Eliex Diigaaily Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, March 19, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Food By MICHAEL SHAPIRO STOP THE killing now. Stop the killing now. One hundred thousand voices roar it out as they march through the streets of Washington D.C. Police on every corner smile nervously at the crowd. They don't under- stand this thing. They were pre- pared for food riots in the sup- ermarkets. They had been se- cretly trained to help reposess cars as more and more out of work people resist when they can no longer pay their bills. Over a hundred people a r e fasting at the Lincoln Memorial. Several of the fasters said that the President visited them last night. "He was just confused," one of the fasters said. "He HRP displays shoddy tactics Crisis: Guns over book, "The Food and People Dilemma." That wouldn't mean much if the world were wailow- ing in food. But Borgstrom says that "If all the food in the world were equally distributed we would all be malnourished." Some people think the well-fed world is in part feeding t h e hungry world. Borgstrom tells us the reverse is true. Through oilseeds, oilseed products (like peanut and other oils for chok- ing) and fish meal, Borgstrom figures the well-fed countries get about a million more tons of protein from the hungry world than they returned. WHY SHOULD the most ag- TN THE WAKE of Richard (The Fool) Ankli's bizarre upset victory over Frank Shoichet in last month's Hu- man Rights Party primary in the city's second ward, the HRP has been hard at work in an attempt to cover up for its own sloppiness during the campaign. Last week, the HRP and Republi- cans on City Council passed an ordi- nance that would allow candidates for Council or the Mayor to withdraw from elections and be replaced by new hopefuls selected by their par- ties - thus allowing Ankli to be re- placed by Shoichet in the April elec- tions. However, there seems to be little doubt that the replacement of Ankli by Shoichet on the April ballot can- not be legally accomplished by an or- dinance: a change in the city char- ter is called for. In fact, the charter does not specify whether candidates can withdraw but does say that the state election laws apply to those cases which the city charter doesn't cover. And the state law rules that candidates must serve written notice of withdrawal to the city clerk, "in the afternoon of the third lay after the last day for filing petitions." EVEN THOUGH SHOICHET may in- deed have been victim of a Demo- cratic cross-over vote, it seems that no law was violated in the process. Whenever a state's election laws al- low for crossover voting, it's difficult to make a case for illegal activities, or even for "unethical" activities on the part of the Democrats. The crossover- vote is simply a political reality at present, and if the crossover is used to defeat a ,candidate, there is little the loser can do but swallow his or her pride and admit that he or she was defeated. Basically, the HRP was caught making a very lackadaisical effort to back Shoichet in the primary. Most party members apparently felt that Shoichet had the election won ahead of time and didn't bother to cam- paign. If the HRP had put in a little bit of time campaigning in Febru- ary, they could have easily avoided the massive effort they've spent in trying to get Shoichet's name on the ballot in place of Ankli. AT THE SAME time, the Democrats may well have been caught en- gaging in activities of a questionable nature themselves. If the Dems, as have been charged, did encourage democratic voters to cast their ballots for The Fool, they were certainly act- ing in a manner that's less than con- ducive to true representative govern- ment. Nevertheless, although the present system that forbids candidates to withdraw after the primary does have its drawbacks, we feel that any changes along the lines of the HRP- Republican ordinance would be bad for the city. If candidates could with- draw, this would open up the possi- bility of hopefuls often reaching the April ballot without ever receiving any sort of support from their con- stituents. For example, the Republicans could run a proxy candidate in the third, fourth, or fifth ward primaries, only to replace the candidate with another hopeful, hand-picked by the republi- can caucus, just before the election. Such a system of withdrawals would leave wide open the possibility of massive misuses of the system. WE RECOMMEND THAT the HRP would better serve its constitu- ents by putting efforts into making sure that situations like the recent second ward fiasco are not repeated in the future, rather than trying to change the rules of electoral politics after the game has been played. One third of the world's people use three quarters of the world's food ... I can't thinkl of a moral issue that could be more clear. There is more to being human than grabbing everything you can get your hands on. To do nothing is unthinkable. ^,:r":?M:" 1}1:"?n4"e 4: "fm y Vis S '1v ysm e H}.tr"'S "rly.;: ;}}ot :"r"::n.vv:ry.;r::..,!f. ,."}: IN THE United States a n d Canada the average person uses about 2,200 pounds of grain per year. All but 150 pounds of that is fed to livestock, accor ling to Meyer. The countries of the well-fed world can outbid poorer people for grain to feed our livestock. We also outbid poorer coun- tries for fertilizer which we then use on golf courses and lawns. We use more fertilizer for orna- mental purposes than India uses to grow crops. A remnant of colonialism or imperialism gives the problem another dimension. Borgstrom points out that much of the best agricultural land in the poor world is used for cash crops. That is, crops grown specifically for export. The bananas, coffee and sugar that we get from South Amer- ica and the tea from India are grown on land that could be used for staple crops. These cash crops earn foreign ex- change for the producing coun- tries involved to finance "de- velopment". This is a losing battle. Borgstrom points out, since 1952 the hungry nations have increased the volume of their agricultural exports by a third with only a four per cent gain in foreign exchange. THE PRODUCTION of these cash crops is often controlled by multinational corporation. They arrange for much of the capital from the sale of these crops to remain in the wealthy countries. Jean Meyer cited a Gallop poll that said 75 per cent of the American people want a change in our government's food policy as long as it is made clear what the American people will have to do to end world hunger. The people are willing to help. Just before Meyer spoke last week, a local politician present- ed the Food Action Coalition with a resolution signed by the gov- ernor declaring Food Week. It was one of dozens of such recognition resolutions cranked out each month to help fellow state legislators give the voters at home a sense that someone is paying attention to the cerns. It is clear that th need the voters to gover politicians would prefer, stituency that is satisfie meaningless gestures. T what we will get if we d ing. I agree that the solutio unclear. Some people sa ing Food Week that work talism must be crushed we can feed the world Whether or not we agre that analysis, we must nize that our goals a same. Without unity of p the world's resources wi tinue to be used for thee ment of a few. AS YOU READ this, are dying directly and ind from insufficient food in ladesh. Children in lndi Africa are permanently butter ir con- damaged because they didn't ey ;Mill have enough food available at n. The a critical stage in their develop- a con- ment. hd with Down the street from where I Chat is am standing people eat thick o noh- steaks dripping with fat, broil- ed over an open fire. " Thous- rns are ands of miles away a baby with id dur- shrunken arms and legs and a d capi- stomach strangely swollen with before the lack of food coughs and is justly. quiet. They know nothing of e with each other. recog- And I stand and watch t h e re the people in the ballroom dancing. rurpose They have done a good job. A ill on-few hundred people are no ill .on- nger ignorant. I can't think of enrich- a clearer moral issue. There is more to being human than grabbing everything you can get people your hands on. To do nothing is directly unthinkable. Bang- a a n d Mike Shapiro is a graduate brain- student in Journalism. MI6hN DOE'S NOT'LtVE 0t4 $art'4&Ca O~c 4 didn't know what the hell was going on. He asked us why were we doing this, then started mumbling that he couldn't do anything about all those people starving. He wasn't making much sense," the faster a ided. As the marchers pass the Ag- riculture Department, the chant- ing grows to a frenzy. One of the windows above opeas and Earl Butz appears for a mo- ment. He looks puzzled. * * * THERE WAS a time when thousands of people took to the streets over a moral issue; the war that killed peasants with American bullets and bombed their once pastoral land into a bomb cratered moonscape. We are still killing peasants but we must now ask whether we are killing more with the bul- lets we supply or by stealing their food. One third of the world's peo- ple use three quarters of the world's crops, according to George Borgstrom, a professor of Food Science and Human Nu- trition and the author of the riculturally productive countries in the world import protein? The answer is partly steaks, bacon, and lamb chops. Cows and pigs and sheep can eat a lot of things that humans can't or won't eat, like garbage or grass, and convert them to protein. Remember the enormous sur- pluses of grain that the United States was so proud of just a few years ago. Instead of feed- ing it to people, farmers found that this cheap grain could be used to make their livestock fatter quicker. More than SO per- cent of the corn, barley nd oats produced in this cuntry and more than 90 per cent of the sovbeans are used as live- stock feed. Livestock are not particular- ly efficient in converting this grain into protein. A grain-fed cow must consume more than ten pounds of protein in t h e form of grain to produce one pound of meat protein according to Jean Meyer, a Harvard pro- fessor of nutrition. 1 o rrr n r i . nr r u I r s ' CIA setback people's gain THE CIA HAS recently come under heavy attack for its exploits both here and abroad. The agency's du- bious designs came into even sharper focus last week during an abortive coup attempt by Portuguese rightists. The Portuguese incident spurred the usual anti-C.I.A. allegations on the part of the young officers who run the leftist regime. American inter- vention has been a standard feature of European politics for the past TODAY'S STAFF: News Page: Gordon Atcheson, Barb Cornell, Jay Levin, Cheryl Pilate, Cathy Reutter, Sara Rimer, C u r t Smith Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, Mara Letica, Steve Ross, Jeff Sorensen, Steve Stojic. Arts Page: David Weinberg Photo Technician: Stu Hollander thirty years, and any time that a leftist group is defeated at the polls or in the street someone points an accusing finger at the U.S. However, criticism of the intelli- gence agency has not been limited in origin to foreigners. ONE WOULD HOPE that the newly enlightened American p u b 1 i c would look with approval on the al- leged CIA failure in Portugal, viewing it as a victory for self-determination, a right that must not be denied even if it results in a social system dif- ferent from America's. It is possible but improbable that the C.I.A. had nothing to do with the attempted coup. What sounds more plausible is that the people of Por- tugal are content with their leftist government and willing to fight for its survival, regardless of how the world power brokers respond. dorms To The Daily: IN RESPONSE to the housing lottery currently taking place in the dorms, the following peti- tion was circulated over t h e past weekend. In less than forty-eight hours, over 800 dorm residents had signed their nam- es to it: "We, the undersigned s t u- dents of the University of Mich- igan, demand a meeting with John Feldkamp and R o b b e n Fleming. At this meeting, we re- quire: 1. An explanation of why we were not notified earlier that a lottery was to decide who would be allowed to return to the dorm next year; 2. An explanation of why the University is permitting more students than it can house to be admitted; 3. An explanation of what the Letters University plans to do in the future to prevent repetition of this outrage. Moreover, we wish to express our great displeasure in the fact that the University has so little regard for us, the stu- dents, that it waited until the middle of the second term to inform us of this procedure. It is apparent that the University has not taken the matters of academic studies, off-campus housing availability, and stu- dent time into consideration when this policy was made. WE DEMAND this meeting be held no later than March 28th, and that the above items be published in the "University Re- cord." (Signed by 830 residents of Mosher-Jordan, Alice Lloyd, Markley, Couzens, Stock- well, East Quad, West Quad, to T and South Quad)." The petition was not sponsor- ed by any organization; rather, it was an entirely individual ef- fort. The enormous response to it indicates the amount of stu- dent discontent which exists with regard to the lottery meth- od of assigning space in the dorms. Copies of the petition and sig- natures have been delivered to the offices of John Feldkamp, Director of Housing, and Robben Fleming, President of the Uni- versity. Rumors of gross freshman over-admittance, intentional de- lay of the lottery until after the GEO strike, and general lack of regard on the part of the University toward the students are currently circulating on campus. If these rumors are based on fact, we want to know! It is to the University's advant- The souring of deterrence By STEVE STOJIC THE CAUSES of conflict have fascinated poli- tical analysts for years. In order to under- stand their arguments, you should have an understanding of such popular terms as provo- cation, act of aggression, retaliation, and escala- tion. It's funny how silly little incidents in every- day life can make these concepts very clear. Take last Friday night for instance. I'm standing hunched over my customary sink, vig- orously scrubbing my lower molars with my favorite brand of fluoridated toothpaste, as I invariably do every night after dinner. Suddenly, I realize that a friend and fellow dormitory resident has entered the local lavatory facility. Seconds later, I am the victim of an unpro- voked, surprise aerial bombardment with dried, salted soybeans. Mouth full of toothpaste foam, I blubberingly plea for a cessation to hostilities - all to no avail. The projectiles rebound off my head with even greater frequency. STUNNED AND astounded at the amazing ac- curacy of the barrage, I decide that ignoring the aggressor will cause him to become bored and leave me in peace. After I turn my back, I am assaulted by the bombardier turned wrestler. The scuffle lasts for a few minutes and then the attacker leaves. Shrugging this off as a trivial incident, I head back to my room. On the way, I witness another unprovoked act of aggression. The soy- bean freak is now scuffling with a small, defense- less guy who lives 6,000 millimeters down the hall from my room. Suddenly, visions of dominos begin to dance in my head. If that guy falls victim to aggression, man nature being what it is, one small act us- ually leads to something greater and that to something even greater. A good retaliator strikes back with equal force, plus a little more punch for good measure. Mastery of this art is known as escalation and I'm an escalator first class. Being bigger than the attacker, and presum- ably stronger, I proposed to the victim that we ally and soundly defeat the villan. Defeat in hall terms means getting thrown in the shower - clearly a devious, calculated act of escala- tion on my part. I foresaw easy victory with little risk to my- self. Soon the hall would once again be safe for democracy, Cadillacs, and apple pie. After moderate struggle, our mission was accomplish- ed. My ally beat a hasty retreat while I leisure- ly strolled to my cubicle. The attacker turned attackee soon recovered, however, and raced toward me with the half- gallon of milk that had sat unrefrigerated in the lavatory for the last six days. A jerk of his arm caused a torrent of sour milk to cascade over my head, face, shirt, vest, just pressed corduroy pants, and shoes. I stood frozen mut- tering, "Yuck . . . sour milk" as the foul fluid dripped down my nose. SPEAKING FROM experience, sour mi 1 k has a most disagreeable, putrid smell which worsens with quantity. As I stood there wiping the egg . er, sour milk from my face, trying to breathe, I realized the error of my ways. The only rational course was to cut my losses, pull out, and become uninvolved in something which wasn't my business in the first place. Never again would I get involved where I couldn't win, where the losses far outweigh any e" e Daily age to keep communication lines open and working. We are con- cerned and we want to know. -Doug Kim March 17 puerile To The Daily: YOUR. EDITORIAL IN to- day's Daily on "a time to for- give and forget" for the GEO and the university administra- tion is one of the most puerile attempts at editorial advice that we've ever read. A few quotes: "...GEO backers must re- cognize the difficulties which the administration encountered throughout the disputes . . . Ev- ery move the administration made was greeted with suspi- cion or anger." and . . . due respect must be giv- en to all those who chose not to strike . . . The label 'scab' can now be dropped from the Uni- versity vocabulary." The implication of the first statement is that the GEO did not act out of fairness or a sense of concern for segments of this university community but that the administration did. In contradiction to this, it is. clear that the administration did not often act out of a sense of fairness or caring for anyone - undergraduates and gradu- ates alike. One can go back to the very origins of the strike to look for a sense of fairness and one only finds the admin- istration's arbitrary decision to reduce teaching fellow salaries by 30 per cent by removing the in-state tuition provision of the "appointment." Moving the time frame up a year and a half, one finds that Robben Fleming claims not to have even looked at the non-reprisal statement until the people struck an extra two days to get it approved. Fairness? That's ridiculous. THE OTHER STATEMENT was trite and also offensive. How do you believe, boys and girls of The Daily, that strikes are won? By having all the campus liberals agonize over whose comfort or short-run goals will be hurt the most by a strike while those with any sense of duty to a right cause are foregoing salary and com- fort for themselves and for the agonizers? A scab is a scab, but need not remain one. If that term doesn't remain a very significant four letter word in all of our vocabularies, we haven't learned anything in the past month. Finally, it is grossly inac- curate to suggest that the GEO constituency was "totally un- familiar with the machinations of negotiations and unable to see any justification for the compromises leadership was forced to make." Indeed, the opposite is much more nearly the case. It was, for example, the faculty and administration who extended the strike for a full 10 days by their refusal to consider CEO's agency shop proposal. In doing so, they con- veniently overlooked the wide- spread application of agency shop provision both within the university and in teachers un- ions throughout the state, as well as its solid basis in public sector labor law. Only when the fact-finder pointed these things out did the university agree to an agency shop pro- posal far stronger than the one they had rejected ten days ear- lier. THERE ARE MORE import- ant things to do now than to cover our trail, and it's too bad that we have to convince even The Dailythat this is only the beginning. We have to fight for a new plan to finance this uni- versity that involves no tuition raises for anyone and no added burden on the middle class of this state (such plans exist else- where, like the "Yale plan," and are very easy to imple- ment). We also have to fight in the future for a real class-size clause, greater control over course material, and changes in admissions policies. These are all things that very much affect the "working conditions" of teaching fellows and other grad- uate students assistants. It will require more fighting to accomplish these things, and less "foreiving and forgetting." Michael Conte, Saul Hoffman, (Department of Economics), Gene Borgida, Tim Wilson, (Department of Psy- chology). David Rich- ardson, Sally Ann Ce- tola, Linda Temoshok, Beth Shinn. March 13 Contact your reps-