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March 25, 1975 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-03-25

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Tuesday, March 25, 1975


Page Seven

Tuesday, March 25, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

- time



i-Ko s

C.J. and Joe .
...keep on sharing




e iN
bill crane's column
IT WASN'T really muchof a surprise last evening when C.J.{
Kupec and Joe Johnson became the 1975 co-winners of Mich- . .{
igan's Bill Buntin Award for 1975 as the most valuable Michigan
basketball players.
Afterall, Johnson and Kupec came together to Michigan four
years ago along with four other freshman players. C.J. and Joe
are the only ones left and while Campy Russell, John Kantner,
Bill Ayler, and Doug Ashworth have all gone their own ways,
Kupec and Johnson remained to the end-the palace guards..
Last night at Michigan's annual Basketball Bust, the two
senior co-captains were rewarded for their toils as fans, *'.
players, and coaches alike honored two of the most popular k
Michigan players ever. _
"I'd like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Kupec and Mr. and Mrs. -h
Johnson for their kids," Michigan coach John Orr exclaimed.
"Whoa! What a difference they've made in my life. I had just
about left Ann Arbor before they came!"x
Although Orr wasn't 100 per cent serious, it is also likely
that his big center and his little guard represent to him players=
who have truly made coaching pleasureable and rewarding as
well as successful.
Orr talked about Joe and said "it shows you how big a:
little guy can be." About C.J.? Orr said, "We never expected
him to get tired. We never ask him how he feels-we just{
tell him to play."
In accepting their awards, each mentioned that Wolverine
success was team success and didn't come from any individual's
efforts alone. But earlier both described their time spent at:
Michigan. HEAVYWEIGHT Chuck Wepner, known for years as t
Johnson thanked the basketball staff for developing him onlookers by groping his way to the 15th round again
"individually and as a player." He went on to tell a story where this hard right by the champ sent Wepner to the canvas
once, as a sophomore, assistant coach Jim Dutcher tried to round, Ali was well ahead on points when this blow c
"pep" him up by telling him he was leading the league in turn- - the match.
overs and last in field goal percentage._
"That kind of sparked me over my career," Johnson said. CON TFERENCE MEET LOOMS:
He characterized his teammates past and present as "unselfish,
dedicated, and hardworking" and concluded by saying, "It's
really been a nice experience."
Kupec listed three "memories" that he would take from
Michigan. Firstly, he said that he had matured, in many
ways, and that he had learned a lot about life.
Kupec's athletic memories would also be fond ones, he By MICHAEL WILSON teams. But is instead me

By Re.ter;..... ..:. Wepner managed to oull him-
CL E V E L A N D -Mu- ..self to his feet as referee Perez'
hammd Al reaine hi I b * 1count reached seven, but the
hammad Ali retained his !:: kd c l e'
U F LI 3official checked the challenger's
world heavyweight boxing eyes and waved his arms to
tietes andewaved hisharmshto
title here last night, when r signal that Wepner was unfit
he stopped stubborn chuck y.to continue.
Wepner in the 15th round NIGHT EDITOR. Ali picked up $1.5 million for
of their match at the RICH LERNER what turned out to be an un-
Cs expectedly tough bout for him.
ClevlandColieumNo one in the crowd would
Ali, throwing caution to by then, his eyes had begun to deny that Wepner, both his
the winds in the last min- puff up and bumps had de- eyes near slits when the fight
ute of the fight, knocked a veloped underneath them. ended, had earned his S100,00.
But by the end of the 11th "I wish I could have done
groggy Wepner to the floor round, the challenger had better," Ali said after the fight.
late in the final round. cuts over both eyes and blood "Wepner proved his critics
Wepner managed to stagger streamed down his face from were all wrong. Who would have
to his feet while grasping the the tremendous battering. thought that he would give me
ropes, but referee Tony Perez The champion clowned a lot a better fight than George Fore-
stopped the fight two minutes in the early rounds, but Wep- man?"
and 41 seconds into the round. ner's stubborn resistance made Asked about his next fight,
It was scored as a technical Ali turn serious. Ali said negotiations were going
knockout under the rules of the Both boxers tired badly in on for a fight with Joe Bugner
Summit County Boxing Asso- the last three rounds md it of Britain "and I guess he will
ciation.i seemed ta Ali wudhv tot be next."
With practically nobody go the distance tooutpoint the ner ts expected to meet Bug-
rating Wepner even the slim- 10 to 1 underdog. ner, the European champion, in
mest of chances to score an B0toW1nerog b Chicago in late May or early
upset, the challenger sur- in But Wepner flagged badly June.
prised the crowd of about across the ring with two left
15,000 by knocking down Ali hooks and a swinging right
with a right to the ribs in the hand to the chest. Then a UNIVERSITY
nThe punch ut Ali flat on his whistling right landed flush DANCERS
back, but he was up at the on Wepner's jaw, and he IN CONCERT
count of three slumped to the floor try-ng to
grasp the ropes. Power Center
Ave 11cr, prnnne tnoiitUlh uir-Po e

AP Photo
he "Bayonne Bleeder," surprised most
st Muhammed Ali last night, when
s. Although knocked down in the ninth
onvinced referee Tony Perez to stop

Wepner, prone to cuts tnrougn -
out his mediocre ring career,
did not incur any wounds for
the first five rounds. But even

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asured really think a lot of it has toI
- .. ... . '

said, both from basketball and football, and especially this year:
in basketball by "proving to some non-believers, just how good
we were."
Lastly, Kupec said he would remember the friends he had
made. "In a word," Kupec concluded, "Thanks."
It was that kind of night. Much emotion gushed from the
participants. Adjectives were superlative in nature as athletic
directors, players, coaches, universities, seasons, fans and
mem"-ies were always the best.
While C.J. and Joe drew most of the raves, John Robin-
son won the Rudy Tomjanovich award as Michigan's most
improved player.
Orr stated that last year Robinson didn't have a bad game
like some players do, but had a bad year, and applauded
"Johnny Rob's comeback" this campaign.
Robinson led the Big Ten in field goal percentage in 1975
and according to Orr outplayed both Ohio State's Bill Andreas
and UCLA's Dave Meyers in Michigan's final two games.
"I don't think any team has ever captured the people
like the teams of the last couple of years," Orr said and he
mentioned the "amazing" letters he receives from fans who
marvel at Michigan's "tiny" team and its success.
The end of a season is always time for praise-even for
losing teams. But just as John Orr reads those letters for in-
spiration when he's down, and congratulates his team on a fine
season, he also looks to the future.
"If," he said to the Weber Inn audience, "you've got any
influence with the (Bruce from Berkley) Flowers family, drop
them a line, will you?"

After three months of duel:
meets and endless workouts,
Michigan's gymnastic squad
finally culminates its long sea-
son this weekend with the an-
nual Big Ten Tournament taking
place at Crisler Arena.
Of particular interest for
many spectators and for Michi-
gan's chances at the team title
is the all-around segment, where
three performers from each
team perform rigorous routines
in all six events.
three top performers, senior co-
captain Bruce Keeshin, junior
Pierre LeClerc and freshman
Harley Danner. Their success
will be determined in a separate
competition for the coveted title!
of all-around champion of the:
Big Ten.
Until one has actually wit-
nessed a gymnastics meet in
I person can one have any ap-.
I preciation for the strength, art
I and discipline which the sport
A gymnast's success isn't
measured on a comparison basis.
with performers from other

in terms of rhythm form and do with where peoples neaas
difficulty of a routine. are. More people are coming
"IT TAKES a different type toward gymnastics."
of intellect to understand gym- For the gymnast, this week-
nastics," said Danner. 'It's end's tourney will be the biggest
much more visual and con-, show of the year and Coach
trolled. You have to be fairly Newt Loken has been working
knowledgeable to understand the gymnasts hard for the past
it." four weeks in preparation for
"For me, it's an art," com- the meet.
mented LeClerc. "Gymnastics is "We started a program almost
a beautiful sport. You have to! four weeks ago to work on our
appreciate the beauty and lines moves and try out new moves,"
of the body to understand it."a said LeClerc. "These last two
Michigan's gymnastic pro- weeks, we've been working on
gram contains a record of phe- perfecting our routines. Now,
nomenal success in terms of endurance-wise our routines are
comnetition. The Wolverines getting much easier and we're
over the past fourteen years feeling much more confident."
have captured eleven Big Ten "The team that wins will have
titles and earlier this year, Newt the best compulsories," pre-
SLokenaber e the first coach in dieted LeClerc. "For Michigan
American gymnastics history to to win we just have to hit on
win 200 duel meets. Yet attend- around 90 per cent of our rou-
ence at home meets rarely ex- tines."
ceeds five hundred persons. ONE FACTOR of invaluable

could be different.
"Michigan should definitely be
favored," assured D a n n e r.
"Iowa and Minnesota should
push us a little bit."
LeClerc is the most confident'
of the three. "I'm positive Mich-
igan will win. With the type of
program we've been following,
we'll be in much better shape.
We'll be more ready than any-
one else."


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"PEOPLE just don't appre-.
ciate the fine lines like rhythm!
and form in gymnastics," in-
sisted Keeshin. "To the trained
eye, it's like a ballet.
"A lot of people think it's go-
ing to evolve into a performing
art," continued Keeshin. "I

aid to the Wolverines will be
the home floor advantage. A
year ago, Michigan entered the
Big Ten meet at Iowa City with
an undefeated Big Ten record,
but fell short of capturing the
team title to the Iowa Hawk-
But this year, the outcome

S ai1ors win regatta; Ruggers
sweep patlit 13-12,20=18
Competing in its first event day meet encountered moderate Saturday, at Palmer Field. Thbe
of the year the Michigan Sail- chop on Saturday with winds "A" team nipped Flint 13-12,
ing Club grabbed top honors in 10-25 miles per hour. On Sunday while the "B" team rolled *o a
the Umstead Memorial Reg- however the chop was gone and 20-18 win.
-"- lx r rarafa twith l a 1!ht


gatta, a college sailing event the curse pericL n uiTW St e n g
held at Chesapeake Bay, Mary- breeze. games of the spring seasongive
land. SAILING in "420" class boats, the Maize and Blue ruggers a
TRAILING Michigan were the' Michigan's first place in the A 2-0 record. The team will play
UtedatN Mchant Mrite division came from skipper a 14 game schedule, plus the
United States Merchant Marine Bruce Nelson and crew man Big Ten Tournament held in
Academy second place and Bill Denchler. The B division Iowa City April 12 and 13,
the New York Maritime Acade- second place was garnered by This weekend the ruggers host
my in third. . skipper Pete Shumaker and Sarnia for two games at Palmer
The race was run in two di- John Riechel crew. Field. The "A" game starts at
visions and the Maize and Blue The next event for the Wilver- 1:30 and the "B" game will fol-I
boaters finished first in the A ,
division and second in the B Ime Sailing Club will be the low at 3:00.
division taptuend the p. Stroh Cup Regatta on Lake St.
division to capture the Cup. Clair. The event will be held!
Ribn over a triangulartcour seiat the Bay View Yacht (l. LECTURE on
about two miles long, the two!j * * "Tk pRtrv of


. . .. ..... . Flint
. 'The
The Top 20 sweptt
1. UCLA (18) 26-3 732
". Kentucky (5) 25-4 698 "pert
3. Indiana (8) 31-1 669
4. Louisville (10) 27-2 664
5. Maryland 24-5 433
6. Syracuse 23-7 343
7. Arizona State 25-4 322
8. N. Carolina St. 22-6 320
9. N. Carolina 23-8 280
10. Marquette 23-4 199
11. Alabama 22-5 185
1?. Cincinnati 23-6 148
13. Princeton 22-8 117 HOU
14. Notre Dame 19-10 83 Te
15. Kansas State 20-9 75 e
16. Drake 20-10 65 W d
17. Pennsylvania 23-5 43
18. Centenary 25-4 32;
19. MICHIGAN 19-8 21
20. Nev. Las Vegas 24-5 17j

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.-Sat.: 8.30-5:30
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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Phone: 668-8669

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