DORM LOTTERY See Editorial Page we 000, Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom IA6F FRIENDLY High-3 s Low-21 See Today for details Vol. LXXXV, No. 130 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 15, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages FIA SEE I APPD ALL tY Vote note HRP Second Ward City Council candidate Frank Shoichet yesterday claimed his opponent Carol Jones and State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) are "wasting their time" in seeking an opinion from the state Attorney General to keep him off the ballot. Shoichet took a pot-shot at the Dems in his press statement, adding, "It's unfortunate, however, that the Democrats don't seem to be willing to risk an election in which their opposition will be on the ballot." Stroke strikes Former University Professor and local indus- trialist Keeve Siegel collapsed from a stroke while testifying Thursday before the joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy in Washington and died at 5 a.m. yesterday at George Washington University Hospital. In Washington, D.C., Siegel, a world-famous physicist and inventor in the field of optics, has been called "the wonder boy" in local industrial circles after founding Conductron Corp. on a shoestring and building it into a multi- million-dollar radar and electro-optics industry. More, recently, he had dedicated himself to the achievement of controlled nuclear fusion at his KMS Fusion Inc. Laboratories in Industrial Park. Crash spots needed During the remainder of the cold season Ozone House will be providing crashing places for people moving through the city. Now they are looking for people with space who would be willing to ad- mit a night 'guest anywhere from once to on a regular basis. All potential crashers are carefully screened before they are given your number to contact you. If you think you can help, call Ozone House at 769-6540. " Oops! We mistakenly reported yesterday that Student Government Council (SGC) allocated $1,000 to the Indochina Peace Campaign, but the actual size of the gift was only $500. Happenings. .. start with a public hearing on the ballot proposals for the upcoming municipal election at 10 a.m. at City Hall . . . also starting at 10, Can- terbury House is sponsoring a day-long workshop on C. G. Jung, with films and discussions on his basic teachings . . . at noon the UFW will be holding a solidarity rally in front of Campus Cor- ners, at State and Packard . . . at 1 p.m. in the Kuenzel Room of the Union there will be a slide show on Woman in Indochina as part of Interna- tional Women's Day . . . on North Campus there'll be an art auction of works done by faculty and students in the Art School in Slusser Gallery of the Art and Architecture Building . . . at 3 p.m. two free films,, "A Lutta Continua" and "Women in China" continue the International Women's Day celebration. They'll be in the Kuenzel Room of the Union . . . and the Food Action Coalition is staging a Vegeta-Ball at 9 p.m. in the Union Ball- room featuring the Friends Roadshow and a meat- less repast. " Travelers tale Penniless, and carrying all his possessions in a small duffle bag, 14-year-old Mike Romano arrived in Omaha by bus about 5 a.m. yesterday, then marched to the police station. Mike, who is small for his age, walked in and presented the desk ser- geant with a note from his grandmother in Brooklyn, N.Y. The note read: "To whom it may concern, I'm Michael's grandmother, and am sending Michael to Boys Town because I don't want him to be here in this awful crime city. I can't take care of him anymore. I spent my last penny to buy his ticket to come there. I hope that he will be O.K. I would appreciate very much if you help him." The letter, signed Mary Vaughn, contained a telephone number. Police called Mrs. Vaughn and found the note was indeed legitimate. The Rev. Robert Hupp, Boys Town- director, heard of Mike's arrival on an early morning radio news- cast and about four hours later Mike checked in as a Boys Town resident. An end to Watergate? Frederick LaRue, the first person to plead guilty to the Watergate cover-up and possibly the last to be sentenced, received a six-month prison term yesterday. Moments later, James McCord lost his last-ditch fight against going to prison for the Watergate break-in. U.S. DistricttJudge John Sirica sentenced LaRue to one to three years in prison, then suspended all but six months of the penalty. The soft-spoken Mississippi oil heir pleaded guilty more than 20 months ago to conspiring to obstruct justice. On theinside... the Editorial Page features Jack Kralik writing on his trip to Cleveland over spring break . . Arts has David Weinberg's continuing cov- erage of the Ann Arbor 16mm Fili Festival . . . and on the Sports Page Bill Stieg offers insight on Wolverine chances of toppling UCLA today. Nader hits of Consumer unhealth market y foods orld, since you have a pipeline into the of millions. So why don't you sell g of nutritional value?' By TIM SCHICK advocate Ralph N a d e r, speaking of the w stomachs somethin before a capacity crowd at Hill Auditorium yes- terday, blasted American food producers for selling goods of questionable nutritional value. "The hot dog is an example," he declared. "It consists of fat, water, a little meat, and trash. And in all-beef hot dogs, what little meat there is is beef, but there's as much as 35 per cent fat." HE PROPOSED nutritional education and the formation of community food coops as a means of increasing consumer influence on producers. The audience applauded enthusiastically Na- der's criticism of large food companies. The attorney recounted a conversation with a Coca- Cola executive. " 'Your job,' I told him, 'is to feed the people "HE SAID, 'Our job is to give them a refresh- ing drink,' " Nader continued. "He should be ashamed of pumping Coca-Cola into people who are starving." Nader warned that in many areas of the coun- try corporate farming is destroying the land it uses. "The big combines of 10-15,000 acres don't know how to manage a farm," he declared. AS SOLUTIONS to the problems of food nutri- tion and distribution, Nader proposed establishing consumer co-ops, enforcement of anti-trust laws See NADER, Page 2 Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN RALPH NADER speaks at Hill Auditorium last night as part of the Food Week festivities. He criticized fast food and the ignorance of Americans about nutrition, and asserted that large food producers have a responsibility to sell nourishing products. FBI says has on reePatty . athlete t facts Hlearst By The Associated Press The Hearst year-long Patricia case widened in AP Photo Too much brandy? Galahad, a 26-week-old St. Bernard, looks upwards from his refuge in a roll of wire fencing after being tired out by a chase from his master, Joey Ratliff, 4, of Dectaur, Ala. The pup weighs in at 89 pounds. ILLEGAL F UND USE? csJ to hear Markley compensation pay case scope yesterday, bringing in two athletic figures with offbeat life-styles and radi- cal political opinions. The latest developments centered on Jack Scott, for- mer athletic director at Oberlin College and the or- ganizer of a movement for radical athletes, and Bill Walton, a star basketball player for the Portland Trailblazers of the National Basketball Association. A SOURCE CLOSE to the case told The Associated Press that Scott and his wife, Micki Mc- Gee, were among several per- sons being investigated by a grand jury in Harrisburg, Pa., that is looking into the Hearst case. The whereabouts of Scott, 33, are not known. The Long Island newspapersNewsday,tquoting sources, said the Scotts had been in contact with the missing heiress and her fugitive cohorts from the Symbionese Liberation Army and may in fact be with them. And the San Francisco Chron- icle said the FBI has "documen- tary evidence" that the Scotts were involved in renting a farm- house where Hearst's finger- prints were reportedly found. It said therSLA group fled back toward the West Coast because it feared the FBI was closing in on it. TIMOTHY O'Sullivan, a New York City fireman who said he owned the house in South Ca- naan, Pa., said yesterday a woman named Micki Scott told him she wanted to rent the house with some other writers because they needed privacy. O'Sullivan said he had been interviewed by the FBI. Scott's parents are believed to live in a Las Vegas apart- ment house. John Scott is the apartments' manager, but he refused to talk to newsmen. A tenant, however, said he under- stood the manager was Jack Scott's godfather. Walton's lawyer, C h a r Ie s Garry, said his client was ques- tioned by the FBI in San Fran- cisco Wednesday about the Hearst case. Garry. said the qu~estioning lasted about 20 min- utes and focused on the Scotts, who had been living with Wal- ton near Portland, Ore. "BILL WAS cooperative but he couldn't tell them anything because he doesn't know any- thing," Garry said of Walton, who last year signed a $2 mil- lion contract with the Trail- blazers. "He and the Scotts are friends but he hasn't seen them for several weeks and he knows nothing of the SLA or Patricia Hearst." The Pennsylvania grand jury has been investigating reports that Hearst was in the north- east part of the state last fall. By TIM SCHICK The Markley House Council has come under attack and faces legal action after an apparently illegal move last month allocat- ing $475 in "compensation" to its eight top officers. In addition, Markley House President Claudia Evans has refused to show financial rec- ords to residents . of Markley Hall. THE SCANDAL broke Feb- ruary 13, when the council, tired over its inability to obtain the necessary quorum of 25, voted by a 6-4 margin to grant them- selves the compensation. Since that time, however, four of the officers have returned the money. As a result of the allocation, a class action suit has been filed by three Markley residents on behalf of the dorm population againsththe MarkleyCouncil with the Central Student Ju- diciary (CSJ). Until the case is considered by CSJ next Tues- day, a freeze has been placed on the council funds, preventing them from allocating any, fur- ther money. The suit charges that Mark- ley Council allocated the money in the absence of a quorum and in violation of: -parliamentary law as stated in Roberts Rules of Order; -The Markley Council con- stitution; -Student Government Council regulations concerning student organizations; -The All-Campus Constitu- tion; -United States law concern- ing the use of money by a non- profit organization. EVANS countered saying, "It has been blown way out of pro- portion. It started as a means of getting attention to Markley Council. This is not outrageous compensation for all the work we do. If they (CSJ) decide we, were in violation we will pay the money back." She added that the proposal was available to Markley resi- dents three weeks before it was passed. In addition it was read over the PA system during meal hours the three days preceeding the council meeting. The compensation itself is legally questionable. It is against U.S. law for officers of See MARKLEY, Page 2 DoiLt Photo by STEVE KAGAN CONGRESSMAN DELLUMS speaks with reporters about re- ordering national values shortly before addressing an audi- ence at Hill last night. Dellums asks unty to combat 'system' By BILL TURQUE Calling on all Americans to "join hands on a journey from niggerism to humanism," left-wing Democratic Congressman Ron- ald Dellums told an enthusiastic crowd of about 200 at Hill Audi- torium last night that inequities in food distribution were only synptomatic of a system in need of fundamental change. Dellums, speaking in conjunction with the city's observance of National Food Week, said that only a mass coalition of white, black and third world peoples could begin to counter what he called "the maintenance man of the status quo on the right, and knee-jerk liberals on the left." "I KEEP hoping," said the Representative from Berkeley, Calif., "that someday silent America will wake up and realize that their sons fought and died in an illegal, immoral, and insane war, that they elected a criminal 'to the White House, and that they will join us in eradicating racism, sexism, and hypocrisy." See DELLUMS, Page 2 Herbologist claims eyes reflect all ills By ELAINE FLETCHER "Look straight ahead," says Dr. John Christopher, the herb doctor. Seated backwards on a chair he gazes intently into the patient's eyes, pronouncing the final verdict: "You have a cracked tailbone, a sagging co- lon, and a heart murmur." The herbal "prescription?" is "'Formula no. 1' marshmallow root, lobelia and wormwood," all of which can be mail order- ed from the "doctor's" store in Provo, Utah. The average M. D. occasional- ly checks eyes for single dis- orders, but according to Chris- topher eyes really tell it all. "Because the eye reflects the body's other physical ailments," For the past five years, Chris- topher has travelled across the country giving lectures and pri- vate consultations urging peo- ple to follow his practices. He recently visited Ann Arbor and spoke at the Michigan Union. "When the rails are rusty and industry is stopped, you can't get more drugs. We beg of you, plant herbs in your own back yard," he pleads. C H R I S T O P H E R' S interest in the healing qualities of herbs stems directly from personal experience. "I was born with rheumatoid arthritis hie says, "I've been in a wheel chair for many months and the doctors said I wouldn't live Police moves stir mild protest By DAVID WHITING Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-Second Ward) marched down to City Hall yesterday to par- ticipate in a three-person "demonstration" and question police about the alleged use of a studded baseball bat against Arab demonstra- tors at Wednesday's speech by Israeli Presi- dent Ephraim Katzir. Kozachenko aided Joel Greenman in filing a formal complaint Wednesday charging that one police officer at Rackham, where the demonstration took place, was carrying the people who was up there (at Rackham) as a participant. "It (the bat) was not carried by a police- man," Olson emphasized. Krasny pointed out the "studs" in the bat were actually staples and conjectured the bat was used to hold a protest sign. THE ONLY batons given police officers are "standard issue nightsticks and four-foot long riotsticks" Krasny explained. In addi- tion to the batons, officers are issued bullet- U . ~