Cl w~sr ,.y1\ 4E~~V THE MIL'WAU KEE JOU RNA Pi btishar,-Hat[ Syndicate, 1974 Doing- By RICHARD BOYLE IN A SUPER-SECRET mission code- named Operation SCOOT (Support for Cambodia out of Thailand), U. S. Air Force cargo planes have flown hundreds of sorties to supply government troops in Cambodia. Television reports aired on network news last week indicate SCOOT is still going on and may involve CIA operatives. SCOOT, apparently never authorized by Congress, was revealed in a letter from the Department of Defense (DOD) to two Senators on the Armed Services Committee, Alan Cranston (D.-Cal.) and Harold Hughes, since retired (D-Iowa). The two Senators queried the DOD after I gave them photographs and eye- witness accounts of USAF cargo planes making parachute drops of arms and supplies to besieged government troops at the town of Kampot on the coast of Cambodia. Kampot, a strategic government out- post about 90 miles south of Phnom Penh, was under siege for several months early last year. When it appear- ed the town might fall, the U. S. Air Force conducted massive air drops of- arms and ammunition to Lon Nol govern- ment troops, and the town, despite epi- demics of typhus and cholera, held. THE DOD ADMITTED the Kampot op- eration only after journalists reported sighting the airdrops. The DOD letter to the Senators indicated that the oper- ation was not an isolated exercise but part of the larger SCOOT mission. I told the staffs of the two Senators of seeing USAF Phantom jets flying cover for the C-130 cargo planes, which often took heavy ground fire from rebel anti- aircraft gunners firing 37-mm guns and 5O-cal. guns. Although the DOD admit- ted to the Senators that there might have been Phantom reconnaissance planes in the area, it denied that the Phantoms were flying cover for the C-130 cargo planes. A Senate staff member who showed me the letter from the DOD said the Senate had never approved the ultra-secret Op- eration SCOOT. It may even violate the Case-Church Act prohibiting U. S. com- bat activity in Cambodia. - LAST WEEK, TELEVISION newsmen in Cambodia witnessed American C-130 cargo planes landing at Phnom Penh airport, but they were barred from in- terviewing the crews. The newsmen re- ported that the cargo planes were being flown by American civilians from Thai- land under contract with Willis Bird, a figure long identified with CIA sup- port operations in Southeast Asia. During the battle of Kampot, U. S. Air Force pilots, despite denials N from the DOD, faced heavy ground fire, and may have been reluctant to continue the dangerous missions without air support to knock out the rebel anti-aircraft guns. There are several "civilian" airlines, run and financed by Americans, which fly troops and supplies to Lon Nol gov- ernment troops as well as USAF cargo planes and other private companies'op- erating out of Trailand. MANY OF THE PILOTS of these air- craft, such as South East Asia Transrort (SEAT) are veterans of other airlines, like Air America, which flew arms and snlies to CIA mercenaries operating in Laos in the late sixties. Thev have taken heavy casualties from rebel air- craft fire, but the exact number of those killed or wounded has not been revealed by the DOD, since technically they are civilians. One pilot was wounded in 1973, J. C. "Skip" Bryant, but he was not officially listed as a war casualty be- cause he is a civilian. And last week another civilian air crewman was wound- ed flying Lon Nol government troops to Phnom Penh from Battambang province on the Thai border. Bryant flew similar missions in Laos. Officially, the 1OD admits to only one U. S. casualty after the peace accords. CAMBODIAN TROOPS in Kampot told me that the CIA was providing a forward air control station for the cargo planes and fighters flying the air drop. Through- out the battle of Kampot in March, 1974, Chuck Bernard, officially an em- ployee of the U. S. Embassy in Phnom Penh, flew in an Air America helicopter through heavy ground fire to land in the besieged town. The troops identified Mr. Bernard as Monsieur Jacques, a code name for the CIA's chief of ground operations for the battle. Among other things, he alerted Air Force pilots when they missed their drop zones. Falling cargo from the C- 130s killed at least two Cambodian ci- vilians during the battle. Bernard, while admitting he was the political and psychological warfare ex- pert for the embassy, denied he was a CIA operative. After the Washington Post reported witnessing a U. S. Army major order Cambodian troops to fire on rebel posi- tions, in direct violation of the law, re- porters were barred from going to Kam- pot and other battle areas. WIFLE THE DEFENSE DEPART- MENT admitted that the combat air support missions in the battle of Kampot were part of SCOOT, the letter to the Senators did not elaborate on other as- pects of the secret operation. Neutral diplomatic sources in Phnom Penh re- ported that a U. S. marine task force sailed last February off the coast of Cambodia when it appeared that the be- sieged Cambodian capital might fall to rebel troops. The Marines, believed to be a full battalion of about a thousand men, were then stationed at the secret U. S. base at Utapao, Thailand. The U.S. embassy in Phnom Penh, but declined to say if those plans involved the U. S. Marines. There is also evidence that CIA-advis- ed mercenaries, who wear the skull and crossbones emblem of the Waffen SS on their uniforms, regularly cross the border from Thailand on secret opera- tions in Cambodia. I photographed these troops, who may also be a part of Op- eration SCOOT, last year during the battle for Phnom Penh. THE CIA USED THESE TROOPS as part of its Special Operation Group (SOG) units, which conducted deep- penetration strikes into North Vietnam and China in the late 1960's and early 1970's. These troops, trained at several sec- ret CIA bases in Thailand, were former- ly mercenaries for the U. S. Special Forces in South Vietnam and helped ov- erthrow Prince Sihanouk's government in 1970. Many were members of the sec- ret society, the Khmer Serei, under the leadership of Son Nhoc Thanh, who was the puppet nremier of the Japanese fas- cists in 1945. Military sources in Phnom Penh said they are the only reliable troops on the Lon Nol government side. Richard Boyle has covered Vietnam four times since 1965 and was wounded twice in the process. In 1971 he broke the story of the mutiny of U. S. troops at Firebase Pace on the Cambodian border. Copyright 1975, Pacific News Service. the Gambodian Scoot 'We've really got him going, now!' Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, January 22, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 In the finest SGC tradition TONIGHT STUDENT GOVERN- MENT Council has the oppor- tunity to correct the biggest mistake they have made in years. They will be voting to decide whether or not to drop their endorsement of credit for ROTC. Should SGC fail to change its stand, it will once again show its inability to represent the students who they supposedly represent. In making their decision the Coun- cil members should keep in mind that there are many courses on campus that offer similar instruction. This has been an argument used in sup-' port of ROTC credit, but if a course is already available then why encour- age a duplication of services. After all, there are only a limited number of ROTC students, and class space is at a minimum. There is also the factor of the way courses are presented. Sitting in North Hall watching a man in uni- form teach is a bit different from being instructed by people who have spent their life studying a subject. TlHE WHOLE PURPOSE of a Uni- versity is to benefit humankind through the advancement of educa- tion, and creative thought. Subsidiz- ing the defense department by train- ing its soldiers is hardly furthering the /development of the world. It would be encouraging is Presi- dent Carl Sandberg would take a stand on the issue. Thus far he has remained uncommitted, allowing peo- ple to draw inferences from his sta- tus as a Green Beret reservist. Of course SGC is not completely to blame for its actions. It is the 96.5 per cent of students who allowed this to happen by not voting in the last election. By so doing the students allowed ROTC students to gain seats on council . . . they having an inter- est in ROTC credit. The most important thing to con- sider is that it is LSA which is con- sidering restoring credit for ROTC,I and it was the LSA Student Govern- ment which unanimously condemned SGC for meddling in LSA business. JT WOULD BE most encouraging to see SGC face reality and the views of the students that they sup- posedly represent by reversing their endorsement for ROTC credit. -TIM SCHICK CHUCK BERNARD (left with camera) alights from Air America helicopter during battle of Kampot. Officially listed as a U.S. Embassy employe in Phnom Penh, Bernard was identified by Cambodian troops as chief of CIA ground op- PNS Photo by RICHARD BOYLE erations for the battle. Bernard, also known by the code name Monsieur Jacques, described himself as the political and psychological warfare expert for the Em- bassy but denied any CIA involvement. .Letters to The Faculty flubs CSSG vote UNIVERSITY FACULTY members displayed their true colors Mon- day when the Senate Assembly voted overwhelmingly to oppose student voting membership on the governing boards of the schools and colleges. In a resolution written by SACUA President Car. Cohen, the Assem- bly proclaimed that "the affairs of the Colleges and Departments are the responsibility of the respective gov- erning faculties." This resolution denounced the Commission to Study Student Gov- ernance (CSSG) report made to the Regents last month that argued students should have a voice in aca- demic decision-making. The report says that "students should partici- Sports Staff MARC FELDMAN Sports Editor GEORGE HASTINGS Executive Sports Editor ROGER ROSSITER .... Managing Sports Editor pate in the making of decisions which substantially affect their lives." "That is a false principle," says Co- hen, who is an active leader in the American Civil Liberties Union. The SACUA action Monday clearly confirms the fact that Prof. Cohen and his fellow faculty members are more concerned with rights and liber- ties in the abstract than actually preserving these liberties. Certainly most faculty members are concerned more that their own powers should not be restricted. IN FACT THE FACULTY was partic- ularly adamant on this point. They would accept absolutely no compromise on the issue. SACUA members refused to consider even the smallest inroad into their powers. The Assembly vote Monday may well help to kill any possibility, how- ever slim that chance may have been, of the Regents approving such a plan at their next meeting. How- ever, the vote certainly serves one important function in that it makes clear the fact that University faculty members, for all their talk of demo- cratic principles, are not about to re- linouish any of their own powers without a fight. compromise To The Daily: IN REPLY to the letter pub- lished in the Editorial P a g e January 17 by Steven Ross. I agree, as everybody must, that this nation is going to have a great deal of trouble suppying energy in the near future, may- be for several years, maybe al- ways. But if we want to h e 1 p relieve the energy problem, we must have a clear idea of what we want and what can be done. You worry about the energy crisis, then complain that en- vironment is not being cleaned up. I believe that, for r i g h t now, we must choose between these causes or reach a com- promise between them. W e can't have both an abundance of energy and a clean environ- ment, with existing technology and financial resources. Do you realize that cleaning up the en- vironment requires a great deal of energy, and money, too? If you want energy you must al- low power producers to use nuc- lear energy and their coal re- sources. But the environmental- ists condemn these. I agree that industrial pollut- ers should, and could have, made efforts to curb their pol- luting. But they dallied, and you can really expect them to do much during this economic crisis. When the crisis is over, I shall demand as loud as any- body that they reform. IN RESPECT to the relaxa- tion of matomobile nollution-con- boat, snowmobile, etc. is going to use it, no matter what. I can hear the owners screaming "in- fringement on my rights". What about the industries that pro- duce recreational vehicles? Many of those employees will lose their jobs. And auto racing. I suppose it is logical (for someone w h o knows nothing about it) to think that since autos use ggs, auto racing must use a tremendous amount. It doesn't. Even t h e major series think that one-race attendance of 50,000 people is more than they can reasonably expect for more than a few races. Add the gas used by these spectators to the gas used by competitors, and it doesn't come close to the amount used by spectators at any other type of major sporting event, such as pro football or baseball, where the crowds are far larg- er, and the events more numer- ous. I AM AFRAID, Mr. Ross, that your kind of problem-solving re- lies on changing the other guy's way of life, instead of your own. If I were to say to the average American that we could drastic- ally improve the energy situa- tion I would be treated as a messiah. When I told him my plan was to cut use of unneces- sary appliances around the home, such as dishwashers, air- conditioners, electric t o 0 t h- brushes and the like, he would chase me from his home with the electric carving knife. When families in America in which one of the big cars is driven almost solely by, a single com- muter. If this commuter were to drive a small car that gets 25 miles per gallon with emis- sion controls, instead of a large car that can get only 12 mpg without these controls, he would save tremendous amounts of gasoline and money. PLEASE, everybody. You can save more energy through your own actions than by hollering at someone else, without a maj- or shakeup oftyour lifebstyle. Let's get together, maybe we can avoid somegovernmental meddling in our lives. -Philip Macy January 21 men's group To The Daily: MOST OF US are aware of the women's movement, at least to the extent of knowing it ex- ists. Women have been challeng- ing society with increasing strength for most of this cen- tury. One of the exponents of the women's movement is Gay Liberation, a broadly-based, em- erging consciousnesss which challenges sexist America. What most people are not aware of is the emergence of a more widely based men's move- ment with straight as well as gay men, which, in the 1 a s t two years, has been challenging our sexist society by coming to- gether to discover that all men RDailIy Ferent from what society ex- pects of us, i.e., to be our- selves. LAST semester there was a series of men's raps at Guild House. For four consecutive weeks 50-60 men met in small groups to discuss such areas as sexism, relationships with wo- men, relationships with men, gayness, sexuality, sex roles, marriage divorce and m a n y others. Several on-going groups were formed to meet weekly to. share more of each other's liv- es. Several of us have been meet- ing since December to set up aother series of men's raps. The first will be Thursday, Jan. 23 at 7:30 p.m. The location is Tyler No. 4 in the basement of East Quad. The entrance is the Willard St. arch. Turn left and take the first door. Go down- stairs and turn right. It is the first room on the right. We hope to continue these raps for twelve weeks. Where we will hopefully be involved in a variety of ac- tivities other than just rapping. The kinds of things we do will depend on people's energies and interests. For further information the, people to contact are Arnie Sciullo at 662-0071, or Jim Oak- ley 665-7218. -Arnie Sciullo Jim Oakley S-rWMrCGS 1146 WOR~LD