I ge Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, April 18, 1975 Univcrsty Theatre )go~rams IT'" ACOMDY IT'" AMUSICAL! IT"-A T°3 T TOPNA-NE5 OWIIRCENT[ ~~TPoI L IcrZO"oRM WED-6UN 44ml * 00 ao o $UNPAYAT~INEE 3fP. ADVANCE TICKET ALE AND INFORAAAION: T"C.KET OFFICE, AAENDELSSOHN LO8Y; PHONE 764-0450. :difference!!! r PREPARE FOR: MC Over 35 years * of experience " and success :j Small classes 0 LSAT - :" SVoluminous home " RE study materials 0 Courses that are " ATGh SM constantly updated " " Tape efor " OCATreviews of class e " " * THOUSANDS HAVE 0 ® RAISED THEIR SCORES " F wmte or cae i (313) 354-0085 " " 21711 W. Ten Mite Rd. " " Southfield, Mi. 48015 o j e " KaN : EDUCATIONAL CENTER * THSANPRSPR HAVE * SPCAISTHE.-IN CORES, 38*. * writes call B M " Brnhsi aorUSCte 'U' receives millions each r from prestigious s lu i By DAVID BELL Although the University may be feeling the uncomfortable pinch of decreased government funds next year, it still has a pot of gold in those wealthy, generous, aiumn- who enjoy kicking in a few thousand to their alma mater each year. The University Presidents Club, which is somewhat of a Hall of Fame for those extrava- gent donors, has been labeled a status symbol, or exclusive gathering place for the wealthy by many. Nonetheless, the club has been undisputingly success- Sful in its endeavors. BOASTING 1,497 members whose total contribution to the University is conservatively es- timated at $39 million, Presi- dent Robben Fleming says the club is "probably the largest and most successful such organ- ization in the country." Founded in 1961, the main membership requirement is a gift totaling $10,000 or more to the University. 1 ST ILL ¢ LOOKING5Yy FOR, FALL?2 COME SEE TH ETA XI The Famous Coed Frat! 1345 WASHTENAW-(near South 761-6133 Despite the current economic memory of her husband, con-, ever, some of the University's slump, the Presidents Club sidered removing her name most urgent needs are over- membership has continued to from the official membership looked by donars who can desig- grow, with over 100 new mem- because her efforts had been nate their gifts to any particular bers joining the elite organi- misconstrued. At her Univer- project, and not to the ones the zation in the past year. Prospec- sity secretarial job, she said, University most desires. The tive members are asked to join "They thought I was rich, and Residential College, for ex- upon recommendation by friends when I asked for a raise the ample, attracted very few don- and fellow alumni. Financial department Dean told me, 'You ors upon its inception. status is the chief criteria for don't need it, you're a member The University relies heavily admission. of the Presidents Club'." on such public funding as the PURE prestige is one of the PRESIDENTS Club gifts to the Presidents Club generates. Over prime factors motivating people University include the Bentley 50 per cent of the campus has to join the Presidents Club. This Historical Collection, Clayton been built through non-state fi- was exemplified several weeks Hale Auditorium of the Busin- nancial sources. ago when one of the organiza- ness School, Towsley Center for DURING 1973-74, for example, tion's secretaries took a call Continuing Medical Education, Michigan received $28,341,837 in from a berated Bloomfield Hills Power Center and Mott Chil- gifts, which ranks second among member who was extremely dren's Hospital. public colleges and universities angry because he hadn't re- Idealistically, says Fleming, in the country. ceived the jeweled plaque the University tries to combine In the words of one Birming- awarded all members, in time state and gift money for its 11ham member, "You'd better not for a party he was giving. costly projects, such as the at- knock it, because the University One appealing side benefit to tempt to move the engineering wouldn't be what it is without membership is the advance bill- school to North Campus. How- it." ing to many of the University's concerts and stage productions which members receive allowing them first pick of seats. Presi-eF dents Club members who are football season ticket holders are also likely to receive better The Washtenaw County Board day concerning his activities seats. Said one long time mem- of Commissioners Wednesday over the past several months. ber and football fan, "If you night suspended the director of sanddyke the University with'the local Office of Economic THE commissioners will de- $10,000, it stands to reason that Opportunity (OEO) until a hear- termine whether McFall should you're going to get closer to ing can be held on charges of be dismissed or retained, fol- the fifty (yard line) than some- mismanagement in the federally lowing the as yet unscheduled one they've never heard of." funded program. hearing. However, club membership has proven a detriment to at Director Clarence McFall was McFall and th oathave least one member. An elderly quizzed by the board during a; been at odds for months. Many widow donating a bequest in secret afternoon session Wednes- commissioners contend that the director has been consistently 1 tardy in filing information with both the county and federal ,'lgovernments, which they say has hurt county OEO programs. r E A E40 1 The Department of Labor has D E IKI Cbegun auditing the local OEO records to determine if $168,000 -in grant money has been mis- The new book by Richard Adams, author spent. of WATERSHIP DOWN" is here. McFall has denied any funds .y {were misappropriated, and his supporters claim the board is For a limited time you can buy BOTH k ' "harassing" McFall in order to "SHARDIK" & "WATERSHIP DOWN" ut back area OEO services. for $13.90-a savings of $3.00 at CT CENTICORE BOOKSHOP : . ~336 MAYNARD' o&t " _ + rt~e Gf-- --- - - -- - - ++- -- - G- - U) .. FEW C IN LIFE Of all the things in this world that can make you happy, a good music system is one of the few that money can buy. And when you buy a music system at Tech Hifi, it's guaranteed to make you happy. Wan n cy h t rN11hal tr cit f YJU And we guarantee you the lowest prices. So whether you want to spend $200, or 32,000, We can help you Put together the system that will give you the best sound for your money. One example of the kind of hifi we HAPIEA exceptionally clean FM reception. And the fully-equipped Glenburn 2155A automatic turntable tracks lightly and accurately. This system lists for s513, but this week at Tech Ilifi you can buy it for only 5369! Wouldnt a lBood music system make ou Is A Capsule Report by the we p ~ iU1in t LyouUit napp)y w e li t11e2guarantee you'll be.happy with features Ohm happer? music system you buy from us. If the system f loudspeakers, a Kenwood 2400 stereo re- doesn't sound as good to you in your living ceiver and a Glenburn 2155A automatic This week save S 144! room as it did in our soundroom (or if you're turntable. The Ohm loudspeakers were unhappy about it for any other reason), Tech chosen for their high efficiency, deep Hifi will buy it back. bass response and extremely accurate sound Tech Hifi carries over one hundred brands reproduction. The Kenwood 2400 provides e c h h if I of quality hifi components and accessories. ample power for these speakers as well as Quality Components at the Right Price P w i I (( Michigan Pharmaceutical Association 0 Pinning down facts about . Pharmacy Facts Michigan's generic drug law and how it Michigan Pharmacy MP) is .ou om" onn proud to prestit ;his educa- may sai'e you mn omey on jnwscr mon. l rioN n iprOg r at kn1t)w n as * Pharmacy Facts. Pharmacy Pharmacists and consumer groups championed this law which : Facts will examine and ex- Nas designed to aid you, the consumer. As a public service, the l>,.,; tthe issules which call as- Michigan Pharmaceutical Association presents this information. :i s l ou dS i tsiconsliter of Shealth services, particularly What's a generic drug? : p(resmip1(onr 0r phariacy f hli eric C([i-ner-ik) Its a drug or medication that is produced by k) more than one manufacturer, such as penicillin : 3l1t, w as c1apiotled by the or aspirin. Most often these generic drugs of : iit fgan 1'harmaceutical identical chemical composition are distributed Asso( iatlol and a consumer under a multitude of different brand names. :m(haliti t. Pharmacy was first to ic ent(ifv it as a public and What does this law mean to you? ; a professiornal isse ill 1970. 'Ihere xist s c oII tle ss ;brands of IIIe same drug ... If there is a cost difference between brand ' h ha 10 pdns name" drugs, the law permits your pharmacist to i tu pi ahame, i ryict select and dispense the "lower cost, quality n brand" (unless your physician insists on a par- lrxtr, voi cannot ktow ticular brand). Savings from this service by your all oflieinaiv different pharmacist are passed on to you. b ads andnia 11IIfacti urers -(0i mehcall[ls --- an om Does this mean you will NOT get thedr medicine your doctor prescribes? pri es a ll ihe therapeuc -(fat.'. I1 is is your No. The law still requires the pharmacist to dis- phrmli;(iss 1rolt'. pense only a quality medication as prescribed. : \vw ur ihaiaist s spe- You get the prescription your doctor specifies. :'ial kriOwl('(;ge can wolk or - vou im srfecung the exact (if fig prescribed and, fir the Q.Will all prescriptions be cheaper? :f /ctIe, the qualitt brand '-01111 ch alsw the mosl economl Not always. Many prescription drugs are only ' al made by one manUfacturer, and the pharmacist : Future Issues & Topics has no control over the manufacturer's price. Fiture Pharmacy Facts edit ion s w ill dleal i b other Q " i(S p ics whichae \cerN ipor- Q Do'brand'drugs and generic drugs look alike?:lt P...k s help -- - do 'u have t questions Not necessarily.In certain instances adifference - ,/ur Pi ARMACY FACTS? in appearance may be noted. Your pharmacist t he state association, work- willcounselyou accordingly. The bestpharmacy -img in c0 perat ion with loc- care is based on communications, confidence - ils and regionals, has Com- and complete information about your medica- inlluees to anwer (Ir ques- inthrapy. t1) ms. -Send that qluestiolm to: Now, here's how to take advantage of this law. NIPA, 1812 Xi'hi.ton Na ( " tt* banl7Mir in I.arti.cr. Consult your pharmacist who is most qualified to make rational "drug product selection" decisions for you. T And remember, continued "shopping around" when it comes to Iak e adv antage of the prescription services can be hazardous to your health. Select a : I"st redilC y accessible "full service" pharmacy ... it's the best investment in your good - mnibeir( of tie health care .+10 - (,Itt lhartmawist. { C J E mmmmf F °'- i I