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April 20, 1975 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-20

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Sunday, April 20, 1975


Page Eleven, I


In a contest only an insomniac
could appreciate, the Blue team
ripped the White 17-3 in the
Wolverines' annual spring foot.
ball game at Michigan Stadium
An estimated crowd of 5300
showed up to watch the two
squads put on a defensive show.
Only once did either team man-
age to string a drive together
of more than 35 yards. The
game featured a mere ten first
downs. The Blues managed
eight, while the White team only
collected two.
The Blue team dominated
the game, collecting 199 yards
total offense, while holding
the White to a mere 66 yards.
The White team's longest play
from scrimmage was Joe Hol-
land's nine-yard run early in
the first quarter.
The game reflected the way
spring practice progressed.
"I thought our offense was not
good, but most of the time we
didn't have (Rob) Lytle or
(Gordon) Bell," said coach Bo
Schembechler referring to the
4 J20Opractice sessions.
"Our defense definitely look-
KEN FINK ed good," he continued. "Either
from yes- the offense is making the de-
an honors fense look good, or the defense
d players is making the offense look bad."
expected. Bell suffers from a pulled
t i i
twin bi


1 pressive

hamstring muscle, and Lytle in-
jured his toe.
Dom Tedesco picked up a {
blocked punt, and returned itl
to the Blue 19-yard line, to set
up the first score, a 30-yard
field goal by Bob Wood, for the
White team, early in the second
The Blue team handed the
ball back to the Whites, after
Kevin King came up short of
the first down on a fake punt.
However, the Blues forced the
White team into a punting
situation, and Jim Bolden
raced back Kurt Kampe's kick
53 yards to the 37 yard line.
Jerry Collins made the saving
tackle on Bolden's runback.
Once again the Blue squad
failed to move the ball, and
punted to the White unit. Re-
serve White quarterback Rob4
Carian gained three yards on
two runs, and on third down
his only pass of the day was
intercepted. Jerry Zuver stepped
in front of the intended receiver
at the 34-yard stripe, picked off
the aerial, and sprinted to the
Three plays later, Blue quar-
terback Mark Elzinga knifed
his way into the end zone, to
make the score 6-3. Steve
Knickerbocker added the extra
point, to give the Blue a 7-3
halftime edge.

Following a halftime rain: terback Jon Ceddia failed to con-
shower that sent most of the nect on all six of his passes.
crowd scurrying home, Elzinga The Blue defense, led by
engineered the only sustained middle guard Rick Koschalk,
drive of the game. The Bay City completely strangled the White
signal caller moved the Blues attack. The White defense spear-
70 yards in twelve plays for headed by the outstanding play
another touchdown. Elzinga hit of Calvin O'Neal, Dan Jilek and
two key passes to keep the drive John Hennessey also performed
rolling. magnificently.
With a third and three situa- Richardson, King and Jeff
tion on his own 37-yard line, Golombisky, all playing for the
Elzinga found his tight end Blue team, took rushing hon-.
Dave Harding open for a ors, gaining 46, 42 and 34
twelve yard gain. Three plays yards respectively. Holland
later Elzinga ducked an on- and Scott Corbin led the
coming rusher, rolled to his White rushers with 26 and 20
right and drilled a pass to yards, respectively.
Curt Stephenson for a 16-yard Several players were in new,
gain to the 35. positions, including Smith, mov-
A handoff to Dennis Richard- ed from split end to wingback,
sdn netted 12 yards, the longest and linebackers Jerry Vogele
run from scrimmage in the
game, to place the ball at the
King picked up 18 of the last j

and Rex Mackall.
"In all phases except block-
ing, he (Smith) is very good,"
Schembechler said. "I don't
know yet about his capabilities
as a blocker.
"He's an outstanding receiv-
er," Schembechler added, "but
he will run the ball."
Smith gained 5 yards on four
white 0 3 0 0-3
Blue 0 7 7 3-17
w-Wood 30-yard field goal
B-Elzinga 4 run (Knickerbocker
B-King 3 run (Knickerbocker

T '

Knickerbocker 32-yard field
Attendance 5300

23 yards, carrying thrice. The
bruising fullback blasted in for
the touchdown from three yards
out. Knickerbocker followed
with the conversion, and the
Blues led 14-3.
The game's final score came
on a 32 yard field goal by
Knickerbocker, set up by a 19-
yard Elzinga to Jim Smith pass.
Elzinga hit on four of 15 pass-
ing attempts for 64 yards, while
the White team's starting quar-


1 onay in imports

I ~-
WOLVERINE WOLFHAN Don Dufek draws a bead on ft
terday's Spring game. Dufek, who will be a se nior and
in the Fall, was a leading defender on the Wh ite team
were split into two even teams by the coache s but the
71 / 1 1. ...,. tr

Daily Photo by k
ullback Kevin King in actionf
a candidate for All-America
which lost 17-3. The uninjure
e Blues proved tougher than




By TOM CAMERON Ted Mahan rocketed a throw
down to, second base where
The hitting and fielding that shortstop Jim Berra put the tag
the Michigan baseball team dis- on to get Rogers out of the
played in the first game yester- inning.
day disappeared in the second In the third, again with two
game as the Wolverines split on but only one out, Mahan pick-
a double header with Minnesota. ed off Minnesota's runner on
Michigan's Chuck Rogers shut first.
out last year's co-champs of Michigan swung the bat with
the Big Ten in the first game, authoritiy as they pounded out
3-0, but six errors iin the second seven hits; four for extra bases.
let five runs cross the plate and The first run came in the
the Wolverines dropped the fourth when rightfielder Pete
nightcap, 5-3. Ross lead off with a triple. With
In a windy and cold first one out, Berra tried to squeeze
game, Rogers scattered six hits him home, but missed the pitch.
while walking none. The big Ross made it back to third
righthander dominated most of though, as the Gopher short-
the game, but was helped in stop failed to cover for the
the clutch by some sharp de-' charging third baseman.
fense that disappeared for pit- Berra hit the next pitch served
cher Craig Forhan in the second to him and put it into the right
game. field alley, scoring Ross and
putting himself at second.
IN THE second inning, with In the fifth inning, Randy
two Gophers on base, catcher Hackney defied the wind in his

face and propelled the ball over
the left field fence.
MICHIGAN added the final!
marker in the sixth inning as
Ross lead off with a walk and
third - baseman Jeff James
doubled him home.
The Michigan bats turned cold
and the defense got sloppy in
the delayed nightcap.
A hail storm postponed the
game right after Forhan's first
pitch, and the defense became
as sloppy as the field as the
Wolverines were guilty of six
errors and allowing the five
runs to cross the plate.
"On a day like today, you
just can't give away runs," ad-
monished coach Moby Bennedict
after the game. "It's too hard
to get them back."
The second game remained
scoreless throughout the first
four innings. Minnesota's Dan
Morgan held Michigan without

any hits throughout the first six
innings. The sidearm thrower
did walk six batters though, and
was replaced in the seventh af-
ter giving up his only hit and
two walks.
MINNESOTA scored three un-t
earned runs in the fifth on two
Michigan errors by Berra and
James and two Gopher singles.
In the bottom half of the fifth
Michigan threatened with bases
loaded on three walks, but did
not have the hitting to move any
Minnesota added two more in
the sixth, when Molitor and
Shimek both singled. Shimek's
single brought Benedict to the
mound, closely followed by
Mark Weber from the bull pen
who got two quick outs-a pop
out to the c qtcher and a strike
Weber then got Bob Bolf to.!
hit what should have been an
inning ending grounder to Ber-
ra, but the freshman shortstop
threw it just out of Ross' reach
at first and two more Gophers
scampered across the plate.
Michigan made it close at the
end of the game. Jacob Haslerig
broke up Morgan's no hitter with
a single to the Minnesota right-
fielder who slipped going after
the ball. After Ross sent a line
shot back at the pitcher, Mor-;
gan walked the next two.
This brought in reliever Ken.
Herbst to face Bob Wasilewski
with the bases loaded. Wasilew-
ski cleared the bases with a.
double down the third base line.
Michigan couldn't keep the rally
going and dropped a 5-3 de-


Rockets blast Boston;

Blue beats Whie.**
.. , can Michigan win?
The football team had not quite made it all the way back
to the locker room for its halftime meeting when it began to rain.
Mr. Canham's rug as well as several thousand presumably
incurable football addicts were instantly drenched in an unex-
pected downpour which even changed to hail in the latter half
of its ten minute duration.
Though thehsun poked through before the halftime ended,
the fans, who had retreted in disorder to the exits, were not
quite convinced by the display; and many would not come out
from under cover until the second half began.
The observers reaction to the weather was not unlike
their reaction to the performances of Michigan's quarter-
backs in yesterday's strictly uncalled-for event.
For the greater part of the afternoon, all present were sub-
jected to the most consistently erratic quarterbacking on a
Michigan team since before even Ph.D. candidates can remem-
Mark Elzinga and Jon Ceddia, quarterbacks of the Blue
and White teams respectively, were convincing in two respects:
neither of them is without talent and neither of them can pos-
sibly lead Michigan to a Big Ten title without considerable im-
Whether they improve is a moot question. They will. Both
are playing hurt and both can only improve with experience but,
there is still the nagging suspicion that they just will not do.
Bo Schembechler will not say as much explicitly but he cannot
avoid revealing that he is unsure himself over what he will do
for a quarterback.
Bo did not recruit five high school quarterbacks over the
winter because he thought he could use more depth or because
he couldn't think of anyone esle to give the tenders to; he
frankly admits as much.
"I have an open mind on the quarterback situation," claims
Schembechler, "and I won't decide on anything for certain until
I see the freshmen in the fall. I'm not saying I'll start a fresh-
man, I just haven't decided on anything."
His exterior is cool but, like the worried residents of Mere-
dith Willson's River City, Bo Schembechler knows he's got
trouble with a capital T. Not only does his offense need a quar-
terback, there are times when one suspects that, even if Michi-
gan did have a quarterback, they would not have an offense.
Jim Smith is better than Gil Chapman at wingback, his new
position, and the not-so-look-alike pair of Bell and Lytle will still
be two of the Big Ten's best five tailbacks. But some other posi-
tions are not entirely sound.
To pass any sort of judgement on the offensive line
would be premature since several of the prospective starters
have been injured. Nevertheless the front line was not touted
as the strength of the Michigan offense last season and this
year's Spring practice has not revealed any excuse for re-
vising previous estimates.
As it stands now the line will consist of Jim Czirr at center,
veterans Kirk Lewis and Steve King at one guard and tackle
respectively, while the other guard will probably be the injured
Mark Donahue and the remaining tackle could be either Bill
Dufek or Jim Hall. (The preceding list is subject to change
without notice.) What these linemen are capable of will not be
clear till sometime after August 20th, the earliest legal date for
the opening of Fall practice.
The tight end position is uncertain. The fullback spot may
be occupied by hot-shot-recruit Russell Davis who must have
run for a million yards somewhere in Virginia last year.
Indeed, yesterday's best fullback may have been the un-
tendered freshman Jeff Golombisky who seemed to carry
the ball on every play in the closing minutes. All the other
Michigan fullbacks have been hurt during the Spring so there
is reason to hope that they might run over more people in the
As if this were not enough the Wolverines must face the
toughest schedule in years next season. The unforgiving Wiscon-
sin Badgers are openly planning to ruin Michigan's perfect season
in the first game. Michigan is a team that Badger fans love to
hate and another 'fluke' win by the Wolverines would be un-
thinkable to the screaming multitudes within Camp Randall
If Woody's Legions, which must replace fourteen of last

By The Associated Press
HOUSTON - The underdog
Houston Rockets slowed down.
Boston's fast break and got 281
points from Rudy Tomjanovich
to beat the Celtics 117-102 yes-3
terday in the third game ofI
their National Basketball Asso-
ciation playoffs.I
Boston leads the best-of-seven
Eastern Conference semifinal
series 2-1. The fourth game will
be played here Tuesday night.1
After Houston battled to a
52-48 lead at halftime, the
Rockets' C a l v i n MurphyI
scored nine points in the first

the early stages of the game,
pulled to within four points on
two baskets by Jo 'Jo White
midway through the fourthI
3 The Rockets, frustrated by
the Celtics in two previous
playoff losses, withstood the
pressure and built the lead
back up to 93-83 on a lay-in
by Mike Newlin with 5:27 left
in the game.
Celtics center Dave Cowens
was handicapped by foul trou-
ble. He drew his fifth personal
with 1:09 left in the third quar-1
ter, then fouled out just 24
seconds into the final period.

over the Golden State Warriors
yesterday in the National Bas-
ketball Association playoffs.
The victory evened the best-
of-seven Western Conference
semifinal series at 2-2. The
two teams play again Tuesday
night in Oakland.
Seattle's rookie forward Tal-
vin Skinner combined with vet-
eran Spencer Haywood to hold
Rick Barry to only six first-half
points. Barry, who had aver-
aged more than 34 points a
game in the previous three
games of the playoffs, finished
with 11. He hit only three of 14
from the field before fouling

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
to throw

Elzinga looks

- . -most likely to Jim Smith, the Wolverines best receiver.
Elzinga completed only four of fifteen pass attempts but
nevertheless overshadowed his counterpart, John Ceddia,
who missed on all six of his attempts in the Spring game.

Blue netters down Wisconsin;
team effort sweeps Badgers

three minutes of the third '.* * oilt with 5:40 to go in the game.I
quarter to help keep Boston's Golden State's Jeff Mullins
well-oiled fast break at bay. Sonics surge hit three quick baskets to givet
Boston called a time out to re- SEATTLE - Seattle g u a r d the Warriors a 34-30 lead earlyI
group, but when play resumed Fred Brown popped in 17 sec-
the Rockets got two straight ond-quarter points and 37 for Brown went to work, scoring 17
fast-break baskets by Tomjano- the game, as the SuperSonics of Seattle's next 19 points.
vich for a 66-54 lead. combined that surge with tight At the same time, the Sonicl
Boston, which never led after defense to score a 111-94 victory defense limited the Warriors
to rebound baskets by Cliffordc
F Ray and Derrek Dickey andi
two y r es r e free throws each for Ray
yers sweepseries; nd Barry to move to a 49-42
lead. l
"M " O The Sonics led by 11, 53-42,t
after Havwood sank two free
nws ethrows with 1:34 left in the half.
STom Burleson tallied 12 points1
By The Associated Press in the third quarter while War-1
riors' Coach Al Attles went toI
TORONTO-Andre Dupont scored 1:45 into the overtime the bench for some scoring
period to give the Philadelphia Flyers a 4-3 victory over Toronto,! punch, but Seattle retained itst
eliminating the Maple Leafs from the National Hockey League momentum and eventually built
playoffs. a 17-point lead at 81-64 with 1:13
The Flyers, defending Stanley Cup champions, captured to go in the quarter.

Michigan's "T h r e e Muske-
teers" - Victor Amaya, Eric
Friedler and Fred DeJesus -
swamped Wisconsin's first three
singles players, losing only six
games in six sets, to lead the
Michigan tennis team to a 9-0
win over the Badgers yester-
day at the Multi-Sports Build-
The match, scheduled to be
outside at the Varsity Courts,
had to be moved indoors due to
the high winds that swept Ann
Arbor yesterday.
"In a competitive sense you
like to be indoors," said Fried-
ler, "because we're used to it.
But the NCAA's are outside,
and we have to get outside soon
to prepare."
Friedler, at second singles,
was the first of the three jun-
iors to finish, disposing of


Wisconsin's Phil Kadesch 6-0,
6-2. But the day's most spec-i
tacular match came whenl
Amaya and DeJesus teamed
at first doubles to destroyl
Wisconsin's duo, 6-0, 6-0. 1
"Victor was just superb to-;
day," beamed Michigan coach
Brian Eisner. "He just con-
fused (Mike) Wilson in their,
singles match, and in that dou-
bles-do you know what it's
like to beat a team of that char-j
acter 6-0, 6-0?
"I think it's fair to say that
Freddie and Victor are the pre-
mier doubles team in college
t e n n i s," continued Eisner.
"They won the national indoors
title, and today they were just
dynamic-and explosive."
Michigan's other singles play-I
ers-Captain Jerry Karzan, Jeff
Miller and Buddy Gallagher-
also had fine days, winning1
their matches in straight sets.
There was only one close
match on this fine day for
the Blue. Jeff Miller and Jim
Holman, an infrequently used
combination, were extended to
7-5, 7-6 by Wisconsin's Pete
Cooper and Eric Collen.
Even that could be explained
away, though.
"What we're trying to do at'

and the slower the surface, the
more shots that are going to
be played.
"When that happens it's a lot
harder for upsets to happen-
the better players do better. A
guy just can't have a hot day
serving and win. You need a
top all around game to do well
indoors here."
Wisconsin c o a c h Dennis
Schacter was philosophical
abort the match. "You know
you're going to get clobbered
when you come in to Mich-
igan," said Schacter. "You
look to win a match here, a
set there. They've got a ma-
tire nroeram, and the rest of
the Big Ten is inst now start-
ing to catch up."
The Wolverines, who in five
tearn cornnetitions this year
have won 35 individu-9l matches
and lost one, entertain Kala-
rnao this Tuesday at 2:30.
.i 4 too good
First Singles - Victor Amaya (M)
def. Mike Wilson (W), 6-o, 6-1.
Second Singles - Eric Friedler
(M) def. Phil Kadesch (W), 6-0, 6-2.
Third Snigles-Fred DeJesus (M)
def. Mike Barr (W), 6-1, 6-2.
Fourth Singles - Jerry Karzen
(M) def. Marty Goldin (W), 6-4, 6-2.

the quarter-final series four games to none.
Toronto's Ron Ellis picked up his second goal of the night at
13:23 of the third period to send it into overtime. Dupont's
winning goal came on the only shot of the overtime period. The
defenseman 'took a pass from Dave Shultz and beat Toronto
goalie Gord McRae from 15 feet.
Canadiens crush Canuchs



Detroit 8, New York 3
Milwaukee 3, Cleveland 0
Baltimore at Boston, ppd., rain
California 6. Chicago 5
Oakland 4, Minnesota I
Kansas City 5.Texas 2

Philadelphia 4, Toronto 3, O.T.
(sweep series 4-0)
Montreal 4, Vancouver 0
(Lead series 3-1)


year's starters, cannot revenge themselves on the improved
Spartans on the same day in East Lansing the Big Ten could
degenerate into a Wisconsin-MSU race very quickly. To pre-
clude this revoltin' development (which would lower the price
of OSU-Michigan tickets), the Wolverines will have to lean on
their defense throughout the season.

Here, at least, there is good news. Michigan's defensive

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