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January 19, 1975 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-19

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Page Two


Sunday, January 19, 1975



African Marketplace
From Jan. 21 through Feb. 1 bargaining will
be welcomed on all African baskets, jewelry,
and sculpture. Come in and haggle over prices

Chou reelected as
Chinese premier

Groups hit CRDS

(Continued from Page 1)

the idea that China must support
in the old village market tradition, not only the developing Third
World, but also the nations of
the second world "in their
struggle against superpower
control, threats and bullying."
b b bIT SAID China should con-
tinue its recent foreign policy,
123 W. WASHINGTON-ANN ARBOR seen here as centered on con-
tinned rapprochement with the
NEW HOURS: Tues.-Fri. 12:00 to 9:00 United States and unwavering
Sat. 10:00 to 8:00 hostility to China's arch-enemy
-the Soviet Union.
- -- -__ But it issued a sobering warn-
--- -------.---..--..- ing that "the factors for both
revolution and war are increas-
ing. The people of all countries
must get prepared against a
A MICH. LMON 763-2 world war."
The congress called on the
neonle and commanders and
fiqhters of the Chinese People-s
Liberation Army "to firmly im-
nlement Chairman Mao's prin-
cinle dig tunnels deep, store
Jrain everywhere, and never
seek hegemony, strengthen pre-
" a naredness against war, and be
* March 2nd-Sth \ ready at all times to wipe out
anv enemy that dare intrude."
8 e Days & 7 Nights IT CONCLUDED by saying
we are determined to liberate
1"Jet Air Jamaica Taiwan!"
. On the internal situation, the
from Detroit congress called on the people
of China to "strive to fulfil the
PRICE INCLUDES: national economic plans ahead
S Round trip let between Iof schedule and turn China into
Detroit and MonteAO ) a powerful modern socialist
BaV, Jamaica cosntry"-an indication that the
* Hotel tips and taxes. balance between economic prog-
* 7 nights accommodations ress and ideological rectitude is'
at the Luxurv 'Turtle swinging towards the former.
DEADLINA EBeach Towers' ona5 Further evidence that prag-
beautiful white sand beach. matism is the order of the day
0 Round trip transfers from matis the ordern of The dsay-
JANUARY 24 1975 ur hotel and the the listing of Ten sio-
airport. ning, the most prominent victim
' of the cultural revolution to be
ONLY $292 per person rehabilitated, as the first of
Chon's 12 vice-premiers.
WE ARE LIMITED TO ONLY 60 SEATS THE 70-year-old Teng, as
FIRST COME-FIRST SERVE Chou's deputy and vice-chair-
man of the iuling communist
-__party, could step into Chou's
shoes if necessary to head a
cabinet packed with men sym-
pathetic to the ailing premier's
brand of administration.
N e w 'government appoint-
N763-21 ments-including most of the
12 vice-premiers and several
ministers-incorporate few radi-
cals and appear. to indicate a*
reaffirmation of stability and
DOMESTIC FLI GHTS moderation in Chinese political
life following the turmoil of the
PEC I LR SCultural Revolution and the Lin
Piao plot.
The congress adopted a re-
SA V Evised national constitution, as
SAVE 20% _________-
LOS AN E E1Norkd Airways -

expected, but there were no
immediate details of its contents
or about the key question of who
is to be the next head of state,
replacing the disgraced Li Shao-
chi-or, indeed, if China is to
have a head of state in future.
THE NEW constitution re-
places the 1954 one and later
drafts of apparent but uncon-
firmed authenticity which re-
flected the ambitions of Lin
Piao, then comrade-in-arms of
Chairman Mao, and designated
as Mao's successor.
The congress, held Monday
through Friday in Peking's
Great Hall of The People, was
the first since the Third Na-
tional People's Congress met in
the winter of 1964-65.
Its 2,864 delegates not only
gave Chou his first full govern-
ment since the end of the Cul-
tural Revolution but also heard
a report on government work
from the premier, who has been
in and out of the hospital with
heart disease since last spring.
MAO, 81, apparently was not
present, either at the congress
or the plenary session of the
Central Committee. No explana-
tion was given for his absence.
dean named

(Continued from Page 1) allo.?
ramming proposals through the
committee. 0th
The city hall staff members omme
were appointed to advise the ganiz
citizens' committees. ;a-cu
The coalition of the ten social prese
service organizations (Ad Hoc --c
Committee for Community Serv- and c
ices) instead proposed $437,625 area:
cut from what the citizens' com- -c
mittees recommended to coun- towni
cil. -cu
The local Democratic party, sistan
in turn, has formed its own the s
CDRS study group, which has gram.
decided on virtually the same The
changes in Colburn's recom- funds
mendation, as the Ad Hoc Com- cil inI
mittee for Community Services, counc
according to Jamie Kenworthy Ken
(D-Fourth Ward). totally
"We feel a number of the pro- tions.
posed expenditures are non-pri- keepc
ority as established by Con- pavro
gress," the Community Services Com
Committee said. dicatin
Pointing to what could be done nextv
with $437,625 if cut, the Com- Ozone
munity S e r v i c e s Committee nomic
said: Progr
"We consider the total fund- Clinic
ing level proposed for commu- Social
nity services inadequate, and ter,I
urge this category be reallo- Free
cated funds from the non-essen- Rights
tial or inappropriate items on self NT
the proposed budget." Thes
The major cuts proposed in speak
Colburn's recommendations is menda
reducing by half two $185,625 hearin

tions slotted for manage-
and plnning and a con-
icy b-dget.
r'r cuts in Colburn 's rec-
endatioms community or-
ations nroposed were:
ut $74,000 from historical
ut $50,000 slotted sidewalks
drainage in the downtown
Lt $50,000 allotted to down-
improvements; and
ut $50,000 for business as-
ce since this is "not in
pirit of the CDRS pro-
delay in receiving the
may allow the new coun-
April to amend the present
il's decisions.
worthy said, "I disagree
y with (Colburn's) alloca-
.:. they are intended to
city employes on the city
nmunity service groups in-
rg probable endorsements
week of the cuts include:
House, Office of Eco-
Opportunity Nutrition
am, Model Cities Dental
Local Motion, Catholic
Services, Interfaith Cen-
Women's Crises Center,
People's Clinic, Welfare
s Organization, and Her-
se groups are expected to
against Colburn's recom-
ations at a CDRS public
ng tomorrow night.

AP Photo
TENG HSIAO-PENG, who has been named as Chou En-Lai's
new deputy, is shown speaking last year at the United
Nations in New York. Teng is considered a moderate who
favors good relations with the West.
Beetles infest ads

(Continued from Page 1)
el Bug - Inquire Within," ser-

(Continued from Page 1) His contract expired the first
of January. He is now waiting
Hust said, for Beetleboards to tell him
He added that the Regents where to go for a new paint job.
had the final say in the seaec- wKaren Porjatch, a grad stu-
tion. Fleming was charged dent in the School of Social
with contacting the Regents' Work, drives the only Clairol


choice and offering the position
to the candidate.
Barquist described Cobb's ap-
proach to education as "fairly
pragmatic, tempered with her
experience of being a black'
woman educator." While Bar-
quist emphasized that Cobb
"certainly isn't a radical," he
asserted, "she's definitely com-
ing from a different perspective
than the so-called normal white
BARQUIST predicted t h a t
Cobb would "bring a fresh ap-
proach" to the post. He added,:
"I would have supported any
of the three."
Cobb, 51, graduated from Tal-
ladega College, a small black
school in 1944. She received a4
masters degree from New York
University in 1947 and a PhD inI
Biology in 1950. Cobb is a fellow
of the National Cancer Research!
Tissue Culture Association. She
has been dean of Connecticut
College since 1969.

Herbal Essence shampoo Beet-
leboard in the city.
Her contract has also ex-
pired, but, unlike Clayton, she
wants to keep the decal on her
car. However, Melody Woods,
student relations coordinator for
Beetleboards, said the contract
with the advertisers stipulated
that the decals must be remov-
ed at the end of the contracted
Advertisers are charged $110
a month per car for ads on 200
or more cars.
"It's a new medium," says
Evelyn Johnson, Beetleboard's
director of market support, "It's
more eve-catching than bill-
"Advertisers also have the
advantage of consumer contact
with the driver, who passes out
saniples," she adds.
The only other advertiser in
Ann Arbor is White Stag sports-
wear, with four cars advertising
the product in the city.

But nationwide, there are
Perhaps the most unusual ad
is that of Irish Spring, a deod-
orant soap. It has a drawing of
a bathtub on the side of the
car. The drivers looks like he
is sitting in the tub while cruis-
ing down the road.
The ad for Seagram's gin has
a sketch of the Red Baron's air-
plane with the Baron himself
sitting in the cockpit.
Other advertisers include
Jack-in-the-Box hamburgers,
Standard Oil of Calif., Schen-
ley's Ole Tequila and Western
Clairol is satisfied with their
marketing in Ann Arbor for
now, but they are looking for
new student drivers in three oth-
er Michigan cities - Detroit,
Kalamazoo and Warren.
But not every student can
own a Beetleboard.
"The student VW owners ac-
cepted must have good driving
records, high scholastic marks
and adequate insurance," John-
son says.
Aud itions-Fiorello
JAN. 19, 20, 21
Studio Room
15 WOMEN-all singing
18 MEN-18 and up
Anyone interested in audition-
ing come at 7:30 the night you
try out, for Directors an-
nouncements. Bring your own

r _---- -" -- -- -- - _.

Indians evacuate site

(Continued from Page 1) someone speaking for him. He
trols around the 225-acre estate. knows what he wants for his
people," Simonson said.
THE GUARD escorted 28 wdt WARRINGTON'S r e m a r k s
men and children with sleeping prompted a news conference by
bags and belongings from the the American Indian Movement
mnsion through a light snow- (AIM), one of whose officials
fall to nearby Keshena, a head- said: "Indications are white
quarters of the Menominee man once again speaks with
tribe. forked tonglie."
Royal Warrington, a society The spokesman. Vernon Belle-
spokesman. said one of the wo- ThorokMsmof.icern n.Bal,
men told him they left because court of ATM's office in St. Paul,
of reports the guard "is nrepar- Min., said Indians were not
ine an armored assault." only concerned a b o u t troop
Simonon a c c i s e d society movements in the area but were
svmnathi7ers of "casting disM not hannv with nrogress of the
nraginq remRrks on the Na- talks. Other ATM snokespersons
tional Gard.',ha-e. said renentedly the affair
"WE HAVE no elan for storm- co-1d last several months.
:n" the abbey," the colonel Simonson said Sturdevant had
said-expressed hone of ending the
The demnonstrition leader in de nntr'tiOn this weekend.
the r-amsion. Mike Stirdevant, THE AT, XTAN Brothers of
is still the chief snnkP man for iChi'a'n. whi-h "eased using the
the Indian demonstrators, Sim-! Pfste a pna ritiate seven years
onson said. ako. saidoriainalr it would
"I don't think Mike needs lease the property for $750,000.
'... ..y "::i)".,.FF.::":..N:::'" ij:T::TI:::Na i:'{ : m ::: ,}}",:.


For further details-contact

1 May26 June 19 March26
2 June 11 July 3 ApriI7
3 June16 July24 April12
4 June 30 July 31 April 27
5 July 21 Sept.4 May 17
6 July 28 Aug.28 May 24
7 Aug.11 Sept.2 June 7
* -n - - i
' f .-"' U EAC A's M111 0:
TraBuh-1Charter, , Inc.
1436 Brush Strent. Ow.Roi. MI 48226 hel. 862.1518 i
Send me detailed Information. .
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JAN. 19
Undergraduate Brunch
11:00 A.M.

3 {
1 ,

.f._. ....... }s. ah:+pv:g}.
Sunday, January 19 ham. 2 pm.
Day Calendar Senate Assembly Meeting: Rack-
TV Ctr.: Art Show: Robert Reed ham Amnh., 3:15 pm.
& Phyllis Mark, WWJ TV, chani~el High Energv Seminar: 0. Over-
4. seth, "Experiments in a Neutral
WUOM: Dimensions of Religious Hyperon Beam at Cern," 4 pm.
Experience - Oundella, member of Appl. Mech.; Eng. Set.; Mech.
AA coven, "A Witch's View of Eng.: J. Mikielewicz. Polish Aead. of
witchcraft," 12:25 pm. Sciences. "Breakdown of a Shear-
IM Sports: Family recreation, Driven Liquid Film," 229 W. Eng.,
State, Hoover, 1:30-5:30 pm. 4 pm.
Planetarium: Audience - request- UM - Dearborn: Matt Michaels
ed topics, Exhibit Museum, 2, 3 pm. Jazz Ensemble, Sisson Rm., Fair
Musical Society: Mstislav Rostro- Lane Ctr., 8 pm.
povich, cellist, Hill Aud.; 2:30 pm. PTP: Stoppard's The Real In-
Music School: Linda Postle, clari- spector Hound, Arena Theatre,
net, Recital Hall, 2:30 pm; Eva Frieze Bldg., 8 pm.
Jessye Birthday Observance, Cady UAC Future Worlds: Gene Rod-
Music Rm., 3 pm; French Horn enberry, "Inside Science Fiction,
Student Recital, Cady Music Rm., Outside this World," Hill Aud.,
8 pm. 8 pm.
PTP: "Oh, Coward," Power, 3 pm; Summer Placement
Stoppard's The Real Inspector 3200 SAB, -763-4117
Hound, Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg., Grand Canyon Nat. Park Lodges.
8 pm. Will interview Fri., Jan. 24 from
Monday, January 20 9 to 5. openings include waiters/ess,
WUOM: Interview, "Sport & So- bus drivers, mechanics, security,
ciety," with Dr. Brian Fahey, U. of maids, clerks, etc. Register by
New Mexico, conducted by Jow phone or in person.
Mianowany, WBFO, Buffalo, 10:10
am. . .
SACUA Meeting: W. Alcove, Rack- THE MICHIGAN DAILY
i~ ~~ Nnnm t.VVte 1


DELI--5:30-7:30 p.m. .
corned beef-cole slow-one coke
1429 HILL--663..3336

yIfyou're a womanwhat you're,
about to read could save your life.
Once a month, just once a month,
while you,'re taking a shower, :
before you dry or spray or powder
or do any of those little things{


- - - - - -- - - - - -

Kosher Meat Co-op
Pick up & ordering
TIME: 2 p.m.
Sun, Jan. 19
1429 HILL ST.

volume LXXV, No. 9
Sunday, January 19, 1975
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a i I y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
$11 local mail (Michigan-and Ohio):
$12 non-local mail (other state$ and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local mail
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).

to pamper yourself, y
do something to take care of yoursel
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' t '






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