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April 05, 1975 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-05

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Page Two


Saturday, April 5, 1975

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Hopefu ls


in 4th

Ward Jobless






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(Continued from Page1)
nuclear family. "Nuclear fami-I
lies," says Gibson, "end up
r a i s i n g isolated individuals.,
Wanting to shut the door to their
own room is the height of hap-
piness for them."
Bronson, despite personal mis-
givings about locking the day
care amendment into the city
charter, has declared his sup-
port for the proposal, "Because'
I think it's something people in
:. the Fourth Ward want." His
support for the charter proposal
is in contrast to the opposing
stand he took at the inception
of the race.
Trowbridge, while supporting
day care in spirit, nixes the
Spresent proposal, contending,
"It ought to be a council de-
cision based on money available,
{ not fixed as a charter amend-
Gibson ment." However, he has implied
that he would not support ad-
-.__ditional funds for day care in
Usually flowers that need to any form, stating, "The Com-
attract insects for pollenation munity Development Revenue
purposes are brightly colored Sharing (CDRS) funds are
and sweet smelling. plenty."
Students wishinq to borrow through the University's Feder-
ally Insured Loon Proqrom durinq the Sprina-Summer Term

A. CITIZENS committee ear-
lier this year proposed allocat-
ing $123,000 of CDRS money to*
day care funding over a one
year period. The city is sched-
uled to receive $2.5 million in,
federal revenue sharing funds
over a 12 month period and $12.5
million over the next six years.
The rent control charter
amendment, while not a hot is-
sue ward-wide, is of major im-
portance to student voters in
the area. The GOP and Demo-,
crat candidates' opposition to
this proposal alone may cost
them much-needed s t u d e n t
Bronson's opposition to the
proposal stems from his dis-
gruntlement with the actual
reading of the charter amend-
ment. "Ann Arbor does need.
some form of rent control," ex-
plains Bronson, "but the pro-
posed Charter Amendment does
not provide the needed flexibility
and has many unworkable and'
unacceptable sections."
BRONSON has claimed the
Democrats, if they win a major-
ity on council, will pass some
version of a rent control ordi-
nance by July 1 should the
charter amendment be defeated
at the polls on Monday.
Trowbridge, in opposition to
rent control, has called it "ul-1
timately grossly unfair to the
"I don't think landlords will
invest in apartments if rent
control passed," claims Trow-
Troy grO

bridge. rate
GIBSON, at polar ends with
both her contestants on this
issue, contends rent control
"would stop landlords from
charging unreasonable rents and
enjoying inflated profits.
"It would give tenants more
control over the maintenance of
their homes and stop the specu-;to . 7%
lation in land prices which is (Continued from Page 1)
preventing new cnldslow bost hous- Bi Cniudfo ae1
ing," cne on stBtAFL-CIO President Geor
ivilia conrl Go thep Meany issued a statement ca
a topic that has sparked contro- culaent and sid:yesita
versy city-wide, is another di- te enwndsi:"Te itu
viding factor between the can- tie 3 9 in worse f yo inclu
didates in this race. ,,-million; wo rkes ore


GIBSON, whose campaign
statements rarely deviate from
HRP stands, advocates a Com-
munity Control Board (CCB)
as drawn up by her party. The
CCB, which was introduced by
Councilwoman Kathy Kozachen-
ko (HRP-Second Ward) to coun-
cil in the form of a city ordi-
nance but died for lack of
support, calls for a ten person
civilian board empowered to'
"hire fireband set disciplinary
procedures for police officers
and the Chief of Police."
Bronson, although he has cam-
paigned in favor of civilian con-
trol of the police, hasn't called
for the stringent controls Gibson
Trowbridge, clashing with his
opponents' views, says he will
favor a citizen "advisory"
board "but nothing that takes
total control."

work part time because full-time
jobs are not available."
At a congressional hearing,
meanwhile, Sen. William Prox-
mire (D-Wis.) accused the Ford
administration of "planning an
economy of high unemployment
and sluggish growth."
Proxmire directed his state-
ment to Budget Director James
Lynn, who told the senator's
subcommittee on economic pri-
orities the government should
not embark on any new spend-
ing programs.
THE SENATOR argued for a
bill already approved by the
House, to help the housing in-
dustry. He said the measure
would' create one million new
jobs at a cost of less than $1
LYNN AND other Office of
Management and Budget offi-
cials indicated they thought the
cost would be much higher and
the jobs created fewer.




., - ) I

E I.


should submit application materials by APRIL 15, 1975
Fundinq is limited and priority will be given to those who
apply by April 15 and those who will graduate in Auqust
or December 1975, or those for whom summer attendance
is a necessity.
For additional information contact the Guaranteed
Student Loan Office, 2503 S.A.B., or call 763-4127.


ip aids airlift



to doyour thinking
for you.

(Continued from Page 1)
for the airlift through the Mili-
tary Air Command at Scott Air
Force Base in Illinois. In ad-
dition, according to the spokes-
man, Darragh was told that
all available commercial air-
craft were being withheld be-
cause of President Ford's Viet-
namese airlift plans.
Darragh and approximately!
30 members of the Airline Em-
ploye Volunteer Escort Service,
an ad-hoc group of Eastern Air-
line employees will leave on a
commercial flight from an as
yet undetermined city to Sai-
gon to finalize the release of the
An Loc orphans sometime this
weekend. Darragh said that if
all goes according to plan, the
children will be leaving Sai-
gon "either on the evening of
April 9 or on the afternoon of
April 10. Right now we just
can't say."I
WHILE IN Saigon, Darragh
indicated that he would confer
with SouthVietnam's Minister
of Social Welfare, Phan Quang
Dan, about the future release of
some 650 children now staying
day eare
(Continued from Page 1)
Frank Shoichet, HRP Second
Ward city council hopeful and
the principal drafter of the pro-
posal, said last night, "This is
the worst one from Kelley yet."
"What they're saying is that
there'll be a time when 98.3 per
cent of city revenues will be
committed to city purposes. It's
like saying the moon is made of
green cheese," he added ad-
dressing himself to Kelley's first
AS TO KELLEY'S secondary
remarks, Shoichet said, "It's
projected revenue. When you
do a budget, you project funds
to be used."
"They misread the law," Shoi-
chet said of the third objection.
The city is allowed to con-
tract on individual and groups.
They do it for day care."

at the Hoi Due Anh orphanage
in Saigon. Darragh said that if
their release can be obtained,
"we will turn them over to the
AIA for adoption in the state of
Darragh said that his organ-
ization was experiencing "credi-
bility problems" with the South
Vietnamese government.,
"In obtaining the An Loc or-
phans," said Darragh, "weI
were an incorporated organiza-,
tion. But because our efforts to
recover the Hoi Duc Anh chil- I
dren are relatively new, we
have not had time to incorpor-
ate ourselves, and it's causing
problems," he said.
In addition to aiding An Loca
Inc. in recovering the orphans,
AIA has, over the past several
days, been stockpiling baby
food, clothing, medicine and
blankets which they hope to
airlift into Saigon. Nancy Fox,.

one of the founders of AIA said
that supplies from ten central
locations in the Detroit metro-
politan area, said the provi-
sions will be transported to a
warehouse in Pontiac pending
its transport to Saigon.
"We are determined," said
Fox, "to get those supplies there
one way or the other."
Darragh said he regretted
that he was uncertain about the
origin of his group's flight to
Saigon, but indicated "every
effort" would be made to trans-
port supplies to the point of
origin as soon as it became
Upon arrival in Atlanta, Dar-
ragh said that the An Loc or-
phans would be transported to
temporary - quarters at Fort
Benning in Columbus, Georgia.
Darragh thought that most of
the orphans would have no trou-
ble finding homes.

lolt says dycare
needs new outlook
(Continued from Page 1) happen," he said.
"Schools have already cor- early childhood socialization, re-
rupted kindergarden. They are flects his feeling that it is rot
supposed to be gardens for chil- necessary to institutionalize day
dren to play in. Well, it's boot- care centers by staffing them
camp for first grade," said Holt exclusively with degree holders.
who f u r t h e r admonisned, "There's no way to tell who's
"Watch it or day care will be- got the skill to organize these
come bootcamp for kindergar- programs. Any random colle-
den." tion of people, if 'they get their
Holt would like to "try to keep heads together can thi k r
the world of learning out of it." plenty of things for little '
In fact, in a plug for his next to do," he said.
book, he indicated that the first Citing aonther flaw in
sentence reads, "This is a book present day care system, h
in favor of doing and not educa- said some young people relate
tion." to others more easily on a one-
to-one basis. But regardless of
ONE WOMAN from the audi- a child's social inclinations, he
ence questioned how social vir- is placed in a room with up to
tue could be instilled in young 30 other children. "There ought
children if not through direct! to be ways in which kids who

Charter Amendment "A" could
cause problems for renters.
You can be quite certain of that.
It would create a rent control
board of 5 "fireproof" individ-
uals who's word would be law.
According to the Amendment this
board could decide what is
"reasonable" in many situations.
Reasonable to whom?
To themselves. That's whom.
There is even a passage in the
amendment that forbids you to
appeal their decisions to a
court of law.

The Amendment would give the
.board unlimited blank check
access to funds from the City
of Ann Arbor.
Can you believe it?
Well, it's all right there in
the thousands of words of Char-
ter Amendment "A" - along
with a provision that even
makesyou a "Landlord" under
certain conditions.
Note this: if you wanted to
sublet your apartment-- even
for just a few months -you'd
have to pay a fee to the board

and wait for the board to figure
how much rent you can charge.
(Under the bill, there are just
5 people to review allthe rents
for 17,000 rental units in
Ann Arbor. Your "wait" might
last for several weeks.)
Clearly, Charter Amendment "A"
would create more problems than
it would solve. It would even
create a shortage of apartments
just as rent control has done
in Cambridge, Mass., Boston and
any other city where it has
been tried.
It isn't right for renters in

The Boston educator replied,
"Schools have been trying to
teach virtue for a long time. ItF
isn't done that way. It's how weI
treat people, not what we telll
"You're not going to make
little children empathetic by
preaching to them . . .it
doesn't happen by making it1
AND THIS attitude toward

like privacy can ind their own
places," he concluded.
Among several solution. to
the problem, the author sug-
gested the construction of card-
board box cubicles to divide a
portion of the room up in effect
reducing the institutionalized at-
Following the luncheon at the
First Methodist Church, Holt
toured two local community day
care centers.

Such power is danger
It leadsto abuse.
On top of that power t
getting the keys to the

.s Ann Arbor. So who's it suppose
ous to help?
Vote "No" on "A" on April 7.
hey'd be
' "A"hasasneaky
'Avm y gt you


. x. -. (

The 26th day of
Nissan (April 8) has
been set aside as a
memorial and day of
mourning for the
6,000,000 Jews victims
of Nazism 1939-1945

U S S R.


3 15.000

2 800 000
1,500 000
200 000
260 000

85 %
71 4%
5 0 or)
49.5 %f
8Q.5 %f
I n o


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