AIr £frfe a n eat Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Cambodia: Rebirth of a Friday, April 18, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Go odmani for lop SGC post UNKNOWN TO MOST students, Stu- dent Government Council (SGC) elections are upon us once again. Breaking with tradition in the re- cent past, The Daily has decided to endorse a candidate for president of that body. Most students ignore SGC, and mostly that's understandable; no other collection of individuals on campus has so assiduously cultivated the appearance of incipient mad- ness, and none has accomplished so little. Because we are so impressed with her, and because a peculiar peril threatens to insure that the final nail will be slammed into SGC's partially closed coffin, The Daily strongly en- dorses Student Organizing; Commit- tee candidate Debrah Goodman. While not a particularly charisma- tic candidate, we nevertheless find that her politics most clearly mirror, our own. She's interested in keeping tuition down, limiting the size of classes; and day care, all concerns of our own. She seems unlikely to engage in spit- ting contests, brawls, or any of the other nonsense that plagues SGC meetings. Her presence is serious, she's no bozo. Would that the same could be said of more SGC mem- bers. WE ARE HOPEFUL that she and her party, which appears com- posed of responsible people who un- derstand the issues, can transcend SGC's limitations of the past and transform the Council into a poten- tial agent for change. An equally compelling reason to vote, and vote for Goodman in this election is the presence of a uniquely frightening party, and its thorough- ly reprehensible candidate, MOVE's J. Thomas Buck. Don't let the acronym for Make Our Votes Effective fool you. Move is a fraternity and sorority party, and the politics of their candidate, Buck can only be charitably described as antediluvian. Less kind observers have suggested words like neo-fascist and worse. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, Barb Cornell, Ann Marie Lipinski, Tom Preston, Jeff Ristine, Curt Smith Editorial Page: Peter Blaisdell, Paul Haskins, Jo Marcotty, Steve Stojic Arts Page: Jim Valk Photo Technician: Steve Kagan We'd be tempted to ignore this slick, self-styled bright young man on the make, except that a very real possibility exists that Buck may win. Behind Buck and his party are the not inconsiderable resources of the Greek system. The son of an Air Force man, he supports restoration of credit for ROTC, a stand we find thoroughly repugnant. Secondly, his party con- tains no minorities, and has shown no inclination to demonstrate con- cern for this vital block of the Univer- sity community. When questioned about his com- mitment to minority groups, in a Daily interview, Buck responded with a variation on the old "Some of my best friends . . ." argument. Danger- ous, very dangerous. In addition, in the worst tradition of petty tyrants, MOVE has shown a disquieting penchant for secrecy. Several party meetings to decide up- on candidates were closed and held at Buck's fraternity. At one, those in attendance had to produce witnesses who would attest that he/she belong- ed to a Greek house. THE LAST TIME fraternity parties played a major role in SGC af- fairs were the somnabulent Eisen- hower years. To return control of SGC, no matter how worthless a body, to the Greeks now would in- sure that virtually no student con- cerns would be met in their tenure of office. The rest of the candidates were, to greater or lesser degrees, unaccept- able. Kevin Stiers, the Young Social- ist Allliance, was remarkably elusive in his interview and fell back far too often on cant. Michale Foreman of New Camelot seemed pleasant, but neither overwhelmingly bright nor particularly dynamic. Gary Baker is well-v.ersed on the issues, but we doubt whether he could lead ants to a picnic. Candace Massey has been around student poli- tics a long time. Her behavior in the past has been erratic. We suspect her penchant for squabbling would lend no dignity to Council. So, in this very real choice be- tween well-defined alternatives we urge a vote for Debrah Goodman. It's easy to understand why few students bother to vote in elections, but fail- ure to vote this time could allow a harmless, do-nothing body become an institution for the perpetuation of regression into the 1950's. By JOHN BURGESS KHMER ROUGE insurgents entered Phnom Penh from four sides on Wednesday and" ended Cambodia's savage five- year war. News reports from the city said that thousands of people turned out into the streets to celebrate the end of the war which began in 1970 when an American-sponsored coup d'etat upset the precarious- neutrality of the peaceful and prosperous kingdom and opened one more terrifying chapter of the Indo China war. Cambodia's war began almost overnight. Now it has ended with what has seemed inevit- able from .the beginning - de- cisive victory for the highly dis- ciplined and popularly based Khmer Rouge Communists and defeat for the parasitic regime of Marshal Lon Nol. The war was a classic appli- cation of Maoist guerilla stra- tegy. In five years a core of Communist cadre built a peas- ant army from scratch, seized the countryside and isolated and captured the cities. The war left as many as a million Cambodians dead or wounded. About half of the country's seven million people were uprooted from their homes by the war. Some fled because they did not like the rigors of life under Khmer Rouge, but ;he great majority were trying to escape the ground fighting and day and night bombing by U.S. warplanes. Phnom Penn, in 1970, a shady roomy city of half a million people by 1975 had swollen to three times t h a t number. The refugees lived in shantytowns that sprang up around the city and toward the end, many died of starvatiol. President Nixon once called his war in Cambodia "the Nix- on Doctrine in its purest form." And perhaps it was. Cambodia offered to the world the most extreme example yet of Amari- can war by proxy, of a corrupt and unpopular regime kept breathing solely by the grace of American guns, ammunitinn and rice. VERY FEW of the Cambod- ian peasants who died in uiti- form for Lon Nol had even heard of the Nixon doctrine. To them war was a misfartune brought on bycosmic forces be- yond control of ordinary people like themselves. While t h e y went reluctantly into battle wearing tennis shoes and Bud- dhist amulets to ward of bul- lets, their commanding officers in the rear got rich by pocket- ing their wages and selling weA- pons and medicine to the other side. Across the lines a few thous- and Khmer Rouge Communists with help from the Vietnamese had built from scratch a new army and way of life which re- lied on popular support and motivation to offset the super- ior firepower of Phnom Penh's forces. Each dry season their offen- sives drove Lon Nol's troops in- to ever diminishing pockets of land around Phnom Penh and the other major cities. Unlike neighboring Vietnam and Laos, there were never serious nego- tiations between the two sides. Lon Nol was unwilling to offer significant concessions and the Khmer Rouge knew that they could have military victory if they kept up their pressure long enough. THAT VICTORY finally came. As often happens in war, tfsse people most responsible for the devastation had escaped to safe- ty. Lon Nol flew off to a palace in Bali three weeks ago and the. American ambassador and his military advisors departed in helicopters from a soccer field in downtown Phnom Penh last weekend. One might say the wvar began There is strong evidence that he moved only after securing promises of American assist- ance. There followed mob et- tacks on the NLF mission in Phnom Penh and massacres of Vietnamese living in Cambodia. American and South Vietnamese assistance to the new govern- ment began immediately. In April President Nixon sent U.S. troops across the border to at- tack NLF's staging areas. It soon became clear, how- ever, that the American plan was a total failure. Sihanouk quickly announced the forma- tion of a United Front against Don Nolaand parts of the army and government defec;ed to join him. The war forced Sihanouk to ally with his old enemies the Khmer Communists, whom he had tried his hardest to destroy during his years in office. Large- ly dormant since 1954, the Kh- mer Communists resurfaced and with help from the Viet- namese began to organize the Cambodian peasantry into an launched a mammoth operation to retake the northern section. of the coutnry. With poor leader- ship the drive was rou*ed and the soldiers fell back in dis- array to the capital, losing great new expanses of territory. THE GOVERNMENT in Phnom Penh came more and more to resemble the other American-financed regimes in Indochina. The reforms promis- ed in 1970 never came. The rich continued to live the good life while only miles away on the highways leading out of the ciy, rugged soldiers battled to nold the Khmer Rouge at bay. The American embassy grew to over 200 people, with many more commuting into the capi- tal daily from Thailand and South Vietnam. The embassy coordinated American airstrikos (in the summer of 1973 there were as many as 200 fighter- bomber and 40 B-52 strikes a day); its military attahes trav- eled to the front lines to advise "President N'ilxon once called his war in Cambodia "the Nixon Doctrine in its purest form." And perhaps it was. Cambodia offer. ar to the world the most extreme example yet ation IN EARLY 1973, as the sup- posed ceasefire got underway in Vietnam, the Khmer Rouge launched a new offensive t h a t took them to within a few miles of Phnom Penh. American war- planes, free from operatrons in Vietnam, concentrated t h e i r full force on Cambodia. US. Congress finally voted to per- manently end the bombing Aug- ust 15, 1973, and many people predicted Phnom Penh would collapse soon after tnat. But it did not - the war raged on for almost two years more. Early this year the commun- ists succeeded in cutting t h e Mekong River, Phnom Penh's lifeline to the outside world. The U.S. commenced on airlift mito the city, landing weapons, am- munition and rice in hug: quan- tities. Shelling and rocket at- tacks on the airport forced tem- porary suspensions. In Washington, President Furd sought $222 milion in supple- mental aid for Cambodia and was turned down by Congress. The insurgents pushed closer to Phnom Penh. People began to starve and more Communist rockets crashed at random into the surrounded city. Finally, with no hope of a new injec- tion of American aid, Lo! Nol left the country. HE OSTENSIBLY was begin- ning a previously scheduled state visit to Indonesa, but everyone knew he wouldn't come back. When the U.S. em- bassy packed up and left, it was only a matter of days. "The Americans are gone, why are you still fighting?" the Khmer Rouge asked the city's defend- ers on the last day of resist- ance. A few hours later they weren't. White flags were drap- ed over every major building i downtown Phnom Penh and'th insurgents marched in. It is believed that Khieu Sam- phan, Vice Premiere and min- ister of defense of tne govern- ment in exile, will head the new administration in Phnomn Penh. Sihanouk is expected to fiy back to the capital to an honor- ary function and perhaps to re- tire from public life. Life will be difficult there in the months ahead. There will ae economic hardships and the Khmer Rouge will no doubt want to root out supporters of the old regime and deal with them as they see fit. But the fighting 17 over and most everyone in Cambodia w'll be thankful for that. John Burgess worked as a journalist in Southeast Asia from 1970 to 1974 in affila- tion with the Washington Post and Dispatch News Service. He is now a student at the Univer- sity, of American war by prox ", . . . . ...... . in Washington. The U.S. wanted a friendly government in Phnom Penh that would heio the Amer- ican war effort in Vietnam by attacking the Li be-a- tion Front's (NLF) sanctuar es in Cambodia. Under the auto- cratic rule of Princ Norodomn Sihanouk, Cambodia had resist- ed American efforts *o incor- porate into the line-un against China and North Vietnam. Si- hanouk maintained cordial rela- tions with Peking and Hanoi, threw out the Americaa a i d mission and reluictantny allowzd the Vietnamese Communists to land supplies at Cambodian ports and send them overland to the forces fighting thc Amer- icans in South Vie-nam. SIHANOUK'S despotism fos- tered increasing resentment among the urban elite, middle class and army. In 1970, when he was away on a foreign toar, Marshal Lon Nol seized power. army. SIHANUK WAS revered as a demi-god by rural people and they flocked to join him. With- in a few months, they had con- trol of half the country. The ruins of Ankor Wat, the 12th century stone city which was the center of the ancient Kh- mer empire, was taken by pro- Sihanouk forces in late 19'0. Lon Nol's response was to launch a xenophobic holy war in which he cast the enemy as Vietnamese invaders who were intent on destroying the Khmer nation and the Bhud- dist religion. At first, m a n y Cambodians in Phnom Penh responded to his call with en- thusiasm. With new stocks of American weapons and support from American bombers, Lon Nol's army went into oatde. But it was a losing cause. In late 1791, Phnom Penh Cambodian field commanders; and its political specasists coached the government on dip- lomatic matters. In five years the U.S. channeled over a bil. lion dollars of aid ca Lon Nol and spent many times t h a t sum on air operations. As morale and competence deteriorated on Lon Nol's. sde, the Khmer Rouge were growing by leaps and bounds. Ia actual command were Frencn-educated intellectuals, many of them former members of Sihanouk's government. Sihanouk stayed in Peking as the leader of the move.nent in name only. The Communists organized at the village level and mucn of their initial support was apparently rooted in Sihanouk's presence as the man in charge. They carried out programs of land reform and collectivization, built an army and proceeded to isolate and starve out the cities. " 1 Letters to The Daily record you - the Michigan student body - to show your dissatis- To The Daily: faction with this type of behav. R I D D L E D with scandal, ior is to get out and vote on mass confusion, fixed elections, April 21 - 25. and general ineffectiveness SGC It is obvious that SGC needs seems to be dying. Even so, to undergo serious change. Peo- there are some students who ple like Gary and myself 'a r e feel that the basic concept of a ready and willing t put forth student representative body s the time and effort that a com- a good one. One of these stu- plete renovation of present SGC dents is Gary Baker. Since policies and procedures will re- Gary's first days on campus he quire. However, programs like has been fighting for the ienefit student regents, pesonal pro- of the students. perty insurance, fights against As a member of the Housing tuition, and funding for minority, Unit Committee, Gary appeared programs do not just happen; and spoke before the Board of they need backing. Moreover, Regents in an effort to halt a to institute these programs we dorm rate increase. His efforts too need backing - YOUR'S. h were successful. A campus re- So, remember in tne April 21- r presentative to the University 25 election, if you want a new Housing Council, Gary has party wih new ideas for a new fought bitterly for housing for SGC and an end to SGC scan- -:x all interested students. dal, vote for Gary and the New As past Treasurer of LSA-Stu- Action Coalition. dent Government and West -F. Scott Kellman Quad Council, Gary managed April 17 both organization's financial af- fairs with unparalled success. Now Gary feels that it is time Stockwell to turn his attention to that I AM PROTESTING the tone student organizaion which needs of the article concerning Stock- him most - SGC. Like anything well (April 16). The purpose of else that Gary does, he is put- the petition and accompanying ting extensive time and effort letters was to point out what we into his campaign. Someone, consider serious shortcomings however, obviously views Gary's present in Morris's administra- efforts as a major threat to his tion. There is a lot of informa- or her chances for SGC of- tion surrounding the issue which fice. The result - more scandal you aren't aware of. connected with SGC. On April Thus, I feel that your attempts 15, several large wooden cam- to portray the problem as sole- paign signs promoting G a r y ly a racial one are unfair and were suspended from trees and uninformed. I signed the peti- poles to various strategic places tion - not because Morris is around campus. Less than ten black and I am white, but be- hours after the signs were put cause I feel that she is a poor up all but one had been cut building director and should not ments made by me were strictly in jest and carried no racial overtone. I only hope that in the years to come, Jews, Cacistians, Blacks, Orientals, Chicanos and the like will be able to laugh to- gether at each other and at themselves. The world will be in a sad state if we can no longer laugh at ourselves and one-another. -Jeff Weinfeld April 17 gutless To The Editor: THE MICHIGAN Daily has used a good deal of ink in at- tacking the frailities, corruption and dishonesty of the Student Government Council for all of the four years I have been at this University. As a former member of SGC, I also contri- buted my energies toward fight- ing these dangerous trends on Council. But now, a staff mern- ber of the Daily has employed the same gutless techniques as various SGC characters have used to destroy that institu- tion. In interviewing Ms. D e b i Goodman, S.O.C., candidate for SGC President, Kate Spellman asked her if it was true that she was my roommate, pointing out (in her macabre interprema- tion of investigative journalism) that I was a "staunch defender" of Lee Gill, former PresidentO of SGC. This incredible display of Joe McCarthy tactics was not ques- tioned by any of the presumably more responsible Daily s : a f f present, and Ms. Goodman an- 'U' budget: Economic u r educatilon By SAM SILLS "A GOAL OF the University of Michigan," reads a financial aid leaflet, "is that no qualified Michigan resident shall be denied an education because he or she lacks the necessary funds." If the University is reaching this goal, it is reasonable to assume that the percentages of the national popula- tion in each income group would be approximately re- presented in the student population. In other words, since 17.5 per cent of the population earns from $0 to $4,000 (U.S. Bureau of the Census), we would expect about 17.5 per cent of University students to come from fam- ilies earning this amount. But only 2.8 per cent come from this income group. They are under-represented by 14.7 per cent. This group has been under- represented by this amount since at least 1967. The Pro- gram for Educational and Social Change (PESC), a collective of concerned professors and stu- dents, did a study of income re- presentation at the University from 1967 to 1971. Representa- tion of the poor had improved slightly, but has again fallen. In 1967 families earning $25,000 or more were over-represented by 14 per cent. Today, they are over-represented by 31 per cent. In this same period, the percent- age of students at the Univer- sity coming from families earn- ing $15 to $25,000 plummeted from 12.5 per cent to 1.7 per cent. THE INCOME information was acquired by the American Council on Education through a survey given every year to in- coming freshpeople. The figures are not absolutely accurate. Many students were not cer- tain of their parent's income and a lower percentage than us- ual answered the questionnaire in 1974. Also, since answering is optional, it is possible t h a t students who are proud of their background are more likely to answer the survey than others. Nevertheles, data from the Admissions office provides oth- er evidence of the trend toward inequality. Whereas applications from Bay City, largely a blue collar area, have fallen 23 to 30 per cent, applications from Midland, a more upper class area, have risen the same amount. Furthermore, only 2 per cent of the student ponula- tion comes from the Upper Pen- insula, even though this middle to lower income area makes up 4 per cent of the total Michigan population. AS ANOTHER part of their study, PESC ranked Michigan's 10 postal zones in ord:er of average family income. Ideally, the report says, each d-cile would send 10 per cent of the total applications received by the University. In 1967 nearly all the deciles sent less than 10 per cent. However, the weal- thiest decile sent 36 per cent. In 1972, it was over 44 per cent. Why are the numbers from the lower and middle class shrinking? Happily, there is no evidence that the admissions office prefers only wealthy slu- dents. Yet the amount )f fin- ancial aid awarded to accented students is finite, and at what- ever point it runs out the rest of the student body must pay its own way. Because this is be- coming increasingly difficult, the upper classes are beating the middle and lower classes in the competition for places. The implications are extreme- ly serious. First of all, the University is federally and state supported. It has a profound obligation to all the people of Michigan. Secondly, because a solid education is prerequisite to economic advancement, the University becomes largely re- sponsible for the continued im- poverishment of the lower in- come groups who are denied an education. CONSCIOUSLY or not, t i e University becomes one of the major agents of institutionalized discrimination. Obviously, it is not responsible for inflation and other miscarriages in our "free enterprise" system. But by do- ing all it conceivably can to help the poor overcome the in- come barriers to education, it can reform its collaborative role in an inequitable economic or- der. Keeping tuition as low as pos- sible while maintaining a large financial aid program and a strong opportunity program is the University's primary ob ligation. Although the adminis tration blames the high cost o tuition mostly on ever increas- ing unionization and inflation, we can only take their word that tuition and housing costs are as low as possible. The same applies to the size of the fin- ancial aid program. Undeniably, the problem is a complex one. It would require a considerable amount of re- shuffling to increase financial aid and/or lower tuition. The re- shuffling would create dicon- tent among those offices of de partments who would have t sacrifice their money to need students. The major obstacles, then, are the deteriorating eco- nomic condition and the sese of priorities. IN HIS latest economic status address, President Fleming ex- pressed concern over the ex- pansion of the professional and administrative ranks at tie ex- pense of the faculty. "It is hard to conceive of an analysis," he said, "which would place the faculty in other than the top priority position within the Uni- versity." Where do the students fit in? Although they pay huge sums to live and learn in Ann Ar- bor, they are given no detailed accounts of how the University distributes its money. The ad- ministration has repeatedly re- fused to open its accounting re- cords. And with the books lock- ed up, the administration can explain its economic decisions any way it wants to. How, then, can we be certain it is not unduly depriving Michigan resi- dents of an education? Sam Sills is an LSA sopho- more. so, perhaps realizing the ex- tremely tenuous worthiness of the doctrine of guilt-by-associa- tion. Ms. Spelman has, in fact, em- ployed guilt-by-association twice barbaric and antiquated? Is Ms. Spelman attempting to question candidates for SGC in order to find the ones who will most benefit students on this campus? Or is she attempt- Perhaps it is to be expected that I should come to know about one more of these inci- dents before I graduate, but this is certainly not one that I will passively ignore! for their own reporters. Most importantly, I hope that the general trend of the Daily's coverage of the SGC camnaign will be based upon much srong- er madmuchmmrt-,,.1.vzn i