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April 20, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-20

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See Inside

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:43 ii

See Today for details

Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 161

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 20, 1975

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


This is it, the last Daily until May 7 when the
Summer Daily makes its debut. It's been fun, but
with the cold reality of finals upon us Daily staffers
must now dust off their unopened textbooks and
head for the library.
Numbers game
Ronald Rossi, who had his motorcycle stolen
a few months ago, was lucky enough to stumble
on to it on campus the other day. He checked
the engine number, recognized it, and called the
police. They arrived just as the cycle's new own-
er was about to zip off on the machine. A discus-
sion followed, after which the cops let the guy
go with the cycle - an action they now alledgedly
apologize for as a "screw-up, a goof." Apparently
Rossi should have checked out the machine's
frame number as well as its engine number, since
motorcycles are registered under the former -
and for his mistake, he is now "numbered" among
the wheel-less.
Yesterday we mistakenly reported that the
Frame-up, Film Festival was showing it's last film
last night. The truth is that the film "Attica,"
wil be shown Monday night at 7:30 in Aud. D, An-
gell Hall.
Henry continued
With less than two weeks to go before the Uni-
versity's commencement exercises, Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger has still not confirmed his
"tentative" acceptance to speak here. Richard
Kennedy, Secretary of the University and Vice-
President for State Relations, confirmed yesterday
thatthe delay is "on the Washington end of things,"
but could not explain the reasons behind the hold-
up. A formal acceptance or rejection should have
come by now, according to a Department of
State spokesperson in Washington. The spokes-
person said yesterday that the good Doctor pro-
bably knows about the protest surrounding his
visit, which now centers around a "disinvitation"
drive and a "counter-commencement" at Crisler
Happenings .. .
. . .here goes for the whole week . .. today,
a new- non-profit woman's bookstore celebrates
its opening with an open house from 1-5 p.m.
at 225 E. Liberty . . . and the Spiritual Com-
munity of the Sun presents a Gospel Jamboree
at 1:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Chapel, 331 E. Thomp-
son St., admission one can of food to "save the
starving children" . . . tomorrow's events include
the Inmate Project's presentation of "Sambizan-
ga" in Aud. C, Angell Hall, at 7:30 p.m. . . . the
Friends Meeting House presents Tyasi-Ji, a "cos-
mic transmitter" at 7 p.m. at 1416 Hill St. . . .
at 7:30 p.m. there's a forum on the struggle in
Indochina sponsored by the Spartacus Youth
League, in Anderson Room D at the Michigan Un-
ion . . . and the 'U' Square Dance Club has a
meeting at 8 p.m. in Barbour Gym for those who
have been attending . . . Tuesday features the
annual Hopwood Lecture, this time by Pauline
Kael, at 4 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall . . .
creative writing awards in drama, essay, and fic-
tion will be given out . . . and, of course, cele-
brate the last day of classes at a Madison St.
Party from 3 p.m. to midnight between S. Quad and
W. Quad, with three rock groups, "Gabriel,"
"Tribe," and "Bullets" performing absolutely free
. . . and there's another block party on North Uni-
versity beginning at 7 p.m. . . . then on Wednes-
day from 2-5 p.m. there will be a program for
foreign student travel in the U.S., Canada and
Mexico, at the International Center, 603 E. Mad-
ison . . . at noon there's a lecture on "Medical
Malpractice in Michigan" in the W. Lecture Hall
of the Med. Sci. II Building . . . and the Coalition
to Confront Kissinger has a mass meeting at 7:30)

p.m. on the 4th floor of the Michigan Union, every-
one welcome . . . on Thursday the Ann Arbor
Democratic Party will hold its annual meeting
for the election of officers at the Ann Arbor Public
Library at 8 p.m. for all interested citizens . .
East Wind sponsors an Asian American Dinner
and two movies in a freebie package, at 6:30 p.m.
in South Quad's Afro Lounge . . . and after com-
mencement on May 3, there will be a $5-a-head
reception at 2307 Hill St. for Julian Bond and
Perry Bullard, proceeds split between the two
election campaign funds . . . see you in a while!
On the inside.. .
. . the Sunday Magazine features Daily Spec-
ial Projects Editor Barb Cornell writing on her
recent skydiving experience . . . and Sports has
Ray O'Hara and Rich Lerner on the spring foot-
ball game.

Before getting out of bed to make her 11 o'cloc
chemistry lecture, Karen, a University pre-me
student, reached for her bottle of heroin an
snorted up a tiny spoonful. That relieved th
sickness she felt as a result of not having don
any junk all night.
After lying in bed for a few minutes, sh
washed, got dressed, and then thought about eat
ing some breakfast. She felt she couldn't stomaci
anything. So she grabbed her notebooks a
rushed off to class.
MOST DAYS Karen had it together enough i
class to take notes. This time, though, she wa
particularly high, so she went into a nod fora
short time. She managed to catch about half th
During the ten minutes before her 12 o'clock
class, and again before her one o'clock, she duck
ed into a bathroom and tooted up some stuff in a
U.S. set to,
evacuate ?
Saigon a
By AP and Reuter
aircraft carriers put to sea in
the Western Pacific yesterday
for possible use in the evacu-
ation of Americans from South
U. S. officials reported,
meanwhile, that the American
presence in that embattled
country was dropping toward
the 3,000 mark with about 500
civilians flown out in the past
two days. According to pre-
vious State Department esti-
mates, there were about 6,000
Americans in South Vietnam
when the evacuations began.
THE PENTAGON .said the
carriers Midway and Okinawa
sailed out of Subic Bay in the
Philipnines and the Hancock
from Singapore. Two other car-
riers, the Enterprise and the MEMBE
Coral Sea, are also in the west- against t
ern Pacific. Donald's
Earlier, helicopters capable
of carrying 35 persons each
were loaded on to the Hancock -
at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and P
the carrier is believed capable
of easily rescuing 1,000 Ameri-
cans, if necessary.
President Ford has ordered Paul Rev
a reduction of civilians in South Commem
Vietnam to those "who have a battle ofI
position of responsibility, a about 50 n
meaningful job." The current of revoluti
evacuation by air transport is in effigy a
being conducted as quietly as new outlet
possible in order to avoid panic THE DE
among government forces hold- People's I
ing out against North Vietna- signed to c
mese invaders. trol of the
IN SOUTH Vietnam, the gov- Ronald M
ernment lost its last stronghold Wyborski,
on the central coast and with-
drew its strike planes from Bien
Hoa Airbase, the last major
base before Saigon itself. SEX BI.
The aerial pullback came af-
ter the port of Phan Thiet, 100
miles east of the capital, fell to
a swift Communist - led tank Z o4s
and infantry assault.
U. S. Secretary of State Hen- ByCHE]
ry Kissinger said in an inter- al me
view that Washington would not Several o
force President Nguyen Van charged that
Thieu to resign to permit a po- led to a rec
litical settlement in South Viet- decision not
nam. decision not
researcher fo

IN CAMBODIA, a clandestine position in th
radio station purporting to rep- Some facul
resent the Khmer Rouge, broad- grad students
cast a report that several cap- edge of the se
tured leaders of the ousted Lon lieve the der
Nol regime had been executed. tive committe

When Karen returned to her apartment after
k her classes, she lay on the couch reading her
d homework assignments, doing some dope every
d hour. She ate some dinner, and then plopped her-
e self down in front of the television set and con-
e tinued snorting heroin hourly, increasing her
dosage from the afternoon. Some time after mid-
e night she lay down on her bed and fell asleep
- quickly.
d KAREN - NOT her real name - was a stu-
dent at the University during the past Fall term.
A native of suburban Detroit, she started the
n present semester in school, but quit after a short
s time. Now, she's living in Ann Arbor, looking for
a a job, and participating in a methadone mainte-
e nance program at the local heroin help center
Octagon House. She plans to go back to school
k in September or January.
- Sitting in a comfortable chair at the Octagon
House office, Karen lit a cigarette and toyed with
the strap of her leather handbag. "I didn't have



many friends in Ann Arbor when I was in
school," she said. "I still don't. I have a few, but
they're all pretty straight - well, not really
straight, but they don't do heroin.
"Most of my friends live in Brighton or South-
field. I used to drive out to see them all the time
when I was in school here, and I still do. They
all use heroin.
"I shoot up whenever I see them," she con-
tinued. "I can't hit myself up-I have to have
somebody else do it for me. So they do it."
semester wouldn't have known that she was a
junk user. Among pre-med students, the long
hours spent in labs and the late nights spent
solving calculus problems send enough poor souls
to sleep during lectures that an occasional heroin
nod in a class of 300 would go unnoticed.
And Karen doesn't appear seedy, ruthless or
desperate. She looks just slightly more elegant
than your average student, wearing a long knit

S Stor
sweater, sparkly socks, and a crisp new pair of
bellbottomed baggies.
Karen is one of an extremely small number
of students at the University who use heroin.
That drug is generally regarded with dread on
campus, even among students who use all kinds
of other drugs.
AND ALL kinds of other drugs are a regular
part of the lives of large numbers of students. A
stroll through the corridors of any dormitory,
at any time of the night or day, is usually
punctuated by the smell of marijuana.
If you know who to ask, and many students do,
you can buy any of a variety of types of LSD.
Cocaine is rarer than pot or acid, but every
so often words gets around a dormitory or a
circle of friends that a quantity of coke has
been bought by some local enterpreneur and is
available at about $70 a gram.
See HEROIN, Page 2

Ernst htas
Carol Ernst, the unsuccessful Human Rights Party
(HRP) candidate for mayor, was charged yesterday by a
former Republican City Councilman with failing to live
within Ann Arbor city limits during her campaign.
Anh Arbor police are presently investigating the alle-
gations made by John McCormick and are checking into
possible criminal violations of city and state election
law. Ernst could be formally charged and prosecuted for
election fraud if the allegations can be substantiated.

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
RS OF THE People's Bicentennial Commission stage a colorful protest yesterday
he McDonald's restaurant on Maynard St. Currently under construction, the Mc-
has been the subject of citizens protests for more than a year.
rotes to rs slam Big Mac

BUT THE larger implications
servers, are that city Republicans
candidacy invalidated therefore
votes which enabled Democrat
Albert Wheeler to beat Republi-
can incumbent James Stephen-
son by 121 votes.
Ernst claims to have moved
to Ann Arbor some two years
ago from Adrian, Michigan,
about 40 miles south of here.
She moved to an apartment on
Main Street but also rented an-
other house, this one on Maple
Street in Scio Township.
During her campaign and on
her literature, however, Ernst
claimed to have lived in Ann
Arbor for seven years. Records
show that she didn't register to
vote in the city until December
18, or just seven days before she
filed for the mayor's race. She
listed the Main Street address
as her official residence on
both the voter registration form
and the mayoral petitions.
BUT "because it wasn't a
liveable place," Ernst spent
most of her time in Ann Arbor,
she said. She continued, how-
ever, to pay rent for both resi-
But according to HRP activist
and unsuccessful City Council
candidate D a v i d Goodman,
See ERNST, Page 6

vere would have been pleased.
norating the 200th anniversary of the
Lexington and Concord yesterday,
modern colonials fanned the flames
on by hanging Ronald McDonald
at the! site of the fast food chain's
on Maynard St.
MONSTRATION, sponsored by the
Bicentennial Commission was de-
all attention "to the corporate con-
American food industry, of which
cDonald is a symbol," said Sue
a member of the group.

Complete with makeshift colonial attire, and
a flutist striking up a spirited if not on-key
version of "Yankee Doodle Dandy," the dem-
onstrators unfurled a banner emblazoned with
a rattlesnake warning, "Don't tread on me."
"We protest the fact that McDonalds is
trying to squeeze out privately owned places
like Betsy Ross and Frank's with their
Wyborski then read a Declaration of Food
monopolistic practices and 'skonk' food," said
Rights and Grievances, which called for "the
right of the American people to the avail-
See PROTEST, Page 2

according to local political ob-
are attempting to have Ernst's
eliminating her second choice
Allen out
as SGC
Student Government Council
President Reddix Allen resigned
late Friday night in a dispute
oyer his decision to impound
funds allocated by the organiza-
He was replaced by SGC
Treasurer Elliot Chikofsky.
A SUIT filed with the Central
Student Judiciary (CSJ) by the
Madison Street Entertainment
Committee and later joined by
SGC charged Allen with negli-
gence because he refused to
authorize the expenditure of
funds approved by Council.
Confusion arose as a hearing
on the suit began Friday night,
when Allen stated he had given
See related story, Page 7
David Faye his resignation and
then Faye denied ever having
received it. Later Faye did pre-
sent CSJ with the formal resig-
Allen is the third SGC presi-
dent to resign within the past
year. He assumed office in Jan-
uary when then-President Carl
Sandburg resigned because he
no longer was a student.
DURING HIS four-month term
Allen presided over seven meet-
ings, but has not appeared at
Council in over six weeks. His
first administrative order was a
freeze on all SGC funds.
CSJ ruled that Chikofsky may
now dispense over $5,000 to var-
ious student groups, which had
See ALLEN, Page 6



staff hits non-hiring move

ambers of the Uni-
y department have
sex discrimination
ent, controversial
to hire a woman
or a non-tenured
e ecology division.
ty members and
who have knowl-
lection process be-
partment's execu-
e ignored Affirma-

tive Action guidelines when it
voted not to offer an assistant
professorship to Ann Hurley af-
ter she had received the recom-
mendation of the search com-
IN ADDITION, a joint facul-
ty/grad student poll ranked
Hurley number one over five
other candidates-all of whom
were male.
"She was better than any of
the other candidates. Although

Committee finishes study of
Cobb deanshi controversy
The University's Affirmative Action Committee has completed
its two month investigation of the recent literary college (LSA)
deanship crisis amid some indications that the panel's upcoming
report will revive the so-called "Cobb controversy."
A flurry of protest hit the campus three months ago when
Jewel Cobb, a cell biologist who is currently Connecticut College's
dean, was rejected for the deanship post officially because of the
zoology department's refusal to grant her tenure. Concerned high

she couldn't top them in the
number of publications, she
gave the best seminar and had
many other qualifications," said
a faculty member who wished
to remain anonymous. "I think
that the zoology department dis-
criminates against women on
subtle levels - nothing overt,
nothing you can pin them down
on. I just think 'they (executive
committee members) judged
her by their sexist, male cri-
Carl Gans, chairman of the
executive committee and head
of the department was in Eng-
land, and therefore unavailable
for comment.
HOWEVER, Bill Dawson, the
assistant chairman, completely
denied the charges and asserted
that the department had made
a aood faith effort to seek out
and interview women for the
poi t ion .
"I am very aware there is a
controversy," he commented.
"But I believe that if one wishes
to dig in, one would find that
we made every attempt to ad-

"SHE WAS definitely the most
qualified and I believe she
would have been a great teach-
er, but if we want to maintain'
our national reputation, we have
to get someone that publishes
alot," asserted one department
member close to the search
committee. "What it boils down
to, is that it doesn't matter if
she can teach-only publishing
matters in a place like this."
See NON-HIRING, Page 6

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