~ir £fr41!an n a1l Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan France: After the big strike Thursday, January 9, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Oil No shores of Tripoli WHEN ANY FUEHRER mentions the unmentionable, the only decision subordinates can make is when to endorse then glorious solution. Months ago, Jack Anderson warned that the Ford administration was seriously considering a war against Arab oil producing countries. The tip was al- most ignored until Herr Kissinger was instructed to begin the scare. But who, except us, is frightened of such mindless language? The Arabs aren't afraid since they can depend on Soviet and third world support against U.S. aggression. Also, a war of tanks and planes, rather than atomic bombs, would mean that the Middle East could keep their ma- chinery moving hundreds of years after the last drop of American oil had been squandered. Perhaps Generalissimo Ford hopes for a short war. You know, jump in, grab a few thousand square miles of sand, set up a new defense perimeter, build the derricks and pump like mad until the bombs start exploding in major American cities. It could work, but it's an awful risk. Even the new volunteer Army might have reserva- tions about facing death on a blis- tering desert just so Mr. and Mrs. America can keep that new Cadillac and power mower running. IF THE UNITED STATES expects to use Israel to secure new oil rich land, then our leaders underestimate their nationalism. No matter how many arguments we supply, what Is- rael takes, Israel will probably keep. America will have to pay for any- thing they have. That will not solve U.S. oil or balance of payment prob- lems. The m o r a 1 objections against threatening a war seem obvious, yet they have been ignored again. How long will our leaders hold to this new plan for curing our economic prob- lems? Hugh Scott, the lowest and sli- miest of the presidential prostitues, believes the United States is justified in doing "anything" to save itself. Save itself from what? Giving up gas guzzlers and fertilizer for golf courses? Though much of the world blindly follows our wasteful ways of con- sumption, American citizenship is a burden many travelers have encoun- tered. We are regarded as stupid and headstrong, cowboys in a sick society. Lately, Americans have done little to prove the world wrong. HERE IS ANOTHER chance. Ameri- cans can tell their leaders to re- consider their foolishness or they can support them. The latter would mean that we have lost the last rem- nant of our self-respect. If the United States attacks without mili- tary provocation, we will deserve the misery and suffering inflicted upon us by our enemies. Jerry, Henry, Hugh, war does not qualify as "doing something." -WAYNE JOHNSON By PAUL O'DONNELL PARIS: An endof-the-year commenta- tor on France's Channel Two Television news attempted to recapitulate his country's maj- or economic and political devel- opments dbting the preceding twelve months; his discussion touched upon the new abortion reform law, the lowering of the voting age to 18 years, the problems within the presidential majority as well as within the opposition, the economic crisis, inflation, and of course, the most international of subjects, oil prices. The death of Presi- dent Georges Pompidou, t bie subsequent election of Giscard by such a slim margin that some call hm "President of half of France," and the near election victory of the Socialist- Communist-Radical coalition al- so entered inwi the picture whi h the commentator painted. The longer he talked, however, the more difficult having a clear view of what :tad happened over the past year, and what wovuld happen over the next year, be- came. MEANWHILE, a letter from one American friend, a former study-abroad participant w h o was aware of the comnlexity of French interior politics, offered this comment: "(your articles) are being published, . .. bt I really thank that your next one should be about just what the hell is happening in France right now." That ny lastlatter ad been mailed in mid-October and hadn't arrived until early De- cember might have given her some idea that something is, or was, in the air . . . I adrit to having avoided writing a n v- thing aboutdthe situation in France: reading the papers every day aid watching t h e news broadcsts several times a week merely gave me an idea of the complexity o the crises which led to the General Strike on November 14. but gave me no :index as to how to explain it clearly. The followng paragraphs present certain as- pects of social and political evolution of France, especially those aspects which directly concern or resulted from the General Strike. WORDS LIAKE "crisis", "n- security," and "social wirst" were pronoumced and repeated in the European news media during the month of October; in France the expression "the most turbuiest year since :968' was also to be heard. While some say "it+all started with the postage strike," (whici began on October V7), other observers see the wire of strikes and nationwide labor activities to be the belated result of the elec- toral failure of Sociast presi- dential candidate Francois Mit- terand last May. The postal strike was, however, one of the sparks whici caused a touchy situation to explode. Some fau can be found with Postal Affairs Secretary Claude Delong, who at one point refer- red to one postal job as "tiring", "poorly paying," and a 'yb for idiots." By the third of November, three of France's major labor unions were asking, among other things for a 200 franc (about 40 doilars) raise for the lowest paying postal jobs.hAt the same tii c, strikes were arising here and there m France: national trin service was interrupted in one region one day, another thhe next four labor unions were disusing con- tinuation of mining industry strikes. Trouble seeued to be brewing . . . WITH THIS background of n- creasing labor disco.ent, cc- flict which began just after the partial legislative etiois n September was wors-nr'i: the French Communist Party, .vhich gained less ground in the .lec- tions than the Socialist Party, had accused their partners-in- opposition were not holding up their end of the bargain (the bargain being the "Common Platform of the Left," which is the basis of the Sociatist-Comi- munist-Radical coalition). Gis- card's Secretary of State Mich- el Poniatowki, took advan nae of the opposition's rift by calling the French C.P., which receives the votes of more thai 20 per- cent of French voters in a giv- en election, a "totalitarian par- ty" which "tends towards fas- cism." NOV. 19: The national strike, supposedly affecting all workes connected with the maior labor unions was set for the 19th, but numerous other groups were a- ready on strike or h:il been: the Parisian garbage collectors, certain shop ke ters, gas and electric workers and eea re veterinarians . . When the strike finally *ook nace, the fol- lowing industries and services were affected: Trains, subways, and buses Primary, secondary, and university teaching Taxi service and civil avi- tion Certain hospitals and sanitary facilities National Museums Television, press, and book publishing organizations Gas, electric, and water supply (Limitations and shut-offs) Certain shop keepers, espe> ially bread and pastry makers Various other industries I happened to be in one medium sized French city when the strike took place, and vas able to observe workers, an- ployees, teachers, and students participate in a totally peaceM demonstration led by two of France's most important labor unions. Unusually enough, t h e General Strike caused no visi- ble panic among the student population; I missed only two days of class, and had the in- pression that the strike was no more "dangerous" than a bad snowstorm in the north of the U.S. "You should have seen it in '68," more than one French- man told me. NOV. 20: The day after the strike, negotiation between nows- "Unusually enough, the General S'rike caused no v'sibli panic among the student population; I misse(I only two dcwvys of class, and( had the impression that the strike was no more 'dangerous' than a bad snow- storm in the north of the U.S. 'You should have seen it in '68,' more than one Frenchman told me." m~iiisi~g~its:.g siaiititsi::isssm isisisiliit ssgeilssssasism ssssis..x m misi:: : v.::v.:sswsis:la: :":::.A mm wrm a sag CSSG: Tossing out baby es and worker,', and be-veen postal employees and the g-v- ernment, seemed possible. The news of a 3 per cent increase for civil employees was api:;r- ing in the French press. But Parisian garbage collectors, off work for a week already, were continuing their strike . . . NOV. 29: The front p-e of the serious newspaper Le Monde read "The Government n the Face of Criticism, Disputes, and Uncertainty;" the three 1 e a d stories concerned the debate on the abortion law reform pro- ject, the state controlled telc- vision network personnel ctrisze, and the conflicts which w e r e arising between Fr ince and Germany. Much publiIi y h r s been dedicated to the "friene- ship" between the West Grerman chief of state (Schmidt) and Gis- card, but in matters of national interest, the "great relation- ship" loses its meani g. But according to rumor, the two men are still on a 'irst name basis, and speak English when talking on the phone. NOV. 30: The French N a - tional Assembly idop:eJ (rati- fied) the government's l!:)erhliz- ed abortion law; unusually enough, all members of the left- wing opposition voted for, and many, if not most, of the rmem- bers of Giscard's center-right coalition voted against. DEC. 1: After the declaration made by both the Commuist Party and the powerful C.G.T. labor union that Citroen Motor Company be nationalized, the last postal strikers end tip go- ing back to work, admitting de- feat in regards to their original demands. As one crNss ends, another seems to begin. DEC. 10: In less than ten days, President Giscar 1 i e t with Soviet leader Leonide Brezhnev, presided over a Eiro- pean Summit Conference meet- ing in Paris, and left for his meeting with President Ford in Martinique. He seemed almost to want to disprove the accusa- tion made by the satirical news- naper Le Canard >nchaine that he is "a lacy king." The .social and political climate seemed to be calming down, stri-e move- ments continued to lose impetus. Meanwhoe: the government 'ert considerable sums to the auto- mobile indistries, and Prei:ier ,Jacques Chirac came oack from Iran with important business deals (Dec. 24) from Iran. All these were successes for t h e Giscard government, as was the news that inflation had de- creased in the last two months of the year, and that foreign trade had improved. Meanwhile. unemployment had risen 25 per cent in three minths . . . WHILE THE political scene seemed to be calm and serene during the vacations which sep- arate the new year from the old, Giscard saw his opportun- ity and took it. Four garbage collectors who were working near the Presidential Palace re- ceived an invitation to eat breakfast with the chief of state. The President takied about the problems cf their ;ob and the plans of three of the workers, who happened to be The plan presented by the commit- tee to study student governance is not a plan to correct or modify stu- dent government but a plan for max- imum student input in academic de- cisions. The proposed plan would ef- fectively destroy the non-academic capabilities of student government. While advocating everything from student regents to student participa- tion in almost all academic decision making bodies, the commission at the same time is calling for a direct ac- counting of the central student gov- ernment to the regents. While this is all well and good for academic decisions, should the council take ac- tion of a political nature they would discover a serious inability to handle the situation. The report calls for accountability of the student government. However the system for accountability is not to the students but the regents. This tyne of abdication of power is not only uncalled for but unauthorized and a selling out of the students by the commission. The commission re- peatedly states that the students are the ones who the government must be accountable to, and that it must be the students who implement the plan. But it would be like holding a loaded gun to your head to make the student government accountable to the regents. THE. COMMISSION MUST have some sort of suicidal tendency to recommend that the students them- selves impose regental control over the students. They of course must have realized that the regents would be in an embarrassing position if they tried to buy out the student in- terest in student government, so in- stead they recommended that the students do it to themselves. Throughout the report are criti- cisms of the way the current central student government (SGC) has con- ducted itself and on the lack of aca- demic decision making power on the part of SGC. What they fail to rea- lize is that SGC was never meant to deal with academic questions, which were left up to the individual Col- Te'e governments. Somewhere on campus there must be a body that deals with the social issues confronting t h e students. While interest in academic affairs is well and good it must not be mixed with the important questions as to bow to live ones life. The University is. not an entity isolated from tfir world but a vital part of it. The Uni- versity has long been the center of social change, but by selling the only student governmental body which has the potential to participate in and promote social change to the Re- gents is to defeat the whole purpose of student government.- THE COMMISSION MISTAKENLY believes the lack of demonstra- tions in the streets represents a lack of student solidarity. The interest in change is still there but not as vocal- ly. If the commission's plan is adopt- ed and a new period of social upheav- al comes along what could be used as the basis of the movement? The constituency method currently used by SGC was voted out in the last election. This fact bankrupts many of the arguments set forth by the commission. The students by themselves have tossed out the plan for selecting council members which the commission found so inane. The corruption which has been plaguing SGC in recent years is the primary reason for lack of student interest in student government. How- ever the nation has gone through a similar trama with the presidency, and managed to survive (more or less). All that is needed for SGC to become a vital force on campus again is a proper election and lots of effort on the part of its members to build its image. AT ONE POINT the report remarks "One never hears complaints of corruption like those routinely level- ed at SGC members" in reference to school and college governments. By selling student government to the Regents there is little chance for corruption . . . or anything else for that matter. The report calls for student par- ticipation all the way down to the departmental level, but fails to take into account that many students don't look to a particular department as home, due the fact that they are working on a BGS degree and there- fore are not directly associated with any particular department. All together the commission report has some good ideas for a student participation in academic affairs and university governance. But in its hatred for the current system it at- tacks the portion of student govern- ment which has the createst noten- tial in the long run. Imrolementation of the ni ncou1k tvea va - if African . . . They explained that they didn't plan to lip=: per- manently in France. After breakfast with the President, they all went back to worx. Gis- card has performed other Fuch deeds whose political sibtlety and poorly-hidden "jiin3t-ptain- folksism" causes both nega- tive and humorous reactions among his adversaries. Among the conclusions drawn by the aforementioned televis- ion commentator wa' that 1974 didn't look like a lecisive year when it began, but certain un- predictable events made it a decisive year. (Which makes us think that the same could happen this year, nineteen sev- enty-five, as well . . AMERICAN observers, w i t h- out news of family and friends for almost two months, had oth- er reactions. More than o :t e American saw the series of strikes, shut-offs, and protlems as "typical French disorganiza- tion." One freelance journalist went so far as to suggest "go- ing to southern Spain until it blows over," but I couldn't tell if he was serious. Other observ- ers see the French social "mal- aise" as being part of an inter- national commercial, industrir l, and agricultural crisis, and con- sider that the French w )rkers are not just "complaining for the sake of complaining,' but are trying to "take arms against a sea of troubles, and by -oppos- ing, end them." Paul O'Donnell is a European Correspondent for The Daily. He is currently studying in Aix- en-Provence, France. y 'syl Fear and Loathing, inglel By GARY THOMAS AT THE ARMY Intelligence School they give all new recruits the "scare lecture."' A full bird colonel in military intelligence walks into the class- room (with a limp, no less) and in precise, clipped British tones announces, "Gentlemen, this is a dirty business. If any of you have any qualms about it, get out now.." The recervt revelations about the CIA confirm to those uninititated into the spy world just how dirty the OSS did much more than pure intelligence gathering. It took sabotage, black propaganda, disinformation, and many other nonintelligence tasks on also. The OSS was the breeding ground for almost every Amer- ican "dirty trick" perpetrated during the course of the war. At the war's end, President Truman disbanded the OSS, seeing no further use for such activities on the part of the U.S. government. OSS alumni then farm- ed out to other agencies, among them Allen Dulles and SO UNDER THE National Security Act of 1947, the CIA was created "to coordinate all intelligence func- tions." It was specifically noted in the act that the CIA was "not to have police or internal security functions." This proviso was added mainly to placate J. Edgar Hoover, who felt that such, functions should be the bureaucratic terrain of the FBI. All the old OSS personnel flocked to the CIA and, still possessed of their spook mentality, started their program of dirty tricks around the world, far exceed- ing their statutory mandate. "Empire-building being the infectious disease that it is among Washington bureaucrats, the CIA couldn't resist starting its own little domestic spy pro- gram. The fact that they were in direct violation of the law seems not to have bothered the boys at Langley a bit." V . .4 s Y O t t i S L N .4 : 4 t t : " "" M : : .4 " : S Y .4 t t t ,.w r ." "." .": r : : : : : . : : : : : t : : : : .t ' : : ".: : :s . whole businiess really is. The fact that the CIA has been keepirAg files on dissidents and conducting domes- tic operations is a violation of the very law that created the mammoth spook agency. The United States was caught with its figurative pants down. at Pearl Harbor, so President Roosevelt created the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1942 in order to have the best intelligence available. It was understandable that Roosevelt did not want to be caught in the same embarrassing position again.. BUT UNDER GENERAL "Wild Bill" Donovan, the Richard Helms, both of whom later became directors of the CIA. But with the advent of the Cold War, the entire picture changed, and Truman and the Congress want- ed to revive the idea of a central intelligence agency, whose primary task would be to coordinate all the intelligence input from all government agencies to pass on to the president. The idea was one of central in- telligence -- an agency that could separate the wheat from the chaff among the voluminous amount of in- formation pouring into Washington. Since the law was merely a nuisance to the CIA and they found a way to circumvent it in one- area, is was a minor matter to completely ignore it in ano- ther. Thus, in direct violation of its statutory charter, the agency started spying on dissidents, notably of the antiwar movement. THE CIA has never gotten along with the clean cut boys of Hoover's FBI, and it seems that pure bureau- cratic jealousy started the program in the agency's counterintelligence division. But the CIA should not have even had a counterintelligence divistion; their function should have been intelligence collection - and that is all. But empire-building being the infectious disease that it is among Washington bureaucrats, the CIA couldn't resist starting its own little domestic spy program. The fact that they were in direct violation of the law andw that they were infringing on the rights of thousands of U.S. citizens seems not to have bothered the boys at Langley at all. The blue ribbon panel created by President Ford to investigate the allegations leaves us very little hope that the truth will be revealed. Instead, we can ex- pect some hogwash about 'overzealous and misguided individuals" carrying out these activities. (THIS IS NOT the time for mealy-mouthed platitides. This should make us start "kicking ass and tAking names," as we were once told in the army. The whol mess is not merely a violation of civil liberties; i offends one's sensibilities and violates basic hulia 4 I Letters to The Daily nuclear fission victim of such informatiui and unconcentrated. 1n .c - nnrIcrin nn A _hrmN -t-- I-_ -