Poge SIX THE MICHIGAN GAILY Sunday, April 6, 1975 Poge Six TH~ MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, April 6, 1975 I it LOOKING BACK is 0 that working for a newspaper can be exciting, f rustrating, enjoyable and I THE WEEK IN REVIEW Election notes written " , , refreshing Why Not Join THE DAILY? A great place newspaper on to meet people, drink 5c cokes and learn about a the Business, Editorial or Sports Staffs. i i Soft yOU'D NEVER know it, but has launched a massive adver- there's an election going on tising campaign aimed directly tomorrow in Ann Arbor. at students. With most of the candidates Featuring a sinister-looking running fairly low-profile cam- octopus clutching a hapless vic- paigns, there has been a con- tim of rent control, CGH ads spicuous lack of the usual high- claim that Proposal "A" will sounding rhetoric, and media hurt the very people it's sup- advertising has been kept to a posed to help. bare minimum. A large persen- "Rent control is thoroughly tage of voters contacted by a dangerous," states a typical Daily poll had no knowledge of leaflet. the election, and of those that did, many were unacquainted THE CGH advertising blitz, with the issues. which is financed by such In part, the hush-hush cam- big names in the student hous- paign is a result of GOP stra- ing market as Randolph White tegy to discourage students from (Wilson-White) and Peter Klein- going to the polls. Republican pell (Tower Plaza), has includ- Mayor James Stephenson, seek- ed a massive mailing, a campus ing re-election to a second term, leaflet barrage, and newspaper; is well aware that an invisible ads. campaign will serve to strength- With contributions to CGH en his chances since students topping $18,000 as of last Mon- will lend most of their support day, pro-rent control groups are Sto his Democratic opponent, Al 3spending less than $2,500 on the Wheeler. campaign. rTHIS YEAR, the only real McKinley Associates, the larg- drawing card for students est private landlord in Ann Ar- appears to be rent control. It is bor, contributed over $1,000 also the only issue which has through employees and associ- provoked any spirited debate. ates while Randolph White, The anti-rent control forces, president of Wilson-White kicked which include some of the city's in $2,20 to the anti-rent control most powerful landlords, have effort. joined forces in a slick outfit Marshalling their forces back} WHEELER: The Democratic mayoral candidate is challeng- ing incumbent James Stephen- son. A high turnout by stu- dents would weigh heavily in his favor. A LTHOUGHl THIE advertising blitz did not get underway until a week ago, CGII members and supporters had also been waging a quiet "Letters to theF Editor" campaign. The landlords' claims, which have been largely supported by city Republicans running for re- election center on the fact that rent control will supposedly dry' up housing and discourage im- provements of rental units. The Human Rights Party,! whose Second Ward candidate Frank Shoichet drafted the pro-' posal, branded the anti-rent con- STEPHENSON: The Republi- can Mayor is well aware that his victory and the defeat of rent control will probably be assured if students fail to make a heavy turn-out at the polls tomorrow. trol allegations as "lies in an at- tempt to defeat rent control." Meanwhile, in a related de- velopment, State Attorney Gen- eral Frank Kelley termed the controversial ballot issue faul- ty because "it does not comply fullywith the state law." VELLEY BASED his opinion, on the grounds that "the proposed City Charter amend- ment is not confined to one sub- ject" as required the Michigan Home Rule Cities Act. However, Kelley's opinion will not prevent the proposal from appearing on the ballot Monday SHOICHET: This Second Ward candidate was the sole drafter of the controversial rent con- trol ballot issue. He has term- ed all anti-rent control litera- ture "lies." since it was placed there by voter initiative. A rent control ordinance could, however, be knocked from the books through a lawsuit based on the Attor- ney General's opinion. In any event, Kelley's stance will probably do little to sway voters either way. Past experience has shown that the side with the bigger bankroll usuallywcleans up at the crap table. So unless luck is on the side of the tenants, the landlords should walk away with all the chips. -CHERYL PILATE ironically dubbed the Citizens" for Good Housing (CGH)., Although operating with a smaller budget this year, CGH SP N - in February, CGH bigwigs re- quested $5-$6 per unit from all the city's major landlords. While maintaining as low a pro- file as possible, CGH also sent out letters to all small property owners requesting donations. f s 't ri : } k t I t 1 SUMMER Cof CONTRACTS AVAILABLE (AA) N jv " 2 or 4 month contracts * single or double rooms " room & board, room only, or board only " laundry, telephone &s utilities included " low cost " democratic control COME TO THE I NTER.COOPERATIVE COUNCIL OFFICE- RM. 4002, MICH. UNION 662-4414 Price information available at office FALL-WINTER CONTRACTS FOR WOMEN FOR N. CAMPUS AVAILABLE he aily endorses MAYOR FIFTH WARD Al Wheeler (Dem) no endorsement FIRST WARD Liz Taylor (Den) RENT CONTROL Yes SECOND WARD Carol Jones (Dent) DAY CARE THIRD WARD No Mike Broughton (Dem) VOTER FOURTH WARD REGISTRATION Bill Bronson (Dem) No .:zY.................................. a ARE YOU AS WIERD AS EVERYONE ELSE WHO WAS BORN ON YOUR BIRTHDAY? Find Out At .w.ORE - O... Ed. School Field Pilot"Program-Alice Lloyd Hall GRADUATE STUDENT TEACHING ASSISTANT POSITIONS The deadilne for Graduate Student Teaching Assistant applications in Alice Lloyd for the 1975-76 academic year has ben etxended to WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1975. Applicants may pick up an application in the Housing Office, 1500 S.A.B. from 8:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30-5:00 p.m. Responsibilities include teaching, counseling and contributing to educational programming. WOMANSPELLS THE MIXED MEDIA OF EDWINA DROBNYV APRIL 6-30 RECEPTION SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 4 P.M. UNION GALLERY FIRST FLOOR MICHIGAN UNION TUES., THURS. 1-8 WED., FRI., SAT. 10-5 SUN. 12-5 Daily Classifieds Get Results Sunday 3:00 APRIL 13 (postponed until next week because of snow) A NON-DISCRIMINATORY AFFIRN A(-~TIOK.I PAPflI rVPP' OAT IV E s AC-. II'.IN MVrLAJY t tK SII IL ., x rg { ti s :: " ;; 4 xr F1 ! ' .a ", : . ,_ .r, , . i r-- . , " Control Growth. Stop Urban Blight " Fight Run Down Housing " Make Streets Safe For Bikes & Cars " Bring Back Door-to-Door Voter Registration Vote YES on "C" * Guarantee Funds For Day Care Vote YES on "B" I I IlI I P 1 "T p n or , 1 11 / P 19ri ff i II I 11 1111