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Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 145
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 2, 1975
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
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No jury
Student protest over the jurying of the Art
School's Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition ended in
peace yesterday when the Dean of the Art School,
George Bayliss, met with about 60 art students and
agreed on a non-juried show. Bayliss said he had
thought the art school dedication which is bringing
legislators from Lansing and "little old ladies from
Kalamazoo who have never seen art and would not
understand," would coincide wtih the exhibition.
"I want some means to cover our fanny," he said.
"That's saying that there is something wrong
with the fanny," replied one student. Bayliss went
on to explain that he would defend any "quality"
work regardless of content.
We mistakenly reported yesterday that Michael
Broughton, the Democratic third ward city council
candidate, failed to file an election spending state-
ment. Not only is this untrue, but also we iden-
tified him as a Republican.
Political potshots?
State Democratic Chairman Morley Winograd
says Lt. Gov. James Damman should be asked to
resign because of his "unethical, improper con-
duct" as a Troy city official in the late 60's. The
Democratic party's Executive Board issued a
statement contending that the report issued by
Attorney General Frank Kelley made clear that
Damman as a city commissioner, "voted to bene-
fit property in which he had a secret interest." But
Kelley's report cleared Damman of any wrong-
doing though it did raise ethical questions regard-
ing his secret partnership in a land investment
firm. Damman, on the other hand accused the
Democratic leaders of taking "a political shot" at
.. .are miniscule and politically oriented today.
Democratic mayoral candidate Al Wheeler and
Human Rights Party mayoral candidate Carol
Ernst will hold a debate on "Housing and Rent
Control" at 8 p.m. in the assembly Hall of the
Michigan Union, sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Tenant's Union . . . And there will be a debate
between the Second Ward City Council candidates,
Human Rights Party candidate Frank Shoichet,
Democratic Candidate Carol Jones, and Republi-
can party candidate Bob McDonough.
Religious playboy
It ain't easy bringing peace and love to the
world. As if he didn't have enough troubles, Guru
Maharaj Ji, the 17-year-old Indian religious leader
has been disowned by his Mom. Apparently Mom
is miffed because Junior removed all her pictures
from his Divine Light Missions, saying she was
unworthy of worship. In a signed statement yes-
terday, she declared that "he's always recom-
mended to his devotees to live a life of vegetarian-
ism, celibacy and abstaining from alcohol. Now he
himself is indulging and encouraging his devotees
to eat meat, to get married and have sexual rela-
tions. He's not living a spiritual life. He's being a
playboy." The Guru had no comment from his
Malibumansion where he lives with his wife and
baby daughter.
'Nixon Agonistes'
Rabbi Baruch Korff, one of Nixon's staunchest
public supporters, is pleading the ex-president's
care again, only this time it concerns monetary
and not moral support. According to Korff, Nixon's
health is improving, but he is nearly broke and is
in desperate need of hundreds of thousands of
dollars to help pay legal fees in his attempt to
hang on to his presidential papers. Korff is spear-
heading the "President Nixon Justice Fund," and
has already raised $148,000 out of the minimum
$350,000 needed. Talk about justice.
On the inside ...
. . First and Second Ward City Council candi-
dates present their positions on the Editorial Page,
Al Hrapsky and Jeff Schiller look at high school
basketball recruiting, and on the Arts page, Robin
Hergott writes about beef.
On the outside .,..
No April fools joke! A strong and developing
spring storm moving up from Texas to the Ohio
Blaze destroys
ld German'
and CHERYL PILATE DEL-RIO'S, a popular college bar lo-
City firefighters spent over six hours cated next to the Old German, received
yesterday morning battling a persistent only slight smoke damage, Fire Chief
blaze that completely gutted the Old Fred Schmid reported.
German Restaurant-a well-known down- On the opposite s i d e, however, an
town landmark. empty store front adjacent to the res-
The fire broke out at about 7 a.m. in taurant was also extensively damaged.
the basement of the restaurant, located A law office and Flick's bar received
at 120 W. Washington. smoke and water damage Schmid said.
Several times during the morning, the
A TRIO OF Old German employes in 40 firefighters appeared to put out the
the three-story brick building noticed fire-only to watch it break out again in
sparks, then smoke coming from elec- another section of the 75-year-old build-
trical wiring in a small cellar room. ing.
Within a short time, the first-floor din-
ing room was filled with acrid, black THE FIRE'S exact cause and the ex-
smoke. tent and cost of the damage have not yet
Firefighters, p o I i c e, and ambulance been determined, according to Schmid,
teams arrived almost immediately. who said the structure was insured for
No one was seriously injured, but four about $300,000.
firefighters were hospitalized for smoke Old German o w n e r Robert Metzger
inhalation and minor burns. Four others spent most of the latter portion of the
were treated on the scene. See RECURRING, Page 8
Rebels take
Daily Photo by KEN FINK
FIREFIGHTERS ATTEMPT to douse the blaze atop the Old German Restaurant. The fire gutted the downtown
landmark and damaged several neighboring businesses as well. No one was seriously injured.
Pentagon sends marines
THIS INNOCENT Hash Bash crasher was one of the many menaced by a person claiming to be
"Tooth Decay" in the Diag yesterday during the Fourth Annual Hash Festival. Pot-heads, mu-
sicians, dogs, high-school escapees, and hashish devotees all made an appearance at the spring-
time event.
By AP and Reuter
SAIGON - Communist-
led insurgents have gained
complete control of South
Vietnam's central coastal
province of Binh Dinh, the
North Vietnam News Agen-
cy reported early this
Informed sources addi-
tionally report that govern-
ment forces appear to be
giving up their grip on
South Vietnam's entire
central coast down to with-
in 100 miles of Saigon
with very little resistance.
BINH DINH is the 14th pro-
vince to fall in the last three
Meanwhile in Washington, the
Pentagon announced yesterday
that about 700 marines have
been sent to protect U. S. Navy
ships while they evacuate ci-
vilian refugees from South
IT SAID the Marines in four
rifle companies will not leave
the ships but "will be used for
individual ship security and
shipboard evacuation control."
In other developments, a gov-
ernmenthspokesperson said late
last night that Prime Minister
Tran Thien Khiem had not left
his post, but refused to say
whether he had offered his res-
"There is no resignation of
the prime minister," the spokes-
person said. But the person de-
clined to confirm or deny that
Khiem had submitted his resig-
RELIABLE sources said the
prime minister submitted his
resignation in a dispute with
President Nguyen Van Thieu,
against the background of the
deteriorating miiltary situation.
The latest cities lost were
Nha Trang and Tuy Hoa, while
the mountain town of Dalat and
the costal city of Cam Ranh had
lost radio contact with Saigon,
military sources said.
OTHER CITIES on the coast
seemed to be slipping away
amid reports of disorganization
among the defending troops-
but well-placed military sources
said the disorganizaiton alone
did not account for the rapid
change of control.
These sources seemed con-
vinced that high-level decisions
were also involved, although it
was not immediately clear who
they thought was making them.
It was not immediately known
if the loss of radio contact with
Nha Trang, one of the country's
biggest cities, meant the Com-
munist-led forces had arrived
and attacked, or if the defenses
had been abandoned.
Tuy Hoa was an exit point for
many of the troops and civilians
evacuated from the central high-
lands last month. But most zivil-
ians were reported to have left
and eyewitness reports from the
town last week told of disorder
and looting by troops there.
Meanwhile, President Ford's
press secretary said yesterday
the United States is continuing
diplomatic initiatives for a nego-
tiated settlement of the Vietnam
war but has not met with any
AT THE SAME time, the Ford
administration voiced full sup-
port for the South Vietnamese
government and President Thieu
and made clear it would seek
more money from Congress for
weapons and humanitarian aid.
In Washington, Assistant Sec-
retary of State Philip Habib was
asked earlier by reporters if
any diplomatic efforts were now
going on replied: "Not at this
There was, no immediate ex-
planation for the apparent dis-
crepancy in the remarks by
Nessen and Habib.
By M. B. DILLON brary s
Some 3,000 University stu- Some
dents, street people and local "How s
high-schoolers converged yes- ledo tok
terday on the Diag supplied with best Ba
plenty of marijuana, hashish,
and deer antler pipes to cele- A GI
brate the Fourth Annual Ann leather
Arbor Hash Bash. Northvil
Despite the lack of coordina- nothing
tion and the low supply of hash- "We
ish, that characteristic sweet dotte ev
aroma filled the air from noon and we
until dark, when the blown- would c
away crowd finally began to of July,
disperse. voted p
A nat
AMONG THE crowd were turbin a
Shakin' Jake, a juggler, three tended
people with broken legs, Chan- way to
nel 4 newsmen, and a person to build
who stood atop the Grad Li- and ma
teps yelling, "Is Patty
here today?";
came from miles away.
weet it is," said a To- :
ker. "I think this is thei
ash yet,"
ROUP of five men in
jackets cruised in from i
le "because there was
else to do."
hitch-hike from Wyan-
very year for this thing,
love it. Just wish they
change it to the Fourth
" said a group of de-
ot smokers.
ural healer dressed in a
nd swaddling clothes at-
the Hash Bash on his
Canada where he plans
a sauna, Japanese bath,
ssage complex.
A SMALL crowd gathered
around while he talked about
America's "unculture" and the
shifting core of the earth, which
is creating a new North and
South Pole.
The healer also tried to con-
vince his audience that "there
is no such thing as time, life, or
death if we don't want them
to exist," and did a dance after
his talk.
Other attractions included an
egg-throwing contest, several
speeches, and performances by
local musicians.
T-shirts, baked goods and hand-
made deer antler pipes took ad-
vantage of the gathering.
Business was reported as good,
See SUNSHINE, Page 8
Rent control
p u ity- Ke hey.
State Attorney General Frank Kelley has refused to approve
Ann Arbor's rent control ballot issue saying, "It does not fully
comply with state law."
Kelley based his opinion on grounds that "the proposed City
Charter amendment is not confined to one subject" as required
by the Michigan Home Rule Cities Act. The Home Rule Act is a
broad grant of power to certain cities in the state, of which Ann
Arbor is one, to regulate local affairs-with certain limiting pro-
visions-such as not contradicting state law.
"IT IS STILL questionable whether rent control is within the
scope of authority of the police powers conferred upon home rule
cities," Kelley continued.
However, Kelley's opinion will not prevent the proposal from
appearing on the ballot as the referendum received support through
voter initiative and therefore does pot require either the attorney
genefal's or Governor William Milliken's signature.
Only a City Council-initiated ballot proposal requires the
governor's endorsement. Rent control law could, however, be
removed from the books through the courts with a lawsuit based
on Kelley's opinion.
KELLEY SAID that this year's ballot issue, which is similar
to the rent control proposal solidly defeated last April by Ann
Arbor voters, "does not continue the method of selecting rent
control board members which we found objectionable in the
amendment proposed last year."
Last year's proportional representation of board members has
been changed to partisan members elected on a ward basis in
this year's proposal.
Kelley and Milliken last week refused to endorse the voter
registration ballot issue terming it, "Illegal and conducive to
election fraud." A state opinion is pending on the third proposal-
city funding of day care.
See KELLEY, Page 8
Bell favore
Herd-line Republican G e r a 1 d Bell is
favored o v e r moderate Democrat Doug
White and Human Rights Party (HRP)
creases in rents in the city," but does not
like the permanence of a charter amend-
Bell opposes the letter and spirit of the
ing (CDRS) allocation for child care. Exist-
ing federal and state aid programs are suf-
ficient, according to Bell.
White says that day care is a vital need