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January 22, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-22

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See Editorial Page
Vol. LXXXV, No. 93
President Robber
sisted that "a cou
before the Univers
college (LSA) dea
level sources reaf
picked a black wo
position late last w
Two well-placed
night that the Re
deanship to Cobb,
educator, after rev:
didates last week.
firmed that the Reg
dean of Connecticu
BUT LAST night
answer period of
Fleming indicated
F " come.
Fleming's comm
contradict the Re
Cobb the Daily a short ti
the decision will
Business as usual
The faculty seems to have no intention of allow-
ing students a greater voice in decision-making at
the 'U.' By a 36-14 vote, the faculty's Senate
Assembly blasted a report from the Commission
to Study Student Governance (CSSG) advocating
greater student participation at nearly every level
of the University. The faculty's report to the
Regents, who will vote on the CSSG proposal next
month, expressed "sympathy for the Commission's
aims, but added that "in matters of duty, function,
preparation, appointment, responsibility a n d
authority, faculty members and students occupy
very different roles."
Dentist drilled
A Detroit dentist says he is moving his practice
after an ungrateful patient-whose tooth he had
just extracted-robbed him at gunpoint. "I can't
go on like this anymore," says Dr. George Gantz,
the victim of five robberies in the past year. "Now
I'm going to have to move." Dr. Gantz has main-
tained an office on Detroit's west side for 28 years.
After he pulled a tooth late Monday, he told
police, the patient drew a revolver and announced
a holdup. He took cash, a small handgun, and a
gold watch from the dentist. He also robbed a,
janitor and a patient in the waiting room.
will probably not dazzle you today. The
School of Social Work is sponsoring George Levin-
ger from the University of Massachusetts who will

speak 'on "Social Psychological Approaches to
Marriage and Divorce" at the Rackham Amphi-
theater from 2-4 p.m. B-ball enthusiasts can watch
the women's basketball team face off against
MSU at Chrysler at 6 p.m. PTP is presenting
Peter Arnott's Marionette Theater who will per-
form Euripides Bacchae at the Residential College
Aud. at 8 p.m. The Music School's Campus Orches-
tra conducted by Uri Mayer will perform at 8 p.m.
at Hill Aud. New York Times crack investigative
reporter Seymour Hersh will speak on "Investiga-
tive Reporting and Mistrust of Government" at the
Rackham Lecture Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Shaggy dog story
It looked like a typical case of the tail wagging
the dog: Gen. Alexander Haig, who probably has
so much fruit salad on his chest that he can't
walk straight, bowed to the canine and legal
world yesterday. He said he will reimburse the
government for the expense of taking his dog
Duncan across Germany last October. The travels
Duncan, a beagle-dachsund mongrel, were ex-
posed recently by Rep. Les Aspin (D-Wisc.), who
demanded Haig pay the army for the trip's costs-
$46.92. Haig is willing. The enlisted man who
drove Duncan across Germany said he did it
under protest, and he says Duncan didn't like it
much either: "He was scared and howling most
of the way back."
On the inside . .
today's Arts/Food Page includes Melissa
Harris' review of The Real Inspector Hound, plus
a tangy recipe for mustard sauce . .. Pacific News
Service provides a look at CIA actions in Cam-
bodia on the Editorial Page . . . Sports Page
features Marcia Katz writing about the women's
basketball team.

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

144 birr
:43 1

Low-3 below
See Today for details

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 22, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages





n Fleming last night in-
ple of weeks" may pass
ity names a new literary
n-but The Daily's high-
firmed that the Regents
man, Jewel Cobb, for the
sources reiterated last
gents chose to offer the
a 51-year-old Connecticut
[ewing the three final can-
One of the sources con-
gental vote for the present
t College was unanimous.
, during the question-and-
a local radio talk show,
the decision was yet to
nents appeared to flatly
gents' decision. He told
me later: "In due course,
be made." He then re-

Regents choice reaffirmed

peatedly refused to comment when asked if
any decision-or reversal--had already taken
"The (LSA deanship) search committee's
instructions were to turn in several names,"
Fleming told The Daily, "all of which were
highly acceptable for the deanship."
WHEN ASKED if his remarks ran counter
to earlier University confirmation that the
decision had indeed been made, Fleming
said, "I can't always control what other peo-
ple say."
Edward Dougherty, assistant to Vice Pres-
ident for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes,
had stated Monday that the Regents held
final authority in the deanship selection.
One of The Daily's sources reported that
the Regents had voted "right down the line"

-unanimously-for Cobb.
THE SOURCE told the Daily last night
that the Regents had discussed the Daily's
Sunday announcement of Cobb's selection at
a meeting in Lansing Monday night. Accord-
ing to the source, the Board was "irate"
that the choice had been reported before
official confirmation.
Since Saturday, when the Daily learned
that Cobb had been selected in a tighvly
closed Regents meeting, Fleming, Vice Pres-
ident Rhodes, and the Regents all refused
comment on the decision. But when asked
if they were denying reports of Cobb's selec-
tion they repeated, "No comment."
The administration appeared to be making
strong efforts to close off information leaks.
One source reported being told "not to talk"

by other officials.
Speculation continued to build in LSA yes-
terday as the administration entered its
fourth day of the information freeze. While
the faculty reaffirmed their strong support
for Acting Dean Billy Frye-one of the three
final candidates-several informed professors
yesterday termed Cobb's qualifications "out-
ONE RELIABLE official said the current
controversy on the appointment of a black
women dean hinged "more on positive sup-
port for Frye than on any negative feeiing
for Cobb." The source expressed con;;ern
that mounting speculation would "make it
difficult for Cobb to accept the position."
Several faculty members asserted their
commitment to back whomever the Regents
had chosen.
See FLEMING, Page 8






D summer
Presses for more
funds to S Vietnam
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - President Ford yesterday
accepted a direct challenge from opposition Democrats
by threatening to veto a gas rationing plan they want to
substitute for his own energy saving program.
The President also announced at a televised press
conference that he would go ahead this week and impose
an increased import fee on foreign oil, defying a congres-
sional move to tie his hands.
HE PREDICTED that if Congress passed his programs, the
American people-would find the economy turning around by late
In yet another challenge to his opponents, Ford said he would
ask Congress soon to approve another $300 million in military aid

AP Photo
Skaters' waltz A ht
It looks as if the "whip" is about to crack as these skaters engage in a friendly romp on Jewell lake, just west of Alpena. Ann
Arborites will also be able to engage in a sunset romp as temperatures are expected to drop below zero degrees tonight.

A nine-member committee has
recommended that the Univer-
sity not hike tuition in the near
future. The panel has also cri-
ticized the present fee schedule
for discriminating against part-
time students.
The Committee on Fee Struc-
ture, convened by President
Robben Fleming in September
1973, released a lengthy report
last week critically reviewing
the University's present tuition
IN ADDITION to recommend-

ing that the University curb fee
hikes whenever possible and
establish more equitable rates
for part-time students, the com-
mittee also spoke out against
further increases in the ratio of
non-resident to resident fees.
If the report's recommenda-
tions are adopted, it could mean
a significant decrease in Uni-
versity revenue. But adminis-
tration officials, who are pres-
ently grappling with a likely
four per cent budget slash in
state appropriations, insist they
will study the 40-page document
carefully during the next month.

Although altering the present
tuition schedule could prove
costly, according to Chief Fi-
nancial Officer Wilbur Pierpont,
the report will receive "careful
right now looks pretty rough,"
commented Pierpont. "And al-
though we can't make any real
decisions until the state appro-
priations come through, the re-
port is well worth studying."
One of the major inadequacies
in the University's present tui-
tion schedule, according to the
committee, is the rate charged

part-time students. This amount
includes a hefty enrollment fee
in addition to paying for each
credit hour selected.
"Although it was probably not
designed to do so, the effect of
this policy has been to discour-
age the attendance of part-time
students," states the report. Not
only must these students pay
substantially more for their de-
grees, but they are often inelig-
ible for most forms of financial
aid because of their part-time
A MORE equitable system,
according to the committee,
would be to abolish the $50 en-
rollment fee ($150 for non-resi-
dents) and to institute a straight
per - credit - hour charge for all
students-although retaining the
present differentials by class
year and program.
"We tried to put across a
certain philosophy in this re-
port," said committee member
Jean Campbell, the director of
the Center for the Continuing
Education of Women. "The ma-
jor thrust of it is a rejection of
high rates - tuition should be
kent as low as possible."

to South Vietnam.
Ford voiced serious concern
over National Liberation Front
combat successes in South Viet - Jf
namband accused Hanoi of New
"aggression" by violating the
1973 peace accord.
He said he did not anticipate
going beyond his request for
more military aid at present.
But, asked flatly to rule out
an eventual approach to Con-
gress for authority to resume
bombing of communist forces in
Vietnam, Ford refused to do so.
HE SAID it was not appro- proposal
priate for him to forecast any
specific actions that might be WASHINGTON (,) - Senate
taken. But he gave an assur- Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
ance he would not order resum- said last night that despite
ed American military interven- President Ford's repeated re-
tion in Vietnam without going jections of the idea, gasoline
through constitutional and legal rationing is inevitable.
procedures. In reaction to Ford's declara-
Ford is barred by legislation tion at a news conference that
from ordering military action, a gasoline rationing plan passed
including bombing and naval by the Congress would be ve-
shelling, in Indochina. toed, Mansfield said:
. The chief development in the
news conference was the Presi- "I AM disappointed because
dent's willingness to battle a I think we'll ultimately have to
Congresshcontrolled by Demo- come to gas rationing on an
crats with big majorities for his equitable basis and also reduce
new e c on om ic and energy imports drastically."
policies. However, the Montana Demo-
The President, in his State of crat also said that gasoline ra-
the Union Address last week, tioning would have trouble get-
See FORD, Page 2 See DEMS, Page 2
Hypnosis reveals
a prevous life'
ELKTON, Va. (UPI) - In this world, Delores Jay is
American, 52 years old and the wife of a minister. In an-
other world whose doorway is through hypnosis, she is
"Gretchen Gottlieb," who tells of her own murder in Bis-
marck's Germany a century ago.
Delores speaks no German-and has taken lie detector
tests to substantiate it. But under hypnosis, she speaks in
German, drawing a vivid picture of 19th-century life in a
tiny village named Ebeswalde, culminating in her own
death at the age of about 16.

GEO agrees to fact-finder as
contract talks reach impasse

After nearly eight months of
contract negotiations between
the Graduate Employes' Organi-
zation (GEO) and the Univer-
sity. mediation of the deadlock-

"irreconcilable differences on
After Terepin officially de-
clares an impasse, the Mich-
.igan Employment Relations
Cofnmission (MERC) will sug-

University Counsel William
Lemmer said that there were
11 issues of impasse, but de-
clined to identify them. Media-
tion sessions are closed to the
public, and there is a general

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