See Editorial Page
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See Today for details
Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 132 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 18, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages plus
In Sunday's paper, we mistakenly reported that
the Friends Roadshow did not provide the music
at the "Vegeta Ball". Actually the Roadshow did
supply the funky jazz with their four-member band.
Happenings are to be read, memorized, then eaten
. . . CCFA/UAW Local 2001 invites all clericals to
an opening meeting at 7 p.m. at the Union Ball-
room, where Carolyn Forrest and Brad Young will
speak, and the Bargaining Committee will present
its report . . .~the Residential College Lecture Ser-
ies will feature Prof. Rhoads Murphey from the
Center for Chinese Studies to speak on "Perspec-
tives on the Western Impact in Asia" at the E.
Quad Greene Lounge at 7 p.m. . . . and also at
7 p.m. the Skydiving Club will give a First Jump
Course at 1042 E. Engineering . . . the Student Rent
Control Project will meet at 7:15 p.m. in the Piano
Room of Alice Lloyd . . . and don't forget to eat
rhubarb -today.
'A'is for worthless
Most people wouldn't complain about an easy
'A', but not so for Ilene Ianniello, a senior at the
University of Bridgeport, Conn. She said everyone
in the class, all 14 students, got A's, but that the
content of the course was "worthless." And to
prove that she means business, she is suing for
return of tuition and expenses involved in going to
the university for the course, "Methods and Ma-
terials in Teaching Basic Business Subjects." Said
Ianniello, "I've had bad classes but this was ridic-
ulous. The only thing I learned was how to use the
overhead projector."
Need an eye?
An unemployed father of three has offered to sell
an eye as a last resort to raise money to settle
his debts. "I've sold everything worth selling and
the TV is being repossessed. There's nothing left
but. junk furniture," said Donald Schlopy after
putting an advertisement in a newspaper Friday.
"I realize this is an unusual request, but my rea-
sons are very valid to me," said Schlopy, 52, of
Kane in McKean County. His ad in the Erie Times:
"For Sale: One human eye for transplant. $5,000
or best offer. Write Donald S. Schlopy, 137 Moffit
Alley, Kane, Pa. 16735." Schlopy said he has been
out of work and trying to raise his children alone
since his wife left him four years ago. Schlopy,
who says he's $4,000 in debt, doesn't expect un-
employment checks to be nearly enough to solve
his problems. "I want to get enough money to pay
off all my debts and to buy a used house trailer
to live in," he said.
Sexy granny
Beauty knows no age, and Lizalolota Valeska is
still kicking it out at the ripe old age of 72. Miss
Finland of 1930 claims she maintains her 34-29-35
figure by eating properly, exercising, and proper
breathing. Although she occasionally still draws a
wolf whistle from the younger set when she sports
a mini-skirt, Valeska prefers older men. "You're
never too old to learn something new," she says,
"and I find elderly men have more to teach me."
Killer girl scouts?
It may be a Communist plot, to subvert yet an-
other stalwart of American society, or just another
faulty cog in the Big Business machine, but the
Girl Scouts of America may be forced to recall
thousands of boxes of "thin mint" cookies. The
Quaker Oats Co. and the Central Ohio Girl Scout
Council issued a joint statement requesting that
consumers not eat their cookies until tests have
been run to check for contamination in the styrene
plastic in the packages. The investigation began
Friday when a Columbus resident complained that
he found what appeared to be a sliver of glass in
the box of cookies. Since then, the company has
sampled more than 5,000 packages and found no
evidence that the incident was any more than an
isolated one.
Sticky situation
Even Easter is going to be more expensive this
year as candy manufacturers estimate chocolate
bunnies, jelly beans, marshmallow eggs, and candy
chicks are going to cost an average of 25 to 30 per
cent more this year. The problem is the rising cost
of things like sugar and cocoa beans. The situation
may be even worse next year because raw mater-
ials for candy now on the shelves were ordered be-
fore the worst of the increases in the price ingredi-
ents. The Easter candy on sale in stores now was
manufactured from three to six months ago. The
world now awaits a Papal decree which would put
a freeze on the candy's basic ingredients before th
Easter Bunny is forced to fill for bankruptcy.
On the inside..,
... Leba Hertz looks at the spring football prac-
tice opener for Sports page . . . Edit page's Clifford
Brown looks at the generally poor quality of studies
on the hazards of marijuana . . . and David Blom-
quist himself reviews the Ann Arbor 16 mm film
festival on Arts page.
nh .1 -3
'U' report
The University and the Con-
cerned Clericals For Action/
United Auto Workers (CCFA/
UAW) both reported substantial
progress in contract negotiations
last week.
Both sides agree economics
is the most important issue. The
bargaining also involves agency
shop, anti-discrimination, griev-
ance procedure and promotion
CCFA/UAW Local 2001, bar-
gaining for its first contract,
represents about 3200 clerical
"The biggest issue is in-
creased wages," states Jean
Jones, chairperson of the union's
bargaining committee. The most
recent available statistics, gath-
ered by CCFA last year, showed
University starting salaries con-
siderably lower than those at
Michigan S t a t e University,
Washtenaw CommunityCollege
and the Michigan Civil Service.
"As of a year ago, we were
significantly underpaid com-
pared to the others," Jones
William Neff, negotiating for
the University, reports that the
administration is "presently run-
ning comparisons" and does not
wish to comment upon the
salary situation until its report
is in.
AN INTERIM policy adopted
during the period of contract
negotiations allows the partici-
pation of a union steward in the
grievance procedure. Previous-
ly, complaints by clericals were
purely an administrative mat-
Now, a clerical may involve
the union. The University would
like to keep the interim policy.
The union will be negotiating
for arbitration by a neutral third
PROMOTION policy produced
another important issue. At the
Collapse of regime
called security thireat
SOUTH BEND, Ind. OP--President Ford cited the
"domino theory" last night in defending his Indochina
policy and said the fall of Cambodia "could affect the
national security of the United States."
Ford cited Communist-led advances in Southeast
Asia and mentioned indications that U.S. allies are doubt-
ing America's word as he invoked the theory that the
fall of one Asian nation would lead to another, and
ultimately endanger the United States.
IT WAS one of his strongest statements to date on the situation
in Indochina, and it came during a wide-ranging news conference
Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Two students took a break from their classes ye sterday to enjoy the balmy temperatures. The
warm spell, which will hopefully continue this w eek in anticipation of the beginning of spring,
resulted in outdoor scenes like this one all over campus. Michigan weather may be unpredict-
able, but when it's like this, everyone is happy.
Police to end 'durn-duin' use
on the campus of the University
Ford also made several other
major disclosures, as, with a
St. Patrick's Day shamrock in
his lapel, he neared the end of a
day on the turf of the Fighting
For example, he condemned
any. CIA involvement in plots to
assassinate foreign leaders and
said this would not happen while
he was President. He added he
was personally analyzing the
assassination allegations to de-
termine if the executive branch
should be investigated.
HE ALSO said he sees no
reason why Vice President Nel-
son Rockefeller shouldn't be his
running mate in 1976. And he
again pressed Congress for
prompt action on tax cut legis-
lation, calling it essential for
the nation's economic recovery.
When a questioner asked
whether the survival of a non-
Communist government in Cam-
bodia, where the government in
Phnom Penh is encircled by in-
surgent forces, was "vital to
U.S. security," the President
I think it is. I cannot
help but notice that since the
military situation in Cambodia
has become very serious and
since the North Vietnamese
have apparently launched a very
substantial military e f f o r t
against the Paris peace accords,
there has been, as I understand
it . . . a potential request from
Thailand that we withdrew our
forces from that country."
IN ADDITION to questioning
on Cambodia and the CIA, there
were these, highlights:
-The President declared it
was "foolish "for us to tinker"
with the current farm program
because it had substantially
spurred agricultural production.
-He defended his budget re-
quests for the poor and elderly,
saying they were part of a
"very sound budget" despite
criticisms sounded by students
and others that the funding
levels were inadequate.
-The President defended the
Federal Reserve Board and its
chairman, Arthur Burns, against
charges the Fed has thwarted
See Cambodian, Page 2
of Notre Dame.
hints at
Vice President for Academic
Affairs Frank Rhodes hinted
yesterday at possible tuition in-
crease or faculty layoffs for
1975-76 to combat the Univer-
sitv's financial crisis.
"In the event of a cutback,"
Rhodes told a Senate Assembly
meeting, "we may further re-
duce positions or we may fur-
ther increase fees."
HOWEVER. University Presi-
dent Robben Fleming said that
"the issue of tuition increases
won't be decided until mid-
summer" since the state legis-
lature hasn't yet finally voted
on next year's appropriations to
the University. But Fleming ex-
plained that "We'll have to de-
cide about the faculty (layoffs)
before mid-summer."
Both Fleming and Rhodes de-
clined to comment further on
specifics of the possible tuition
hike or amount of the layoffs.
Education Prof. Charles Leh-
mann, a member of the now-de-
funct advisory committee for
the University on GEO negotia-
tions, said last night that he
would suspect that the graduate
students assistants would be
more vulnerable to cutbacks
than regular faculty members.
HE TERMED this a possible
result of the 5.6 per cent pay
increase recently negotiated by
the Graduate Employes' Organ-
At the Senate Assembly meet-
ing Rhodes asserted, "At pres-
ent we feel we should not lift
the freeze (package). He was
referring to a five point pro-
gram now in effect to deal with
a possible cut in state appropri-
ations for this year.
The five measures include a
hiring freeze, a freeze on con-
struction financed from the gen-
eral fiod, and a freeze on
equipment purchases.
In a surprise move at last
night's City Council meeting
Police Chief Walter Krasny an-
nounced that municipal police
will no longer carry the contro-
versial hollow-point "dum-du"n"
At the lengthy session, dub-
bed "Police night" by the Hu-
man Rights Party (HRP), the
Republican - dominated Council
then tabled an ordinance that
would ban outright sale and
possession of hollow point bul-
lets in the city.
Foul-ups force
of East Quad
AND DESPITE Krasny's ear-
lier announcement Council still
defeated an HRP motion that
would have banned dum-dum
use by police officers by a 6-5
Council voted by the same
margin to defeat another HRP.
motion to remove city police
from the Washtenaw Area Nar-
cotics Team (WANT), and also
rejected a resolution urging the
state legislature to disband the
WA'NT squad.
Hollow point bullets have
come under attack by the HRP,
tended until last night. But pres-
ent plans for accommodating
those involved in the mix-up
are incomplete at this time.
JEFF MOROF, an East Quad
Resident Director, explained
that now "the RF's are taking
a straw vote on all the floors to
see how people feel. The num-
bers will either be redrawn or
we will place people who missed
out at the bottom of the list."
If the consensus is for a new
lottery, it will be held tomor-
row morning at 8 a.m. If so,
residents will know their new
numbers by noon.
Morof said the number of stu-
dents involved was small: "It
wasn't a big foul-up. There are
only'50 or 60 who claim they
didn't get their applications in."
and all over the country as well
because they do much greater
body damage than conven ioaal
projectiles. They are banned by
international agreement f r o m
use in warfare.
The Ann Arbor Police Officers
Association (AAPOA) stood be-
hind Krasny's pledge declaring,
"The AAPOA will prohibit the
use of hollow-point ammunition
by all officers while on duty."
In other business, city admin-
istrator Sylvester Murray an-
nounced that the April 7 d -y
care ballot proposal requiring
1.7 per cent of city revenues be
directed towards child care,
would involve some $665,000 and
not $314,000 as originally ex-
In reference to the ordinance
banning sale and possession of
hollow points, Mayor James
Stephenson, took a verbal punch
at Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-2nd
W a r d) declaring, "I w o u l d
rather censure Kozachenko than
pass this ordinance."
Citing "problems and irregu-
larities in the ticket system just
completed," East Quad director
Kathie Beauvais yesterday void-
ed that dorm's room lottery held
last week, and announced a rew
selection process will be staged
this week.
In a memo sent yesterday to
all residents Beauvais stated
that some residents had rot
received r o o m reapplication
tickets,, and that the names of
other residents who returned re-
N lewspaper
names new
The Daily's new senior busi-
ness staff members for 1975-76
officially assume their positions
this week.
Heading the five-person staff
is Business Manager Debby
Novess, a senior journalism and
speech major from Waterford
Township, Michigan. Her re-
snonsibilities include handling
the budget for the newspaper
nt ritiln ag c a inenn betwen
application materials had been
omitted from the lottery list.
O T H E R dwellers received
room tickets but failed to meet
the reapplication deadilne, ap-
parently confusing this Housing
Office lottery with the drawing
East Quad formerly held to de-
termine intra - dorm priority,
which had a later deadline.
The snafu prevents Quad res-
idents from participating on
schedule with the Housing Office
plans for actual room selection
within the dormitories. Other
residence halls yesterday allow-
ed lottery winners to renew
leases for current rooms.
In her message, Beauvais in-
formed residents that the reap-
plication process had been ex-
Black author asks
end to capitalism
Imamu Baraka, black author and playwright, declared yester-
day that the struggle for black liberation will continue until the
capitalist system is smashed.
Approximately 300 students gathered in the Union ballroom
listened carefully as Baraka outlined the two choices he believes
face black students. "You can either be a functionary of the capi-
talists or you can be part of the masses of people rising up to de-
stroy this system," he said.
BARAKA, 40, born LeRoi Jones, gained fame as an author
and playwright. He changed his name in the late 1960's.
As a prerequisite for revolution, Baraka called for black stu-
dents to study the black liberation movement, the history of revo-
lution and to spend time organ-
izing movements on campus.
By doing this "you will be
ready to offer more to the peo-
ple you return to," he said.
According to Baraka, the
study of the historical aspects
of revolution and black libera-
tion are necessary to motivate
"YOU CAN'T change reality
unless you understand it, and
you can't understand it unless
you want to change it. To make
St. Patrick'
slips by city quietly
Unless you looked at your
calendar yesterday, you might
never have known it was St.
Patrick's Day in Ann Arbor.
most of his people to Christian-
ity, would have rolled over ini
his grave if he knew his status
in Ann Arbor.
Many stores used the holiday
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