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March 29, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-03-29

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See Editorial Page



4 6F

See Today for details

Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol LXXXV, No. 142

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 29, 1975

Ten Cents

Six Pages




su plies



t .
A local record of some import to many people
has been broken - by a Michigan State student
no less. Early yesterday morning Chris Bunbury
gobbled down a Pizza Bob destroyer - a two-
foot long sub sandwich - in six minutes and 15
seconds, thus surpassing the old mark by nearly
two minutes. In explaining the ease with which he
shattered the five-year record, Bunbury said "I
was drunk and I was still hungry afterwards."
Modestly he added that he plans to return and
break the six-minute mark.
Feldkamp hit
The Human Rights Party yesterday denanded
the resignation of University Housing Director
John Feldkamp, and called for a Regental investi-
gation of the current dorm lottery. "The planned
exclusion of 1,200 students from University housing
next year was the culmination of policies . .
which were designed to perpetuate the housing
shortage throughout the city so that rents can be
kept artificially high," HRP claimed.
Markley Council voted Thursday night, with a
proper quorum, to rescind a previously passed
resolution giving its members financial compen-
sation for attending meetings. The move came
after the Central Student Judiciary ruled that pay-
ment of compensation to the officers was illegal.
T 2 vote Thursday was 19-11 against the alloca-
A University student got taken for a ride and
then some early Thursday morning, according to
police who fished him out of the Detroit River. The
student was hitchhiking on Miller near the corner
of Ashley when four people picked him up. But in-
stead of giving him a lift, they drove onto a side
street and relieved him of his wallet and guitar.
Then the suspects forced him into the trunk and
proceeded to drive all the way to Detroit. Upon
arriving, they let him out of the car, beat him over
the head and finally dumped him in the Detroit
River. The student is recuperating in a Motor City
Happenings ...
. . . start on a high plane today with a sympo-
sium on "The State and the Colleges: Appropria-
tions, Taxes, and Their Implications for Michigan's
Future," the discussion will begin at 9:45 a.m. in
the Union . . .at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. a film from
the People's Republic of China on an international
table tennis tournament will be shown in MLB-..
the Go Club meets at 2 p.m. in Rm. 2050 Frieze
Bldg. . . . at 8 p.m. the Arab students will hold an
"Arabian Night"with food and entertainment in
Bursley's West Cafeteria . . . also at 8 p.m. the
surrealism colloquium features "Elephants Are
Contagious" in the Res. College Theatre . . . and
an all women's dance will be sponsored by the
Amazon Union in Barbour Gym from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m.
Finders keepers?
Someone misplaced a safe weighing about 800
pounds and containing pearls and coral worth
$10,000, but the Los Angeles police don't know who.
The unclaimed property was not reported missing
or stolen, and police checks of jewelry firms failed
to turn up the owner. The find was made a month
ago by an officer who noticed the safe blocking an
allev just a short distance from the downtown
police headquarters. Neither the safe nor its con-
tents bore any identifying marks

Dogin' it
The New Hampshire state House has decided that
sexual equality is for dogs. Present state law re-
quires a-$5 license fee for female dogs, while the
fee for meals of the species or spayed females is
only $2. A bill passed earlier this week would,
change all that, making the fee two bucks for any
neutered dog regardless of gender and $5 for the
On the inside...
The Editorial Page looks at "student aliena-
tion" which takes many forms - low grades, no
jobs, and otherequally troublesome phenomena
. . . Meanwhile on the Sports Page Mike Wilson
and Scott Lewis report on the Big 10 gymnastics

Kissinger to

speak at


Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has tentatively agreed to
speak at the University's spring commencement exercises, The
Daily learned yesterday.
Although University officials declined to comment, a State
Department spokesman confirmed that the University had invited
Kissinger here.
KIM FLOWER, the chief of the speakers division in the Depart-
ment of State said the secretary's visit "is still very much
up in the air," but that Kissinger "has tentatively agreed to
do it."
Kissinger could not be reached for comment, but his personal
secretary also confirmed that the University extended an invitation


for the May 3 commencement,
and that Kissinger tentatively
accepted it.
But she added that "it's nev-
er definite until the last minute,
for obvious reasons."'
A FORMAL announcement of
the invitation is expected this
morning. President Robben
Fleming refused to confirm or
deny that Kissinger will speak,
saying only that "it's an inter-
esting rumor."
It seems likely that a visit
by the 51-year-old secretary of
state might spark considerable
protest among various Univer-
sity factions. A speech earlier
this month by Israeli President
Ephriam Katzir was interrupted
by demonstrators who were te-
moved from the lecture hail by
Kissinger, a former Harvard
professor, has been an import-
ant architect of U.S. foreign pol-
icy under the Nixon and Ford
administrations. He was awari-
ed a Nobel Peace Prize in 19'3
for his work in negotiating the
now-discarded peace settlement
in Vietnam.
Last week, Kissinger suspend-
ed his "shuttle diplomacy" in
the Middle East, where he has
been attempting to negotivre
an agreement between Israel
and Syria.
The German-born secretary of
state came to the U.S. in 1938
and is a.naturalized citizen. He
first became famous as Presi-
dent Nixon's national security
chief when he held many : ecret
meetings in China prior to Nix-
on's trip there in 1972.

Daily Photo by KEN FINK

Da Nang
By AP and Reuter
SAIGON - The United
States began an emergency
airlift of military equip-
ment and medical supplies
to South Vietnam yester-
day, a U. S. Embassy
spokesman said.
He said one plane alreagy
had landed in Saigon. The
spokesman said he believed
the airlift was being staged
from bases in Thailand.
THE VIETNAM arms airlift
apparently was recommended
by Gen. Frederick Weyand, U.S.
Army chief of staff, who arrived
in Saigon Friday. He confer-
red with Thieu on the deterior-
ating military situation in
South Vietnam, which has lost
12 provinces and about half of
its territory.
A statement from the U. S.
Embassy said Wevand and U.S.
Ambassador Graham Martin,
who accompanied the general to
the meeting with Thieu, "con-
veved the assurances of Presi-
dent Ford's strong support in
the determined resistance of
the people of South Vietnam to
the massive invasion by North
Vietnamese expeditionary corps
in flagrant and cynical disre-
gard of the provisions of the
P.iris agreements.
"Gen. Weyand on his return
to the United States will make
smecific recommendations to
President Ford regarding U. S.
assistance to the people of
South Vietnam. In the mean-
time some urgently needed
military and medical supplies
are being rushed to South Viet-
nam by airlift."
PANIC WAS reported as
thousands tried to flee Da Nang
and the Saigon command de-
scribed the situation .there as
Radio contact with Da Nang
was re-established last night a-
ter 10 hours of silence amid re-
ports of heavy insurgent shell-
ing and civil disorders, sources
in the Saigon military com-
mand said.
A big American Boeing 727
airliner meanwhile left here in
another attempt to bring out
refugees from Da Nang - cen-
ter of a shrinking government
enclave,isolated by vast govern-
ment losses of territory in the
past few weeks.
AN OFFICIAL of world air-
ways, which is flying the plane
on charter for the United States
aid agency, reported its depar-
ture and said two more 727s
would leave later today.
The airlift was suspended yes-
terday because of chaos at the
airportwhere surging crowds,
including government troops
who retreated from the inter-
ior, tried to rush the only
planes that touched down, wit-
nesses said.
There was no definite offic-
ial' report of an attack on Da
Nang but the official Vietnam
Press Agency said that about
500 communist-led commandos
had infiltrated the city where
about half a million refugees
and troops have gathered during
the past week.
reported chaotic scenes as
thousands of refugees fought to
get aboard relief planes out of

Da Nang.
However, the throng of peo-
ple prevented the U. S. airlift
for the second day from evacu-
ating refugees to the South.

Hart may
retire at
end of
dhis term
(UPI) - There were more
signs yesterday that Sen.tPhil-
lip Hart (D-Mich.) will retire
at the end of his current term.
The Booth Newspaper group
quoted an associate of the
Democratic veteran as saying
Hart has definitely decided to
not seek re-election to a fourth
six-year term.
HART WAS not available for
comments and his offices in
Detroit and Washington were
closed yesterday.
In a dispatch published in the
Grand Rapids Press, the un-
identified associate said Hart
has decided to step down partly
because he is sponsoring legis-
lation to compel congressmen
to retire at 65 and his own re-
maining in office past that age
would appear hypocritical.
He is 62, but would remain in
office past 65 if he won re-elec-
tion next year.
HART'S decision, the associ-
ate said, will formally announce
his decision in the summer.
Hart previously said in De-
troit that he has made up his
mind about seeking re-election,
but said he would not disclose
his plans until later.
See HART, Page 2

Bunny Love
Six-year-old Sarah Munro thoughtfully feeds an Easter bunny in the window of Stangers yesterday.
The store has sold a couple dozen of the furry little critters over the past two weeks.
Anti-war teach-in held

Although it's been ten years
since the first anti-war teach-in
was held here in Ann Arbor,
the task of educating people
about the current state of events
in Indochina is still being out
in much the same way.

ter in the country, last night
held another one of its teach-ins
before a crowd of about 100
people in the Ann Arbor Public
west co-ordinator for IPC, spoke
on the progress that's been
made in the last two years in
limiting the amount of aid sent
by the United States to the. Lon

The Ann
(IPC), the

Arbor branch of the
P e a c e Campaign
largest single chap-

Ford stand on X24.8 billion
tax cut bill expected tonight

Nol and Thieu regimes.
In early 1973, he said, Con-
gress was completely powerless
in determining the f o r e i g n
policy of the country. Since
then, however, the Watergate
incident has acted to give Cen-
gress much greater confidence
in questioning the Defense De-
partment's requests for aid to
the governments of Lon Nol and
Thieu, according to Cameron.
HE CREDITED the 60 per
cent cut in aid to Cambodia to
a great "grass roots" effort to
pressure Congress. In particu-
lar, he lauded Ann Arbor Con-
gressman Marvin Esch forthis
sponsorship of bills to reduce
aid to these regimes.
As to the bill currently in
Congress to supplement the
United States aid to Cambodia,
Cameron said: "Our expectation
is that the Senate will defea*.
the Cambodian supplemental by
four or five votes."~
The proposal to supplement
South Vietnamese aid, he said,
wo"ldn't even be touched by
Congress. "It's doubtful they
can even use the aid, withou:
the political support of the pao-
nle. The only people who know
hqw to use the equipment being
sent over is American techni-
THUS, HE concluded, "the
See ANTI-WAR, Page 2

WASHINGTON G)-President Ford will ad-
dress the nation tonight to disclose his decision
on the $24.8 billion tax cut bill and snake a
statement on economic policy, the White House
announced yesterday.
However, Press Secretary Ron Nessen de-
clined to give any hints about whether Ford will
sign or veto the tax measure.
WHEN ASKED whether the President had
made up his mind, Nessen told reporters: "He
is deciding and will announce his decison tomor-
row evening."
Nessen said the three major networks had
agreed to broadcast Ford's address on television
and radio. The President plans to speak at 6:30
p.m. EST from the Oval Office for about 10 to 15
minutes, his press secretary said.
Besides the tax cut bill, Ford also will speak

on "broader economic matters," Nessen said.
FORD HAS BEEN conferring with his top
economic advisers for the past two days while
trying to reach a decision on the tax bill, which
would provide the biggest tax cut for Americans
in 30 years.
NessenĀ°said Ford has received written recom-
mendations from all of his economic policy board
advisers. However, a White House source said
there was no consensus in this recommendations.
A high Treasury source, who said he did not
know Ford's decision on the tax rebate bill,
nevertheless declared the bill contains "several
provisions that are outrageous.-
THE OFFICIAL said the provisions-he listed
five-are of major concern to the administration
See FORD, Page 2

Socialist condemns
capitalist economics
"I don't think we can understand what is happening in
this country," said Peter Camejo, "until we understand that -
there are classes, and that there is a ruling class."
Camejo, Socialist Workers Party (SWP) Presidential4
candidate for 1976, knows that his name will not be a house-
hold word by election day. His current speaking tour, spon-

Voter registration ballet issue
receives bi-partisan approval

Although the door-to-door vot-
er registration proposal has
been called illegal by the state
Attorney General, the Demo-
crats and Human Rights Party
(HRP) members have re-affirm-
ed their support of the April

registration sites anywhere with-
in the city.
Currently the city has about
a dozen permanent voter regis-
tration sites with only one on-
campus site - the Michigan

GOVERNOR William Milliken
has refused to endorse the bal-
lot issue. However, neither Kel-
ley's opinion nor Milliken's re-
fusal to endorse the Proposition
"C" has any legal impact since
the amendment was submitted
through citizen initiative, and

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