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April 04, 1975 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-04

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Friday, April 4, 1975


Page Five

ci nernc

Pick of the week:
Dr. Zhivago
Mediatries, Nat. Sci. u0.
Fri., Sat., 7, 0

One might say that ienovis-
iom was invented for Davd lLen.
Lean's style is inherenIv wide
scope, always broad, always
far reaching. There is very lit-
tie intimacy in a I ean film -
yet perhaps the lack thereof is
what makes his approach so
xlreathtakingly different.
This lengthy but engrossing
{0 ga of the Russian Revolution,
told in terms of an intense love
affair between a traditionalist
doctor, Yuri Zhivago, and Lara,
the estranged wife of a Com-
zmnist revolutionary, runs into
orobinms because of Leon's end-
- less search for the "big pic-j
tire." Still, it ranks as one of
the greatest dramatic films'
from the last years of Metro-
{ Idwvn-Maver.
Leau's basic wekness here
AP Photo h WS Up in his confusing use
;f flas haks to weave the story
^f Boris Pa sterna k's novel. It's
a nice script idea which just'
doesn't work out on film.
Freddie Young's photography
however, stunning - as al-
wavs. Leads Omar Sharif and
Julie Christie are, for the most
nort, quite watchable -a word
A-' tat, in fact, antly describes the
film as a whole.{
-Devid Blomquist
* . *


What's playing this Cinema W'eekend
This weekend's campus and commercial films offer about
as wide a variety of entertainment that one can expect to
find indoors. At press time, the "Cinema Weekend" sched-
ule looked like this:
Friday - Intimate Lighting, Arch. Aud., 7:10; Black
Peter, Arch. Aud., 8:30; Red Desert, Aud. A, Angell, 7, 9;
Lady Sings the Blues, Aud. 3, MLB, 7, 9:30; Dr. Zhivago,
Nat. Sci. Aud., 7, 10.
Saturday - Sounder, Aud. 3, MLB, 7, 9; The Great White
Hope, Aud. 4, MLB, 7, 9; Witch's Hammer, Arch. Aud.
7, 9:02; Dodes Ka-Den, Aud. A, Angell, 7, 9:30; Dr. Zhi-
vago, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7, 10; Guns of Navarone, Couzens
Cafeteria, 7:30, 10:15; Paper Chase, Bursley West Cafe-
teria; 9.
Sunday - The Knack and How to Get It, Aud. A, Angell,
7, 9:05; A Report on the Party and Guests, Arch. Aud., 7,
All weekend - The Great Waldo Pepper, Michigan (665-
6290); Young Frankenstein, State (662-6264); Seduction of
Mimi, Campus (668-6412); Lenny, Fifth Forum (711-9700);
Murder On the Orient Express, Stepford Wives, At Long
Last Love, and Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, The
Movies, Briarwood (769-8780).

tive blues style resembling I-,
liday's own closely.
Despite its flaws, Lady Sings
the Blues is a film wore) see-
ing, if for no other reason than
to hear Ross's singing parforrn-
-Joe McMulle i
New4World, MLB
Sat., 7, 9
Sounder is a wholesome faai-
ily film, but it doesn't at all re-
semble the Disney pictures that
dominate its genre. Director
Martin Ritt has endowed his
film with sincere, down-h o in e-
folksy gimmicks like naturais-
tic acting, grainy color photo-I
graphy with extremely s 1 o w
camera movements, and a
soundtrack consisting mainly of
incessant cricket chirps.
Sounder is, on the whoa, an
incredibly over-rated picture. It'
is a drama about growing up
(This time a black sharecrop-
er's son of the Dep:ession

Jefferson, a slightly fictioiniz-
ed version of Jack Johnson who,
in 1908, knocked out Tim-nv
Burns of Canada to become the
first black heavyweight champ-
ion of the world.
Jefferson (James Earl Jones)
is a victim not only of the big-
tries of his time, but also of his
own romantic notion that he is
a private person. After he
fl unts his white mistress (Jane
Alexander), he is convicted on
a trumped-up Mann Act charge,
and forced into exile. In ulti-
mate frustration, he denies f
mistress's love, the very force
which had sustained him.
Unfortunately, the screenpa:
really is too smug, too full of
stereotypes, to be prov Icative
as drama. But Jones proves
marvelous to watch, combining
heroic physical presence, tech-
nique, and a mysterious way of
nrojecting intelligence, so t',at
the character commands atten-
tion even when the drama does
-Nathalie M. Walker

Vladimir Horoivitz

Horowitz agrees


Ann Arbor conce

Arts and Entertainment Editor
Concert artist Vladimir Horowitz, considered
by many critics to be the greatest living pia-
nist, has agreed to perform at Hill Auditorium
in a special recital April 20, The Daily has
Tickets for the event, priced from $5 to $15,
will go on sale at the Burton Tower offices of
the University Musical Society (UMS) Mon-
day morning at nine. No ticket orders will be
taken before that time.
Official announcementof Horowitz's appear-
ance is expected from UMS on Sunday. Gayle
Rector, UMS director, could not be reached
yesterday for comment.
Horowitz is the third major musical artist to
agr'e in recent weeks to a special Ann Arbor
appearance. Cellist-conductor Msitslav Rostro-
povich performed 'with the University Sym-
phony Orchestra in a benefit for the Music
School and UMS two weeks ago, while violinist
Yehudi Menuhin has contracted to appear at a
similar benefit next February.

The 70-year-old Horowitz has been a domi-
nant figure in world musical circles almost
from his European debut in 1925. In 1968, he
appeared in a special one-man recital at Car-
negie Hall broadcast nationally over the CBS
Television Network.
For most of the last decade, however, Iloro-
witz has appeared in concert only rarely. He
has continued to produce albums for Columbia
Horowitz, a Grammy award recipient, was
born in Kiev, Russia, and was educated at the
Kiev Conservatory. He married Wanda Tosca-
nini, daughter of NBC Symphony conductor Ar-
turo Toscanini, in 1933. In 1968, a poll of na-
tional college record stores named him as one
of the ten most popular classical recording
Horowitz is best known for a unique ability
to combine amazing technical virtuosity with
a warm, but not sugary emotional touch. His
recordings of Chopin polonaises and nocturnes
are often called definitive modern versions.

Red Desert
Cinem- II, And. A
Fri., 7, 9

A ng La L u Frankenstein was a dis-1 "uris meIt Is.JU an u e
ff i L ng 1C5 Love tinct disappointment for me.1 most films of this type, it beats
The Movies, Briarwood It was a very uneven film. around the bush in relating a 'aper Chase
If he hasn't already, Pater Some scenes were not funny at rather nointless study of a Lam- Bursley Hall Enterpriser
Bogdanovich will undoubtedly , ily's tribulations. Bursley West Cafeteria
jeopardize his career as a film out of place, and jokes seeed Stars Paul Winfield, Cicely Sat., 9
director. His latest effort, At the seriousness of the original Tyson, and Kevin Hooks were James Bridges' The P a p c r
Long Last Love, is a musical Frankenstein story intruded too lavished with praise for their j Chase is the story of a y,)ung
with little to offer. far into the domain of thi a admittedly effective perform- man's first year at Harvard law
His first mistake was rn his mdy m.ances. But in parts such as they school, but any college studert
choice of cast. Burt Reynolds By this I do not mean to imply had -like those of alcohcs ould be able to identify wih
has no musical talent, but his that Young Frankenstein hookers, and psychopaths - it's it.
thatYoun Frakenseinis _an
sense of humor saves him. Cy- unmitigated disaster. There are assumed that the actor will get Timothy Bottoms, one of the
bill Shepherd clearly presents many inspired moments, one of critical raves, most attractive actors ever to
herself as one of the least tal- which is the famous "Puttin' Cn Despite its critical recention apocar on the screen, is e-
ented actresses in today's cin- the Ritz" scene. Marty Feld- most audiences find Sounder a cellent as the student. Lindsay
disppontmnt.Wagner, as his love interest,
ema world, man is brilliant as Igor, Youngdisappointment.W ,v n
Surprisingly, her voice isn't Frankenstein's faithful servant. -Chris Kochmanski would be more convincing if she
bad, but she has exhausted the But the inspired moments were * * * didn't look so ,sophisticated.
snoiled, child-like character she too few, and the scenes which reat Wite Ope Jhn Housemanc his f s t
attempted in The Last Picture Brooks seemed content O just New World, MLBi screen performance as an op-
Show and The Heartbreak Kid "get through" were far oo Sat., 7, 9 mnro shable professor, r ndes
and it is tho rourhlv obnoxious many, for me to sayhthat I en- T G WtH: eyilm's maindrama anc
in At Long Last Love.jydth fim Ihoe ad The Great White Hope ;s a edy through his conflicts with
Don't look for glorious cos-toedet)thafiBm. ks'net a e polemical drama about J a c k the student.
mes or magnificernt chn:-eo- will ousin thion.________________________
t oraphv. But, most of all, don't -John Waiters
lank for a plot. At times, this'nb*
film annears to be a soof of the
musical genre, such as when Lady Sings the lues BURSLEY HALL ENTERPRISES
M1r. Revnolds announces that he New World, MLB
is lbouzt to break nito song. Fri., 7, 9:30 PRESENTS
Otherwise, it is the story f Even a superlative perform-ES
foir 1"shes who change nartoers ance by Diana Ross cannot
at whim. It is totalv imolars- overcome the mediocre screen- T H E PA PER C H A SE
ible and offers no social corm- play and direction of the 1972
ment. Perhaps if his audience film, Lady Sings the Blues. This

7 :ich'.l- ngelo Antonioni w a s
he undisputed god of the nou-.
vea cinema of the '60s, around x
whom clustered multitudes of
"in" critics dedicated to t h e!
nrnciple of "If I don't under-
stand it, then it must be pro-
nod''. It wasn't until Anton-E
io-i's disastrois Zabriskie Point
that these critics were forcedS
some much-needed second,
tho4)ghts regarding the content;
of this suoposed filmatic genius.
Red Desert is vintae An-
tio'ioni - the "art" film at{
its numbing worst. What plot
th re is revolves around the I
existential agonies of a young'
(Monica Vitti) teetering
on. the edge of a nervous break-
dw.The product of a listless,
marriage, she drifts into an
equally listless affair with her'
husband's best friend (Richard
Harris), all the while mumbling
banal cliches about the mean-'
inglessness of life.

Records in review

Supersax Plays Bird wv i t h' For the past few years Keith
Strings (Capitol ST-11371) is and Donna Godchaux have been
just one of those albums that integral members of the Grate-
you fall in love with after the ful Dead entourage; he olayed
first time through. The music keyboards and she sang.
envelops you, and the great The Dead have a very loose
thing is that on future plays you arrangement, and everyone is
can hear all* of the awesome always off making a s'o al-
musicianship. bum, so it was only a mater of
Supersax was the brainchild time before the Godchauxs did
of saxophonist Med Flory and an album of their own. Keith
bassist Buddy Clark. The idea and Donna (Round Records RX
grew out of Flory's great love 104) is the result.
for the music of the late Charlie Keith has done some excellent
"Bird" Parker. These men took pianowork for the De=r-, and
some of "Bird's" songs and ar- Donna has quite a fine voice;
ranged the solos for full sax sec- she can put over a song with a
tion. graceful ease. The Godchauxs
Their first album, Supersax are talented people. However,
Plays Bird was a critical suc- not all talented people should
cess. Now, with this third al- be making solo albums, and per-
bum, the genius of Supersax haps the Godchauxs shouldn't
shines brighter still. They now have bothered.
have a much more developed
sound and the string arrayge-
ments on this album really put
the icing on the cake.
The album includes four cuts
with strings. Kern an:1 Ham-
merstein's "All the Things You
Are" is probably the best blend
of string and sax sections. Solo-
ists Conte Candoli on trumpet
and Frank Rosalino on trom-
bone have that beautiful pure
sound so seldom heard in to-
day's music.
This album is a super invest-
ment for any lover of jazz or
just plain good music. Super- MICHELANGELO 2
sax is indeed a rare pleasure.
--James Fiebig

The album is very ni 1 pit Antonioni's camera dwells lov-
Stogether: since all the mu rcians ingly on smokestacks, basement;
here play together all the :ime. oes, and similar artifacts -
they know when t:) pl"y and ll doubtlessly intended to syxm-
when to keen quiet. This i par- bolize the alienation of modern
ticularly true with Je-rv Gar- society, etc., ad nauseum. As
cia, whose guitar-niaring is for filmatic substance, Anton-
snarse but succinct. -en Kth ioni obviously never heard of nor
stays in the background, : ni cared about it.
no solos, keeping his vfe up Vitti and Harris perform like
front. zombies, quite in keening with
The only low point is Kh the rest of the film. Red Desert
attempt to sing in a ghostly, contains no entertainment value,
wimpering falsetto; he would and its only interest may be in
be well-advised to lea e t h e historical retrospective - howE
singing up to his wife an artist of very limited talent
managed for a time to convince
The album wers qu tc nicely, a very large number of people
but in a world filled ath hasi- that he was a very imoortant
cally pleasant music, t i; racord person. We are indeed moving
adds nothing new. forward.
-Harry Hammitt -Kim Potter
- _ _ _
ZT, 9@29


dwindles, Mr. Bofgdanovich will musical biography 01 jazz sin-
r-tlirn to the quality of rnovie- er Billie Holliday is at least
noking he began to enjoy with partially factual, yet is is not
Targets and Picture Show. a fair representation of the
-Linda Fidel singer's life.
* Diana Ross sparkles in her
film debut as Billie Holidov.
(?lol i PtCI2 i't1Stein whose adiction to drugs led to
State her death at age 44. Rois, thz'
Haying previously seen and former lead singer of lhe S,-
enjoyed three other Mel Brooks premes, performs some if li-
films, I am sorry to say that liday's best songs with a sensi
4s.i syFriday at 7 & 9 ONLY
Open at 6:45
Sat.-Sun. at 1-3-5-7-9
Open at 12:45
au . Tm e Magazne
--Gilliat, New Yorker

9 p.m. Adm. $1.00
U of M ID needed for adnssion



Sunday, April 5
11 :00 a.m.
1429 Hill


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