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September 09, 1973 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-09

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Sunday, September 9, 1973


Page Nine

Sunday, September 9, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine







Schembechier worries about
M' offensive line, Hawks

Lauterbur respects Michigan
but respect' doesn't mean fear

Michigan head football coach
Bo Schembechler leaned against
his car outside Michigan Sta-
dium late yesterday afternoon
and talked about his team's final
full-scale scrimmage before Sat-
urday's opening game at Iowa.
"I can't really say I'm pleased
with the workout," Schembechler
said afterward, "because there
r were just too many mistakes out
there. We had a lot of penalties,
interceptions, and fumbles. When
I see that I get nervous.
"But anything that happens in
the final scrimmage must be
tempered with the realization
that it is just that-the final
scrimmage. Everybody is look-
ing forward to game week."
The squad was broken down
into two units for the closed two
and one-half hour workout. The
Blues were formed by the first
offense and the second defense,
while the Whites had the top
defenders and the backup at-
Nobody was really much con-
cerned about the score, but for
those who must know such
things, the Blues overcame a
10-0 halftime defiict to rally for
a 23-16 victory.
Perhaps the most important
development to come out of the
session was the injury first team
guard Mike Hoban suffered mid-
way through the practice.
Schembechler said that Hoban
injured his knee and was im-
mediately given medical assist-

ance. Although the injury was
not thought to be too serious,
Schembechler won't k n o w for
sure until- this morning.
"The one place where we
couldn't afford another injury and
it happens," Schembechler lam-
Earlier in the week right guard
Dave Metz went out with neck
problems, while reserve left
guard Craig McMullen has also
been in drydock recently.
Senior Gary Hainrihar, who
had been waging a tight battle
with Metz for the starting berth
opposite Hoban, was also out a
portion of last week, but he was
in the first-line unit yesterday.
Sophomore Kirk Lewis. was
switched from tackle to guard
at mid-week, a policy Schem-
bechler didn't rule out doing
again. "More transfers are en-
tirely possible," he said.
exnressed concern over the over-
all defense, something he has
become famous for. "The second
offense scoring ten points against
the first defense just doesn't
happen around here," he said.
Turning his comments to the
offense, Schembechler continued
his praise of diminutive sopho-
more tailback Gordon Bell (5-9,
"I'll tell you, that guy has
some moves," Bo enthused, "and
he's not a tippy-toe runner,
Bell has been challenging jun-
iors Chuck Heater, who started

the final seven games last fall,
and converted split end-wingback
Gil Chapman.
"Heater is the strongest of the
three, Chapman the fastest, and
Bell has the best moves," Schem-
bechler stated.
Quarterback Dennis Franklin
had a two-sided afternoon, ac-
cording to his coach. "He was
miserable the first half, and
great the second," Bo cracked.
Franklin had a hand in two
of the four touchdowns scored
in the workout, running for one
from 20 yards and setting up an-
other on a pass to sophomore
split end Keith Johnson.
Fullback Bob Thornbladh blast-
ed into the end zone from eight
yards out to cap the scoring
drive. Bell hit paydirt from 15
yards for the third six-pointer,
while soph tailback Eduardo Gon-
zalez got the fourth on a seven
yard scamper.
Schembechler had fine words
for several freshmen later, es-
pecially fullbacks Jerry Vogele
(6-3, 240), and Phil Andrews
"We don't have all that many
freshmen, but some of them are
sure good football players," he
The Wolverine mentor again
expressed concern about next
Saturday's opponent, Iowa. He
mentioned their power-laden de-
fense and the enthusiasm of the
But right now he is most wor-
ried about his offensive line,

By ROGER ROSSITER President Nixon has with Water-,
If Frank Lauterbur is dismayed ' gate. Since the Hawks and the
at the thought of opening the 1973 I Wolverines renewed their series in
football season against the Michi- 1969 (ending a five year lapse),
gan Wolverines, he is a master at Iowa has dented the Michigan goal
disguising his thoughts. line for only 13 points. In that
"They're right there on the same four year span Michigan has
schedule; we'll have to play them racked up an even 200 points ver-
sometime," Lauterbur reasoned sus the Hawkeyes, an incredible
demurely. 187 point differential.


howdown between Michigan and
Ohio State. Who does Lauterbur
ike? "Michigan" he snapped,
with no hesitation whatsoever.
As for the darkhorses, Lauterbur
ikes Minnesota, Indiana and his
own Hawkeyes. No modesty there.
Of course, with people like line-
backer Andre Jackson and three
experienced quarterbacks, Butch
Caldwell, Kyle Skogman, and Bob-
by Dusley, why should he be?

Bo SChembechier
where in addition to the guard
p r o b1e m s two-year starting
tackle Jim Coode is termed as
"questionable" for the opener.
"I'd have to say that we're
kind ofhdecimated intthe mid-
dle," Schembechler said. "But
there ain't no way Coode and
Hoban aren't going to be in there
Saturday even if I have to tape

But the Iowa Hawkeyes' mentor
holds deep respect for the Wolver-
ines. "Schembechler's ball clubs
are as mistake free as you will
find," he added. "They are so fine-
ly drilled and their execution is so'
precise you just don't get anything
handed to you against them."
In two outings against Michi-
gan as Iowa's coach, Lauterbur
has been on the losing sideline,
both times. The combined score
of the two games reads: Michi-
gan 94, Iowa 7. This trend leaves
Lauterbur with the unenviable
task of keeping Michigan off the
scoreboard, while getting his
team on.

them myself."


FL, as Lauterbur is knw
around the Iowa City campus, sin-
cerely believes that stopping Mich-
igan will be the Hawks' sternest

Ruggers split
The Michigan Rugby Football
Club opened the fall season with
a split against the Cleveland
Blues on Palmer Field yester-
day afternoon. The Blue Team
defeated the Ohioans 22-12 while
the Gold squad dropped a 20-8

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Night Editor:



Sept9, 1973

"When you have Franklin, Shut-:
tlesworth, Heater, and Chapman,
you are stretching a defense.
There are so many things they can
do to you and they do them all so
well. It's rough," he concluded.
"I think one of the things that
went unnoticed was Franklin'sf
ability to pull the ball down and i
run with it," Lauterbur added. "So
they don't get the pass off, but he
runs forten yards and Michigan'
gets a first down."
On Bo, Schembechler's revela-
tion that the Wolverines would pass
more in 1973, Lauterbur reminded,s
"They passed for two touchdowns{
against us last year. No one has to
tell me they can pass."
The Hawkeyes have scored

Lauterbur will be using a lot
of sophomores offensively, in-I
eluding the entire backfield, but
that does not dim his optimism.
"We've got more experienced
people than in any year since I've
been here. Remember we played a
lot of freshmen last year. These
guys are veterans now, and I
think they're ready to come into
their own."
If next Saturday's opener follows
the script of the past few years,
though, Michigan's defense will
post an awesome monster for the
Hawkeyes to attack.
"Michigan's defense is such a
mobile defense," commented Lau-
terbur. "Whenever you might think
you have a vulnerable spot they
adjust so quickly it disappears.
"You just have to take what
you can get and not make mis-
takes. There just is no one place
you can attack Michigan."
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Frank Lauterbur

about as many points


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By JEFF CHOWN ! on the one. Purdue then stalled for'
Some of the more optimistic foo't-. six minutes and Michigan was un-
ball fanatics in Ann Arbor this fall able to make a first down as thec
are already making plans for their gun sounded.1
California pilgrimage this New Next week the Wolverines playedi
Year. Before one rashly predicts a very sloppy game, blowing many
a Michigan thrashing of Southern scoring opportunities but still com-'
Cal in this year's Rose Bowl, one ing out on top of Minnesota 19-12 toI
might like to look for parallels with regain the brown jug for the first
Michigan's last Bowl victory, the time in four years.
1965 34-7 drubbing of Oregon State. But things still did not look rosyf
As the immortal philosopher once as Purdue and Ohio State remain-
said: History is known to repeat ed undefeated in conference play;.
itself. with three games remaining.-
Coach Bump Elliot greeted an Michigan battled to a 7-6 advan-<
{,opening day crowd of 70,000 with tage in the first half and a 14-63
two starting sophomore halfbacks, edge early in the third quarter onI
Carl Ward and Jim Detwiller. The a 24-yard pass to Jim Detwiller.-
duo responded to the pressure, The straw that broke Illinois' back
picking up 51 and 72 yards respec- proved to be a 96-yard scoring
tively, helping Michigan to a 24-7
thumping of Air Force.
With the victory Michigan moved -i
into the eighth spot on the AP
sports poll. Illinois remained third!
and Ohio State fifth. Following a drive late in the same quarter. It'
21-0 thrashing of Roger Staubach's was capped by a sneak by Timber-
Navy crew Michigan was in high lake, seconds before it was an-
gear for their clash with 'Moo U.' nounced that Michigan State had
But State wasn't slouching just downed Purdue 21-7.
either. The week before they had Ohio State alsodropped a non-
knocked off second-rated South- conference clash to Penn State
ern Cal 17-7. What's more the 27-0. Michigan still needed vic-
fiesty farmers had an unbeaten tories over Ohio State and Iowa
streak against their down-state combined with either a defeat or
rivals dating' back to 1955, lead- tie of Purdue for a Rose Bowl
ing one Daily writer to comment trip. That prescription was
"I can't look a cow in the face filled next week as Minnesota de-
anymore!" In Duffy Daugherty's railed the Boilermakers' express
folds were Jerry Rush, and soph- 14-7. Michigan matched that with
o Mores Gene Washington and a 34-20 trouncing of the Iowa
Clinton Jones. Hawkeyes.
State:moved out to a quick lead, The game was quite disorderly
but substitute halfback Rick Sygar as miscues plagued both sides. ButI
caught a pass to tie it, and three a when the smoke cleared, Michigan
halfback-option pass to John Hen-, was a 34-20 victor on fullback Mel
derson to win the game for Michi- Anthony's three touchdowns. Tim-
gan.< berlake was -also outstanding for
The Purdue Boilermakers were the Wolverines.
next on the schedule, with an un- But Woody kept things interest-
defeated Big Ten record 'and soph- ing by blanking Northwestern 10-0
amore quarterback Bob Griese. to go into the season finale with an
Michigan jumped out to a 7-0 lead undefeated conference record.
on Timberlake's four-yard run, but So as it happened, tickets to
Purdue fought back to a 21-14 ad- Pasadena would go to the winner
vantage in the final quarter. of one of football's bitterest rival-!
The Wolverines' Steve Smith ries.
made a beautiful broken-field 54- 87,685 fans turned out in Buck-
yard run for a TD with seven min- eye country, but contrary to re-
utes remaining. Coach Bump El-, cent trends, the home team lost, as
iot elected to go for the win on the Michigan squeaked to a 10-0 thrill-
two-point conversion. er. The only TD came on a 17-yard
Much to the dismay of the Michi- pass from Timberlake to Detwiller
gan fans, Timberlake was stopped in the final minute of the first half.

Michigan's defense was exception-
al as sophomore Rick Volk inter-
cepted two Buckeye passes deep in
Michigan territory in the final per-
Oregon State was named the Pa-
cific Eight Rose Bowl representa-
tive. The Beavers were ranked
eighth behind fourth - rated Michi-
gan in the final polls. Not known
for their ability to overwhelm their
opponents, Oregon State achieved
their 8-2 record mostly on a tough
d e f e n s e. For example, they
squeaked by Washington 9-7, Idaho
10-7, and Oregon 7-6. They were
led by quarterback Paul Brothers
who had completed 75 of 144 pass
attempts with seven going for TDs
during the season.

i ,

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Despite these credentials there
was some controversy as to whe-
ther Oregon State was the best
the West Coast could offer.
In any case, Michigan did little
to settle the controversy as they
methodically annihilated the
Beavers 34-6. Anthony was the
big star as he raced for three
touchdowns and 123 yards while
copping. the Most Valuable Play-
er award. The total also included
an 84-yard run from scrimmage,
the longest in Rose Bowl history.
Perhaps one could say the Ore-
gon thrashing resembled the one
Southern Cal gave Ohio State last
year. Following Oregon State's
drubbing UCLA revenged the Big
Eight by beating MSU 14-12. Per-
haps Michigan will follow the pat-
tern and go west and bring home
the Roses for the Big Ten this year.
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