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March 21, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-03-21

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 135 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 21, 1975 Ten Cents
r *1 -

Ten Pages

Phone bills
Michigan Bell, tired of telephone information
calls jamming its switchboards to the tune of $22
million a year, has asked the Michigan Public
Service Commission for permission to charge 20
cents for information calls. However, the phone
company's plan displayed some generosity. It
allows customers three free information calls per
month for numbers inside their own area code.
Fortunately, all those long-distance information
calls would remain free.
652 and 297...
are this week's winning lottery numbers.
The bonus numbers were 672, 232 and 289. The
million dollar number was 19076. Winning tickets
in the $1 jackpot drawing are 242056, 12800 and 044.
are sparse as spring takes over. The Fifth
Linguistic Symposium continues its second day of
activities with lectures by various experts all day
long in the Rackham Amphitheatre . . . the Ann
Arbor Libertarian League is sponsoring a taped
lecture by Dr. Murray Rothbard on defense agen-
cies at 8 p.m. at 1015 East University . . . and the
Inner Peace Movement sponsors a lecture by Lynn
Steele on self-development at 8 p.m. at the Briar-
wood Hilton.
Subway bash
New York City subways, usually dreary waiting
posts for travelers, drunks and muggers, glittered
with the beautiful people recently when the pro-
ducers of the new movie "Tommy" threw a bash
on the subway platform. The platform was' trans-
formed by a dance floor, restaurant, bar and cozy
hideaway for 700 jet setters. Many of the party-
goers, accustomed to limousine service, admitted
they had never been in a subway. "Who was to
know they're like this," one woman wrapped in a
sable coat gasped. The usual subway fare of candy
bars, gum and soda was replaced by a feast of
artichoke bottoms filled with truffled chicken
mousse, brandied gorgonzola, oysters, Grand Mar-
nier and platters of other high-priced munchies.
Nature's way to regularity is a $300 million shady
business. A Food and Drug Administration study
warned yesterday that one out of every four in-
gredients in the laxatives Americans constantly
pop are either worthless or unsafe. The report
recommended a crackdown on the way laxatives
are promoted to prevent "widespread misuse."
The report blasted laxative companies' claims that
their products have "natural ingredients" or are
somehow "nature's way" arguing that, "It is not
natural to take any laxative."
The nation was saved from a terror on wheels
yesterday when Helen Ireland, 71, flunked her
driver's license test right before crashing her car
through a wall in the State Department of Motor
Vehicles' office. Her examiner said the California
woman was "really nervous" and hit the gas in-
stead of the brake when pulling into the office
driveway. However, he added she had lost her
chance at a license earlier when she "ran up over

a curb and was stopping at green lights-little
things like that." Ireland has no plans to take the
wheel again for another test. Thank God!
on the inside...
the Editorial Page features a St. Patrick's'
Day tale by Doc Kralik . . . the Arts Page makes
the movie rounds with Cinema Weekend . . . the
Sports Page features Tom Duranceau's preview of
the High School Class C and D basketball finals
. . . and the Daily marches out its new feature
page-the Soft Parade-created by Feature Editor
Jo Marcotty.
On the outside...
Spring has sprung! A storm moving toward us






AP Photo
Doctors' strike ends
Doctors-in-training protest harsh working conditions in 22 New York hospitals before an agree-
ment was reached yesterday. Doctors objected to the long working hours and received pay
raises as remuneration. The doctor's strike is the first in the nation's history.

Regen ts



SAIGON, South Vietnam
(Y) - In the biggest exodus
of the war, an estimated
quarter - million refugees
swarmed toward coastal
havens yesterday, safe for
the moment from a Provi-
sional Revolutionary Gov-
ernment (PRG) takeover
of at least a half dozen
provinces written off by
the Saigon government.
The conceded territory
included the old imperial
capital of Hue, against
w h i c h insurgent forces
have launched a heavy
shelling attack, officials
said. They said South Viet-
namese forces were aban-
doning Hue in orderly fa-
shion and civilians were
pouring out to join a mas-
sive flight to the coast.
ONE 20-MTLE-LONG column
of close to 120,000 soldiers Ind
-ivilia-s reached coast-l Phu
Yen Province after fleeing the
fllen central highlands rov-
inces of Kontoum and Pleiku.
The column was led by :ieavv
tanks that cleared the way of
stalled cars and broken town
trucks, and one officer cailled
the flight a "nightmare.C .
Meanwhile, deposed C ambo-
dian ruler Prince Norodom Si-
hanouk was quoted yester1ay as
saying that President Lon Nol
and six other present or former
Cambodian l e a d e r s will be
hanged if they are captured.
The Far Eastern Econ,)mic
Review also renorted in its
March 28 issue that Sihanovick
denies the United States has
ever made any efforts to con-
tact him or the Khmer Rouge
rebels and that he rejects any
negotiated settlement in Cam-
THE PRINCE has been living
in exile in Peking since Lon Nol
deposed him in 1970. Although
in the interview he appeared to
act as a spokesman for the

Khmer Rouge, most p
nouk elements in the in
movement have been
nated or absorbed and Si
has said that if he come
it will only be as a figu
In Wasihngton, Deren
retary James Schlesing
the insurgents were tak
vantage of the presen
drawals to launch a ma
fensive and predicted th
plan to go after Saigo
Experienced observers
gon, 250 miles south of P
Province, said they beli
PRG will have their b
within range of the ca
three or four weeks with
antiaircraft support to f
the South Vietnamese ai
ed Saigon's curfew b
hours, making it from1
until 5 a.m. instead o
miidnight on, as it ha

ro-Siha- since the 1973 cease-fire. Offi-
surgent cials said the change was made
elimi- "because of the present cmer-
ihanouk gency situation and security re-
es back quirements."
rehead. While only one major battle
se Sec- has taken place in the last two
er said weeks and some officers com-
ing ad- plained they were not given a
t with- chance to fight, President Ngu-
ajor of- yen Van Thieu said in a broad-
iey will cast that North Vietnam l'as
in next committed 19 divisions to a gen-
eral offensive across South
in Sai- Vietnam.
'hu Yen He said PRG troops and tanks
eve the had crossed the cease-fire line
ig guns at the Thach Han River in
pital in northernmost Quang Tri Prov-
enough ince.
end off A SAIGON spokesman denied
r force. as "fabricated and groundless"
extend- reports that Thieu had made a
by two deal with the PRG to give up
10 p.m. territory to save the lives of
if from refugees.
s been See REFUGEES, Page 7

lottery complaints

Comments from angry stu-
dents who were shutout by last
week's dormitory lottery high-
lighted yesterday's Board of
Regents meeting. Several stu-
dents and parents pleaded spe-
cial cases while others, lead
by University Housing Commit-
tee member Candice Massey,
claimed negligent planning on
the part of University adminis-
The board also heard com-
ments concerning the proposal
by PIRGIM (Public Interest
Research Group In Michigan)
to change the current voluntary
student assessment to a man-
datory assessment which could
be refunded to students who
requested it.
THE REGENTS heard com-
ment on the lottery for over 90
minutes, both from Director of
Housing John Feldkamp and
from students. Feldkamp ad-
mitted the University had a
"serious problem," but defend-
ed the lottery as the most equit-
able way of dealing with the
He claimed the University is
exploring other options to ease
the space shortage, including
renting a residence hall at East-
ern Michigan University, which
has a surplus of dormitory
This idea was rejected by
Massey, who insisted "students
come here with the expectation
of a right to an intellectual
"THESE students would be
effectively denied the use of
University facilities such as li-
braries in the evening."
She insteadsuggestedwthat
"the Union is University owned

and operated--why doesn't the
Housing Office look into that?"
She added that "many of the
students are switching to other
universities rather than be
kicked out of the dorm. What
I want to know is, why were
we not told about this until so
HER feelings were echoed by
student Doug Kim, who pre-
sented the board with a petition
from several hundred students
requesting a meeting with Feld-
kamp and University President
Robben Fleming for an explana-
tion and the reasons behind the
Several parents also spoke in
behalf of their children. Richard
Randolf, who identified himself
as a former economic analyst,

said he was "appalled that total
dormitory spaces are enough
for only one fifth of the student
body, not nearly enough to
create a competitive situation
with private housing."
"I BELIEVE the University
has a long term responsibility
to the student body, and short
term problems that involve the
integrity of the institution," he
asserted, echoing Massey.
Feldkamp defended charges of
negligence claiming, "We could
not foresee this. We've had pat-
terns in the past where a large
reapplication one year was fol-
lowed by a smaller one the next
Last year we had 3500 reapply.
We didn't expect 4200 this
See 'U', Page 7

Blacks in sociology
picket LSA building
The Association of Black Sociology Students (ABSS) picketed
the LSA building yesterday, protesting what the group's president
Eric Bolling called "gross under-representation of blacks" in the
sociology department.
The ABSS is made up of 12 students enrolled in both sociology
and joint sociology-social work programs.
THE SPARK that set off yesterday's demonstration was the
selection of a white female as the latest faculty member of the
sociology department. Bolling, a second year graduate student,
explained that the department had promised for some time to
increase the number of blacks.
They felt compelled to protest the selection since a white
woman was chosen over a black woman whom they felt to be
equally qualified.
Figures cited by the ABSS show a continuous decline in the
number of blacks in the sociology department. In addition, out of
40 faculty members only one is black and he is a half-time
mye -- ---.--- "I FIND IT embarrassing,"
saidtWilliam Gamson chairman
* of the Sociology department.
"It's not a record we can very
easily defend." He said the fig-
stantially correct.
to Szep. But he added, "I must Sources within the department
admit it was easier after the credit Gamson with trying to
pardon." increase the number of minor-
The round-fared, 33-year-old ity members of the sociology
cartoonist reported that the faculty. But the entire depart-
problem in drawing Ford is par- ment has a voice in the selec-
tially overcome by using some- tion of new faculty members,
thing that represents him, such and, the sources say, it is re-
as a football helmet or "WIN" luctant to accept minorities be-
button. cause it fears a decrease in
"academic reputation."
ONE OF his Ford cartoons Gamson met with Boiling and
shows the President and Speak- two other ABSS members for
er of the House Carl Albertt he d md
dressed in the straw hats and an hour yesterday and was pre-
striped coats of vaudeville co- sented with two demands:
medans "avewe ota deal -that if the latest appoint-
medians. "Have we got medl n t turns down the jon the
for you!" the caption says.jm e givuns o the black the
Szep's style frequently em- job be given to the black wo-
ploys huge teeth, exaggerated man, and
noses, sharp angles and heavy -that "the department insure
shading. He joined the Boston that a search be made for all
See BOSTON, Page 2 See BLACK, Page 2

Cartoonist talks about h

The cartoon shows a smiling
Richard Nixon clutching his
pardon from President Ford.
"I'm not a crook-anymore,'
the caption says.
Some 300 people looked and
laughed at this and two dozen
other examples of work by Paul
Szep - Pulitzer Prize-winning
editorial cartoonist from the
Boston Globe. Szep talked at
Angell Hall yesterday about the
differences between drawing
Nixon and Ford, the functions
of the political cartoon, and
problems involved with getting
"THE Nixon years were the
golden years," Szep remarked.
"You could always count on
doing two Nixon cartoons a

One cartoon which elicited a
particularly strong laugh from
the audience featured Nixon
waiting in line for an IRS tax
audit. The man sitting next to
him admits, "I tried to beat
them for 70 bucks-how about
But Nixon, Szep commented,
did not read the Boston news-
paper and probably never saw
any negative cartoons. He added
that some of the President's
Cabinet officials did request
original artwork of cartoons
they were in.
ALTHOUGH the Nixon profile
offered plenty of opportunities
for caricature, Ford "is just
not as flexible as the fellow
who preceeded him," according



23 years ago today:
Panties parade at 'U'
It had been the nicest day so far that year. It was also the
first day of spring, 23 years ago today. Until 6:30 that evening
it had been a typical Ann Arbor day with people sunbathing on the
Diag and visiting the Arb.
As the sun sank slowly into the western sky, Arthur Benford,
a West Quad Allen-Rumsey resident took out his trumpet and
blasted "Serenade in Blue" between West Quad and South Quad.
THE FIRST panty raid in history was on!
The headline in the next morning's Daily cried, "MASS RIOT
ROCKS CAMPUS"-and the events of that evening were to start
a nation-wide fad.
As Benford played his trumpet, a South Quad resident, not to
be outdone, responded with a trombone. Two tubas and a recording
of "Slaughter on Tenth Avenue" joined the musical duel.
IT WAS ENOUGH to bring students into the streets. By 7:15
p.m. police were on the scene, only to find themselves grossly
out-numbered. As they retreated to their cars one was heard to

W. Quad

men strut
the stuf
Seven bathing beauties circled
around the stage, parading their
smooth skin andfsvelt bodies
} ,:.....: for the benefit of the judges
The contestantsflexed their
f rippling muscles and struck dy-
namic poses to the accompani-
ment of cheers and wolf whis-
ties, and the- second annual
West Quad male beauty contest
was launched in fine style.
THE PAGEANT, organized as

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