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April 08, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-08

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it i au


See Today for details

Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 150

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Tuesday, April 8, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages









4 y
w'sEfE fS HAM M CA yAy
Smoking's dangers
A discarded cigarette may have started the
blaze that destroyed the Old German restaurant
last week, according to city fire inspectors. Al-
though an exact cause may never be proven, the
inspectors have ruled out problems with the elec-
trical wiring, which had originally been blamed for
the fire. Now it appears a smoldering butt may
have ignited clothing kept in the basement of the
A clarification
In Sunday's edition, we may have left the im-
pression that experiential courses - such as Pro-
ject Outreach -would not be included under the
32 credit hour limitation on independent study
being discussed by the LSA Executive Committee.
Actually such courses would fall within that limit.
Also on Sunday we stated that the Daily did not
endorse the door-to-door voter registration ballot
proposal in yesterday's election. We in fact fully
support the measure.
Happenings . *
. . . are plentiful, beginning with a lecture by
Halina Taborska on "Theatre for the Masses: The
October Theater and Meyerhold" at noon in the
Rackham West Conference Rm . . . at 4 p.m. the
Indian Ambassador will address the public in Rm.
1017 Angell Hall as part of a South and Southeast
Asia Studies Center program. At 7:30 p.m. he will
speak in the Union Ballroom, followed by a 9 p.m.
coffee hour at the International Center . . . Rob-
ert Morison will present "Biology, Ethics, and
Law: Can They Help Each Other?" at 4:16 p.m.
in 100 Hutchins Hall . . . the Residential College
Lectures sponsors Marvin Felheim speaking on
"In Defense of Popular Culture" in the East Quad
Green Lounge at 7 p.m. . . . NOW is holding a dis-
cussion on wife beating at 8 p.m. in the basement
of the Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw . . . the
University concert band will perform at Hill Aud.
at 8 p.m. . . . Poetry Works presents a reading
with Carolyn Gregory at 9:30 p.m. in the East
Quad Green Lounge . . . Biff Rose appears at the
Ark and provides commentary on the Oscar
Photographers eye
What's it really like in Vietnam right now? "Re-
ally shitty, and you can quote me," says President
Ford's personal photographer and friend David
Hume Kennerly, whom Ford sent to Indochina to
answerthat samequestion. "The NorthVietna-
mese are really crummy people," he declared,
addding that the refugees are "terrified they are
going to get killed". Kennerly, who made many
lasting friendships during his years as a Pulitzer
Prize-winning combat photographer in Indochina,
spoke of officers running out on their troops and
Vietnamese begging him to take their children
home with him. "All of my friends know they are
going to die," he said. "It is the worst thing that
has ever happened to me in my life."
With God's help
Landlords of Ann Arbor take heed, for with a
little openmindedness you can avoid all this flack
about rent control. Just follow the lead of Robert
Miller, the president of a Chicago housing develop-
ment firm, who is hiring ministers as apartment
managers. Miller calls the move "just plain, good
business sense. A minister as a manager adds real
credibility. They can communicate, that's their
business. Tenant turnover is down. Rents are paid
on time. And I don't get nasty letters anymore.
Owners of apartment complexes bring their resi-
dents swimming pools or golf courses, so I though
about what I could do that's different. So I decided
to bring them God." In whom, we trust, few char-
ter amendments will have a prayer of a chance.

On the inside ...
the Editorial Page features Debra Hurwitz
on "Spare Parts: Anatomical Donations at 'U'
Hospital" . . . David Blomquist picks the Oscars
and Tony Cecere reviews the Boston Symphony Or.
chestra on the Arts Page . . . The Sports Page
highlights Andy Glazer's analysis of the National
Basketball playoffs in the east.

On the basis of partial
returns early this morning,
city voters apparently de-
feated all three proposed
City Charter amendments
which would have allowed
door-to-door voter registra-
tion, imposed city - wide
rent controls, and authoriz-
ed municipal funding of
day care centers.
The voter registration
proposal ran the strongest.
It was losing by a 5,900 to
5,100 vote margin, with
about 40 per cent of the
precincts reporting.
DAY CARE received about
3,000 "yes" votes compared to
6,000 "no" votes. Rent control
also fared badly, losing 5,000 to
More complete results are
not expected until sometime
this morning.
"Under the door-to-door voter
registration charter amendment,
the city clerk would have had
to appoint up to two per cent of
the voters in the past mayoral
election - about 600 people - as
deputy registrars.
THE MEASURE would have
allowed the registrars to enroll
new voters anywhere in the city.
Currently there are only about
a dozen approved sites for voter
STATE Attorney General
F r a n k Kelley declared the
amendment illegal because it
could be "conducive of election
fraud." City Republicans with-
held their support of the meas-
ure for that reason.
Proponents of door-to-door reg-
See BALLOT, Page 2

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
CAROL JONES, left, just re-elected to City Council, and
Council newcomer Elizabeth Taylor smile broadly at the
election results.

Doily Photo by KEN FINK
MAYOR JAMES STEPHENSON listens intently to late election
results which suggest that he will emerge victorious. Final
results won't be tabulated until today.

Democratic Party mayor-
al candidate Albert Wheel-
er early this morning all
but conceded defeat to in-
cumbent Republican James
Stephenson in their nip
and tuck battle.
Stephenson apparently
won, although he failed to
receive more than 51 per
cent of the vote - which
means under the new pre-
ferential system the second
choice ballots of those per-
sons voting for Human
Rights Party (HRP) candi-
date Carol Ernst will be
F R o M current returns, it
seems highly unlikely that
enough of the second place
votes will go to Wheeler to off-
set Stephenson's sizeable lead.
In the City Council races no
seats changed hands. Demo-
crats won in the First and Sec-
ond Wards and Republicans
captured the Third, Fourth, and
Fifth Wards.
Assuming a Stephenson vic-
tory, the balance on council
remains intact: Republicans-
six seats; Democrats - four;
and HRP - one.
night, Stephenson flirted with
the 50 per cent mark. Unofficial
totals gave Stephenson 15,405
votes, Wheeler 12,421,and Ernst
In order to win, Wheeler
would have to pick up the sec-
ond choice vote of 2,984 people
who cast first place ballots for
Ernst-a practical impossibility.
"I don't think that I'm going
to have enough second place
votes to throw me over the top,"
Wheeler said. "It's going to be
a long two years."
AT THE Republican victory
bash at the local Holiday Inn,
Stephenson confidently predicted
his re-election to another two-
year term.
Joining Stephenson in victory
was Republican Ronald Trow-
bridge who won the pivotal
Fourth Ward. Unofficial and in-
complete returns gave him 2,655
votes to 2,789 for Democrat
William Bronson and 608 for
HRP hopeful Judy Gibson.
Turnout in the ward, a micro-
cosim of the city, appeared low-
er than the previous two years'
totals. Trowbridge, like his fel-
low Republicans opposed all
three ballot proposals and ran
on a platform of fiscal respon-
IN THE First Ward Democrat
Elizabeth Taylor defeated HRP
entry David Goodman by a
wide margin, as Republican
Karen Graf finished a close
third. She pulled 1,700 votes to

By AP and Reuter
SAIGON - President Nguyen
Van Thieu escaped unhurt yes-
terday when one of his own air
force jets bombed his palace,
reliable sources said.
Witnesses said the U.S.-made
F5 swooped low over the palace
and dropped at least two and
possibly four 500-pound bombs.
THE PLANE, an F5 fighter-
bomber, swooped over the Inde-
pendence Palace in the city cen-
ter and dropped three bombs.


CRISP debuts; long
lines greet students
The new CRISP computerized registration system, intended to
speed up the normally tedious process, kept students waiting
impatiently for up to two hours yesterday during its first day
of operation.
But an official overseeing the processing insisted that the
problem causing the delays would be ironed out overnight.
CHARLES MORRIS, chairman of the CRISP Inplementation
Group, explained that the long waits were caused by an ineffi-
cient information withdrawal procedure written into the computer
program at the last minute. He said that the process would be
correced before today's CRISP sessions.

But they all missed the main
palace, where Thieu was stay-
ing, and hit several outbuildings
in the grounds.
Sources later said two people
were killed and three injured in
the early morning bombing raid.
The bombs hit a tennis court
50 yards from the main build-
ing, a parking lot 100 yards
away and the back gate to the
palace g r o u n d s, sources re-
pressure increased on the be-
sieged capital of Phnom Penh.
Rebel gunners hit an ammuni-
tion and fuel depot at the Phnom
Penh airport and a column of
black smoke blotted out the sun
over the city. Khmer Rouge in-
surgents launched assaults on
Phnom Penh's wobbly defenses
four miles north of the airport,
but field reports said the de-
fenders held their positions.
In Washington, congressional
leaders said there was no
chance of a quick vote on sup-
plemental military aid to South
Vietnam and Cambodia as re-
quested by President Fora.
Saigon was clamped under a
25-hour curfew after the bomb-
ing. Troops took up combat po-
sitions in the park in front of
the palace and the city's Tan
Son Nhut Airport was placed
on full alert.
THE SOURCES said the pres-
ident had telephoned the coun-

iieu s
try's military chiefs to call for
reinforcements to guard the
Pressure has mounted on
Thieu to quit the presid ency
since a month-long insurgent
offensive saw the governmen
lose three-fourths of the ram
try with the military badly de-
In addition to opposition po-
litical demands that Thieu step
down, there have been repeatec
rumors that South Vietnamese

military men were
consider action.

meeting to

THERE WAS no immediate
indication yesterday whether the
attack by the aircraft was an
organized move or the work of
a lone disgruntled pilot.
The fighter bomber made at
least three passes over the In-
dependence Palace and the
flash and shock wave from the
bombs came on the second run.
See THIEU'S, Page 8

'U' state funds face
additional 2% cut
The University budget, already squeezed by a four per cent
slash in state appropriations for next year, will definitely face at
least an additional two per cent cut, University officials learned
University President Robben Fleming announced the news as
part of a grim speech on the economic status of the faculty at
yesterday's Senate Assembly meeting.
Vice-President for State Relations Richard Kennedy later
confirmed the cut. "It was indicated in some conversations with
the budget office (part of Governor Milliken's cabinet) that the
cut will be a somewhat excessive two per cent, between two and
two and a half," he said.
FLEMING APPEARED surprised by the confirmation of the
expected two per cent additional cut, which represents $2-$2.5
million. "What we do about it, I don't know," he commented.
See 'U', Page 2_


iits HRP
chiargre A
Newly re-elected City Coun-
cilwoman Carol Jones (D-Sec-
ond Ward) denied last night the
charge made in a Human
Rights Party leaflet, that she
did not sign the petitions which
placed rent control and day
care charter amendment pro-
posals on yesterday's ballot.
Jones publicly supported

CRISP, an acronym for Com-
puter Registration Involving Stu-
dent Participation, is the new
one - step registration process
which replaces the two-step ad-
vance classification and early
registration procedures. Trained
operators t y p e a student's
course elections directly into a
computer, which tells whether
co-rses or sections are closed.
Student opinion was divided
over whether or not the CRISP
system is better than the ad-
vance classification and regis-
tration process it replaces.
"I'M P R E T T Y disgusted,"
said one woman who missed a
,.lass while writing in line near-
ly two hours. "I feel like say-
ing, 'Nice try, U, vou did it
Another strident said she had
to return to the CRISP center

kids arrive
at A'etro .:.::
Pa l McKay had no profound answer
to offer when asked why he and his
wife Lucille were becoming foster par-
ents for a Vietnamese child.
"Because it needs doing," he replied,
as if the answer was obvious.
The McKays are one of the Flint area
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