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March 30, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-03-30

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See Inside


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See Today for details

Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 30, 1975 Ten Cents E
r r

ight Pages

High aspirations
Lt. Gov. James Damman, recently cleared by
the state attorney general of criminal involvement
in land speculation while serving as a Troy
city official, has announced his aspirations of be-
coming Michigan's governor. "If I hadn't given
a lot of thought to being governor, I would not
have become lieutenant governor," said Damman
in a television interview. Asked if he would some-
day aim for the political heights, Damman replied,
"If additional opportunities should present them-
selves, I would think very seriously about them."
Happenings. ..
. . .are as scarce as sunshine on this Easter
Sunday, the only one being a meeting for people
interested in working on ballot issues in the City
Council elections for the Human Rights' P a r t y
(HRP) - that's at 1910 Hill St. tonight at 7:30 .. .
events are on the increase tomorrow beginning
with a lecture on "Artistic Creation" at 10 a.m.
in room 2050 Frieze Building sponsored by CREES
.. . Then at 4 p.m., the Pilot Program at Alice
Lloyd Hall gives a send-off for the People's Yellow
Pages . . . at 8:30 p.m., there is a public hearing
on day care in the City Council Chambers . .
the 'U' Square Dance Club meets in Barbour
Gym from 8-10 p.m. . . . and the day finishes
off with a film benefit for the (HRP), "All the
King's Men," at 7 and 9:20 p.m. in Matrix Aud.
(the old Mark's Cafe on William St.).
Nixon's plans revealed
In the second half of his taped interview with CBS
today, ft.R. "Bob" Haldeman discusses Richard
Nixon's tentative plan to appoint John Connally as
vice-president long before Spiro Agnew was tainted
by scandal. Connally was eventually indicted on
bribery charges in the milk fund case and goes to
trial Tuesday. Haldeman also discusses the iden-
tity of "Deep Throat," the prime source for
Washington Post Watergate reporters Bob Wood-
ward and Carl Bernstein in their investigations.
CBS has reportedly rewarded Haldeman to the
tune of $50,000 for this exclusive interview.
Back to the hustlings
John Dean, who said he was ending his speak-
ing tour because people wanted to talk more
about his fees than about Watergate, is going
back to the hustlings again. The convicted Water-
gate conspirator will speak at Georgia State Uni-
versity on April 16 for a reported $3,000. Last
month Dean spoke at Oakland Community Col-
lege and pocketed a similar figure.
Equal rights delayed
Another state has joined the opposition to the
proposed Equal Rights' Amendment (ERA) for
women. South Carolina's House of Representatives
last week voted 46-43 to table the measure ratify-
ingthe amendment from any consideration for the
rest of the 1975 session. ERA presently has been
ratified by 34 of the 38 states, it needs by 1979 in
order to enter the Constitution; but two states,
Tennessee and Nebraska, have rescinded their ra-
tification, although the legality of those moves is
in question.
Super scheme
A court in Reading, England, found factory
cleaner Philip Riley guilty of six charges of theft,
deception and forgery and sentenced him to 2 years
in prison after it was revealed that he had
fooled a Roman Catholic priest into giving him
20,000 pounds sterling - by posing as a secret
service agent. According to the prosecution, he

sent the priest thank-you telegrams signed "Pooh
Bear," and even came to the door covered with
bandages to tell Father Garlick he had been
shot in gun battles. The priest was apparently not
resentful and had such great admiration for the
secret service that he did not want his money
On the inside.. .
Sunday magazine features a story by Sara
Rimer about the oriental martial arts and their
popularity in Ann Arbor . . . and Sports Page in-
cludes an analysis of Michigan's recent smashing
gymnastics victory by Leba Hertz, Scott Lewis
and Mike Wilson.
On the outside . .
Weatherwise, Easter will be more like Christmas.

By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON (I)-President Ford signed a $24.8-billion tax-
cut bill into law last night, saying the drawbacks of the legislation
are outweighed "by the urgent necessity of an anti-recession tax
reduction right now."
Approval of the bill assures that about 72 million Americans
will begin receiving 1974 tax rebate checks-ranging up to $200-
beginning in early May. It also assures 1975 tax reductions, which
will show up in lower withholding taxes as early as May.
FORD ANNOUNCED the signing of the bill in a nationwide
radio and television address, and said he is drawing the line for
a 1976 budget deficit at $60 billion.
"This is as far as we dare to go," Ford said. "I will resist
every attempt by the Congress to add another dollar to this
deficit by new spending programs."
He said the only exceptions he would tolerate to new spending
programs would be spending for "our long-range national se-
curity interests . . . or urget humanitarian needs." The remark
about humanitarian needs was added to Ford's prepared text

oves huge
and was seen as a possible reference to increased spending for
war-torn Cambodia and South Vietnam.
IN ADDITION to its tax cut provisions, the bill, approved by
Congress last week, repeals the controversial 22 per cent oil
depletion allowance for major oil companies.
The bill contains the following tax reductions that will affect
virtually all taxpayers:
0 A 10 per cent rebate for 1974 taxes to a maximum of $200,
although the rebate will gradually decline to $100 as incomes rise
from $20,000 to $30,000.
* A $30 tax credit for each personal tax exemption for 1975,
which will be reflected in lower withholding rates.
* A substantial increase in the standard minimum tax deduc-
tion for 1975, which also will appear in lower withholding rates.
Other provisions affecting lower-income persons include a
$50 one-time bonus payment this year for Social Security recipi-
ents, and special payments of up to $400 for working families with
low incomes.
It also will give buyers of new homes a tax credit equal to



5 per cent of the purchase price to a maximum credit of $2,000.
Sellers will not be able to increase sales prices over the lowest
previous offered price.
About 5 million Americans will be removed from the tax rolls
altogether because the income level below which taxes won't
have to be paid will be raised to about $5,700 for a family of four.
FORD SAID that although he is signing the tax bill, he be-
lieves it "fails to give adequate relief to the millions of middle-
income taxpayers who already contribute the biggest share of
federal taxes."
Congressmen of both parties praised Ford for signing into law
the $24.8 billion tax cut despite his reservations.
Sen. Russell Long (D-La.) said "the President did the right
Long, who shepherded the measure through the Senate as
chairman of the Finance Committee, said "the tax cut will give
the nation's sagging economy a much-needed stimulus."
Rep. Henry Reuss (D-Wis.), chairman of the House Banking
Committee, said Ford "really didn't have much choice if he
wanted to keep the recession from becoming worse."






fo rcs;
Family to
lose home
or war
This Wednesday the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) will-
confiscate the home of Dr. Paul
and Adeline Snyder of Fremont,
Mich., and sell it to the highest
The former Goldwater Repub-
licans have refused to pay $3,000
on their 1971 federal income 1
tax, as a protest against the
Vietnam War effort.
"WE JUST couldn't do it any-
more," says Ms. Snyder, a 15-
year Fremont resident. "We
started this when we heard s
about Cambodia and the Kent se
State shootings." an
And the Snyders' 11-year-old -
son asks, "Because we don't
want to pay for killingwthey're O
gonna take our house away?"
The IRS will auction off the
$80,000 home and office used by
Paul, a veterinarian. In all like-
lihood, the Snyders will be able
to buy back the house following
the auction-but only after the
IRS has gotten the $3,000. Be
AFTER THE IRS has sold the expr
house, the Snyders may pur- child
chase it from the new ownerscild
for the same price., Then the mon
government returns the money mea
to the Snyders-less the back Th
taxes. City
The Snyders are using an old cent
Deoression protest tactic. In the Beca
early 1930's, farmers threatened coulc
with foreclosure had t h e i r that
friends enter bids of 50 cents or ficia
less and then in turn simply
tore up the mortgages. H
Both Paul and Adeline are H
confident that friends and sup- $314
porters from across the country chil
See FAMILY, Page 2 Bo




Fododosmunt evacu tion efr
e frBy AP and UPI
SAIGON - Da Nang, South Vietnam's second largest
city, and the country's last northern bastion, fell to Com-
munist-led insurgents early today.
When the city fell, approximately one-half million
refugees and an estimated 100,000 South Vietnamese
soldiers were trapped. A Saigon military official said
that the loss of Da Nang was "the single biggest defeat
for South Vietnam in the past 20 years."
MILITARY sources said insurgent tanks entered Da Nang late
yesterday, Saigon time. The city degenerated into chaos as
leaderless soldiers looted and killed for food, mobs fought for

AP Photo
)UTH VIETNAMES TROOPS rest near Saigon, last week, as fighting raged across the mid-
ction of the divided country. Communist-led insurgents tightened the noose around Da Nang
d were expected to start hitting the South Viet capital city itself soon.






proposal hit
City Attorney Edwin Pear contend the proposed
amendment would include all city revenue, rather
than just the general fund-resulting in the
$565,000 figure.
This confusion has made many, candidates
running for City Council in the April 7 election

space on anything that could fly
crowd of citizens sacked the
abandoned American Consulate
The fall of Da Nang was re-
ported only hours after Presi-
dent Ford in Washington had
ordered U. S. Navy boats to Da
Nang to help evacuate a half-
million refugees who had fled
to the port city, 380 miles north
of Saigon.
The United States was pre-
pared last night to continue with
plans foretransports to stand
by offshore and pick up refu-
gees from South Vietnamese
coastal cities. President Ford
said last night that he had or-
dered the evacuation efforts "to
meet immediate humanitarian
WHITE HOUSE Press Secre-
tary Ron Nissen said the Navy
transports which are still hours
from their destination would
stay far enough from the coast
so "it is not anticipated they
will be in any danger of involve-
ment in hostilities."
The fall of Da Nang left in-
surgent forces in control of
the entire northern quarter of
South Vietnam. Da Nang's pop-
ula~ion had doubled to more
than a millionin recent days as
refugees swarmed into the
zone, hoping to be evacuated
to government-controlled areas
See DA NANG, Page 2

or float southward, and an angry
Da Nang:
Only the
DA NANG, South Vietnam
(UPI) - Only the fastest, the
strongest and the meanest got
out on what may be the last
refugee plane from Da Nang
I saw a South Veitnamese
r soldier kick an old woman in
the face to get aboard.
IN THE movies somebody
would have shot the soldier and
helped the old lady on the
plane. But this was no movie-
he flew and the old lady tumb-
led down the tarmac, her fing-
ers clawing toward the plane
that was already rolling.
People fought one another
and died trying to get aboard.
See ONLY, Page 2

ing against day care is something like being
nst children. But many local voters have
essed opposition to a ballot proposal funding
d care because no one is sure just how much
ey would be given to the program, if the
sure were approved.
e Human Rights Party (HRP) sponsored
Charter amendment would provide 1.7 per
of the total city revenues for day care.
ause of the wording, however, that amount
d be as high as $565,000-more than twice
originally expected-according to some of-
RP CLAIMS Proposition B would require only
,000 of the municipal income be devoted to
d care.
oth City Administrator Sylvester Murray and

apprehensive about supporting the amendment,
although they claim they favor some kind of
city funding for day care facilities.
COUNCILWOMAN Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-
Second Ward) and the HRP council hopefuls argue
that because their party drafted the proposal
it should be HRP which would determine the
amount of money given to day care, if the meas-
ure passes.
See DAY, Page 2

Exorc ism

ru ns


LONDON (I) - The "exor-
cism" of a man three hours be-
fore he killed and mutilated his
wife sparked a sharp contro-
versy in Britain over the role
of the ancient ritual in the
modern church.
"The blasted meddlers will
dabble about in demonism, not
knowing what they are doing
or what might happen. The
damage it can do is immeas-
urable," said Canon John
Pearce-Higgins of the *Church
of England, vice chairman of

folded Tuesday at the end of the
trial of Michael Taylor, 31, in
Leeds Crown Court.
Prosecutor Geoffrey Baker
said Taylor tore out his wife's
eyes and tongue with his bare
hands and "tore her face al-
most off."
"She died very quickly, from
inhalation of blood," he said.
The jury found Taylor inno-
cent of murder because of in-
sanity, and the judge ordered
him committed to a mental

the night before the murder
were unwise," said the Rev.
Eric Treacy, the Anglican bish-
op of the Wakefield diocese
where the ritual took place.
"NO clergyman in the diocese
of Wakefield has my specific
authority to practice exor-
cism," the bishop said. "But I
am aware that some clergy-
men will feel that it is a nor-
mal part of their pastoral min-
istry when occasion demands."
The clergymen who conduct-

ed brief exorcisms.
The Rev. Mr. Vincent, who
like the Rev. Mr. Smith was
not at the trial, was asked by
newsmen if he was an exor-
cist. "Good gracious no," he
said. "I am simply a parish
The court was told that Tay-
lor attended a meeting in his
home last September of a sect
called the Christian Fellowship
Group. Members normally gath-
ered for Bible readings and
hymn singing.

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