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April 09, 1975 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-09

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ednesdgy, Apri19, 1975


Page Five

'Godfather II' cops Oscar;
Iurstyn, Carney top acting

(Continued from Page 1) study of the Vietnam 1Var, was
Brando had refused to appear named best documentary, but
in the sequel to The Godfather its director was later apparently
and De Niro took his place in rebuked from the podium by1
flashback scenes whi-h detail host Frank Sinatra for politi~alI
how the character first turned statements he made in accept-
to crime. ing the award.
One feature of De Niro's per- While the crowd of 3,000
formance was his uncanny abil- strongly applauded the choice
ity to reproduce the same rasp of the film, it was mute when
ing, cobra-like hiss of Brando's director Bert Schneider said,
voice as used in the first God- "It is ironic that we are here
father film. at a time when Vietnam is
Godfather 11, the creation of about to be liberated."
Coppola and novelist Mario He then read a cable from in-.
Puzo, made Oscar historr by surgent representatives in Paris
becoming the first sequel to an praising Americans for support-
Academy Award winner itself ing their struggle.
to win an Oscar.
According to critics across the Hearts and Minds was made
country, the sequel was a better j three years ago, but Columbiat
film than the original, whch Studios, which produced the
was heavily criticized fo: al- film, refused to release it.
legedly glorifying violence. Eventually, the film was taken3
No one who saw the sequel over by Warner Brothers, who
could accuse it of thnt -it is a released it late last year.
31/ hour study of how evil c-sr- In a continuing controversy,
rlints a basically decent young Walt Whitman Rostow, a top
man until he destroys all in adviser to Presidents Kennedy
his way. and Johnson on the Vietnam
-Federico Fellini, one of Ira 's war, attempted to get a cmurt.
major filmmakers, won the A.,a- order halting distribution of the:
demy Award for best fcreign film, claiming he was mis-
film with Amarcord, a nostalgi quoted in it. A Los Angeles Su-
look attgrowing up in a small perior Court judge eventually
Itle on ruled against him.
e- Fellini was not present at the ruTetaga m. o
- cremny o acep th awrd. The telegram read to the
ceremony to accept the oiward.r audience was from AmbassadorK
Hearts and Minds, a searing; Dinh Da Thi chief of the Pro-I
visional Revolutionary Govern-1
ment at the Paris talks on
It said: "Please transmit to
all our friends in America our
m eals recognition of all they have
done on behalf of peace and for

Hawks, presented oy I o n
Scoring of original song score
and-or adaptation-The Great
Gatsby, adapted by Nelson
Costume Design - The Gieat
Best Song - We May Never
Love Like This Again.
IlU) W00flLC1
to marry in
BOULDER, Colo. (,') - Boul-
der County Clerk Clela Rorex,{
who last month issued a mar-
riage license to two men, is-
sued a marriage license to two
women yesterday.
Susan Paula Mele, 22, and
Sheila HarrietSernovitz, 21,
both of Boulder, said they
would have a wedding cere-
mony later.
Rorex said she was receivedG
between 70 and 80 responses to
her action last month. She said
they were about 2 to 1 in favor
of her decision to issue the li-
An assistant district attorney
in Boulder said after the first
license was issued that there
currently is no statute govern-
ing the issuance of marriage
licenses to persons of the same
«* *

r Speaking on the food crisis and survival of humanity
FRI., MAY 16, 1975-7:00 P.M.
Donation $4 plus 1 can of food
profits Qo to world community food bank
ann arbor, mi
Available at David's Bookstore-529 E. Liberty
and ;n the Michiqan Union
- - - ---- --
. , . .fh COR FG V


Humphrey BOGART


AP Photo
Veteran actress Ingrid Bergman smiles and holds an Academy Award on the stage of the
Dorothy Chandler Music Pavilion in Los Angeles last night. Bergman received the Best Sup
porting Actress Oscar for her performance in "Murder on the Orient Express."

Tonight only .Wed., April 9
Aud. A ngellHFall 7 & 9:00 $1.25
April 12, 1975
12-7 p.mr.
" Entertainment-Belly Dancing
& Modeling
9 Cultural Exhibits
* Arts & Crafts
o Refreshments
* Door Prizes
e 50-50 Drawing
at EMU's
25c Admission
sponsored by the Office of Minority Affairs




the application of the Paris ac-
By ROBIN HERGOTT form one large rectangle, which for 15 minutes, stirring to bland; two. Place rolls cut side down cords on Vietnam.
Sweet breads are always a is then filled, rolled up and cut combine eggs, vanilla and gran- in each section, pressing down "These actions serve the legit-
welcome addition to breakfast; to form individual rolls. The ulated sugar. Sift flour, brown gently. Brush top of rolls with - imate interest of the American
brunch or snacks. They are not use of this dough makes the: sugar and baking powder to- melted butter. Bake at 375-de- people and the Vietnamese peo-
too sweet or too rich and they preparation extremely easy and gether and add to egg mixture; I grees for 10-13 minutes or un- ple. Greetings of friendship to
are sure to satisfy everyone's it is difficult to tell that the blend in dates and nuts, but do til golden brown. Remove from all the American people."
palate. . dough was not made from not mix any more than neces- ? oven and at once turn on to a French filmmaker Jean Re-
Fruit breads, which are moist scratch. The schnecken are best sary. Grease an 8" x 4" x 3" cake rack that has wax paper noir, whose film Grand Illusion
and have an excellent flavor, served warm. loaf pan, line with wax paper under it. is considered a cinematic rnas-
stay fresh for a long time if well BANANA BREAD and grease again; fill with bat-
ter.N BakeD inapeetd30 Syrup glace: terpiece, was given an honor-
covered. Many fruit bread reci- ' cup shortening der oe 0 to 60 minutes I1-2 cup light brown sugar ary Academy Award for his
pes call for the addition of bak- 1 cup sugar Xdenedone, toothpick inserte 3 tablespoons butter or marga- contribution to film.
ing -soda, which neutralizes the i gs etnWe oe otpc netd rine Renoir, now in his late 'Us,
acid in the fruit. To produce a 2 eggs, beaten in center will come out clean. 3 tablespoons hot water wetoi, to ae h award
textured bread,, stir do 3 large ripe bananas, mashed Cool before removing. Loosen was too ill to accept the award
good etre bae stirtdo 2 cups flour sides with spatula and turn out Over moderate heat, bring in person. It was accepted on
nbeat the bat js uti 1 teaspoon salt on rack. To slice perfectly, al- I sugar, butter and water to a his behalf by Ingrid Bergman.
blended after the addition of the
dry ingredients, so that the glu 1 teaspoon baking soda, mixed low loaf to stand several hours, full boil, stirring constantly. Re- Other major awards:
ten does not develop. with 3 tablespoons cold water Freezes well. move from heat as soon as it Sound-Earthquake.
1 taspon anilacomes to a boil in the center. -Original Dramatic Score -
Besides having an irresistable # cup nutmeats, chopped INSTANT SCHNECKEN Cool to lukewarm before using. ' Godfather II, Nino Rota and
teste and aroma, banana bread (optional) 1 package Pillsbury Crescent Stir gently each time you use Carmine Coppola.
is also nutritious. Bananas are: Cream shortening arid sugar Rolls the glace. y Honorary Award - Howard
an excellent source of potassium until very light. Add beaten Melted -butter or margarine -
as well as being a good source eggs and mashed bananas. Sift Brown sugar
of thiamine and riboflavin and flour and salt together and add Cinnamon
a fair source of Vitami A.. to first mixture. Add soda, van- Chopped Pecans
Date Nut. Bread is another illa andchpe nusPtinWoeeas
contan th sam nutient as reasd 9"x 5"d loaf n. tBake FORl THPP BLCcNT RETs
exceptional fruit bread. Dates paUnro package of rolls and FORT E PUBLC INTEREST. .
banans, bh utrinmuchlwert s1 hour in 325-degree oven. leave in a rectangle. Press all
bananas, but in. much lower ' seams together. Brush with
quantities. However, the nuts DATE NUT BREAD melted butter; sprinkle liberally
provide some protein, so 'the 1 cup chopped dates with brown sugar, chopped pe-
bread does have some nutrition- 3(4 cup chopped nuts cans and a little cinnamon. P
al value. Be sure that the nuts |/4 teaspoon baking soda Roll up and cut into 8 or 10 uni-
are fresh before adding them 4 teaspoon salt form pieces. Butter muffin tins
to the batter so as not to spoil cup butter, melted and place about tablespoon D IR EC TO RS W ILL BE
the taste of the bread. This 34 cup boiling water of "Syrup Glace" in the bottom
bread is especially good served 2 eggs of each and a whole pecan or
with cream cheese. teaspoon vanilla or
Schnecken are tiny pecan rolls 1 cup granulated sugar
which are made with a yeast 13/ cups all-purpose flour FIND OUT HOW GOOD
dough. The recipe given below 1 cup brown sugar, firmly Any student is eligible to run for
though calls for Pillsbury Cres- packed YOU RoEAnLiLY AeRiE
cent 'roll dough, which is found 1 teaspoons baking powder one of nine positions on the Board.
in the dairy caseat the grocery. Combine dates, nuts, soda, THREE-IN-ONE To become a candidate, sign up at
The individual rectangles of - and salt in a mixing bowl; add TOURNAMENT the P1 RGIM office (4106 Michi
dough are pressed together to butter and water; allow to stand T
SAT and SUN. gon Union) no later than April
April 12th & 13th 15. For further info call 662-6597
BILLIARDS at or994-0311.
eeN there. __Public Interest Research Group in Michigan
lowyo can
T" . . Incredibly powerful and inspiring . . "
They've got a long way to
o. In a world that isn't easy. -John Barbour, NBC-TV
But with someone's help,
they'llrmake it. What they need "The best film at the Cannes Festival. A brutal
is a friend. Someone to act as
confidant andguide Perhaps, mind-blowing experience that shattered every
it could be you as a Salesian whht1 v r
Priest or Brother. J}n American who saw It /I -Rex Reed
The Salesians of St. Johnx
Bsco were founded in 1859 to
serve youth. Unlike other orders whose apostolate has changed brill ian t. -Zimmerman Newsweek
with varying conditions, the Salesians always have been - and t/
will be, youth oriented. Today we're helping to prepare young- a n incredible ach ievernent .
sters for the world that awaits them tomorrow. Not an easy
task but one which we welcome. Stone S.F. Chroricle
And how do we go about it? By following the precepts of "The most hardened hearts and closed minds will
our founder, Don Bosco. To crowd out evil with reason, religion
and kindness with a method of play, learn and pray. We're
trying to build better communities by helping to create better men. certainly be penetrated, if ever the American
As a Salesian, you are guaranteed the chance to help
the young in a wide range of endeavor .., as guidance counsel- publc gets a chance to see -Playboy
ors, technical and academic teachers, as coaches,
psychologists ... in boys clubs, summer camps ... as mission-
aries. And you are given the kind of training you need to ..i uLd U Se by e /-\m erncan.
achieve your aims. -Charles Champlin, L.A. Times
The Salesian family is a large one (we are the third largest
order) but a warm one. A community with an enthusiastic family
feeling where not only our talents are shared but our short-
comings, too. If you feel as we do, that service to youth can be - 1
an important mission in your life, we welcome your interest. ..II~ 11 'I "
F- ----------- -- -
For more information about Salesian Priests and A N D
Orothers, mail this coupon to:
Father Joseph Maffei, S.D.B. Room B 219







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