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April 15, 1975 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 156

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 15, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

I t F

Fleming freeze
University President Robben Fleming and his
wife Sally had to shiver under cold showers Satur-
day night and Sunday, thanks to five students who
switched off the hot water valve at the South Uni-
versity White House last weekend. Mark, who re-
fused to give his last name, ("I just got accepted
to law school and I don't want to take any
chances"), claims that he and four friends were
clambering around in the steam tunnels Saturday
night when they noticed a sign under Fleming's
house warning, "Don't turn this valve off, it must
be on to have hot water in the president's house."
The opportunity was too hot for the group to pass
up, and they promptly let the handle fly. Sally
Fleming, unflustered by the cold water spell, said
yesterday, "There was a little time without hot
water, but they came this morning and turned it
back on.
Beaver blues
Jeff Weinseld was distraught yesterday when he
discovered that "Cisco Kid" had replaced his all-
time favorite TV show "Leave it to Beaver."
Sneering at the Western as "a piece of drek,"
Weinseld rallied five other Beaver devotees at
Markley to sign an angry petition they intend to
mail to WXON. Weinseld described his TV trau-
ma. "We turned on the TV expecting Beaver and
were utterly shocked to hear two Mexicans say-
ing "Hey meester, you want my seester?" Weins-
feld claimed Beaver's demise would "disrupt stu-
dents' lives," adding, "How will we ever make it
through finals?" Weinseld will be circulating his
petition today on the Diag.
Cyclists for Jesus
A husky Californian preacher, nicknamed
"Blade" for his finesse with a -switchblade, wants
rough and tough motorcycle gangs to clean up their
acts. Rev. Phil Smith is in Detroit for two weeks
as part of a holy campaign to convert bike honchos
from violence, drugs, and drinking to Jesus. Smith
spread the good word to Detroit-area motorcyclists
Sunday telling them that "Jesus loves dirty, hell-
raising bikers." According to Smith, Jesus would
be more inclined to accept the bikers into his fold
if they would trade in their heavy chains for cru-
cifixes and wear crosses on their jackets instead of
Happenings ...
are spiced with verse and rhetoric today,
beginning with Prof. Donald Hall, who reads his
poems at 4'p.m. in Aud. 3, MLB . . . at 7:30 p.m.
Morris Starsky speaks on the "FBI: Threat to
Academic Freedom" in The Lawyers Club Lounge
. . . also at 7:30 Judith Greenbaum talks about
Mental Retardation in the Stockwell Conference
Rm . . . at 8 p.m. the University Democrats meet
in the League, Rms. D and E . . . and the evening
ends at 9:30 p.m. at Poetry Works presents "Video
Madness," a reading by Jim Robins and mystery
guest in Greene Lounge, East Quad.
Starving artist
Talk about starving artists - body artist Chris
Burden lay in silent vigil beneath a plate of glass
at the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art for
45 hours without eating, drinking, or even hitting
the john last weekend. Burden climbed into his
piece at 8 p.m. Friday and didn't budge until 5:20
p.m. Sunday when frantic museum officials decided
to act. As soon as one guard took a pitcher of
water and an empty container and placed them
above Burden's head, the artist abandoned his
post and ran to fetch a hammer. He smashed the
clock near his piece, and handed baffled museum
officials an envelope that explained his artistic
antics. The paper explained that Bruden was pre-
pared to lie motionless indefinitely until one of

the parts of his piece was removed or altered.
On the inside .. .
Andy Glazer lauds Michigan's Sunday ten-
nis win over Illinois for the Sports Page . . . on
the Edit Page LSA Curriculum Committee mem-
bers outline their thoughts on independent study/
directed reading/ experiential credit . . . and
Charles Smith reviews well-known Czech pianist
Rudolf Firkusny on the Arts Page.
On the outside ...
Spring is on its way after a long delay. As a
ridge of fair weather develops over the nation's
mid-section, skies will gradually clear this morn-
ing and then become partly cloudy this afternoon.

file e
What has been called "the biggest
political event in the history of Ann
Arbor" took on added dimensions yes-
terday as city Democrats and Repub-
licans filed suit in Washtenaw County
Circuit Court-all questioning the le-
gality, in one form or another, of last
Monday's mayoral election results.
The Democrats are seeking a writ
of mandamus, perhaps the most pow-
erful of all legal directives, ordering
City Clerk Jerome Weiss to issue
certificates of election to those vic-
torious in the city-wide vote.
the Ann Arbor Board of Canvassers,
Donald Kenney and Helen Forsythe,
have refused to certify Albert Wheel-
Regents dev

lee tion
er as mayor, amidst charges of "po-
litical perversion." Wheeler received
14,684 votes while Mayor James
Stephenson received 14,563-a differ-
ence of 121 votes.
The Republicans, meanwhile, are
seeking to prevent the Canvassers
from certifying the election because,
they say, preferential voting (PV) "is
against state law."
"It's against one man-one vote,"
commented Stephenson yesterday af-
ternoon at the Washtenaw County
Building. He will remain as Ann Ar-
bor's mayor until the court says
otherwise-a result of last Wednes-
day's City Council resolution permit-
ting him to remain seated until the
Canvassers certify Wheeler.
FOLLOWING the day's legal ac-

tions, City Council last night, after an
opening suggestion from Stephenson,
voted unanimously to adjourn the reg-
ular Monday night Council proceed-
ings until tonight.
"In view of the circumstances sur-
rounding the controversy with the
elections . . . I'm suggesting that we
adjourn for 24 hours," Stephenson
His statement drew mixed reactions
from an exceptionally large audience
in the Council chambers, many of
who came hoping to witness the
swearing-in of Wheeler and the new
SUBSEQUENT to the adjournment,
Kenney announced, "I have signed a
See DEMS, Page 2

ANN ARBOR Mayor James Stephenson discusses his legal action with a
reporter during a recess yesterday at Washtenaw County Circuit Court. Both
the Republicans and Democrats filed suit, the results to be known sometime
today . .. hopefully.





prior warning
on dorm issue
Members of the University Board of Regents
say that it was not made clear to them at their
meeting last June that a housing shortage was
expected for Fall 1975.
"I was not hit over the head with any sort of
prediction that we were going to be short of
housing next fall," commented Regent Paul
Brown (D-Petoskey). "He (Housing Director John
Feldkamp) talked about the housing situation at
that meeting. But I wasn't aware of the problem
until the lottery occurred."
REGENTS JAMES W a t e r s (D-Muskegon),
Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor), and Gerald Dunn
(D-Lansing) also said that they were not aware
of the housing crunch until the lottery took place.
Dunn claimed, "Feldkamp is trying to blame
the Regents or the administration, while it's due
to ineptness on his part that the whole problem
came about.
"The dorm conversion which is taking place
right now could have been done two months ago,"
he added.
FELDKAMP SAID last week that a potential
housing shortage was "one of the key things we
talked about" at the June 1974 meeting. "It was
clear," he commented, "that there were going
to be some disappointed students in the fall
(of 1975)."
Yesterday, however, Feldkamp said that in dis-
cussing the potential housing squeeze he never
did inform the Regents of the trend over the past
four years of increasing re-application rates of
students to dorms.
"I recall talking to them (the Regents) in
June about the general problem," he commented.
"I wanted to make sure that the Regents knew
the priorities of who would be housed if there was
a shortage."
FELDKAMP SAID that he intends "to ask for
additional housing at the April 17 Regents meet-
ing" to accommodate the increasing demand for
dorm space. He would not, however, say whether
the request would be for money to construct new
dormitories or for the purchase of the Ann Arbor
See REGENTS, Page 8

Saigon wi thstands
continuous shelling
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (I -Government reinforce-
ments engaged insurgents in hand-to-hand fighting yes-
terday in a desperate but apparently futile effort to save
the vital highway linking Phnom Penh to its airport.
There also were reports of rebel advance elements
penetrating the outskirts of the capital.
Also yesterday, Communist-led forces shelled gov-
ernment strongholds on four sides of Saigon, but the
defenders held their positions, field reports said.
THE SOUND of a big explosion was heard in Saigon sometime
yesterday, but the cause was not known immediately.

At the same time, members
Committee held what one termed
dent Ford on Indochina and
what the American role there
can and should be.
At the Capitol, Senate Demo-
crats deferred action on resolu-
tions proposing a continuing ban
on use of U.S. troops to evacuate
South Vietnamese citizens.
IN CAMBODIA, field reports
said insurgents had driven gov-
ernment defenders out of a mar-
ketplace astride Route 3, cut-
ting off Phnom Penh from Po-
chentong airport, four miles to
the west and the encircled city's
only lifeline to the outside.
Rebels punched into the west-
ern and northwestern edges of
the capital, burning refugee
camps and sending thousands of
civilians fleeing into Phnom
Penh on foot, ox carts and
The Yugoslav news agency
Tanjug quoted Prince Norodom
Sihanouk, nominal leader of the
rebels, as saying his forces al-
ready have begun entering
Phnom Penh and that a sur-
render by the Phnom Penh
"traitors" must be uncondition-
al. "Liberation forces alone can
take over power in Phnom
Penh," the agency quoted him
as saying.
TANJUG SAID Sihanouk's re-

of the Senate Foreign Relations
a "candid discussion" with Presi-
' Deranged'
hills wife
By United Press International
A self-confessed killer of 25
persons was back in jail today
charged here in the beating
death of his wife-and the case
stirred a major storm over a
state Supreme Court ruling that
led to his release from a state
mental facility exactly one
month ago.
John McGee, 28, was arrested
early yesterday after police
found the badly beaten body of
his 29-year old wife, Julia.
McGEE WAS freed last month
after a six-member Wayne pro-
bate court jury found him not
insane under new state guide-
lines for mental illness.
The Wayne County prosecu-
tor's office argued against his
release from the Ypsilanti State
Hospital's forensic center on
grounds that he was posed a
See EX-INMATE, Page 8

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Flight insurance
"Fear of Flying," of course, is a book about sex, not the aviation industry.
It's nice to know that airline technicians have things other than nuts and bolts
on their minds. Up, up and away?


expects admission increase

Ex-CIA agent tells
of vast spy forces
In an address to University students at Rackham Audi-
torium Sunday afternoon, former.Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) agent Victor Marchetti painted a sobering picture of
American surveillence and intelligence groups.
Appearing with Marchetti was Doug Porter, a co-director
of the organizing committee of the Fifth Estate, a public
interest group researching intelligence organizations.
"THE CIA is really a secret weapon of the presidency,"
remarked Marchetti. "Every President has lied to protect
the CIA-Nixon lied, Johnson lied, and Kennedy lied; Jerry
Ford-I don't think he can walk and lie at the same time, but
he tried."

The University expects a five
to six per cent increase in
incoming freshpersons next fall
-a rise of some 225 over last
fall-Undergraduate Admissions
Director Clifford Sjogren re-
vealed yesterday.
Sjogren's announcement came
during a meeting of the literary

itory crunch, Feldkamp stated,
"The increase in freshmen
made it very clear that the
(dorm) lottery would be neces-
sary . . . it's true that with a
smaller freshman c 1 a s s we
w o u 1 d have more (dorm)
spaces" for next fall.
B u t, Feldkamp emphasized
that all freshpersons would re-

fall's (LSA) freshman class by
100," Sjogren said. "But we
didn't anticipate any rise in 1n-
gineering. That came as a real
T h e Admissions Office
learned last month the engineer-
ing college will be experienc-
ing .a rise next fall of some 100
freshpersons over the 650 mem-
bers of the 1974 freshperson


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