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April 19, 1975 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-19

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~I1LA £14an Dail#
Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Runaways: Caught in court'

Saturday, April 19, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
Yes on day care proposal

election ballot will be a proposal
that, if passed, will go a long way
toward relieving the economic woes
of the Campus Day Care Center lo-
cated in the School of Education.
Staffed by volunteers, the center
operates on a nonprofit basis and
services the children of students as
well as faculty and community mem-
bers. The proposal would allocate
Boston march
sion of 1954 civil rights organisa-
tions have fought to eliminate sep-
arate and unequal education for mi-
The court order to bus students in
Boston shows that the fight is not
yet over. The bitter racial rioting
which has plagued Boston indicates
that neither equal education or un-
derstanding between the races have
been achieved.
The National Student Coalition
Against Racism (NSCAR) has or-
ganised a massive march on Boston
for May 17. NSCAR hopes that the
march will be as effective as the mass
civil rights marches which won pas-
sage of civil rights legislation in the
early '60'9.
This is a crucial period for the civil
rights movement. It must be resur-
rected or it will die. If it dies, with it
dies the ideal of man's intrinsic lib-
erty and equality.
We support the May 17 march,
and urge you to join it.

$2500 to the center this year and
$1500 for each of the next three years.
While we recognize that the meas-
ure in its present form has certain
limitations, we cannot ignore the
serious lack of adequate day care
facilities on campus and the pressing
need to deal with those inadequacies
before the situation worsens.
The ed school facility operates on
a first-come, first-serve basis, with
its clients charged on a sliding scale
that varies with income.
A previous SGC day care allotment
of $2000 immediately disappeared into
payment of back taxes. But the tax
situation has been straightened out,
and any new funding would be put
directly into improving present fa-
cilities and services.
THE SGC PROPOSAL is neither the
best solution to the day care prob-
lem nor the most soundly constructed.
Its critics suggest that the money
would be better used in a lobbying
effort to convince the Board of Re-
gents to organize a University day
care service. Some point out that the
three year provision would unfairly
saddle future councils with a former
regime's inflexible commitment and
force them to honor the allocation
even if changing conditions made it
less desirable or necessary.
Their arguments are valid, and
their alternatives attractive. But they
don't justify inaction at this time.
The day care center needs a financial
boost and it needs it now. We feel the
SGC day care ballot proposal is a
legitimate and necessary measure,
and we encourage students to ensure
its passage next week.

RUNAWAY. It conjures up a picture
of a desperate scruffy looking kid
hitchhiking west, south, or any other
direction just to get away from home.
Though hundreds of kids head to the
highway every year, it is generally the
exception rather than the rule to the
runaway situation. Most kids don't go
very far, or leave for very long.
Last year approximately 500 area
youths were reported missing by their
parents or their schools. The majority
of those runaways only for a day or
two, and ended up staying at a friends
home until their parents were worried
enough to be contrite or things had
cooled down on the home front. But
those who don't hole up at a friends'
house or return to the fold after a few
days are handled by the police, the
Washtenaw County Juvenile Court, or a
variety of other community service
organiations in the area, including the
Ann Arbor Community Center and
Ozone House.
WHILE THE community agencies
open its doors and arms to any kid
fed up with their family, the Washte-
naw County Juvenile Court only at-
tends runaways who have broken the
the law. The courts first priority is to
reunite the child with the family.
Legally, parents "own" their child-
ren, and unless it can be proven that a


child is physically or mentally abused
at home, or unless the parents refuse
to take their child back, runaways are
eventually returned home.
However, if the court must deal with
a runaway juvenile, a legal process,
interspersed with aid from social work-
ers, is required.
"WHEN A RUNAWAY is brought to
the attention of the court, they are us-
ually referred to a social worker," ex-
plained Marsha MacMullen, intake
supervisor of the juvenile court. "The
social worker then sends an invitational
letter, called an intake appointment
letter to the parents and the child to
come in and discuss the problem."
This letter is usually sent out for
chronic runaways who have been re-
peatedly picked up by the police. But
if a first time runaway refuses to re-
turn home, the social worker tries to
bring the family together, in a neutral
"But if a youth is detained (by the
court)", MacMullen continued, "T h e
court is required to provide a tempor-
ary hearing within 48 hours. The hear-
ings are usually held by a referee with
the child and the parents, if they'll
come. If not, the court appoints a
"guardian" who also serves as legal
counsel to the runaway."
IF THE YOUTH and the family are

irreconcilable, the court will put the
child into a foster home, a boy's and
girl's farm, or wherever else they put
unwanted minors.
Other local community organizations
are unable to provide legal services to
runaways, but they can help them in
a limited way. There are numerous
such agencies in the area - Child and
Family Service of Washtenaw County,
Washtenaw County Dept. of Social Ser-
vices, Catholic Services of Washtenaw
County - but the one most concerned
with the runaways side of the story
is Ozone House.
Bob Warness of Ozone House sum-
med up the agency's policy concern-
ing runaways. "We try to act as an
advocate for the young person. We
generally try to determine what the
young person wants and we try to help
them do it."
OZONE HOUSE occasionally houses
transient runaways from out of town
and those from the Ann Arbor area,
though Warness was quick to point out
that putting people up is not their
main function. But Warness agrees that
the first responsibility should be to re-
unite the family.
"Generally most young people want
the home situation patched up," he
said. "Sometimes, however, they may
just want to get out of the home, and
when that happens we try and arrange

for them to live somewhere." But con-
sidering the fact that parents have ul-
timate rights over their children, this
is often very difficult.
Ozone's approach is unique in that
they refuse to call a runaways par-
ents without their permission.
BUT DESPITE the good services
they provide, Ozone House is presently
on shaky financial ground. A $40,000
grant from the National Institute of
Mental Health is on the verge of expir-
ing, and most of their hopes rest on
Title 20 of the Social Security Act. This
title provides funds for "Preventing or
remedying neglect, abuse or exploita-
tion of children unable to protect their
own interests; for preserving and re-
uniting families." The State of Michi-
gan is responsible for allocating the
funds, but has not yet done so. The
Michigan Coalition of Runaway Service
Providers, of which Ozone is a mem-
ber, is requesting $366,000 from the
state, and if it is granted, Ozone
House would be permanently well pro-
vided for. But if not, runaways, those
scruffy kids with their thumbs out on
the highway, are more than likely to
be turned into the police station and
eventually, the juvenile court room.
Clifford Brown is a member of the
editorial page staff.



Is rae i


Strong medicine for Dr. K

rael's President Katzir was
violently interrupted, during a
speech, by a coalition of Pales-
tinians and radical supporters.
The Daily reacted in an editor-
ial which preached freedom of
speech under all circumstances.
This week the editorial entitled
"Eye to Eye" related the ob-
servation of "clear and open"
animosity between Arabs and
Israelis on this campus. Th e
editorial asserted that "The an-
swer to who is right and who is
wrong can never be sa'sfac-
torily answered. The only solu-
tion is compromise." From
there it goes on and scolds both
sides for failure to take advant-
age of being in Ann Arbor "to
talk to each other, leaving be-
hind incendiary rhetoric." The
editorial ended by claiming, 'If
both sides succeed in listening
to each other here, one step
will have been made toward
peace in the Mideast."
We share the same principle
of compromise and the possible
contribution of listening to each
other for a solution to the tragic
Mideast confrontation. Yet we
must point out that there are
numerous examples which belie
the characterization of relations
among Arabs and Israelis as
consuming hatred. The impli-
cation that failure to communi-
cate between Israelis and Arabs
in Ann Arbor is because of per-
sonal feelings would be false.
The absence of intellectual de-
bate, as we see it, is because
the Palestinians have an unen-
able position, and they are dim-
ly aware of it.
While we believe that there
are many forces on this campus
which will defend the formal
rights of free speech, we a r a
amazed and concerned about
the "legitimate" deterioration

of the level of the debat3. In
particular, we are concerned
about the prevailing neutral-
symmetric outlook on the issue.
It is very tempting to see sym-
metry, and address hota par-
ties in the same terms. Yet we
shall try to prove that there is
a fundamental asymmetry in
this confrontation.
THERE IS a striking irony in
the fact that the proponents of
the vision of "secular democri-
tic state" resort to obstruction
of free speech and to rheto..c.
Debate is the hallmark of seci-
larism and the essence of demo-
cracy. Being intimately aware
of the painful realities .f rh e
Mideast, we propose what seemns
to us the only possible scenario
for peace and justice: Mutual
recognition of both Palestiman
and Israeli national liberation
movements. We are takig the
onnortunity to start this debate
which, we believe, the pro, on-
ents of imminent fraternity of
secular democratic states should
have initiated. We addreSs our-
selves in particular to the coal'-
tion which interrupted Preside it
The phenomena of d oc
coalitions mustered around gen-
erally accepted symbols is very
familiar. In this particular case
there were two different causes
- radical grouns with revo'u-
tionarv committment on one
hand and forces suonorcin; the
vision of the secular democratic
state on the other. We bclieve
the inadeauate analysis is rsern-
sible for the fact that the radical
vroms aligned themselves wih
the Arab cause.
The real test of movement is
in its action, not its rheo-"i:.
We shall trv to show 'hot be-
vond rhetoric and incidentd =d-
hoc convergence of enmi-, to-
wards the establishment, there

are no grounds for the alignment
of radicals with the Arab cause.
Only on a slogan level analysis
can the complex tragic con-
frontation in the Mideast be
equated with the ready made
analogy of the relatively jimple
imperialistic confrontation in
IN THE coalition which in-
terrupted Katzir, objective"V,
the radicals aligned themselves
with King Faisal of S a u J i
Arabia and Colonel Qu adafti of
Lybia, whose secularism a n d
democracy we are sure, will
never be endorsed by the ruid;-
cal groups on campus. They and
the Sheiks who control the o.l-
lions of petro-dollars are t h e
prime movers of the pdr~cal
movement which for propagan-
da purposes raises the banner of
'secular democratic sta's."
Those basically traditional relig-
ions autocrats, behave like Me-
chiavellians by tolerating the
symbolic rhetoric commitment
to ideas which they don't tot-
erate, as practice, in their own
Our debate has reached such
a low level that some issues
can be treated only as ironies.
We shall discuss here four such
ironies, some of which embody
internal contradictions between
means and goals of the move-
ment which claims to pursue the
nobel vision of secular demo-
cratic state.
Compared with absrract
ideals, Israel is far short of
perfection. Comparing it to its
Arab neighbors, Israel's social
and democratic achievements
have been reached while carry-
ing out the enormous task of
providing shelter for millions of
Jews. A good. proportion of them
escaped from neighboring Arab
states. Israel's priorities were
set in the face of threat of an-
nihilation. Even Israeli radic-Ils

regretfully but unequivocaliy
agree that social revolution
must have second priority.
In spite of this, Israel is by
far the most progressive state
in the Mideast. And there is no
doubt that it is the most secular
democratic state of the region.
To be sure, Quadaffi was re-
volutionary and in some re-
spects even radical, but Lybia
under his leadership moved
centuries back towards a fund-
amentalist Islamic regime. The
life style of women is deter-
mined by the "progressive con-
cepts" of the eighth century.
Museums, churches and movie-
theatres have been transformed
into Mosques. Lebanon is often
referred to as an example of
the envisaged secular demo-
cratic Palestine. Lebanon is a
federation of religious faclions
organized according to pre-in-
dustrial patterns. It is as secu-
lar and democratic state as the
U.S. is socialist.
FAILING to deal with the
realities of human beings there
are those who focus on ab-
stracts, create a monster and
call it Zionism. You rlaim, 'Jew-
ish people, yes, Zionism, nc."
They are Zionists. Arabs and
fellow travellers call them Zion-
ists, racists, imperialists, colon-
ists and what not. Still ;hev
are people. Children, women
and men. What is the proposed
fate of Zionist Jews who corn-
pose well over 95 ner cent of
the Jewish population of Is-
rael? The tactic of tho rmove-
ment for the so called secular
democratic state (A few years
back, less sophisticated and
more sincere, it was called
"Arab Secular Democratic
State.") includes no orograms
for the conversion of bad-guys-
Zionists-racists to the good-guys-
Jewish citizens of thle secular
democratic state.

Perhaps some people justify
"revolutionary terror" as part
of a struggle for a better, hu-
manistic society. However, if
the secular democrazic state
was a realistic vision, rather
than a pie-in-the-sky, one would
expect attempts to demonstrate
the posibility of Arab-Jewish
communication in a democratic
fashion in areas away from the
bloody struggle. Here ir Ann Ar-
bor, thousands of miles away
from the range of the cannons,
human interaction sh vild have
flourished. To da*e, no Israeli
student was ever contacted in
order to open a dialogue. About
a year ago, a Coaiitien for
Democratic Palestine held a
public meeting, at which all the
promises for Jews in the secu-
lar democratic state were laid
out by the Arabs. But when Is-
raeli students asked about the
concrete plans for Zi nist Jews,
the response was the eviction of
all the Zionists from the self-
styled democratic meeting. The
incapacity to face intellectual
challenge in the Mid-West re-
flects the practice of attempts
to eject Zionist Jews from the
Mideast. In any other context,
airing unrealistic slogans by tak-
ing advantage,.of a poorly in-
formed audience is called dema-
2ogy. Is there any reasoi why
the slogan of the secular demo-
cratic state would not be con-
sidered as such?
A second installment of this
statement will appear when
The Daily resumes publica-
tion in the spring. It will pre-
sent the Israeli Student As-
sociation's position on the
legitimacy of a Palestinian
movement vis-a-vis that of the
Avi Sag is president of the
Israeli Student Organisation.

commencement a d d r e s s, we
should demonstrate to make it clear
to him that we do not agree with his
policies. We support the organizing
of demonstrations to protest Kissin-
ger's speech, and hope that the dem-
onstrators enter the auditorium dur-
ing the speech to make their pres-
ence felt as strongly as possible.
We do support having Kissinger as
the commencement speaker. We
should take advantage of the oppor-
tunity to see and hear one of the
most powerful policy-makers in the
country. We do not, however, support
his view that the United States
should be the world's policer.
And we do not support the fact
that Kissinger tends to make his
decisions for the American people
while maintaining a distance from
those people. Without coming in con-
tact with the citizenry, how can he
presume to know what the country
is thinking?
QO WE SHOULD demonstrate to
make sure that Kissinger knows
what's on our minds. We should not
be cordial at commencement, rath-
er, we should be vocal. We should
carry signs informing him of our
disagreement with his f.oreign policy.
And, in the unlikely event that he
entertains questions, we should let
him know by our questions that we
don't support U. S. domination all
over the world.
His speech should not be comnlete-
ly disrupted, because that would ef-
fectively close communication to him
by demonstrators.
It is our responsibility to make
our feelings known to our govern-
ment when the opportunity presents
itself and the issues are important.
Of course, we can't expect the Secre-
tary of State to make broad changes

in his political views on the basis of
a demonstration. But participating in
a protest is akin to casting a vote:
it's a small thing, but it helps.
I idi1.an ail
Editorial Staff
LAURA BERMAN .......Sunday Magazine Editor
DAVID BLOMQUIST ...... ......... Arts Editor
DAN BORUS.........Sunday Magazine Editor
BARBARA CORNELL ... .Special Projects Editor
PAUL HASKINS .............Editorial Director
JOSEPHINE MAROOTTY.........Features Editor
SARA RIMER................Executive Editor
STEPHEN SELBST .. .........City Editor
JEFF SORENSEN............Managing Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Glen Allerhand, Peter Blais-
deli, Dan Blugerman, Clifford Brown, David
Burhenn, Mary Harris, Stephen Hersh,
Debra Hurwitz, Ann Marie Lipinski, Andrea
Lily, Mary Long, Rob Meachum, Alan Resnick,
Jeff Ristine, Steve Ross, Tim Schick, Kate
Speiman, Jim Tobin, David Whiting, Susan
Wilhelm, Margaret Tao.
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
Managing Sports Editor
BILL CRANE...........Associate Sports Editor
JEFF SCHILLER ....... Associate Sports Editor
FRED UPTON ... . ...Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Jon Chavez, Andy Glazer, Al
Hrapsky, Rich Lerner, Jeff Liebster. Ray
O'Hara, Bill Stieg, Michael Wilson
Tom Cameron, Tom Ruranceau, Kathy Hen-
neghan, Ed Lange, Scott Lewis, Dave Wihak
DESK ASSISTANTS: Marybeth Dillon, Marcia
Katz, John Neimeyer
Business Staff
Business Manager
Peter Capian ................Finance Manager
Robert F. Cerra ...........Operations Manager
Beth Friedman..........Sales Manager
David Piontkowsky .......Advertising Manager
DEPA. MGRS. Dan Brinza, Steve LeMire, Rhondi
Moe, Kathy Mulhern, Cassie St. Clair
ASSOC. MGRS. David Harlan, Susan Shultz
ASST. MGRS. Dave Schwartz
STAFF John Benhow, Colby Bennet, Margie De-
Ford, Elaine Douas, James Dykdema, Nine
Edwards, Debbie Gerrish, Amy Hartman,
Joan Helfman, Karl Jenning, Carolyn Koth-





To The Daily:
WE ARE writing to you con-
cerning the Michigan Daily's
coverage of the recent sympos-
ium "Political Crisis in Amer-
ica." In some respects the word
coverage is a misleading
term, for many of the events
surrounding the symposium
were not covered by the Daily
at all.
For example, on Sunday after-
noon, April 13th, a press con-
ference was held during which
Donald Freed, Florynce K e n-
nedy, Victor Marchetti a n d
Doug Porter fielded laestions
from the press. In addition, an
announcement was made to the
effect that a group of students
are "contemplating legal action
to prevent Henry Kissinger from
speaking at this year's c o m-
xnencement exercises." Mark
Lane has agreed to serve as
legal counsel for the students.
This announcement was cover-
ed by Good Morning Michigan,
MFP, and the Ann Arbor Sun,
but although there were two
Daily reporters present in the
room and written press releas-
es were made available, not a

inept. Mr. Lane did not "hint"
that there was a conspiracy.
He claimed it outrigh*. The
evidence he used to support his
claim was barely mentioned in
your article. For instance, in de-
scribing the Zapruder film, the
reporter stated:
He [Lane] capped his preser-
tation with several showings of
the famous Abraham Zapruder
film, an amateur movie nfnich
clearly shows Kennedy as he
was hit in the head by a bullet.
The point of the Zapruder film
was not that Kennedy was hit
in the head by a bullet. We all
know that. The point was that
his head was pushed violently
backward, indicating that at
least one of the bullets came
from the front discrediting the
Warren Report's findings.
WHEN asked about the weak-
ness of the article, one Daily
reporter explained to us that
there is a "watering down" pro-
cess that goes. on in order to
make the news more palatable
to the "average University stu-
dent." We find this attitude un-
acceptable. The Michigan Daily
feels that it should address it-
self to the apathy of most U of
M students and in doing so only
e y . .+- - - - .«.4 -'e..,.

remaining neutral, by not tak-
ing a stand, one does take a
stand. The mediocre coverage of
these events is a clear indica-
tion of where the Daily stands.
-Martin Lee
April 18
To The Daily:
I WAS GLAD to see T h e
Daily commemorate Food Day,
April 17, with an extensive, pen-
etrating, and objective essay on
Ann Arbor's newest bistr, Bur-
ger King. How fitting. How
romantic. How very droll. It's
a Whopper, all righ:!
As a restaurant review, te
piece was most enligvening. I
am now fully aware of this fine
eatery's diversified gourmet of-
ferings. I was simply astounded
to find one could not only obtain
a cheap, filling hamburger, but
also crispy french fries and a
cool, refreshing soft drink at
family prices. Can you imag-
Right here in Ann Arbor, too!
And served in their famous
"Hike the Pickles, Punt 1he
lettuce" style.
TRULY IT IS no wonder that

To The Daily:
FOR FIVE years I've watch-
ed S.G.C.'s antics. I've watched
people fighting, eating lettuce,
playing little political games,
and power-politicing. I've seen
corrupt elections of corrupt
people. SGC has managed not
to lose, but to destroy any cred-
ibility it may have had with me
and, I imagine, with m a n y
others. I used to vote in SGC
elections - I stopped after dis-
covering that the outcome of any
SGC. election had little, if any,
relationship to who was legiti-
mately elected. This election
could be different.
Nanette Winowiecki is a wo-
man engineering student. That
is how I have gotten to know
her. She is a mature, articulate,
involved woman, a dedicated
worker, an efficient and capable
organizer, and her integrity is
above question. She has been
involved in the Engineering
School's Student Chapter of the
Society of Women Engineers
and will be working with me
this Summer and Fall in orien-
tation programs for incoming

dicated, truly representative
student government.
-Ann Stenbeck
Director, Office for
Women, U-M College
of Engineering
April 18
To The Daily:
I WAS appalled to learn about
yet another outrage at the Uni-
versity. After a weekend of
arousing speeches on the CIA
and the state of this country,
which the University refused to
fund, I was severely insalted to
see at 11:00 A.M. Monday, an
armed policeman and a mem-
ber of the University security
attempting to close the free pro-
duction of "The Royal Lichten-
stein Circus". This traveling
group of troubadors were met
by our notorious police who
claimed that the stakes for the
stage were ruining the grass.
What's more, in a severe case
of bungling on the part of SGC,
the procedural forms allowing
the performances to go oz, were
changed without notice to the
performers, thus permitting
another loop-hole with which to
stop the performance. There
were about 500 people on hand

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