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April 11, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-11

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 153

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 11, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages



Clinic to close?
Once again, inflation is about to kill off some-
thing valuable. The Ann Ai-bor Free People's Clinic
will close its doors May 2 if it can't get more public
or private money. The Clinic, at 225 E. Liberty,
is staffed by volunteers who treat anyone who
drops by, mostly low-income people. They have to
come up with funds to pay the 300 per cent in-
crease in malpractice insurance. If you've got
ideas, call 761-8957. By the way, their Children's
Health Fair is still on. It will be held Saturday
from 10-5 and Sunday from 1-5 at the Arbor Park
Nursery, 3200 Braeburn Circle.
Ozone trek
Ozone House's second annual walkathon will be
held Saturday April 19, with the ambitious hikers
going from the Diag to Delhi park. Interested peo-
ple should come to 621 E. William to get sign-up
sheets for sponsors. The basic idea is to persuade
people to sponsor walkers for any number of
cents-per-mile. For more iformation call 663-
Sexist socialization
It appears that sexism in television is hitting be-
low the belt, according to Dr. Linda Busby, a re-
searcher at the University. In a 'study of 20 pro-
grams Busby concludes that cartoons are still firm-
ly entrenched in the traditional male-female sex
roles. "If television serves as a reflector of society,
then females are indeed the 'second sex,"' she
commented. The males in the cartoons, which in-
cluded "Fat Albert," "The Flintstones," and "Un-
derdog," were seen in 42 job roles, while the fe-
males appeared in only nine. "If television indeed
plays a major part in the child's socialization, this
study indicates that cartoon programs are further-
ing the entrenchment of traditional sex roles," she
GEO results
You're not gonna believe this. When Nancy Conk-
lin emerged the victor in yesterday's race for the
presidency of the Graduate Employes' Organiza-
tion (GEO), it was by virtue of the same sort of
preferential voting system which was involved in
another celebrated election of late. Conklin trailed
former union negotiator, Mark Kaplan by four
votes after the first tally, but she went on to win
by forty-one, thanks to the second choices of voters
for Tony Lentz, who came in third. In other re-
sults, Betsy Darken was elected vice-president,
Art Schwartz treasurer, and former chief of the
bargaining team Sandy Wilkinson secretary.
. . . are full of talks today, beginning with an
award presentation for some 350 law students at
the Law School's annual Honor's Convocation .. .
the ceremony begins at 4 p.m. in room 100 of
Hutchins Hall. Wilbur Cohen, Dean of the School of
Education, will be the speaker . . . At 7:30 p.m.
Florynce Kennedy, Director of the Consumer In-
formation Service in New York City, will speak
on "Nelson Rockefeller; Multi-National Delin-
quent" in Rackham Aud. along with Donald Freed,
the author of Executive Action, The Glass House
Tapes, who will deliver a talk on "From Dallas to
Watergate: A Decade of Conspiracy," also in Rack-
ham. . . Frank Cedervall, an Industrial Worker of
the World organizer will give a speech entitled
"Working Class Values in the Bicentennial Era."
Grape disappointment
Students who signed up for a promising course
at Florida Technological University entitled "The
Science of Wine and Wine-Making," got a rude
shock. Instead of discussing the relative merits of

bare feet versus grape presses, they got a basic
chemistry course. The course professor decided to
retitle the subject after only seven students enroll-
ed in chemistry last term. The prof claimed, "We
are not trying to deceive people. But merely to
whet a thirst for knowledge and overcome many
people's fear of chemistry." 11 of the 61 students
enrolled later dropped the class when they dis-
covered its true nature, despite the fact that the
lecturer uses examples of chemical reactions in
wine to illustrate his lectures.
On the inside...
... Editorial Page has Alan Resnick with a per-
sonal view of Judaism . . . Arts Page has Friday's
Cinema Weekend . . . and Sports presents on the
spot coverage of the Tigers from Detroit.
On ,3tjho ni,g'i--







dent Ford asked Congress last
night for nearly $1 billion in ur-
gent military and economic aid
for South Vietnam and for clear
authority to use U. S. military
forces to evacuate Americans
and endangered South Vietna-
mese, if necessary.
Almost instantly, however,
key members of the Senate and
House said Ford's appeal for
"swift and adequate" military
aid has virtually no chance of
congressional approval.
"BECAUSE military assist-
ance would only prolong or
merely postpone an ultimate
Communist victory," said Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee
Chairman John L. McClellan
(D-Ark.). "The Congress will
'never vote for military aid,"
declared House Democratic
Leader Thomas O'Neill of Mas-
Congressional reaction to
Ford's plea for an initial $250
million in economic and human-
itarian aid and for authority to
pull out Americans and up to
200,000 South Vietnamese was
less clear.
Meanwhile, the "State of the
World" address appeared to
mark an end to a five-year
effort to prevent an insurgent
takeover in Cambodia. Ford did
not renew his $222 million aid
request, and administration of-
ficials told reporters Cambodia
probably would fall in the next
few days.
B U T F O R South Viet-
nam, two-thirds of which is un-
der Hanoi's control, Ford re-
quested $722 million in military
aid "without delay." Total si-
lence descended on the House
chamber. Rep Bella Abzug, (D-
N.Y.) and a handful of other
anti-war representatives shook
their heads in disapproval.
Ford's hour-long address was
interrupted 11 times for ap-
plause,smostly by Republicans
and most of it toward the end
when he warned that destruc-
tion of the nation's intelligence-
gathering ability would be "ca-
tastrophic" and called for a
continued strong defense.
While indicating it may be too
late to rescue Cambodia from
an insurgent takeover, F o r d
said a stabilization of the mili-
tary situation in South Vietnam
"offers the best opportunity for
a political solution." .


Battle for
Xuan Loc
costly to
SAIGON (R)-The Saigon com-
mand claimed yesterday that
more than 400 Communist-led
troops were killed in the first
two days of battle for Xuan Loc,
40 miles east of Saigon. Scat-
tered action was reported early
yesterday around the provincial
capital, whose defense is con-
sidered a key test of South Viet-
nam's fighting capacity.
In Cambodia, insurgents dr) e
to within two miles of Phnamn
Penh airport, their deepest pen-
eration ever, field reports said.
ported early yesterday of the
heavy rocket and artillery as-
saults enoployed Tuesday and
Wednesday' in the Communist-
led assault of Xuan Loc
The Saigon command said
government troops and planes
killed 404 Communist troops, de-
stroyed five tanks and 25 trucks
and captured 155 weapons in
those first two days of fighting.
Government casualties w e r e
listed as 16 men killed and 85
On Wednesday, Communist-
led forces-who already control
three-fourths of the country-
also shelled Mekong Delta areas
south of Saigon and Tay Nirh,
55 miles to the northwest.
Ford asked Congress for nearly
$1 billion in aid for Sourn Viet-
namand for clear authority to
uise American troops if n: ces-
sary to evacuate Ameri:a ns.
In Cambodia, rebel forces
pushed closer to the Phnom
Penh airport after a misdirected
government artillery barrage
rained death on Phnom Penh
troops on the northwestern
front, softening the perimeter
for an insurgent assault, field
reports said. The rebels also
forced the U.S. rice lift into a
five-hour suspension. The U.S.
Embassy flew in six more Ma-
rine guards from Bangkok for



seeni as



Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Mu~d peo ple
A couple of gruesome characters decorated the di ag yesterday. As savage as they may appear,
they did manage to play croquet in a semi-civilized manner. In actuality, they are advertising
a movie, Savages, which will appear at the Campus Theatre this week.
LSA rportcriticized

An unexpected reaction from
the literary college (LSA) Ex-
ecutive Committee to recom-
mended restrictions on directed
reading /independent study (DR/
IS) and experiential courses
"might make the restrictions
more liberal," according to Eu-
gene Nissen, LSA Director of
Academic Actions.
Approved by the LSA Cur-
riculum Committee last week,
the "working draft" was s. r.t
to the Executive Committee ac-
companied by a critical miner-
ity report from the student com-
mittee members. The document
was returned to the Curriculum
Committee for extensive revi-
sion yesterday.
THE PURPOSE of the docu-
ment was to "encourage, super-
vise and monitor" DR/IS and
experiential courses, according
to the minority report. Field
study, Outreach and Project
Community are included under
experiential courses.
When the Curriculum Commit-
tee presents a draft suitable to
thR Executive Committee, it
will be sent to department
heads. From there it will filter
down to the rest of the faculty
for the final word.
Last week, Jean - Carduner,
LSA Dean of the Curriculum,
predicted that the Executive
Committee, if they modified the

document at all, would make
further restrictions. Nissen )es-
terday disagreed with that pre-
diction, but said, "I'm quite
sure there will still be lireita-
meeting said the minorv'y re-
port "definitely had an influ-
ence" on the commitca ; as-
sessment of the document. Ac-
cording to Acting LSA Dean
Billy Frye, the minority report
"was definitely taken into con-
sideration" although the com-
JFK e.

mittee "agreed more w!th the
document than the re',,rt."
The minority report censured
the "sloppiness" of the docu-
ment, according to Jan- Prae-
ger, a student member of the
Curriculum Committee "The
report creates certain bureau-
cratic problems for students."
Nissen said there were "some
very good points" in the minor-
ity report and indicated "a
number of them" will fini their
way into the final document.

Certification of Monday's city-
wide election by the Ann Arbor
Board of Canvassers is proceed-
ing smoothly and on schedule,
with a decision expected some-
time late today.
As of late last night, votes
from four of the five city wards
had been verified. Vote totals
c h e c k e d yesterday included
first-choice mayoral votes, Loun-
ci, votes and votes on the three
ballot propositions. Verification
of second-choice mayoral votes
is expected to begin today.
THE APPARENT winner of
the controversial mayoral race,
Democrat Albert Wheeler, said
yesterday he is confident that
the Board "will make an impar-
tial decision."
He also put an end to specu-
lation that Democrats may in-
itiate court action as a result
of Wednesday night's City Coun-
cil resolution permitting lame-
duck Republican Mayor James
Stephenson to remain seated un-
til Wheeler is certified by the
"That's all ridiculous -there
isn't any decision that can be
made until after they (the
Board of Canvassers) have fin-
ished," asserted Wheeler. He
said he expects "to be in-the
Mayor's office on Monday."
. OFFICIAL city clerk tabula-
tions on Tuesday gave Stephen-
son 14,453 votes, Wheeler 11,814
votes and Human Rights Party
(HRP) candidate Carol Ernst
3,181 votes. Since no candidate
received a majority of first
choice votes, Ernst was elimi-
nated and her second preference
votes redistributed a m o n g
Stephenson and Wheeler.
After this redistribution, un-
official tallies showed Wheeler
leading Stephenson 14,670 to
14,58-a difference of 112 votes.
If Wheelereisncertified, the
political make-up of City Coun-
cil will shift from the Republi-
can domination of the past two
See VOTE, Page 2

~pert hints

According to Mark Lane, head of the
Citizen's Commission of Inquiry in Wash-
ington D.C., the last three presidential
elections have been decided by bullets.
Lane, speaking to a packed crowd in Hill
Aud. yesterday af'ternoon, said "From LBJ
(Lyndon Johnson) to Ford, the seat of the
President of the United States has been
determined by the killing of JFK (John
Kennedy) and the subsequent shootings of
Robert Kennedy and George Wallace."
LANE, appearing as a part of a sym-
posium sponsored by the Pilot Program on
the Political Crisis in America, is John
Kennedy's former New York campaign
manager and a long time advocate for the

re-opening of the Kennedy assassination
In his two-hour talk Lane blasted the
discrepencies of the Warren Commission's
report on the assassination. He capped his
presentation with several showings of the
famous Abraham Zapruder film, an ama-
teur movie which clearly shows Kennedy
as he was hit in the head by a bullet.
"The one accurate conclusion," he main-
tained, "was that Jack ltuby shot and killed
Lee Harvey Oswald. But then there were
nation-wide television cameras there."
LANE ALSO pointed out that there were
what he termed six members of the
commission who became "accessories after
the fact" by suppressing basic evidence

rnsp iracy
concerning the case. One of these mem-
bers, Lane reminded the audience, was a
then little-known Congressman Gerald Ford.
Only through the recent passage of the
Freedom of Information Act over Ford's
veto have such vital evidence as the disap-
pearance of President Kennedy's brain
come out.
"How could they lose a brain?" Lane
asked. "How many presidential brains do
they have in the Archives?"
DIAGRAMATICALLY presenting the as-
sassination scene, the points brought out
by the report, and the details involving
weapon size and restrictions as opposed to
the number of shots fired, Lane insisted
See JFK, Page 2

play with
Seeki ig to beat that little sil-
«er ball and wcin the Second An-
meal State Pinball - Foosball
(hampionship, oer 100 wiards?
converge d oin Webes Inn las t
S' day in a nmnball orgy that
cv + I. ol 1 n 'lnV l l .: 'o. 1 1?? . . ...

Feldkamp promises rooms to
dispossessed lottery losers

The University Housing office, in a report
presented to the Board of Regents last night,
guaranteed dormitory space to those lottery los-
ers still waiting for leases.
"In order to accommodate the extra students,"
said John Feldkamp, Director of University
Housing, "We plan on converting 201 double
roms to triples, guest rooms and the Bursley
linen closets."

cants are already on the waiting list for Univer-
sity housing next fall.
The 205 open spaces in Baits housing will re-
main on reserve for the increased number of
transfer students expected by the University
next fall. Feldkamp had previously named Baits,
as the most "attractive" of the University's
still available spaces.
While lottery losers will retain first priority
of those without any 1975-76 fall leases, Feld-

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