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April 04, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-04-04

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 147

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 4, 1975

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

r F't SEE HPECE yyAot
Dorm leases
Remember, today is the last day for all lottery
losers who still want dormitory leases to notify the
Housing Office. As for those people planning to
cancel their leases, Housing asks that you, "please
do it as soon as possible in order to make room for
the students still in need of a dorm space."
Coke fizzles
Several West Quad students with coupons for 12
ounce Cokes have yet to swig their carbonated
freebies. As part of its recent food ecology pro-
gram the University food service issued ecology
kits prepared by an outside group to all the dorms.
The kits included the coupons, good for free cokes
at dorm snack shops. However, the food service
failed to tell West Quad that the coupons were not
to be used. The 25 thirsty student employes who
received coupons were dismayed when snack shop
employes waved their coupons away as useless,
sneering, "Where did you get that, at McDonalds?"
Beginning next week the coupons will net "the real
thing" at South Quad.
Orphan aid
A Detroit area group, Adoptive Parents of Asian
Children, is sponsoring a food and clothing collec-
tion for shipment to orphans and refugees in Viet-
nam. George Lombard, a member of the group, is
urging all area residents to contribute unperish-
able food such as powdered milk, and warm cloth-
ing, such as small jackets and sweaters. Lombard
explained the children may be coming to Michigan
d wring the unseasonably cold weather after leaving
Vietnam in little more than diapers. Clothing and
food can be taken to the Lombard home at 5793
Sunset Trail in Ypsilanti. Money contributions
should be sent to the Agency for International
Adoptions, care of City National Bank, P. O. Box
32296, Detroit 48322.
203 and 765...
... are this weeks winning lottery numbers. The
million dollar number on the 50 cent ticket is 598-
982. And for all you big spenders, the 71 Jackpot
gold numbers are 335-386, 53533 and 345.
Happenings ...
are warming up today as the cold front re-
tains its icy grip on the city . . . Day Care Coali-
tion presents noted educator John Holt speaking in
favor of the proposed day care charter amendment
at a noon rally-luncheon at the First Methodist
Church, corner of Huron and State. . . also at noon
the Guild House, 802 Monroe, holds a luncheon and
open forum for HRP candidates . .. at 4 p.m. a
one hour video tape on Japanese body language
with interpretive commentary by Dr. Garvey Tay-
lor, asst. prof. English Language Institute, Lin-
guistics and Education, will run in Rm. 3003 North
University Bldg. . . . Gerald Edelman, Nobel laur-
eate in physiology and medicine, will deliver the
12th Donald Johnson lecture on Cancer Research
at 4 pm. in Aud. 3, MLB . . . Jim Louden will lec-
ture on "Jupiter, the Outer Planets, and Beyond"
at 7 p.m. in Rackham Aud. . . . the Ann Arbor
Farmworker Support Committee will picket Cam-
pus Corners, State and Packard, in protest of their
non-union Gallo wine from 7:30 to 10 p.m. . . . and
the Hebrew House, 800 Lincoln, winds the night up
at 9 p.m. with an Oneg Shabbat on the current Mid-
east situation.
Weather cow
Brimmer, a four-year old cow, was acing a wea-
ther-predicting contest against the often-mistaken
National Weather Service, but until his rain-sensi-
tive-tail let him down in the final round. Brim-
mer's owner, farmer John McAdams, scoffed at

the competition, "I took a dumb old cow and shook
them all up. The reason I lost was I didn't pay
much attention to her in the last few days." Mc-
Adams challenged a Houston government meteor-
ologist to the 80 day rain forecasting contest, last
Jan. claiming that a cow with her tail in the wind
or a hog buried to its jowls in mud had it all over
the government's fancy equipment. McAdams de-
manded a rematch this summer, blaming Brim-
mer's loss on the changeable Texas spring wea-
On the inside ...
. the Daily continues its Third Ward cover-
age with a report on Third Ward Democratic can-
didate Mike Broughton on page 2 . . . the Editorial
Page runs position statements on the mayoral
and Fifth Ward candidates . . . Arts Page has the
scoop on maestro Vladmir Horowitz's upcoming
concert plans here . . . and Dave Wihak looks at
skydiving on the Sports Page.
On the outside ...





Stands show
Next Monday's city-wide m a y o r a l election t
promises to be a close and exciting one, with s
Democratic hopeful A l b e r t Wheeler, Human I
Rights Party (HRP) candidate Carol Ernst and o
Republican incumbent J a m e s Stephenson all
attempting to garner enough first and second
choice votes to give them the required 50.1 per
cent of the vote to win.
Under the new preferential voting (PV) system, t
city voters will be allowed two choices for mayor.
If no candidates receives a clear majority of
votes, the candidate who receives the leasts
amount of votes will be eliminated and have their l
second choice votes redistributed among the
other two candidates.

IIRP DEVISED the voting method as an effec-
ive means of ending vote splitting between them-
selves and the Democrats in the city. In the 1973
mayoral election, Stephenson was elected with
only 48 per cent of the vote, largely because

Ernst Stephenson






hen-HRP candidate Bea Kaimowitz received
many of the liberal Democratic votes.
Stephenson, obviously, does not like the PV
system. "When HRP councilpeople can win with
ess than a 50 per cent majority it is okay, but
See VOTING, Page 7
ts ad

Calls for resignation
spread in Saigon
Copyright 1975, The Michigan Daily
Du Quoc Dong, Third Regent Commander of Saigon
forces, was shot and killed last week by President of
South Vietnam Nguyen Van Thieu's bodyguard after re-
signing his position, the Daily learned yesterday.
Dong was killed in the Saigon palace while handing
Thieu his uniform and gun, a source close to the United
States government revealed.
HOWEVER, it remains unclear exactly why Dong was shot.
Thieu claimed Dong was a would-be assassin, it was reported,
but Vietnamese sources close to the Saigon government contended,

By The AP and Reuter
SAN DIEGO, Calif. (,P)-The
deteriorating situation in Indo-
china is "a great tragedy . . .
that could have been avoided,"
President Ford said yesterday,
but "at the moment I do not
anticipate the fall of South Viet-
Speaking of his "frustration"
over limits holding back his
freedom of action, Fordnever-
theless said "I am an optimist."
FORD spent the largest share
of a 10-minute nationally broad-
cast news conference dealing
with South Vietnam and Cam-
bodia. While describing himself
as an optimist, he constantly
talked of the events there as a
Sneaking of the congressional
moves over the past three years
limiting the use of American
military force and restricting
the amount of aid to Indochina,
Ford said, "I must say that I'm
frustrated by the actions of
Congress .. . by the limitations
placed on the chief executive."
In response to a direct ques-
tion, the President declined to
blame Congress snecifically for
the near loss of Cambodia and
the increasingly poor situation
in South Vietnam.
TN mid-1972 Congress banned
the use of any American mili-
tary force, direct or indirect,
in Indochina, an action Ford
said removed a "notential" de-
terrent to National Liberation
Front (NFl,) aggression.
Over the last two years, Con-
gress has cut back on adminis-
tration requests for military aid,
including a refusal to date to
add $300 million to the $700 mil-
lion appropriated for this fiscal
Ford said that in spite of the
dominant Communist positions
in Cambodia and South Viet-
nam, the United States hasn't
g"en im Southeast Asia.
"I am an optimist despite the
sad and tragictevents we see
unf,)ding," in that region. He
said his administration will do
everything possible to avoid a
Communist takeover.
Part of that effort will be to
"continiue to push for the $300
See VIETNAM, Page 9

AP Photo
TWO NURSES HOLD Vietnamese baby refugees who were flown out of the war torn country
Wednesday. Plans for Michigan to find homes for the i n f a n t s are presently uncertain. The
babies shown here will be found homes in California.
Plans for orphans uncertain

"Dong was going to the palace
to resign. ..'he was giving his
gun to Thieu."
Within hours after the shoot-
ing Thieu announced the govern-
ment had thwartedan attempt-
ed coup and arrested several
persons but made no mention
of Dong or the shooting.
However, those arrested were
affiliated with former Vice Pres-
ident of South Vietnam Cao Ky,
while Dong has been one of
Thieu's key military aides for
some years.
A YEAR AGO Dong was pro-
moted from commanding Sai-
gon's crack paratrooper unit-
the elite of Thieu's forces, to a
Regent Commander of South
In the past few months Sai-
gon-based military and Thieu
have had a falling-out. The mil-
itary has desired more input
into Thieu's decisions while the
president has been arresting his
See THIEU, Page 9
SAIGON (Reuter) - Seven
people, some of them high-
ranking military officers, were
arrested last night in what
officials said was the foiling
of an attempted coup.
Reliable sources said they
could not say when the coup
attempt was made, but em-
phasized it was not the same
one reported by the govern-
ment just over a week ago.
The government announced
the arrests earlier today, but
gave no indication on how
many people were involved
and when they weretdetained.
The sources said the latest
coup attempt involved mili-
tary personnel, although it
was not immediately clear
whether all those arrested
were in the armed forces.

State plans to use the W. J.
Maxey Training School in Whit-
more Lake as a reception center
for orphaned Vietnamese chil-
dren have fallen into limbo, ac-
cording to sources in the Michi-
gan State Department of So-
cial Services.
Virgil Pinckney, Director of
the Institutional Division of the
DSS said last night that plans
to receive the orphans were in
"a hold position."
"The decision had been made
to have a plan ready to go,"
said Pinckney, "hut after the
U. S. State Department evalu-
ated the situation, we decided
not to procede."
Asked if plans to fly Vietna-
mese orphans into Detroit had
ever been finalized, Pinckney
replied, "No, not to my knowl-
Spokespeople at the training
school, a correctional institute

for delinquent and disturbed
boys between 13 and 18 years of
age, indicated that they have
facilities for about 500 refugee
As news of the state's desig-
nation of the school as a poten-
tial reception center was re-
ported in yesterday's Detroit
Free Press, the institute was
reportedly deluged with calls
from families wishing to adopt
the children.
"We've been overwhelmed
with calls from people since
the media released the story,"
said Bob Le Rue, a school
spokesperson. "We've h a d
about 170 calls from interested
parties." he said.
Jim Evans, spokesperson for
the Bureau of Children and
Youth Services in Lansing re-
ported a similar flurry of inter-
est, calling public response "al-
most overwhelming."
Evans added that public in-

terest in the orphans was so
overpowering that the W. J.
Maxey complex could probably
handle "any amount of children
that come in.'
"Any children that came to
the complex," said Evans,
"could be placed with families
within four to six hours of their
The DSS added that the
state's suspension of their re-
ception plans did not preclude
the possibility of private agen-
cies bringing some of the or-
phans into Michigan.
Adoptive Parents of Asian
Children, a Pontiac based vol-
unteer agency, is attempting to
raise 85,000 dollars to charter
a private airlift which would
bring sorely needed clothes,
medicine, food, diapers, and
blankets into Saigon, and fly
orphaned children back to
See ORPHAN, Page 2

Figh't cuts
A scuffle between Student
Government Council (SGC)
members"Robert Black and
Robert Matthews brought last
night's meeting to a quick halt.
Black had been speaking to
his proposal to place a Constitu-
tional Convention Plan on the
April SGC ballot when Matthews
began repeatedly calling for or-
ders of the day .Black asked
him to stop, but Matthews ap-
parently felt the chair was ig-
noring him and continued.
BLACK then became irate,
threw his beer cans to the
ground, denounced Council, and
gathered his belongings to
In departing, he allegedly
spat on Matthews, who then
rose at Black. The two strug-
gled briefly, as nearby Council
members and constituents
jumped to their feet to watch.
Constituent Jasper Di Giuseppe
grabbed Black from behind in
an attempt to subdue him and
succeeded in separating the
After disentangling himself
from Di Giuseppe, Black con-
tinued on his way out. Mat-
thews remained and called the
See BRAWL, Page 9

The controversial rent control proposal-
on the ballot for the second time in as many
years-has drawn charges and rebuttals
concerning its legality and effects which
have filled the air.
City Republicans and landlords have at-
tacked rent control as "thoroughly danger-
ous" and contend it would dry up housing,
reduce maintenance, and actually raise
THE H HUMAN Riohts Partv whnse Seond

text is, "To establish a rent control mechan- the pre
ism that will lower rents to reasonable lower;
levels or prevent unreasonable increases 0 ar
in rents, and prevent deterioration of the limited
existing housing supply." the ren

dra ws


"A rent control mech-
"unsm will lower rents
- 1 J 2_

THE TEXT goes on reasoning why rent
control is needed, "There is a serious . . .
shortage of reasonably-priced, well-main-
.. . , , ,

Price I
* ren
in oper
ital imr
* der
who dis

esent monthly rent-which ever is
maximum monthly r e n t increase
to no more than five per cent, or
nt increase figure in the Consumer
ndex-which ever is lower;
nt increases allowed only with a rise
ating expenses, property taxes, main-
expenses, utility expenses and cap-
nying rent increases for landlords
criminate, violate government codes,

Rent control is "thor-
oughly dangerous" -
v r m, nryr a . ih mttr

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