inside: editors: laura berman dan borus contributing editor: m ary long sundciy mctgozine, page four-books page five-lawrence raab page six-week in review Number 22 Page Three Marc FEATUR h 30, 1975 DES The arts: Oriental The ver martial y lethai religious experience With the fears of crime in the streets becoming ever more sharply felt, a growing number of Americans are turning to some form of self-defense. Television, movies, and news- papers, have projected the image of the invicible practioner of the Oriental martial arts. But the instructors and serious stu- dents of the craft have something else in mind. Daily Photo by KEN FINK By SARA RIMER N LAW STUDENT Joe Lloyd tends bar, he is confronted by a lush who continually challenges him. "Hey, you wanna fight?" the drunk slurs belligerently. Good and smashed, Lloyd's customer gets a familiar glaze in his eyes as his body strains forward to beat that "black belt son of a bitch" behind the counter. Lloyd, an advanced Tae Kwan Do instructor, is used to turning away the neighborhood bully tunes just aching to beat a black belt. Like the other 20 black belt ex- perts in Ann Arbor, Lloyd is well aware of the awesome skills he holds and the awesome resoonsi- bilities such skills entails. Padding about a corner of Wat- erman Gym, moving fluently through a series of choreogranhed exercises dressed in a loose white cloth uniform. Llovd nossesses the power to destrov matter or a hody with a single movemnt of a linmh. Such power, magnified by elori- fication in the media, has propel- led Oriental self-defense to new heizhts of ponulT rity. Not only women fearful of harm, but men, who traditionally were thought of as able to hAndle themselves have flocked to classes in record num- bers. OCAL BLACK BETTS have a mixed bae of reactions to the current Kung Fu craze that has elementary school kids sending their friends home with their teeth in their pockets. Although some such as James Yu. a 5'2" black belt who began the first karate pro- gram here and has trained most of the 20 Ann Arbor black belts, wel- comes the famed Kung Fu Televi- sion show, claiming it is "very good publicity" for his art, others are fearful of the instant exploitation of the Oriental martial arts. While grudgingly granting the general accuracy of the show, Steve Hu, a student karate instruc- tor, warns against the use of the arts as an activity for ego trippers sweating for a free machismo ride. "A person should be able to rea- lize total pacifism in that machis- mo doesn't get into it." Hu under- lines the irony of karate's origins, "It's the most efficient kind of fighting, develoned by vegetarian. pacifist Buddhist monks." He laughs at Americans "into the male machismo trin who get into mar- tial arts because they know it's an efficient way to beat peonle up." JJU'S PERCEPTIONS about why Americans turn to the Orien- tal Arts are visible on the floor of Waterman gvmnasium. There it is easy to pick out the occasional tongh uy who looks like he's just stenned out of the boxing ring, stomping for a fight. In one cor- ner. a fighter right off the movie screen hisses as he performs the mnovements Hu warns are "all de- sipned to rpaim or. kill." He struts about. taunting his weaker partner and flashing the black belt that heas become a badge of superiority. A group of students squats in front of the match, drawn by the combat that jars with the other games of pure sport. type of black belt spars easily, grinning like a great cheshire cat stretching his body through a ser- ies of choreographed forms. The graceful dance betrays none of ka- rate's lethality and blends smooth- ly with the basketball and volley- ball games simultaneously in ses- sion on the gym floor. It has none of the hostility swelling up in in the other karate star across the floor. NOT ALL KARATE instructors are happy with the new found American popularity of the disci- pline. Many are worried about its "Americanization". One student instructor sneered at the whole tournament craze and the belt- ranking system as an American ad- dition. "It's all bullshit." He con- demns the belt-ranking system's importance here as "a sham that keeps Americans interested. It's a reward system - the carrot in front of the rabbit." Some karate students continually gearing up for the next color promotion are sur- prised to learn the belt-ranking system is non-existent in the Ori- ent. According to the instructor the "belt is a simple piece of the uniform that keeps the top but- toned." Although he has been training for over five years, hehas never bothered to take the black belt exam-the spot of color wrap- ped about his waist is irrelevant. He points out that karate can be a "very lucrative business since they hit you with $20 every time you take a promotion test." Each with potentially ten ranks includ- ed and a test required for each upward leap. The instructor under- lines the karate students' naivete, "They're so happy to get a new rank, they don't notice they're paying a check." As Hu points out, the martial arts were not developed for ego extension or simply self-defense. The arts strive for both physical and moral control. Hu sets true understanding of karate high in the black belt level. "It's fairly hard for Westerners to compre- hend. It has to do with yin-yang and the dynamic interaction of op- posites that define existence. 14U LIKES TELLING about the tenth degree black belt (there are only about 20 in the world) who remarked on a visit here, "I don't know why people spar. Do they want to get hurt?" The mas- ter was more interested in mrac- tiring body movement and form. Randv Hall, president of the University Tae Kwan Do Club, talks about karate, of which Tae Kwan Do and Kung Fu are forms, on the more gut physical level, stressing body awareness and phv- sical control. He joined the club hecause of the fantastic body con- trol he witnessed at a demonstra- tion. He is quick to demonstrate the point, jumping smoothly off his chair to execute a full-Dowered side kick that stops just inches short of the wall - his stand-in partner-"An animal has control," he exolains. "This is control in a moral sense.'' Control is accomplished through discipline and an insistence on re- spect for others. Partners bow to each other and to the instructor before and after each snarring session. Ron Alliere. a black belt instructor at the YMCA, feels this makes the art more than just a system of self-defense moves. "There's more to karate than just self-defense." he says. "It im- proves your character. making you a more reasonable, decent person in society." But, for all the talk of the philo- sonhical, sensual facets of karate, there is no debate about the lethal potential of the art. This power is a concern and a resnonsibility for those who hold the capacity to do great damage. I U. WHO JOINED the elite seven years ago after an unarmed street gang in Detroit kicked a friend's father to death, has not yet shot a well-timed punch in a real-life situation. "It all sounds time it's not necessary to use your lethal weapon." He laughs at a man, intrigued by his black belt, who seemed anxious to learn ka- rate to fight "raging dogs." But he's serious when he argues, "Protection of oneself is intrinsic to man's nature. It's not civilized to carry guns either." Hall, however, didn't jump full force into karate without some reservations, "It bothered me for about two years." I'm a nice guy," he smiles, "I don't want to harm anyone." This power and the Charlie Chan-Kung Fu myths of quiet in- vincibility has made some black belts very reticent to admit their status. Lloyd, a tall, lean man whose gentle appearance belie his skills, despises the litany of re- sponses his black belt distinction provokes. "I consider myself suc- cessful if I can know someone for six months without them finding surprised when "I got punched in the face by a girl." Hall lets out an admiring whistle, "Man, she had a beautiful punch." Joyce Moscovitz, a member of the University's Tae Kwan Do club, pauses between her warm-up at the gym to observe, "It's hard to hit people, but it's a lot more diffi- cult to fight with women than with men." Jean Baderschendier, a member of the same group, agrees, "I fall apart when I have to fight wom- en." She sees karate as a natural extension of her dancing and gym- nastic interests emphasizing, "I never try to be a hero with it. The first time I broke a board I had a strange feeling. It made me more cautious." While Alliere forbids male-fe- male contact in his classes at the 'Y', the University Tae Kwan Do Club encourages it. Lloyd points out, "Contact's not a dirty word. Two people of the opposite sex make contact all the time." r,"hi'i ?i'r:CZ.:r: ifh'-?:" :: .":4:% F.Z":"Y}} Y .y. '-"2.5:?"3.{rr{{;.;.;.; "t,.>}i:n:Cfifi"Ffi: p'? .x,.},r vy,,. y° . . . . t". .h1 ti .f .:1..... .. }.." ss .", ': St.'.".L :" f.l:. "It's controlled action, not simply in the physi- cal sense, an animal has control. It is control in a moral sense," says one practioner. Remarks Steve Hu, "It all sounds very romantic, but basic- ally you're scared shitless." ."c:",sYttY.....:1- .:v:.::::.:N".7? "i"t.aYrf.4':";Ka+? tl,.iP: " "'"44::ir .{': ;:=;:,' '"};."r ..;:Yr;k In another corner a different school has about seven belt colors out. Even Yu, the man who could be called "the father of Ann Arbor karate" is still a bit embarrassed when he is asked if he can break a board. BUT SOME LIKE the Oriental mystique and revel in it. Says Hall, "There's a guy in my frater- nity with a black belt. He's only 5'6", but no one gives him any shit. They sort of think this person's got something extra. For whatever reason, schools are flourishing. But they are based on hard work and highly discipline schedule. Some schools are run like military drills. "The person who stays in there all the way," says Yu, "really commits himself. Yu sets three years as the mini- mum training period for a black belt. There is no difference in train- ing for males and females. It is rigorous without regard to sexual- Hu has doubts about the all-wo- men classes his studio offers, ob- serving, "If you're going to be at- tacked, it's going to be by a man." However, he outlines the rea- sons women have for requesting all-women classes, "They either dislike men, are not up to the male power level, or are afraid of the machismo element in a male class. They're afraid the men will hu- miilate them." Hu throws a block on front of that fear asserting, "The average male is afraid to make body con- tact with another male - they don't hug each other; most have trouble holding hands with some- one." For all the brouhaha about Kung Fu and other assorted forms of the Oriental martial arts, many in- structors with many years experi- ence in the art counsel their stu- dents the best defense against at- +ankis t in ., IamO! nin+n +,V + ... ...... i..... } !:::: f. .' Si""t! :i