kednesday, March 19, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Vednesdoy, March 19, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Frolicsome 'T rial' ribs legal system By SARAH POLAREK Exactly one hundred years ago the light operetta Trial by Jury; pened at the Soho Theatre in London, marking the firstl eal collaboration by what was to become the famous teaml f Gilbert and Sullivan.' Last weekend, the University of Michigan Law School present- d this ridiculous travesty of a Victorian breach-of-promise ase with all the vitality, humor and talent necessary to its ccessful performance.1 The short (less than 40 minutes) operatic miniature concerns< e court proceedings in a suit by Angelina, the jilted bride, gainst Edwin, who has failed to marry her and is even then# etrothed to another. The operetta begins as the gentlemen of e jury, the court usher, and the hoard of Angelina's brides-1 aids pace anxiously, awaiting the judgment. The music in Trial by Jury is continuous and there is no poken dialogue - a device never to be repeated in later{ 'ilbert and Sullivan pieces. Yet Sir Arthur's music is, as always,I st right.t Sullivan always seems to know when the words are most1 portant (this is most evident in the witty solo by the judge, When I, Good Friends, Was Called to the Bar") or when 11 the penache of a contrapuntal chorus is needed, with lyrics# erely complementary (as in the bridesmaids' salute to An-# elina, "Where is the Plaintiff?").t In contrast to Sululivan's light-hearted music, W. S. Gilbert's _rics (in this case published as a libretto in the periodical Funt efore set to music by Sullivan) were, for their time, wittily de-E isive. Gilbert later in his life told of meeting a judge who assured im that he had liked all of his plays except Trial by Jury - his the judge saw as an unwarranted attack on the British, udicial system. The Law School players delivered this satire on their own hosen profession with poise and a great sense of enjoyment. e judge, who is perhaps the pivotal character and who was layed by Sullivan's brother Frederic in the original production, as the best lines and is by far the most entertaining. Bev Pooley's performance in this highly colorful role was xcellent, and his solo was marked by a fine singing voice and lear enunciation. The rest of the cast was lively and both musically and thea- rically talented; but perhaps Don Regan (Court Usher), Lenore erber (Angelina) and John Reed (Edwin) should be singled ut for their especially fine performances. The high point of this operatic extravaganza occurs when the udge, weary of all the hubbub and entranced with Angelina's harm, scatters his papers over the court, descends from the sench, and announces that he will marry the plaintiff himself. 'ooley performs this task with all the pomposity required, and toth the court and its audience depart well pleased: "All the legal furies seize you; No proposal seems to please you; I can't stop up here all day, I must shortly go away. Barristers, and you, attorneys Set out on your homeward journeys; Put your briefs upon the shelf, I wil marry her myself! Orchestra adds gem Versa tile chicken fills any pot By ROBIN HERGOTT different seasonings, marinades - Chicken is an excellent dish and methods of preparation. for students to prepare because Chicken is classified accord- it is inexpensive and nutritious. ing to age, which is a deter-' It is a source of complete pro- mining factor as to how it: tein and contains several minar- should be cooked. Frying chick- als and many of the B-vitamin ens, which the recipes given he- complex. D o 11 a r for dollar, low call for, are from threw to chicken provides more protein five months old, weigh two to! than any other kind of meat. three pounds and are very ten- For thosehwho are calorie con- der. scious or who watch their intake To test if they are done cook- of animal fats, chicken is less ig pierce with a fork. If the fattening and is lower in satur- juices that run out are yello-- ated fat than either neef or ish. with no trace of -ink.dth % cup flour 1 teaspoon paprika Combine in paper bag or on plate. Add chicken or ,ther in- gredients to be coated. Shake well or dredge on plate. Suf- ficient for 2 chickens. Other seasonings, sucn as gar- lic salt, may be added to taste. 1-6-oz. can tomato sauce (% cup) 2 teaspoons saltj % teospoon pepper 1 teaspoon thyme % teaspoon ground allspice 2 cup Chianti wine Dredge chicken with seasoned' flour; place in saucepan in hot l PARMESAN CHICKEN 1 I 2 fryers, disjointed 1 clove garlic, mashed 1 cup bread crumbs cup grated parmesan cheese, or more to taste 1 teaspoon salt W) cup melted butter or mar- garine one hour. Preheat oven to 350- degres. Marinate for an hour. Prheat oven to 350-degrees. Pour pineapple over chicken. Bake for one hour, basting oc- casionally. After % hour, turn chicken skin side up. Add more paprika to insure browning. food Clean chicken and pat dry. CHICKEN SESAME Combine mashed garlic, bread S hicken wt crumbs, parmesan cheese and Season frying chicken w i h salt. Dip chicken in melted but- salt, papper, garlic salt and ter and roll in above mixture. oregano. Place skin side up on Place chicken skin side up in baking sheet and sprinkle with shallow baking dish and bake in sesame seeds. Bake at 350-de- preheated 350-degre oven for 1 grees for hours. hours. ! , V L .1V L G U IIr., L1 pork. chicken is done. Make surc that Much of the fat in chicken lies the chicken is neither under- directly beneath the skin so it done nor overdone, as under- can be easily pulled out. Though done chicken has a bad flavor many people think the skin is and overdone chicken is dry. the best part of the chicken, The following recipes have if you are on a strict die*,j very different flavors and make limiting either caloriesor fat, a good addition to anyone e. it is wise not to eat that par.. pertoire. They are simple and Best of all, there are an in- quick to prepare, beaides pro- finite number of ways to pre- viding a delicious and inexper.- pare chicken, which are ex- sive change of pace. tremely simple and lend a wide variety of flavors to it. Chicken CHICKEN CACCIATORE can become an extremely bnr- Seasoned flour: ing dish if it is always baked 1 tablespoon salt or broiled, so experiment with teaspoon papper Preparation: 2- 3-lb. fryers, disjointed Seasoned flour 6 tablespoons salad oil 1 cup minced onion 1 cup green pepper, coarsely chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 1 No. 2% can tomatoes (3%12 cups) salad oil and brown lignv. Add onion, green pepper and garlic,' and brown. Add remaining in- gredients except wine and sim- mer uncovered for 15 minutes. Pour in the wine, cover and' CHICKEN DELIGHT 2 or 3 frying chickens 1 small can crushed pineapple, drained orange juice salt, pepper, garlic salt, ac- cent, paprika France, 212,822 square miles in area, 54,000 square miles smaller than Texas, is the larg- est country in Western Europe. Need a Summer Job? CALL ARMY ROTC 764-2401 simmer very slowly aoout 40 Place well-seasoned chicken mnertdeskin side down in shallow bak- minutes, or until tende-. To ing dish in single layer. Pour serve, place chicken on platter in enough orange juice to have and cover with sauce. Serves 8. I about 1-inch deep. Marinate for A 1-STOP SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY MARCH 22, 1975. --qqq% SAMPLEF A THEVINGS! \\1 thiftyacre a7IEPER I S5ocgr 3-M I " .n0 y . 1t1NI -fog wra N.. / w to c By CINDY CHEA The Strasbourg Ph chestra gave an al "I1 auditorium crow ing evening of mu y. The orchestra, Alaih Lombard, orted by the renoun ianist, Jean - Bern er, filled the air wi g euphony. The concert was the Choral Union S rnted by the Univer I Society. The performance b ellces et Melisande ite by Faure whic ised of four movem de Fileuse, Sicilenn eath of Melisande. The Prelude was a, sonant movemen velled in full orches as accented by los on both oboe he flute guided the rough the somber hich depicted emir auty and sadness o The second piece, o. 2 in G Minor for rchestra, Op. 22, aens, featured a isplay of talent by horal series kTHAM i nard Pommier. ilharmonic The piece began with Andan- ppreciative te Sostenuto, the slower move- rd a satis- ment of the Concerto. Pommer asic Satur- initiated the movement with a conducted lingering rhythmic piano solo. and sup- Allegro Scherzando, the sec- ted French ond movement, took it's theme nard Pom- from the Andante, but was th a pleas- lighter and filled with merri- ment. Indeed, the piano and the eighth harp together wove an impres- eries, pre- sionistic picture of gently fall- rsity Musi- ing rain. Presto, the final movement, )egan with was dramatically vibrant, filled Op. 80, a with pulsating crescendoes, and h is com- the magnificent keyboard skill rents. Pre- of Pommier. e, and the The finale, Hector Berlioz' Symphonie Fantastique Op. 14' gentle and is a musical tale about a young t which sensitive musician who at- stration. It tempts suicide by taking opium. masterful He is unsuccessful, and instead and flute. experiences extraordinary vi- orchestra sions about love. Sicilenne, It was this unique Symphonie, nently the ; executed with such fortitude f love. and ease by the Strasbourg Or- Concerto chestra, that carried the .eve- Piano and ning. Certainly their perform- by Saint- ance was a sparkling addition masterful to an already fine Choral Un- Jean-Ber- ion Series. SC Scotch FA .g r~PR PR -T -s F n Housewares Dept. OTCH GARDI BRIC OTECTOR 20 oz. aerosol con. Stops stains before they happen' Prevents greasy and watery stains on al op apporel and home fu - ishings! 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