LET HENRY SPEAK See Editorial Page Yl r e 'gn A6F :43 a t t BALMY High-61 Low-47 See Today for details Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom Vo . LXXXV, No. 158 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 17, 1975 . Ten Cents Ten Pages E t Stretching the rules Everyone knows that good things come in small packages, so there was really no reason why Akio Miyamoto couldn't become a Detroit policeman just because he stands 5 feet 3%/ inches tall. Miya- moto was following in the footsteps of his brother Sanshiro Miyamoto who tried to stretch two inches to meet the 5-foot-7 height requirement of the force in 1972. In January 1974 current Police Commis- sioner Philip Tannian announced that the height requirements were being eliminated due to the hubbub Sanshiro had caused. Se Superchumps Aw c'mon now. You can smash a pumpkin, even coax a little kid into your car, but what kind of a social deviant would ever think to rob a Good Humor man? A Detroit man and a young boy bought a couple of ice cream cones from their local Good Humor man and then proceeded to pull out a revolver and rob the vender of $40, a coin changer and the keys to the ice cream truck. The unfortunate, Victor Seayer, 18, had been on the job o ly one month when the incident occurred. Regents to meet It's that time of the month again. The Regents are in town today and tomorrow for their monthly meeting. Today's festivities begin at 1 p.m. with a discussion session, followed by a public com- ments session at 3:30. Items on the agenda include a report from the fee Study Committee, a report on financial aid, and a special guest appearance by Housing Director John Feldkamp, who will re- quest additional student housing. The meeting will be held in the Regents Room, on the ground floor of the Administration Building. BMOC Wilbur Cohen, dean of the University's School of Education and former secretary of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare has been named by U.S. District Judge Robert DeMascio to "assist in the study and evaluation" of the desegregation plans submitted by the Detroit Board of Education and the NAACP. Cohen will work with Francis Keppel, director of the Aspen Education Institute in New York City and John Finger, an education professor at Rhode Island College. The experts may draft a segregation plan of their own if they find the existing plans unacceptable. A clarification We sincerely regret any offense taken at the item "Beaver blues" which appeared in Tuesday's "Today" column. The item as a whole was not intended to denigrate or slur any community members, but parts of it could have been taken as an affront to our readers and the Mexican American community. We apoligize to any reader offended by the item. Happeings... ... today will be given in reverse chronological order for no apparent reason . . . at 8 p.m. in the E. Quad north dining hall, the R.C. singers will present a free concert . . . at 7:30 p.m. Avron Bendavid-Vel will lecture on "Economics on a Human Scale," in the Klein lounge at Alice Lloyd as a Survival-Plus seminar . . . at noon rally round the Diag for a victory celebration of the fall of Phnom Penh complete with songs,speeches and free balloons . . . if you happen to be up between the hours of 9 and 4 PIRGIM would like to remind you that its supporters should vote in the Board of Directors elections in the Fishbowl . . . and the Food Action Coalition (FAC) would like you and yours to have a happy National Food Day and to remind you to tune in on the Today show and AM America which will feature speakers and debates on food issues. Wise guy A thief broke into a factory in Reinbeck, Ger- many one night and robbed the safe. But in his haste, he was kind enough to leave behind a note of professional advice. Police reported they found a note next to the safe that said, "Buy a Watch- dog." Everyone likes a wise guy. f On theinside... .Sport's page's Marcia Merker takes a look at the I.M. sports awards . . . Richard Boyle reports on the state of affairs in Cambodia for the Editorial Page . . . and Cathi Suyak of the Art page looks at the new Burger King. On the outside ... Five-year war ends; citizens greet Khmer Rouge By AP and Reuter BANGKOK - Govern- ment forces in Phnom Penh surrendered to at- tacking Khmer Rouge in- surgents at 7 a.m. local time (7 p.m. EST yester- day), a military attache at t h e Cambodian embassy here said. The Khmer Rouge insur- gents were welcomed with white flags and banners on every building in the city. PEOPLE STOOD on the side- walks waving to the incoming, black-clad insurgents. On the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers alongthe east side of the city, government gunboats steamed up and down, hoisting white -flags and banners, ac- cording to newsmen. An officer told two Cambo- dian reporters for the Associat- ed Press that the display of sur- render flags had been ordered by the Cambodian military com- mand. BULLETIN SAIGON (Reuter)-The U.S. Embassy here said early this morning it was evacuating non-essential employes and was advising other Americans to leave the country. A spokesman s a i d the evacuees included embassy personnel who had worked in the northern and central mil- itary regions until they were overrun by insurgent forces. ...............' : ............. ...... THE SURRENDER ended the five-year Cambodian war that followed the ousting of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. It came after insurgent forces were reported to have battled their way into the center of the city and taken the Presidential Palace. Colonel Phu Luc, deputy mili- tary attache, told Reuter the embassy had received the in- formation on its radio link with military headquarters in the Cambodian capital. "THE KHMER Rouge are in the city and are ordering the people and the military to stay See CAMBODIA, Page 2 Ford sees stabilized defenses in Vietnam AP Photo And leave the driving to us! This formidable monster, although in reality only a 7-foot bearskin belonging to the Parma Out- door Club in Jackson, Michigan, must have touched off some alarm as the pick-up truck con- taining it wended its way through rush hour traffic yesterday. The driver was en route to the Jackson County Courthouse after the skin was recovered by the county sheriff following a break- in at the club. if his aid plan W A S H I N G T O N UP - President Ford said yesterday he is "absolutely convinced" that South Vietnam can stabi- lize its defenses - pointing the way to a negotiated settlement with the insurgents - if Con- gress approves his request for $722 million in military aid. With events in South Vietnam and Cambodia dominating the " American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) news confer- ence, the President confirmed he had ordered the evacuation of all "nonessential" Americans from Saigon. "We are phasing down on a daily basis," he said. At the same time, Ford said the Thieu government "could stabilize the military situation" if Congress makes the $722 mil- lion available within the next Alberts few days. vote Frid "THE iUNTTED States did not ian aid an c'rrv out its commitment, un- request R der the 1973 Paris cease-fire ac- troops, if cords"in the supplying of mili- ate Ameri t-rv hardware and economic sands ofS aid to South Vietnam," Ford IN THE said. peared to "I wish we had. I think if we some mi had this present tragic situation Vietnam. in South Vietnam would have Asst. D not occurred." bert Byrd Describing the insurgent's was impr punishing assault as a "tragic Army Chi situation," Ford told a panel of erick We the American Society of News- hearing. parer Editors: "It just makes Byrd sa me sick every minute and every "very dif day I hear and read about it some add and see it." Saigon " ON CAPITOL Hill, mean- mese are while, Speaker Carl Albert said lives in a $200 million fund proposed by led aggre several senators for evacuation IN HIS4 and humanitarian aid "would declined1 get a fairly cool reception. 'in Union an the House. the insul Ford has asked for an initial South, de outlay of $250 million primarily in militai for the care and feeding of re- "If weY fugees in addition to $722 mil- what we lion for weapons and ammuni- tragedy c tion. ed," he s Ford PLAN 'INADEQUATE': OKd W. Presi terda cy fu evacu Vietn The Comn until AT ing, Philil lion But 1 might itaria U. S. Me mitte clear jectec C1 tr Ford rejects p: for Saigon eva A S HI N G T 0 N UP) - of money or to restrictive lan- dent Ford rejected yes- guage in the bill on the use of y a $200-million contingen- U. S. military forces to evacu- nd for humanitarian and ate Americans and South Viet- uation programs in South namese nationals if necessary. am. Committee members express- Senate Foreign Relations ed dissatisfaction with the rate mittee deferred a vote on it of withdrawal of nonessential this afternoon. Americans from South Vietnam. A HOUSE committee hear- SEN. DICK Clark, (D-Iowa), Asst. Secretary of State said it was clear that Ambassa- p Habib said "the $200 mil- dor Graham Martin "is still would not be adequate." dragging his feet." he said the administration Sen. Charles Percy, (R-Ill.), t agree to combine human- said the reported evacuation of n aid with authority to use 900 Americans Tuesday was troops for evacuation. "erroneous information." Clark mbers of the Senate com- said that 500 had been "recate- e said, however, it was not gorized" rather than withdrawn. whether the President ob- Chairman John Sparkman, d primarily to the amount (D-Ala.), said the administra- dr r t_ tn tion had not furnished the com- mittee with a requested sched- ule of the reduction in nones- o n n allWsential personnel which Secre- o / tary of State Henry Kissinger said Tuesday had been ordered " in South Vietnam. al goes "WE HAVE not received in- formation that we requested or assurances that an adequate plan exists to get them out as rogram [cuation soon as feasible," Sparkman said. The committee will vote to- day on a draft bill allowing the President to use the U. S. arm- ed forces if necessary to with- draw citizens of the United States from South Vietnam and protect them during the with- drawal. said the House might ay on the humanitar- d next week on Ford's for authority to use' necessary, to evacu- icans and tens of thou- South Vietnamese. Senate, prospects ap- o improve for voting litary aid for South emocratic Leader Ro- d (D-W. Va.), said he essed by an appeal by ef of Staff, Gen. Fred- yand at a committee aid he would find it fficult to vote against itional military aid to if the South Vietna- willing to give thir resisting Communist- ession." own assessment, Ford to blame the Soviet d mainland China for rgent assault on the spite their $1.5 billlion ry aid. had done with our ally promised, this whole could have been avoid- aid. Storm rages over alleged killer By ELLEN BRESLOW A storm of criticism from state political figures is raging in the wake of a State Supreme Court ruling under which a self- confessed killer was freed from Ypsilanti State Hospital, just one month before he allegedly beat his wife to death this week in their Ann Arbor apartment. The defendant, John McGee, admitted to killing 25 persons last year on contract in exchange for a plea of "not guilty for reasons of insanity," that by present state law committed him to a mental institution rather than sentencing him to prison. THE INCIDENT has focused attention on two bills that were recently passed in the House and now go before the State Senate that would create a new criminal classification under which sus- pects could be charged with being both guilty and insane. "Under the new laws," says Dr. Ames Robey, head of the Center for Forensic Psychiatry at Ypsilanti State Hospital, "the criminal would first be sentenced to prison, and, if necessary, later be sent to the Center." The Supreme Court ruling, known as the "McQuillan deci- sion," states that "it is unconstitutional to incarcerate anyone against his will in a mental institution unless he clearly presents a danger to himself or others." IT WAS UNDER this ruling that McGee was tried in Wayne County Probate Court and acquitted after the jury had heard the opinion of one psychiatrist. to juiry WASHINGTON UP) - Lawyers told the jurors in John Con- nally's bribery trial on the eve of deliberations yesterday that their choice rests between be- lieving the former treasury sec- retary or his chief accuser. The closing arguments-de- livered with evangelistic fervor by Connally's lawyer and with- out passion by the prosecutor- turned mostly on Jake Jacobsen, the former Texas banker who said he paid Connally $10,000 in 1971. DEFENSE lawyer Edward Bennett Williams called Jacob- sen a liar, scoundrel and thief, desperate and beleaguered,twho accused his old friend, Connally, to avoid embezzlement charges. Williams contended Jacobsen However, the McQuillan rul- ing may be reversed if the court hears arguments on the new bills-if they become law. The earlier decision passed by a 4-3 count, which included the vote of Supreme Court Justice John Swainson, who was put under investigation y e s t e r d a y for charges of accepting bribes from a convicted burglar (See Page Two). In addition, another justice who voted in favor of the ruling, Thomas Cavanaugh, is presently hospitalized for can- cer. In a previously released state- ment, Supreme Court Justice G. Mennen Williams argued that "The Supreme Court did, not free John McGee; he was re- leased by a jury of his own peers." NEVERTHELESS, the arrest of McGee earlier this week has spurred a storm of criticism of ..; ''. ...: ... "_''> Cj' n}" ..... .. y'tYis ?"5.. . ..:::...... A -: :.iii:.. n: }::;:;..: ;.n":.