Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 19, 1 A Pa .I1 1e 1 Eight11 1111111111 THE111111111MICHIGAN1 1 11111111111111DAILY11 WedneIIIsdayIIIIIII MarchIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 19,II lIIXlIIIIIIIIII~l IIMMIIIIMIMIM M "t "''" "" "'""""'"" Students complain about room lottery (Continued from Page 1) to forget the school is for the Drawing applause from the students. Somebody better start crowd, student Steve Schiller remembering that the Univer- stated, "There seems to be sity is for the students." some strange happening at the Schoch and Ostafin met with University lately. People seem considerable vocal opposition --over a Housing Office plan to place all lottery winners' names on a master list. Students would be forced to compete Ahere's again for dorm spaces no mat- ter what their original lottery numbers were. Following last night's meet- ing, UHC President Dan Ber- land expressed confidence that he "can get the support" nec- essary to persuade the Housing Office to abandon their master thru residence hall listing. He added, "I feel we got an Classiflieu honest response," from Osta- _ fin and Schoch. Dorm lottery may cause legal action (Continued from Page 1) apartment dwellers. ROSE WOULD not "specu- late on the chances of obtain- ing the injunctions, as it might influence the judges involved." Meanwhile, many students and parents have begun to call and write Regents, protesting what they term 't'he unfair- ness" of the lottery system. Thomas Roach (D-Grosse Pointe) has already received "half a dozen calls - mostly from residents or parents of students in Newbury." ROACH SEES two key ques- tions that must be answered before any definite action can be taken by the Regents: "Will there be an increase in dema next year," and, "What is accurate forecast in next fa enrollment." Roach said that there is good possibility that the". gents will discuss using exc dormitory space at East Michigan University in. p' lanti. Two dormitories th are empty and not being u by that instituion. "WE WOULD have to ev ate the cost, time and eq ment involved before ma any decisions," Roach adde He also acknowledged possibility of leasing or chasing private holdings University use in housing dormless students. "But it is all a very, v complex question," he cluded. MUSKET presents Tuition hike likely I (Continued from Page 1) reduce positions or increase fees." However, Rhodes would not speculate on next year's budget situation. Jim Weinstein, a s t u d e n t m e m b e r of the University Budget Priorities Committee, claimed that the University will increase tuition fees if there is a further budget cut. An in- crease of "somewhere around five to ten per cent is my guess," Weinstein said. He contended that there is "an excess $44 million in the budget of the University." Weinstein agrees with other Budget Priorities Committee members that "a lot of the money is tied up; however there is some amount that could be used. We are in dire straits now and students just can't afford I MARCH 20-23-8 P.M. MARCH 23-2 P.M. POWER CENTER BOX OFFICE HOURS March 19: 10-5 March 20-23: 10-8 for more information call 763-3333 the expense. It's easy to let the students dig into their own sav- ings accounts but they won't dip into their own." Despite the proposed foir per cent budget cut, the University appropriations for the 197-76 academic year include money ear-marked exculsively for a 5.6 per cent faculty salary increase and to off-set other inflationary costs, Fleming said. "THE REAL essence of what is happening," Fleming added, "is self-financing." He explained that Rhodes has already asked various University departments "to find a way to cut their budgets by four per cent." All additional monies the ITni- versity receives will cover only the effects of inflation and will not be used to provide expanded services, Fleming said. The Rocky Mountain states are Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Montana. DR. ELIZABETH DOUVAN Prof. of Psych. IS LECTURING ON "Role Modeling in Women's Professional HUD loan extended to 'U (Continued from Page 1) per month. Before HUD will release $5.6 million, the University z develop an acceptable hous plan. The Regents have the nal approval of such a plan fore it goes on to HUD for spection. Despite the request by 14 that the University come with a construction date 8f Feldkamp says, "I am still timistic that we can get ;I money. My biggest problem, is persuading the Regents' is a viable program (additc housing)." THE MATTER is slated the April Regents' meeting. The projected plan for Coliseum apartments will gr Plant Extension Committee, group in charge of studying feasibility of alternative hous projects. If the plan is deemed acc able, it will go to the Rege possibly at their April meeti If the University fails t st HUD a firm intent of consti tion by the deadline it issued, the loan reserva could be lost. -- i 1 Wednesday, March 19th 2-10 p.m. DROP IN MOVING ON A Workshop for Americans Going Abroad .1