to the Student Action Committee, "the
University is attempting to pit white against Black by
making students believe that the tuition increase is at
least in part due to increased Black enrollment."
John's book
John Sinclair-Ann Arbor's paunchy hippie poet laurete
-may be the number one honcho of the Rainbow Peo-
ple's Party, but he apparently rates as something less
than an idol with at least some segments of the city's
hip community. Sunday night, several staffers of the
local Drug Help clinic-weary from three days of aiding
wayward alcohol and drug abusers-were seen putting
copies of Sinclair's Guitar Army to the torch -on the
grounds of the blues and jazz festival. The book-printed
with multi-hued pages and generous graphics-is per-
haps best known for its passage describing the invention
of the electric guitar as "the turning point in Western
Parking blues
Members of the kitchen staff at Mary Markley dor-
mitory yesterday morning walked off their jobs over
complaints that it was impossible to find adequate park-
ing facilities near the dorm. The staff was back in time
for lunch, however. Charles McCracken president of the
American 'Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employes local involved has scheduled a meeting today
to resolve the problem.
Happenings ...
... are topped today by those masters of mayhem, the
Marx Brothers. Groucho and his siblings will appear in
Room Service at Arch. Aud., 7, 8:30, and 10 p.m. In a
more serious vein, Vonnegut's Slaughter House Five is
showing at Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. -. Pro-
ject Outreach has a mass meeting slated for 7 p. m. 'at
Hill Aud. . . . and the Gay Liberation Front will meet
in the Union'se3rd Floor south wing conferencetoom at
8 ..-. So it goes.
Liddy hit
The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to cite
convicted Watergate conspirator G. Gordon Liddy for
contempt of Congress. The action was prompted by
Liddy's refusal to give testimony before a house sub-
committee investigating the CIA's involvement in the
Watergate affair. Conviction of the contempt charge car-
ries with it a penalty, of one month to one year in jail
and a fine of up to $1000. Liddy, however, has given no
indication that he intends to change his tight-lipped
policy concerning Watergate.
Rock around the clock
Two people in the town of Florence, Kentucky made
history this weekend as they soared past the world's re-
cord for rocking chair rocking. At last report Nancy
Mueller and Lionel Gray had been in their chairs for
over 100 hours, easily surpassing the old mark of 93.
According to witnesses on the scene, Mueller took ice
baths and changed her clothes to stay awake while Gray
banged on bongo drums and kept taking his shoes on
and off. But as one observor astutely quipped, "I'd be

guessing it wasn't their feet that wassore."
No more wallowing
Uganda's controversial leader President Idi Amin said
yesterday that he was fed up with the Watergate scan-
dal. 'Amin, who only last July 4 wished the President a
speedy recovery from Watergate, told reporters that the
press has degraded President Nixon to the point that he
is not at all respected. Amin even went so far as to
comment that prostitutes have more respect than Presi-
dent Nixon at this point in time. It is unclear what
prompted this change in the African, leader's position,'
but it is apparent that he has now added his voice to
those who feel we must stop wallowing in the mire of
*" *a
On the instde --..
the Editorial Page has a piece by David Goodman
on the proposed revisions of the criminal code ... Roy
Chernus w~Arites aou h e B 1lues a nd .Jazz Festival onth




By AP and Reuttr
As part of the campaign to put
the Watergate scandal behind him,
President Nixon told Congress yes-
terday that he is ready to compro-
mise on "solutions to our national
But he also set the stage for a
major battle over defense appro-
priations, warning that domestic
spending must be cut and the de-
fense budget left untouched if the
United States is to beat inflation
and avoid a suicidal weakening of
its defenses.
SUBMITTING THE unusual 15,-
000 - word State of the Union mnes-
sage, Nixon held out olive bran-
ches to the Democratic - controlled
Congress and called for "swift and
decisive action" on a number of
administration proposals including

revenue-sharing for public schools,
trade, tax, and pension reforms,
and the creation of a campaign re-
form commission.
The President had said he would
submit the message, the second
State of the Union report this year,
at a press conference held last
Welcoming what he termed a
"congressional renaissance," Nix-
on said he believes in a strong Con-
gress as well as a strong presi-
dency and asserted:
"THERE CAN be no monopoly of
wisdom on either end of Pennsyl-
vania Avenue - and there should
be no monopoly of power."
But the President also chided
Congress, stating that action on his
own initiatives "has been far less
than I had expected."

"The battle against inflation
must be our first priority for the
remainder of this year," said Nix-
on. He called on Congress to hold
appropriations to his spending ceil-
ing of $368.7 billion for the fiscal
year that began July 1.
"IN OUR JOINT efforts, how-
ever, I continue to be adamantly
opposed td attempts at balancing
the over-all budget by slashing the
defense budget. We are already at
the razor's edge in defense spend-
ing . . . Further cuts would be
dangerously irresponsible and' I
will veto any bill that includes cuts
which would imperil our national
security," he said.
Nixon stated that if Congress
votes more money than he wants,
he will not hesitate to veto spend-

ing measures or impound appro-
Besides focusing attention on the
legislations he wants, Nixon also
spotlighted actions he opposes, in-
cluding any tax increase and bus-
ing of public school children to
achieve racial balance.
NIXON ALSO said he would
"continue to oppose all efforts to
strip the presidency of the powers
it must have to be effective" - an
obvious threat to veto any legisla-
tion that would restrict his war-
making powers.
The President at no point direct-
ly referred to Watergate but said,
"no subject over the last few
months has so stirred public com-
ment and reflection as the ques-
tion of campaign practices."
Noting Congress has not acted
in nearly four months on a presi-.

vYe p1
dential proposal to establish a
Non-Partisan Commission on Fed-
eral Election Reform, he said, "in
light of the great interest of the
public and the Congress in such
reform, I am at a loss to under-
stand why only the Senate has
acted on this request."
HE SAID THE American public
"might well ask whether the in-
terest in reform is restricted to
calling for changes rather than
making changes."
It was the sharpest language
used in his bulky message.
Other measures on which Nixon
urged speedy action included bills
to authorize the Alaska pipeline
and the building of deep water
tanker ports, deregulation of nat-
ural gas prices, standards for
strip mining, a variety of environ-
mental proposals, anti-crime bills,
Nixon a

greater local control for commun-
ity development funds and what he
considers adequate defense and
foreign aid appropriations.
HIS MESSAGE, which calle'd for
prompt action on more than SO
measures he has submitted this
year, met a cool and critical re-
sponse from Democratic.leaders.
Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana declared:
"If we are not careful, we will de-
fend ourselves into bankruptcy."
Setting the stage for a new fight
over defense spending, Mansfield
announced that the Senate on Sept.
18 would take up the Defense De-
partment's $22 billion weapons
procurement bill, from which the
Senate Armed Services Committee
has already cut $1.5 billion despite
the President's strenuous opposi-

. n u m sir

Carol Jones won a CityeCouncil
seat last April because she's
young, female, and talks from a
radical perspective, but since the
election her political victories have
been few.
The 20-year-old, Urban Studies
major figured running for council
would give her a chance to present
some of her solutions for the city's
problems, while winning offered an
opportunity to directly implement
those ideas.
SINCE PULLING out a razor-
thin victory in the student domin-
ated Second Ward, Jones has
watched her proposals crushed by
the seven Republican councilmen
who virtually control local govern-
Of course Jones, the youngest
council member in the city's his-
tory, does not have to face the
conservatives alone. Flanking her
around the council table is another
See COUNCIL, Page 8


Daily Photo by. TERRY McCARTHY
Councilwoman Carol Jones


Students upset over


Sirica ..decision
on atergate
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Pres-
ident Nixon yesterday appealed
against the ruling of Federal Judge
John Sirica ordering him to pro-
duce the Watergate tape recordings
to see whether they should be pre-
sented to a grand jury.
In a brief submitted to the U.S.
Court of Appeals the President's
lawyers re-stated the principle of
executive privilege under which
conversations between the Presi-
dent and his advisers are held to
be confidential.
THEY ARGUED that it was the
President alone who could deter-
mine that the public interest would
be harmed if the principle of con-
fidentiality were compromised.
".t . it is not for any court to C
form a contrary judgment and to ox
compromise the confidentiality,"
the brief said
Sirica ordered on Aug. 29, that
the tapes be delivered to him so
that he could privately listen to
them before deciding whether the
grand jury should have access to P ro po se
them. This followed a subpoena
served on the President by the
s p e c i a l Watergate prosecutor,
Archibald Cox,aand Nixon's initial for Nob
rejection of the subpoena.
NIXONuIS NOW asking the an- OSLO (Reuter) - So
peals court to set aside Sirica's Alexander Solzhenitsyn h
order. ed dissident physicist A
Whatever decision the appeals harov for the Nobel Pe
court makes, the case appears the newspaper Aftenpc
certain to end up in the Supreme Yesterday.
Court early in October for a final Sakharov, with Solzhe
ruling. The Presidenthas said lie et -known dissident
would abide by a "definitive" rul- the target of Soviet pre
ing of the court, but has declined dio attacks for two weel
to specify what he meant by that been accused of aidin
term. mies and peace and det
The legal brief called Sirica's According to the 'state
ruling utterly without precedent ever, nominations closet
and said it could only come in the ary. Proposals arriving
climate of legal and popular opin- be taken into account f
ion produced by the Watergate lowing year.
bugging of the Democratic Party Solzhenitskn said in1
headquarters in June 1972 and the that peace today was
subsequently disclosed illegal elec- threatened by open wars
tion campaign practices. be more by hidden and
of violence.
IT REJECTED the contention Solzhenitsyn said in1
that Sirica's decision represented stantly opposes acts of v
the "middle. ground" between an the state against indiv
overboard claim of privilege and groups.
an excessive demand for discovery. "SUCH AN activity m
Instead, the brief held that the garded as a great effort
decision was squarely on the side an effort that is not ting
of breaching the wall of the Presi- sonal interest, not ill
dent's confidentiality. fundamental: by small
Revelations of Watergate, the means in an heroic wa
brief stated, have so sharpened the ping a mighty violence,
public appetite for more revela- strengthen the generalr
See NIXON, Page 2 said:


residency requirement policy

Students in various states of
confusion and/or outrage overthe
University's new residency rules
thronged the office of assistant
registrar Larry Katz Thursday aft-
Many of them were suffering
from the shock of having recently
learned that, contrary to their ex-
pectations, they would be consid-
ered non-residents of the state of
Michigan Ifor the coming term.
And a common complaint was that
the university had failed to give
reasons for the denial of residency
DOUG TRIGGS, a tall bearded

student in the political science doc-
toral program, was first in line
Thursday afternoon to see Katz.
He applied for resident status ear-
ly in the summer. Having lived in
Ann Arbor for two consecutive
years, financially, he assumed he
would be granted residency. How-
ever the response to his application
was a letter with a check in the
box marked "denied." There was
no further explanation.
Katz, who reviews the applica-
tions with the help of two other
university officials, patiently ex-
plained to Triggs that the univer-
sity has established a policy of not

giving reasons for denial of resi-
Affairs Allan Smith, in a memo to
Katz, has said that "the shoe is on
the other foot . . . there are any
number of reasons why residency
might be denied."
"The burden is on the individual
to lay out those facts that demon-
strate residence," Smith said. The
student cannot be given definitive
reasons for denial of residency, he
continued, because "it is a total
picture and there's no checklist of
points." Student can appeal the
initial decision, however.

Faculty shelves student pa rity
plan for lit, school assembly

Triggs and others in the same
situation said they felt that the
policy was unjust. They said they
did not know how they were being
judged and would be groping
blindly in an attempt to appeal the
THE NEW RULES, established
after a court ruling overturned the
old six-month residency require-
ments, lay great emphasis on the
intent to make Michigan one's per-
manent home. The regulations,
adopted by the Board of Regents
on June 22, 1973, includes a list of
facts and circumstances that might
be .used to provide that intent.
They include continuous presence
in the state while not enrolled as a
student, reliance on in-state sourc-
es for financial support, owner-
ship of a home in the state; hav-
ing one's parents' home in the
state, commitments to further edu-
cation in the state, and acceptance
of a job offer for permanent em-
ployment in the state.
The regulations point out, how-
ever, that no one of these circum-
stances or any one combination of
them will be conclusive proof of
intent to stay in the state.
letter the last week in August ex-
plaining that he would be consid-
ered a non-resident for the coming
term. He graduated from the uni-
versity in 1967 and spent two years
in Connecticut. During that time,
his parents' home in Clio, Michi-
gan was still considered his per:
manent address. He was admitted
as a resident to the engineering
graduate program in the winter
term o 90AfZ1ter r nc tivm 1he

Miet writer
has propos-
kndrei Sak-
ace Prize,
osten said
enitsyn the
left at lib-
, has been
ss and ra
ks. He has
the ene-
utes, how-
1d in Janu-
later may
or the fol-
his article
not only
, but may-
open acts
his article
violence by
iduals and
nust be re-
for peace,
ed by per-
usory, but
y of stop-
that is to
peace", he

The governing faculty of LSA
yesterday deferred to its Novem-
ber meeting a proposal to convert
the town - meeting faculty govern-
ment to a representative assembly
with parity for the college's stu-
Expressing a distinct lack of en-
thusiasm for the student parity
aspect of the plan, the body ap-
proved a motion, which will bring
the proposal back for further dis-
cussion. Sponsors were asked to
separate the issue of a representa-
tive government from the demand
for student representation.
THE GROUP also acted to table

Marvin Felheim and LSA Student
Government Vice President Chuck
It provides for a 100 member
representative a s s e m b 1y which
would include 50 faculty members
elected by departments and 50
student members elected by five
randomly designated student con-
stituencies. The group would in-
clude the dean of LSA as a chair-
persontallowed to vote onlyain case
of a tie.
Barquist reasoned that "students
and faculty members must be re-
garded as equal partners in the
college community." Barquist also

sponsors of the governance pro-
posal, quorum is achieved at three
quarters of the meetings.
While the idea of a representa-
tive government seemed to meet
with some faculty approval, most
comments on student parity were
unfavorable. Several faculty mem-
bers present condemned the idea
that students are equal members
of the LSA community with .each-
ing staff members.
HISTORY PROF. Gerhard Wein-
berg claimed, "There are two fun-
damental falsehoods in this whole
document: First, that because we
all vote politically we must all be
equal and second, that this group

Grads hear experts
hit revenue sharing

Revenue sharing, long the sub-
ject of heated debate in Congress
and local governments across the
country, suffered yet another round

Secretary of the Health, Education,
and Welfare Department under
President Johnson, former Detroit
Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh, and Ann
Arbor City Administrator Sylvester
A41 rr s.

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