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January 15, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-15

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Wanna Buy



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PSSST, BUDDY - wanna buy a tank?
Latest model - maybe a cruiser or
a bomber?
These items may not be on your shop-
ping list, but foreign governments are
in the market for them most of the
time. And, to penetrate the labyrinth of
the complex military industry, they read
the Consumer Reports of the war busi-
ness - publications of an obscure in-
telligence outfit called DMS.
DMS stands for Defense Marketing
System. For 16 years it has been profit-
ably occupied' in telling one part of the
huge defense establishment what the
other parts are up to.
Each day, thousands of reports, clip-
pings, business tips and news articles
pour into the DMS neadquarters in
Greenwich, Connecticut. There about
70 highly paid staff people - ex-profes-
sors, retired military grass, weapons
analysts - train their keen eyes on the
enormous file. After all- the raw data
has been sifted and compare:i, DMS is-
sues its unique products to an eager, if
exclusive, audience.
THE DMS series of insiders' reports on
every aspect of the military industry is
not exactly low priced. At the top of the
line is "World Aircraft Forecast 1974-
1983," yours for $3,000. The three vol-
ume study analyzes the present and fu-
ture inventories of 128 military services
in 122 countries. Bargain hunters might
be more interested in "World Warship
Forecast (1974)" - originally $1,600,
now marked down to anly $950. This item
forecasts the world naval requirements
for 43 countries, discussing "missile, ord-
nance, propulsion and electronics require-
ments" through 1982.
Another special report, on sale at 5350,

covers the "Laser Market 19741984."
Twelve other reports cover "Missiles/
Spacecraft," "Electronic Systems," Aero-
space Research and Development, '
"Ships/Vehicles,/Ordnance," and other
DMS is not hurting for customers. Out-
fits like Boeing and McDonnell Douglass
buy the entire DMS line, but most cus-
tomers are smaller - subcontractors to
the huge corporations who must know
the long range defense planning to sur-
vive. Most smaller firms buy one to
three specialized DMS reports at $350 a
year apiece.

it easier for one person or company to
sell aerospace or military equipment to
the government by giving them informa-
tion, production time forecasts, and a
detailed look at future needs in areas
like aircraft systems, ammo, rockets,
ordnance and electronics."
While this information is precious to
U.S. weapons builders, DMS covers the
whole planet. Many Japanese companies
subscribe to the service, which has scores
of European clients as well. DMS is
the international eyes and ears of a
skyrocketing arms trade which will totol
about $18 billion this fiscal year alone,

DMS is in the middle of the whole scam. "What we're
trying to do," a company spokesman explained, "is to
make it easier for one person or company to sell aero-
space or military equipment to the government by giving
them information, production times forecasts, and a de-
tailed look at future needs in areas like aircraft systems,
ammo, rockets, ordnance and electronics."
O}yus 'L: .L" . J 4L":: "::h . .V".::~{.:"?4":?":ti{{"mm a s a m am mt""t:"1"::,r.:"?: "r :"": ?:Y?' :": :::?1"?'" ?"

report will make the military brass nerv-
ous once in a while.
"We don't sell any classified informa-
tion, but in the 'World Warship Fore-
cast' the data we assembled was so
close" to Navy secrets, explains Trem-
per, that it "was more than the Navy
wanted us to say." The same held true
for the recent DMS comparison of the
submarine fleets, with a complete break-
down of the number of missiles, var-
ious strengths and weaknesses, of the
U.S., U.S.S.R., and China.
YET THE NAVY could have classified
this super-sensitive stuff. One reason it
did not may be that DMS aids the Penta-
gon in its big arms sales program by
spreading the woird on all the latest
aerospace and military gadgetry. Ano-
ther reason is that DMS reports do not
reveal how anything works technically.
Instead, its forecasts tell what is going
to be used and in what quantity.
Actually DMS is quite chummy with
the Pentagon. "We have a nice rapport
with the federal government," s a y s
Themner. "We set up symposiums every
year in New York where Lt. General
Coffin, Admiral Sim Moore and others
ran confer eveball to eyeball with de-
fense contractors."
DMS is rnst nro'id of its accuracy in
predicting future trends in world mili-
tarv strategv. Among its best guesses to
date, according to Tremper: "DMS 'call-
ed' the Yom Kipour War" before its out-
bre'k in October 1973.
While DMS exoerts have nat yet fore-
cast the exact date for the first thermo-
nuclear war, you can bet they're working
on it.
IHoward Dratch monitors military af-
fairs for the Pacific News Service.

"NO ONE ISN'T a client," enthusiastic
DMS salesman Dick Tremper told Pa-
cific News Services. "Our average re-
newal rate of 94 per cent is better than
Playboy magazine." These renewals
wouldn't come, Tremper continued, if
DMS weren't accurate and useful. In
a world of closely guarded corporate
secrets and classified information, "we
have the guts to say how many air-
craft are going to be produced, whe-
ther or not the B-1 bomber is going
to GO, the whole scam, man!"
DMS is in the middle of the whole
scam. "What we're trying to do," a com-
pany spokesman explained, "is to make

In the last 10 years, the U.S. has sup-
plied billions in major weapons systems,
to 74 countries, and DMS has been rid-
ing the crest of this wave.
IRAN ALONE HAS purchased $4 bil-
lion worth of weapons, including F-4
fighter-bomber destroyers And the
Navy's newest swing-wing F-14 fighter.
To make sure his new fleet is in tip-
top condition, the Shah of Iran is, na-
turally, a big customer of DMS.
The only organization which compares
in scope with DMS is the Pentagon's
own super-secret Defense Intelligence
Agency, the D.I.A. In fact, a TYMS

Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Wednesday, January 15, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Ring around the tax cut

A TAX CUT AT THIS time is long
overdue. For months people have
been talking recession while the
President talked inflation. While see-
ing the light, President Ford has not
come up'with any better ideas.
The tax cut is definitely needed to
get the little man on his feet and
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
ROGER ROSSITER ... Managing Sports Editor
JOHN KAHLER........ Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager
Sue Viesmet..................Finaniee Manager
Amy Kanengiser..........Advertising Manager
Jack Mazzara ....................Sales Manager
Linda Ross...................Operations Manager
DEPT. MGRS. Laurie Gross, Ellen Jones, Lisa
Kannengiser, Steve LeMire, Debby Novess,
Cassie St. Clair
ASSOC. MGRS. Rob Cerra, Kathy Keller
ASST. MORS. Dave Schwartz
STAFF John Atiman, Dan Brinza, Peter Caplan,
Nina Edwards, Debbie Gerridh, Amy Hart-
man, Jayne Higo, Karl Jennings, Carolyn
Kathstein, Jackie Krammer, Sue Lessinto,
Becky Meyers, Dave Piontkowsky, Amy Quirk,
Ann Rizzo, Susan Shultz, Judith Ungar, Au-
drey Weill, Ruth Wolman.
SALES PEOPLE Mike Bingen, Cher Bledsoe, Syl-
via Calhoun, Rich Flaherty, Beth Friedman,
Linda Jefferson, Ellen Melchinger, Amy
Piper, Steve Wright, Dalva Yarrington

able to purchase those things which
inflation has put out of his reach.
However, the rich will only get richer
under Ford's plan.
What is needed to go along with
Fords plan is the elimination of tax
loopholes for the rich. The rich have
not. been hurt by the double digit
inflation which has so drastily cut
the buying power of the middle and
low income Americans. Another thing
to keep in mind is that it is not the
rich who are in danger of being laid
off .. . just the lower income work-
ing man.
IT WAS ONLY BACK in October that
Ford proposed a five per cent
surtax to bring the economy under
control. It is amazing that so drastic
a change has come in so short a time
(and Congress didn't even do any-
thing about the tax hike). Maybe if
the President had seen what was go-
ing on in October, thousands of work-
ers would not have been laid off in

All Rhod
"Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming
We're finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio"
THE TRUTH about Kent State has been hidden from
the American people in the now patented My Lai-
Attica fashion. The Guardsmen who murdered the
four students and wounded the other nine were
armed with "Shoot to kill" orders from Governor
James Rhodes. It is he who must be held accountable.
The buck stops there.
"Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are gunning us down
Should've been done long ago
What if you knew her and
Found her dead on the ground?
How can you run when you know?"
("Ohio"-Neil Young-copyright 1970)
James Rhodes never concealed his hatred for the
protesting students, calling them "worse than Nazi
brownshirts". He also publicly stated that if the situa-
tion arose again, he would handle it the exact same I
way. Such displays of savagery and fascism do not+
go unrewarded in America. Last November, the state
of Ohio publicly apologized for unseating Rhodes in
1970 by electing him again. His inauguration was Mon-+
day, January 13th, in Columbus. Fifteen people from
Ann Arbor travelled there to protest the Keot State +
whitewash. The demonstration was organized by the +



May 4th Coalition. We arrived just as the marchers
had reached the inauguration stand. These are notes
taken during the protest:
PEOPLE'S CHANTS being drowned out by the in-
augural band playing sloppy renditions of "God Bless
America" and "When the Saints Come Marching In"
- two hundred fifty demonstrators march from there
to a building that looks like Angell Hall -- everyone
stands on the steps facing the street and the TV
cameras, chanting "Kent State, Jackson State, it's
right to rebel", and "The people united will Onever be
Cops, about a dozen, come from inside the building,
try to move down the steps, don't get far - a sea
of angry fists and middle fingers stops them - many
more cops, a hundred at least, file from the building
and push the protesters down the steps and over
to a monument on the front lawn.
Peacefully - one hundred and twenty-five ceps make
a semicircle around the people's monument - de-
monstrators, black and white, make ,peeches, sing
songs, chant anti-imperialist slogans.
I GO 'AROUND the cops, back to the steps - a fifty-
five year old white man stops me and asks "Who are
these kids? Left wing liberal Communist sympathiz-
ers?" I explain that they are left wing, but they
are not liberals, and they do sympathize with the
communist movements, primarily in the underdeveloped
countries. He says, "I fought in Korea to keep America
free, and now we got kids like these! Did you get an
excuse from your college to be absent today?" What
can I say?

repress ion
It's very amusing to watch the members of the
straight press come up to the cops and shake hands
with them. They must be old war buddies. The semi-
circle of cops has thinned to about fifty. The other
seventh-five are telephoning their wives to tell them
how they singlehandedly beat back the Commies.
I GO INSIDE the building. A woman in a mink
stole says to her friend, "See you at the reception
Thursday". A liberal says "As l ng as the demon-
stration is peaceful, those, kids can say avything they
The protesters march several blocks to the Federal
Court Building, chanting "For his crimes and for his
class, kick Rhodes on his ass". An effigy of Rhodes is
leaned against the courthouse wall and set aflame.
The demonstrators displayed tremendous solidarity.
Although the inaugural was scheiuled to begin at
noon, Rhodes had sworn on the Bible to uphold justice,
made a speech, and was whisked away in his limou-
sine before the demonstration started.
Perhaps he avoided the wrath of the people this
time, but James Rhodes remains a criminal at large.
He is only one of many. The ruling class in the
United States regularly makes fasci°;t attacks against
its own people. wearing law and order masks, and
wages imperialist wars against foreign people wearing
anti-communist masks. Such reactioanat'y violence is
always met and ultimatelyudestroyed by the revolution-
ary violence of the people. It is only z matter of time.
Vincent Badia is the token freshman on the Edi-
torial Staff.

News: Dan Biddle, Dan Blugerma
Cindy Hill, Judy Ruskin, Steph
Selbst, Jim Tobin
Editorial Page: Vincent Badia, Tony
Duenas, Sue Wilhelm
Arts Page: David Blomquist
Photo Technician: Sue Sheiner


To The Daily:
Court sentenced Jewishp
ian, Dr. Mikhad Shtern,
eight years in a labor
Why? The trial was b
about because two of S
sons applied to go to Israe
conviction came despite
all of the witnesses in th
tical trial failed to back th
secution and ended eith
tirely clearing the defend
producing evidence which
ed to absolve him of any
The verdict came on New
Eve in the belief that w
Western world preoccupie
New Year's celebrations
news of the sentence woul
less public attention an
This show trial, in the
tion of those of the Stalini
shows that the Soviets h
intention of following the
son amendment to the tra
Indeed, they have no in
of granting human rights
their territory. Their con
truely a threat to the wo
peace and of freedom we

trial and cold fronts. As a reward,
nuclear genie has been elevated
from Destruction First Class, to
Soviet the rank of General Discharge
physic- and Effluent Distribution.
56, to
camp. NUCLEAR power plants pro-
rought duce dangerous materials known
htern's as "effluent discharge." Efflu-
el. The ent discharge side-effects exist
nearly in the form of fission products
is poli- like strontium-90 and cesium-137
he pro- having radiation emitting half-
er en- lives of about 30 years. They
lant or occur in such quantity, that af-
1 tend- ter 30 years, when their speci-
guilt. fic activity is reduced to one-
Year's half, or even after 100 years,
ith the when it will be down to one-
d with tenth of its original valae, they
, t h e still will be so radioactive that
d draw disposal or isolation is, to date,
d out- a dilemma of unsolvable propor-
tradi- As the effluents circulate in
st era, the earth's biosphere, they con-
ave no taminate and destroy life Stron-
Jack- ium-90 collects in bone marrow
de bill. where it can cause cancer. Peta
tention and Gamma radiation emitted
inside from cesium-137 can cause crit-
duct is ical hematopoietic system dam-
orld of age from whole-body irradiation.



tion of stopping the genie s pro-
liferation, examining the issue
in more thorough detail, and if
it should prove necessary, shu'-
ting down the whole nuclear in-
dustry. Armed with this know-
ledge, I am prepared to begin
fighting in support of this scho-
arly recapitulation by any means

ie to a more inert domain.
JOIN IN PEOPLE. Join in on
an issue too hot to ignore any
more. Nobel Laureates Dr. Jam-
es Watson, Dr. H. Alfvea, Dr.
George Wald, Dr. Harold Urey
and other 'famous" scien ists
have led the fight to stop Nuc-

dale, Schweiker, Gavel and oth-
er Congressmen have joined the
battle. So have Barry Common-
er, Ralph Nader and the Udion
of Concerned Scientists. Why not
be the next recruit in this is-
sue tf life - and death - to
halt Nuclear Genie's reign.



ecesary to return Nuclear Gen- lear Genie. Senators Hart, Mon- -Joseph A. Harper


all de-

-Sanford Levin
January 13
nuclear power
To The Daily:
ing across America and t h e
World like a magical nightmare.
The genie has popped its cork
and sprung from the weaponry
hnI. 'ain rvn A nve di,-Bzfikps

FORMERLY, the agency
charged with control and regu-
lation of nuclear power plants
and their impact on the en-
vironment was the Atomic En-
ergy Commission. The commis-
sion set standards of effluent
emissions according to limits
of known radiation poison dam-
age to humans. These controls,
considered negligent and irsuf-

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