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April 11, 1975 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-11

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Page Eight



Friday, April 11, 197

It's Glaser all the way

Milton Glaser lit up the world
last year.
The balding, miiddle-aged bean-
pole of an artist has stamped his
characteristic graphics works on
all facets of the medium - maga-
zine designs, the sleeve of a re-
cent Bob Dylan album, and big,
bright, wall posters.
ART STUDENTS and those in-
volved in the art world know
that lately it's Milton Glaser all
the way: Glaser as chairman of
the board of New York magazine;
Glaser second in command at Vil-
lage Voice: Glaser founding the
enormously successful Push Pin
Studios for artists in the media:
Glaser inspiring adoration as an
instructor at New York's School of
the Visual Arts.
I never expected this granhic
superstar to accent my invitation
to lecture at the School of Art, but
on March 16 I was speeding to-
wards Metro Airport to meet his
flight. I gave him a two day whirl-
wind tour of Ann Arbor, and we
became good friends in between.
dinner at the Old China, a trio to
the Arb, and long, conversations
about art.
Glaser showed off his touch of
artistic eccentricity right from the
start when he anxiously asked the
color of my car, explaining that
ever since a Chinese acupuncturist
had warned him that green was
his "bad" color, he had emptied
his closets of green clothing and
had scrupulously avoided riding in

green automobiles. I put him at
ease with the news that my car
was a safe shade of blue, laughing
eagerly - and somewhat uneasily
-to show him that I had enjoyed
his offbeat concern for color.
BUT, I WAS SOON put at ease by
Glaser's eagerness and charm.
He plied me with questions about
campus and students, aid I soon
discovered that students are what
matter to this man. He is vitally
concerned with the young would-
be artists who follow his career
with the devotion of disciples.
"You know, when you don't have
children" he says quietly, "you can
channel the nurturing instinct in
other directions; you have pets,
you have plants - and then you
have students."
Glaser stresses determination to
his young artists. Talent and apti-
tude are imnortant but he believes
them to he secondary to wilfulness
and a dogged determination to
keep working.
"'THE PATH of your future
emerges on his own" he ex-
nsidned. "and we really cannot di-
rect it. But believe me, the shane
of your life will be determined by
what your preconcention of it is,
by how attimed you are to what-
ever is right for you."
Talking with Milton; Glaser, it
b(carne obvious that he has al-
ways been sensitive to the needs
and desires that were uniouely his
own. A New Yorker from birth, he
remembers being beaten un by the
Italian children in his neighbor-

hood. He became so accustomed
to this ritual that when they didn't
show up one day he sat down pa-
tiently and waited for them.
When you laugh, he shrugs his
shoulders and in a voice that seems
still edged a little with sadness
says, "Well, somehow my day just
wasn't complete without that."
He leaned back and his eyes
grew very thoughtful. "Artists are
supposed to be isolated, I suppose.
It's a stereotyped idea, of course,
but personally I have always felt
somewhat 'different'. I can't pre-
ciselv identify myself as being
American, or male, or Jewish --
T've just never felt comfortable
within a specific role."
BUT HE HAS a very definite
niche if he wants one. As a
teacher and model, students are
enraptured by him. In the lecture
hall, talking with other artists, he
seemed trulv at home. He snoke
about the various channels onen
to artistic talent, claiming that
concentration in one asnect is not
a necessity. Glaser said in his lec-
ture that he himself "gets bored"
If he stays in one area of art too
long. He says he has no narticular
favorite type of work and so does
anvthing he seems capable of tack-
i .
And he seems capable of any-
thing. Enormously talented, artic-
ulatP and intelligent, he is also
involved to his fingertips with the
business of encouraging new tal-
ent. Tnsoiration was what he was
s-Hinz and everyone over at the
School of Art was buying it.

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MILTON GLASER sketched a portrait of his new found friend in the front of her book on Glaser's graphics. The hat on her
head and the unreadable signature in the lower corner are his, but the figure he drew is definitely her.

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Having tea with Martha Cook

When golden boy John Reuther
came to a Martha Cook tea last
fall during his ill-fated Congres-
sional bid, he lost a handful of
Second Ward votes with his open-
ing remark. "Isn't this all a little
irrelevant?" Reuther asked, with a
skeptical glance towards the silver
teapot and groups of students
small-talking in -the ornate Gold
Some people would dismiss the
all women's dorm, which still bans
the bedrooms to men overnight
and pampers its residents with
maids and waitresses, as irrelevant.
While many of the residents would
argue with that judgement, no one
has ever cared to make Martha
Cook's sedate afternoon version of
the TGIF relevant. Militant Mar-
tha Cookies, as the women are
nicknamed with varying-degrees of
affection, leave teas out of their
crusades for revolution within the
Virgin Vault.
THIS YEAR the women corrupted
the strictly all-tea affairs with
the addition of coffee and Red
Zinger tea on Valentine's Day, but
no one has yet taken seriously the
suggestions of some residents to
spike the brownies. Any attempts
at that type of radical change
would cause "poor Martha to roll
over in her grave," one resident.
Most women admit frankly to
their prime motive in attending
teas - food. Martha Cook's home-
made drawing cards are the brown-

TWO MEN who succumbed to the
Martha Cook spell solicited an
invitation to tea last fall, billing
themselves on the dorm bulletin
board as "attractive senior men
interested in meeting traditional
women." Resident still laugh about
those two "lonely" young men.
Visitors dulled by the airport
waiting lounge decor of modern
dorms are usually stunned by the
Gold Room's opulence when they
first step inside for tea. They
brand the palatial room's gold bro-
cade chairs, plush carpet, and or-
nately carved piano as "hotel" or
"museum" style ,according to how
far back in time they place its set-
ting. In one corner an imposing
grandfather clock booms forth
with authority every fifteen min-
utes, almost limiting conversation
to small talk out of sheer practi-
cality. There was a genuine Ming
Vase, until someone with a keen
eye for value walked off with it
during a mixer last year.
Martha Cook women have been
kicking off their weekends with a
delicate tap and tea since 1915
when the dorm first opened its ele-
gant chambers. The old rules may
crumble, and men may yet make
the grade as Friday night room-
mates, but the traditional Gold
Room teas will continue to set the
weekend's revelries a-brewing.
Even one resident, who fled the
Vault's opulence after a year, con-
ceded the social value of regular
attendance at teas, "It's easier to
small talk with my grandmother's
friends now."

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Dealing: A narc's view

The 30-ish man with the close-
cropped hair sat smugly in the wit-
ness chair as he fired off his testi-
mony in clipped, one word answers.
Dressed in a green double-knit
suit, the weak-chinned guy de-
scribed his role in a marijuana
IN A WORD he worked as a narc
--for the state police.
As an undercover agent, he un-
derwent a full scale transforma-
tion from straight man to counter-
culture freak. His costume which
included patched jeans and flow-
ered shirts, a beard and shoulder
length hair, was a smashing suc-
His job was to pick up tips from
an "informant," who in exchange
for money and probably other fav-
ors which the state police would be
unlikely to disclose, lets the agents
know what's being sold and by
THEN, THIS narc, masquarading
as a hippie, moves in and tries
to negotiate a buy with the unas-
suminz dealer.
In this case, the narc's victims
were five students attending a col-
lege in the Upper Peninsula (UP).
They sat stone - faced in the court,
as the narc testified in his self-
righteous, gloating manner.
IN THE typically slow, involved
mating-dance between buyer
and seller of illegal substances, the
quintet had agreed to furnish the
agents with 100 pounds of mara-
juana, after a series of meetings
in hotel rooms, restaurants, and

finally a desolate parking lot on
North Campus.
The agent described how he and
his associates had tried to pur-
chase hard drugs from the stu-
dents, but settled for the dope
when they refused the initial re-
THUS BEGAN a string of events
the students had experienced
time after time with buyer after
buyer - but on this occasion it
was to end in a rude shock.
After a meeting in a UP motel,
both groups - the narcs and the
students - arrived separately in
Ann Arbor. A second get together
was held in a hotel here.
At that session, the nares flash-
ed a suitcase filled with $10,000 in
cash - payment in full for the
grass. The participants agreed on a
site for the transfer of goods. In
each case the talks had been bug-
ged and recorded by the state po-
lice in order to build a case against
the five.
Finally, it was time for the ex-
change. The parking lot was dark
and lonesome. The nares arrived
in a van and the students in a late
model four-door hard top.
From the trunk, the kids remov-
ed six large brown bags containing
the marijuana. Two at a time, the
bags were carried to the van. Once
that was completed, the narcs ap-
proached the students, but instead
of handing over the suitcase full of
money, they flashed their badges
and drew their guns.
The five had lived it and now,
sitting in the court room, they
were again feeling those same
pangs of fear, anxiety, and shock.

................................... ...........


ies that disappear at alarming
speed to make room for the stand-
in Chips Ahoy and Lorna Doone's.
One woman said between bites, "I
like the food and the conversation
on occasion." Another agreed, "I
like teas because of the food, but
they do seem kind of provincial."
She suggested, "We could have a
Friday beer bash." One male guest
who refused to be named joked at
what he considered the affair's

pretention, "I just like to come
and chat."
Some people back off from in-
vitations to tea, fearing a swarm
of be-ribboned and organdy-dress-
ed women. While one woman has
been known to hold court in a
strapless, full length leopard gown,
most sprawl on the floor or sofas
in jeans.
But the luxury that repels some
draws others like a gilded magnet.

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The audience at the Detroit
Spring Championship Indoor De-
molition Derby was a family crowd
that screamed bloody murder.
Mothers and fathers with children
in tow glued their eyes to the ring
as the demolition cars tore madly
around the Michigan State Fair
Coliseum - each driver intent on
demolishing the other vehicles. The
crowd could have been attending
ancient Romes gladiator games,
only in this case the warriors wore
loose fitting armor - the steel
bodies of battered Pontiacs, Olds-
mobiles, Fords and Chevrolets. But
the basic premise of destroy, mu-

commented, "Whew, it's a blood
thirsty crowd tonight!"
But the objectives of the partici-
pants was more difficult to deter-
mine. When asked why he like to
drive in demolition derbys, Mike
Montgomery replied, "I don't know
why I drive in them I honestly
don't know. I've always worked
with cars, I like fixin' 'em, but I
don't know why I drive in the der-
Ed Jones, the announcer of the
event, compared driving in the
derby to climbing a mountain. "Ev-
eryone has their own thing. Some
men climb mountains, some men
drive in demolition derbys."

The battle was on when thi
starter dropped the green flag
and the drivers gunned their vi
cious sounding engines and roarei
into the center of the ring - back
wards. They continued to tear fur
iously around the arena seeking t'
smash the front end of an oppon
ent with the tail end of their owi
After the final heat, when th
thick, choking, dust and exhaus
filled air had cleared away, thi
drivers left their war torn steed
on the battlefield and disappeare
into the pit. The twisted, smokinl
wrecks lay dead and dying in th
arena. The crowd. their lust for de

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