Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY r riday, March FIt, i r For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764=0557 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.r MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS PE-2038 automatic turntable used, with M 91 ED. $60 or best offer. 994- 5776. 73X315 WERE MOVING across the street to 323 S. Main St. March 1st. See you there for the best deals in town. Apollo Music Center. cXtc __ . LOST AND FOUND YOUNG adult rust colored cokapoo- terrier mutt. Main and Madison, 3' 12/75, 761-8804, or 663-0669. dA316 LOST: Pair of large tortoise-shell framed glasses. Vicinity Main and Hill. Please call 665-7081. 69A314 USED CARS PERSONAL FOR RENT APT. AVAILABLE March 1 near Stockwell on N. University. Female. Evenings 761-2209; 647-2845. 470313 SPACE in Kosher co-op available immediately, 3 meals, cable TV, ping-pong, summer option, super 10- cation. Call Paul, 769-3688. 950314 FOR FALL: 2 bdrms. available in co-op house near campus for couple or singles. Prefer age 23 or older. Alan, 761-1343. 84C314 ,2-BDRM. APT. near S. Quad. Newly decorated, sparsely furnished, bright and airy with oak floors in nice old house. Lease or no-your choice. Best to call 8 a.m.-10 a.m., try any- time, 662-2292 or check at 549 S. Division. 810316 8 MONTH FALL-WINTER LEASE AT UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. S. UNIVERSITY AT FOREST 5 minutes to class FURNISHED APARTMENTS HEATED SWIMMING POOL RECREATION ROOM * STUDY LOUNGE PIANO ROOM FREE WKLY. HOUSEKEEPING * MOVIES VISIT OR CALL 761-2680 536 S. FOREST FOR RENT' FALL: 2 girls, 2-bdrms., lower part of house. 769-0426. 12C0316 FALL LEASES and SUMMER SUB- LETS available. Modern 2-bedroom apartments near campus and sta- dium. Call 994-0475, 769-7587, be- tween 6 and 7 p.m. 470330 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! Space for one male in 3-man apartment. One minute from campus, furnish- ed, a/c, $80/month. 662-7850. 860316 FURNISHED 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS. AVAILABLE 662-2952 or I 434-0550 SANS SOUCI ACROSS THE STREET FROM MICH. STADIUM cctc FAAL L FALL 418 E. WASH INGTON Modern, and large 1 bedrooms. Furnished, balconies, air, security system, 521 WALNUT STREET Hospital Area Modern, 3 and 4 man units Dishwasher, air, security system 911 S. FOREST Modern 3 and 4 man units. j Furnished, air, near Hill Street Please call us for listings of old and new buildings not listed here. MODERN APARTMENTS FOR RENT AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: Space for one male in 3-man apartment. One minute from campus, furnish- ed, a/c, $80/month. 662-7850. 86C316 AVAILABLE Aug. 15 - 1-2 bedroom Stockwell on N. University. Female. Evenings: 761-2209; 647-2845. 47C313 TAPPAN: 2-bdrm., 2 or 3-man fur- nished apts. Fall occupancy. $250/ mo. 663-4101. cCtc MAY-JUNE SUBLET One-bedroom, furnished apartment. Plenty of windows, front porch,G utilities paid, near I-M Pool. 665- 0905. 58U316 SUBLET: April 1st. Large efficiencyI near campus and hospitals. 663-8691. 60U319 MAY-AUGUST SUBLET, w/fall op- tion. Modern 2-bedroom apartment, large kitchen, plenty of storage space. Furnished with new carpet- ing. Very close to campus and hos- pitals. Asking $210/month, but will negotiate. Call 994-9098-this one will go fast! dU320 NEW FENDER shipment now in '71 GREMLIN, average 24 mpg., X-1 from California, 761-9431. Apollo condition, radial tires including Music Center. cXtc snow tires. Call 994-7693. 96N320 GUITARS, New and Used. Steel 1969 MGB-GT, mechanically excel- string and Classical. Lessons. Re- lent, AM/FM stereo, 25,000 miles, pairs. 665-7348 or 429-9241 cXtc body needs work. $1,000. Call 769- ____-- --4711. 99N320 FOR SALE I SMITH-CORONA office typewriter, manual, 2 mo. old. Summit calcula- tor, Polaroid land camera, 60 sec. 434-2292. 00B316 A-R ZAX speakers, walnut finish. Excellent condition. 769-2089afterr 9 p.M. 88B320 FALL OLDER BU I LDI N ON CAMPUS We have 2 and 3 Bedroom Furn Apts. in older buildings near pus and the Hospitals. Also m Two-Bedroom, 3 and 4 man A Campus Management,1 335 EAST HURON 663-4101 SUBLET 4GS WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Efficien- FOR SALE: Portable Smith-Corona nished cy or one-bedroom apt. close to typewriter with case. $25. Call Karl cam- campus, reasonable rate. DESPER-a--754 --- ---- iodern ATE! Call KC, 764-0558, Mon.-Fri., GUITAR USED electric Epiphone. kPts. 10-3. dU316 Made in U.S.A. Maroon wood finish, hardshell case. David. 769-6871. Inc. SUBLET: May-Aug. Large bedrm. 49B318 for two women in a two-bedrm. apt. -__. .. .- ----- I Other bedrm. inhabited by a friend- '71 OPEL GT: very good condition, ly natural resources person. Close to 35 miles per gallon, runs perfectly. campus (Hill, nr. Packard). Rent 4 new Michelin radials; $1,300 orI cCtc negot., but reasonable. 665-7129. best offer. 973-2410 evenings. dU315 51B319 TRIUMPH--TR4. Very good condi- tion, rebuilt engine, AM/FM. New: radials, mags, top, front end, bat- tery. After 2:30. 663-3654. 24N315 ,65 BUICK SPECIAL, V6 engine, 68,000 miles. Call 663-1348. 05N316 TRANSPORTATION RENT ME new VW's $5.00 a day 10c a mile Pickup and Delivery available RENTABEETLE 994-9300 CG tc RIDE for myself, motorcycle to or toward New Mexico. Share expenses/ driving. Jim, 668-7895. 85G316 REAL ESTATE WANT TO lose weight, get in shape and enjoy it? Take over contract at a local Health Spa. 665-5482. 16F314 RETATIONSHIP with attractive young woman desired. Phone numim- ber a must. Box 19, Michigan 2aily. 26F31 8 SEPARATED-DIVORCED WORK- SHOP. This weekend, for men-wo- men in transition. Bob. Margaret Blood. 769-0046. 20F314 Baha'i Books in Border's Books cFtc SIntone.O my servant, the verses of God that have been received by thee, as intoned by them who have drawn nigh unto Him. that the sweetness of thy melody may kin- dle thine own soul, and attract the hearts of all men. Who so reciteth in the privacy of his chamber, the verses revealed by God, the scat- tering angels of the Almighty shall scatter abroad the fragrance of the words uttered by his mouth, and shall cause the heart of every right-j eous man to throb. Though he may, at first, remain unaware of its ef-3 fect, yet the virtue of the grace vouch-safed unto him must needs sooner or later exercise its influenceI upon his soul. Thus have the mys- teries of the Revelation of God been decreed by virtue of the will of Him Who is the Source of power, and wisdom. --from the Sacred Writings of the Baha'i Faith PERSONAL FREE Personality Tests 7 days a week 1-9 P.M. Learn valuable information about yourself. It only takes about 45 tuintes. Come to 203 E Ann Given by Scientology (An applied religious philosophy) cFtc BOARD EXAM TUT1'oRiNG S'I ANLEY H. KAPLAN TUTORING COURSES En oll now to prepare for upcoming MCAT * DAT * LSAT ! GRE ATGSB board exams, For informa- tion call: (313) 354-0085. cFtc EXTRA CARE IN COPYING OFFSET PRESS-CAMERA WORK PARKMAN PRINTING 157 E. Hoover St. 761 -4391 cFtc Offset Printing, Xerox. Wedding aria Social Announcements. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 CFtC THINK IT'S TOO LATE TO GET A COPY? IT'S NOT THE COPY MILL IS OPEN TIL 10 P.M. EVERY NIGHT and Two machines means NO WAITING.. ..EVER! TH E COPY MILL 211 B So. State (near GINO'S) 662-3969 cF31l9 I i_ Next Fall is not far away. The best campus apartments are renting right now. cC328 VISCOUNT APARTMENTS 1316 Geddes VERY LARGE 2 and 3 BEDROOM BI-LEVELS and TRI-LEVELS Near Campus and Hospitals Stop by our office or, call for appointment to see 665-8825 CAMPUS RENTALS, LTD. S. University at Washtenaw cCtc MUST RENT by April 1-1-bedroom unfurnished apt. Island Drive Apts. 663-3578 morns, and eves. 540319 SELECT APARTMENTS: A few left for Fall. Unfurnished 1, 2, 3 bed- room apartments and furnished 1- bedroom apts. Ann Arbor Trust Co., 769-2800. cC319 1) I i i . Office at 418 E. Basement 668-6906 or Washington 10-5 663-3641 Give us a call. DAHLMANN APARTMENTS 545 CHURCH 761-7600 SUBLET Afro-American BLIND GENTLEMAN would like someone to share a large bedroom apt. Preferable of opposite HERE'S AN OFFER YOUC REFUSE!! A beautiful, 3- apartment to sublet May A/C, balcony, beamed ceilir washer, double bathroom, v furnishings, plenty of park residential area, close to s 15 min. walk to campus, pa by. Rent negotiable. Call after 5. MAY-AUGUST 1-bdrm. ap; Modern bi-level, A/C, free 731 Packard, Colony Apts. Rent negotiable. Call 662-7 SUMMER SUBLET: May-A level, air cond., 30 sec. fr Engin., free parking, dis many other extras. Call 994 HELP! Woman wanted to t my lease in three-man ap immediately! Air cond laundry facilities, parking. campus. Call after 5. 665- SUMMER: nice 2-bedroom a Across from Rackham, nea tats. Rent negotiable. 665- CAN'T bedroom y-August. ng, dish- very nice ing, nice hopping, ark close 665-2167 dU320 HORSE LOVERS! I am selling books on horses: breeding, management, riding. Call Sue, 763-2374, 8-5, 662- 4852 after 7:30. 97B314 SHAMROCKS for our Irish friends, only $1.99 at THE GREENHOUSE, Liberty at Division. 06B315 FOR SALE: Remington office type- writer. Manual. Mint condition. i iri bP uuM-8939 dB315 Partment. rcenegota . .----- arking. _ EXPERIENCED typesetter to work No. 105. ROOMMATES on IBM composer. Some flexibility 58. of hours desired. Mon.-Thurs. sche- 99U316 OWN ROOM in modern cooperative dule. Call Kathy Kelly, 761-7148. 4-person apt. 3 min. walk to A.H. 98H318 ug. Bi Piano, laundry. Non-smoker pref. ------ - --- rom East Terms negotiable. We're desperate!. HLRNCMUIYCNE maser CALL 665-0242. 94Y320 has an opening half-time teaching hwasher,_907 _ position, full-time starting 1 for dU3 8 FEMALE NEEDED to share or 2 child care. Alternative education. peoplt to immediately sublet 1- $2.00 hr. Call Annie, 663-4392. tkovrbedroom apt. State and Packard 821H320 ake over Furnished. Rent negotiable. 665-. partment 4742 dY319 BAR WAITRI (male or female)- itioning, .. -. needed for downtown bar. Part- Close to WANTED NOW: one male for 3-man time, must be available immediate- 3375. apt. $65/month at Island Drive Apts. ly and through summer. No experi- 23U315 Call evenings, 662-5846 for more in- ence necessary. just COMMON fnn, 22Y4 SENS. Call_~12-6:30-- 668---- HELP WANTED all-day sessions. First meeting March 17. Offered through I Help's Counseling Division. No charge. If you're interested, cal 994-4357, leave name and num We particularly need men. 37 g is Drug lEAnOUS e aKSHOPforo - les, triangles, and individuals, March 21-23. Bob and Margaret Blood, 769-0046. 44FI321 1975 PIRGIM RENT SURVEYS ARE AVAILABLE at University Housing Office, the PIRGIM office (4106 Mi- chigan Union). and strewn around the U. 70F316 TEN - WEEK GROUP, gestalt'en- counter, focusing on relationship skills, now forming. We will meet Monday nights, 7:30-10:30 plus two EXCELLENT 2-bdrm. starter home.;c~tc AA's west side. 761-1784. 29R315 JOHN VACHON REAL ESTATE for sale by private ECTURES CANCELLED owner near U. of M. Biological Sta- tion in Emmet county. 40 vacant We regret to announce that Mr. wooded acres surrounded by State Vachon .has been hospitalized and and University land. $12,500.00 - his lecture program for this week is terms available. Write P.O. Box ill. cancelled. Petoskey, Michigan 49770. 63R314 School of Art 96F314 Where TENANTS rCOKA EIRT pt., A'C. .r hospi- 5482. 1513315 f fo, 22Y314 I 1 AT419~ MAY WE HELP YOU with your 1 non-prescription needs? Villag e nber. Apothecary. 1112 S. University. cFtc F316 DIRECT purchasing volume selling pon1 and marginal profits assure you sive. that your diamond will be an in- 9. vestnwnt at Austin Diamond, 1209 Ftc S. University, 663-7151. Ftc i -. GRAD STUDENT wanted to share house with piano fireplace. Own room. Beginning early May through -,""i G7 1Y1 0 ADDRESS ENVELOPES at home. $800 per month, possible. See ad under businessservices. Triple S. 88H316 UPTIGHT? Relax. use whirli Angela massages muscles. Exclu inexpensive. 971-6867 or 971-148 Why buy mass-produced WEDD BANDS? 9Hapviow iim 2-BEDROOM APT. Fal. Modern, { near campus. Ntgotiable. 665-7843. 680319 FURNISHED 4-bdrm. house near campus. $450 per month, 1 year lease beginning May 1. No pets. 769-3590. 62C316 1975 PIRGIM rent surveys are avail- able at University Housing Office, the PIRGIM office (4106 Michigan Union), and strewn around the U. 61C316 EXCELLENT LOCATION, next to new McDonald's on Maynard. Con- mercial space for rent. Inquire: 665- 6122. 74C314 LGE. EFFICIENCY APT. for rent. Close to campus, $155, furnished. Call Sue anytime, 663-7249. 640314 I and 2 BEDROOM apartments on campus. 1 year's lease available, May 1. 426-3724 evenings. 670316 ANOTHER QUIET, private town- house available immediately. In campus area. Full basement, patio, A/C, heat included. $225/mo. 763- 6269. 650319 DELUXE 2-BEDROOM apartment, 1% baths. Was $220 per month, now $170. March rent already paid. Call now, 481-1872. 66C320 SINGLE ROOM in North Campus Co-op. $125/mo. room and board. Call Ellen, Jeff, 663-6676. 320314 STRATFORD APARTMENTS is now taking applications for fall and summer rentals: One bedroom apts., $175. Modern 2-bdrm., $291-$300. See Apartments at 629 S. Forest No. 1, or call 994-5917 or 663-2709. Very close to campus. 900316 FEMALE: Own room, large co-op house with land. $80/mo. 1% mi. from campus. 763-6118. 300314 BARGAIN CORNER BASEMENT SALE: Household items and books. Sat. 10-6. 2950 Marshall St. (Platt-Packar darea). 72W315 , /IV I I IX IIex. 994-5437. 89U 3 6 f ur--lar-e-. A /C. o e For a Campus Apt. JUNE - AUGUST f rnis centra campus. b76: -6184 NEED FOR FALL, 2 females to share{ ;MnM yAYNARD HOUSE 17U315 modern 4-man apartment. Call Ca-i Offering Many furnished efficiency, on campus. - - hy, 764-5706. 78Y323 Additional Features Air conditioned. Laundry facilities 3-BEDROOM,tri-levefurnished -- MISCELANEOUS Call 92U320 CalZE, L UE- --- --- --- 9U EFFICIENCY APT.$115. Thompson ADVICE on gttting U-M in-state MA I Z E & BLU E SUNNY, QUIET room, 5 min. walk near Liberty. Call 663-5355, morn- residtney, Wed., March 19th, 7:30 to Diag, kitchen. 663-4869, 665-9370. ings. 38U316 p.m. Legal Aid Office, 4310 Michi- Mana emenCheap. 77U320 -n der ----mgan Union. 71M319 ___ _ _MAY-AUG. V2 modern 2-bedroom ___ 300 S. Thayer, Suite A 1-2PERSONS needed to sublet room apt., furnished, A'C, cable, parking. B~~~~C 7 - 3in 2-bedroom apartment, May-Aug. 7 min. to campus. 1-2 women or BUSINESS SERVICES Furnished (including: dishes, ap- couples. Rent negotiable. SusanT cCtc pliances . . .) A/C. free laundry 663-2910. 33U318 -TYPING call Nncy 764-9337 days and parking, low utilities, central 662-8142 evenings.79J318 41 t fl t { ! i - -. - - - - ..- - -- -- - - -ave your own unique e- OPPORTUNITY. sparetime, earn up sign created by Jhan. 769-7550. to $100 weekly in your home ad- cFtc dtressing circulars! List of firms. - with offers sent for just $2.00! Something green on Irish Day Guaranteed! W. G. Smith Enter- Will get you an Irish shot of prises, Box 561B31. Sunnyvale. Calif. tonic. UM Stylists at the Union. 94088. 64H314 cF316 OPPORTUNITY for partner in on- Get a strike with the Irish head going business. $2500-5,000 limit. pin and win a free game. 11 a.m.- Favorable leveraled position. All re- 6 p.m. Mon. Union Lanes. cF316 plies confidential. 071H315- --es .t-H Prepare for the MCAT, LSAT, DAT, CO-OP COORDINATOR. Evolving, and ATGSB. Money-back guaran- bi-national cooperative information tee. Test Center, 663-3598. cF314 organization seeks coordinator to - . - - - develop programs for education, STEVE'S LUNCH - Come communication, growth of consum- er cooperatives. For job description: for home cooking, breakfast North American Student Coopera- all day, great soups and egg tive Organization, Box 1301, Ann Arbor 48106. 663-0889. 09H312 rolls. 1-313 So. Universit. EFt PERSONA#L _ . _ fILLT T AIJT 1C I) l R) VV LT .TN'("S ING P. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS I 1-2-3 bedroom Townhouses avail- able, immediate occupancy. Stove, Refrigerator, Heat included. Low down payments, low monthly pay- ments/ Hrs. 9-5. Danbury Green Cooperative, 484-0371. cCtc FALL 2-BEDROOMS { Large, furnished, clean, quiet, park- ing. $300/mo. Year lease-927 S. Forest. Appointment after 5 p.m. 662-6156. eCtc NOW RENTING FOR FALL, Medical Center location, modern flats. Call McKinley Associates at 769-8520, ext. 41. cCtc Need Roommates and don't know anyone on campus? We will find you roommates location. Rent negotiable. 665-7882. ROOM AVAILABLE in modern 2-1- 93U316 bdrm. apt. for summer sublet near THE VEGETABLE UNION I Med. Center. Sue, 663-6528. dUl Is cooking good food and bringing MAY-AUGUST NO MICE, no bugs, no hassle. no fine music to the MICHIGAN UN- SUBLET takers . . yet. Sublet May 1-Sept SUN and food by Dan and Ed. o b Male needed for modern. 3-man apt. 1. Spacious BI-LEVEL w/spiral stair- TH E V EG ETABLE UN EION Close to campus, air conditioned, case. Furnished amply, free parking. .4VJTL4I parking, laundry. balcony. Rent ne- air cond. 2 bdrm. (2-4 man). Two 04 J314 gotiable. Call 663-8619 persistently. blocks from campus. Cable TV hook- d i6ubloyseyfmlmanagers SINUS CLINIC. 2000 Green Rd. 769- dU316 m5314. 75J318 - - ------- ----------__ __ Rent negotiable (but reasonable AVAILABLE NOW through August, Call evenings, 763-6456. 17U314 TYPING SERVICE by Jansuite master bedroom in nice modern 2- - TYPIG SERIE b g an Auit bdrm. furnished apt. Has A/C,4 LUXURIOUS 2-MAN:May-Aug. 405. City Center buihling, Ann Ar- porch, parking and is near campus. Furnished, air/cond., Cable TV, sun bor Mich. 48108. Office hours, 9-5 $120/month. 665-2545. 91U316 porch, parking, sliding glass doors, o'clock. Please phone 994-1123 18 Diag three blocks. $155. 663-7125. HOUSE: May-August. 6-10 people. 89U316 TYPING Reasonable prices. Call Full facilities available. 1 block t sbe2- TYPING. asnae 43J3.Cl 2 WOMEN NEEDED to sublet 2-! 761-6759 anytime.4J1 from Diag. 668-7574. 90U321 --3----. .. ----- -5---- 1bedroom apt. for May-Aug. Close to Y - - n m . D3Jor- SPACIOUS 1-bedroom apt. for sum- campus and hospital. Call 663-5659 TYPING done in my home. Doctor- mer sublet. Excellent location. 662- persistently. 53U318 and legal papers and resumes. 7 3779 evenings. 78U318.-. . - an leapprs ndeum.7 79 nns.-7 SPRING-SUMMERSUBLET: One- years experience. LBM selectric. Call SUMMER SUBLET - Two places bedroom. furnished. Rent negoti- Jeanette. 971-2463 after 5:30 p.m. (singles and half double) in spac- able. 1420 Henry. Call after six, 769- ious apt. in house. Parking, good 6077. 94U315ADDRESS ENVELOPES at home location. Price negotiable. 763-6311. . ...--.. . 4OU316 MAY-AUGUST. 1 or 2 persons want-' $800 per month possible. Offer-de- ed to sublet 1-bedroom apartment. tails send 50c i brefundabe) to: SPRING-SUMMER SUBLET. Large Modern bi-level, A/C, free parking, Triple S. 699-A7 Hwy. 138, Pinion 3-bedroom apartment, A/C, dish- near campus and IM. We are wait- HillsCa 92372.-87J318 washer, sauna. Parking and laundry ing to negotiate a price with you HT A I E C- facilities. Excellent location. Call 668-8939. dU321 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES OF- ..- FERED: Illustrations-dissertations. 994-0401. 59U319 ------- SUBLET: April 1. Large, furnished thesis, seminar papers, B/W photos, FREE SUBLET SERVICE efficiency on Third. $160/mo. in- color slides. 994-1038 eves. 93J316 cluding utilities, parking, laundry, FIREWOOD. $22 a cord, 434-4267: SUMMER SUBLETS AVAILABLE fall option. Call persistently, 665- FRsOOD.ght2ha corng.34-J267 Fully-furnished modern 2720. 61U314 also light hauling. 81J318 anartments and houses ' ' ALL CAMPUS singles bowling tour- nament. Sign up before March 20.! Union Lanes. cF316 BUY, SELL, APPRAISE Used and New Oriental Rugs. 320 E. Liberty, 769-8855. cFtc LOW COST COPIES FAST TWO MACHINES means no waiting CONVENIENT LOCATION right on campus THE COPY MILL 211 B So. State (near GINO'S) 662-3969a cF321 BILLIARDS AND BOWLING OPEN 11 A.M. TODAY MICHIGAN UNION cF315 TRAVELING EUROPE CHEAP THIS SUMMER? GET YOUR HOSTEL PASS SOON! For application and info on trips here and abroad, send self-address- ed, stamped, large envelope to Ann Arbor American Youth Hostels. c o L. M. Jacob 1831 Lake Lila B7, Ann Arbor. 48105 91F314 ''The Hot Dog Open". March 15-16. 9 ball tournament. U-M Union. REGENCY TRAVEL 601 E. WILLIAM ANN ARBOR 48104 665-6122 SPEC ISL I Z I NG in business interview trips MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY TRIP HOME RESERVATIONS NOW QUALITY DUPLICATING & OFFSET F.t Copy Service---Low Prices THE COPY MILL 211 1. S. State 662-3969 Campus i nea Ginost ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE COST: CAKED PATE OJE A NN - ' 2 A N R.EA R. N 0 E 1: C 0W A R D GANYMEDE RADIOS I N 0 ARE P E K E CARS S HEEREST CLARK SKORN R E H ST AN ANNA U L E SMO K Y WIGS B A Y S HO R E MOLE PEON LA.O B0DS 117 cF3l6 Q~ BtUMPER SlICKERS (cuson) oirinted Shale-U-wrait? MBL PRESS, 1217 t'rspct. Aran Arbor. 761 -0942. ci~tc ! t , .AIR hQi JO T t S T AHIS S .MEl ! z A -- CROSSWOR PUZZLE 3 { F 5 8 i i minutes to campus month single liability lease Excellent locations, near Campus and Hospitals CAMPUS RENTALS, LTD. S. University at Washtenaw 665-8825 r N t t t/'1 t't" I " " JACK'S MEN'S WEAR 118 E. WASHINGTON LEE DENIMS Large Serect ion HOODED SWEATSH I RTS ... $5.95 TURTLE NECKS . .$3.99 (Long Sleeves, Assorted Colors) CHAMBRAY SHIRTS FLANNEL SHIRTS v n l ve rSt Ty o O U r 1 Yta yi ycute ; Towers Apts. MODERN 2-man. May-Aug.Fr ed, A/C, free laundry, on campus. Negotiable. 769-3645. 63U314 536 S. Forest _ " - --- -- -- i 1 SUBLET: 1-bedroom apartment, Call 761-2680 I May-Aug. Campus. $145. 665-8435. cCtc I 50U315j I--------------- ------------~- WANTED TO RENT 1 MAN or EFFICIENCY APT. May 1- Dec. 31. 665-9609 evenings and week- ends. 76L320 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Efficiency or 1-bedroom apt. close to campus. Reasonable rate. DESPERATE. Call KC, 764-0558, Mon.-Fri., 10-3. I dL316 PHYSICIAN SEEKS 1-2 bedroom,A- fireplace. Hospital, Burns Park, Ar- boretum. Occupy, June 1. Rick, 761- 5678. 95L315 NEED A COPY FAST? Come to the COPY MILL! WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR COPYING NEEDS WHILE-U-WAIT LOW COST HIGH QUALITY QUlT SMOKING PROGRAM Trained professional offering. Unique assistance to help you stop smoking. Research project, very small fee e- quired. Program starting soon. Call Mary P. Rodgers, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. 663-5869. 87F316 i SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionols Button Fly Sta-Prest Bells LEVI"S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs i E I _ I a 1 t U U i 50c Off Medium 14" Pizza ONE ITEM OR MORE r S.Reqularfv $2.50 with cheese and sauce 75c Off Large 16" Pizza . j ONE ITEM OR MORE Reoularly $2.95 with cheese and sauce j Includes Mo7zerella Cheese and Sauce j EACH ADDITIONAL ITEM 40c' * SERVED DAILY 3-9 P.M. I I OLYMPIC RESTAURANT 221 N. MAIN f wwwm t 9 m a m.. mm mm.. a mmmm mm.. m t=mm mm. mm. 0 ma -. HOUSE, older apt. wanted. 3-4 bed- THE COPY MI L L rooms. Reward. Have info? CallTH CO Y M L Joanne. 665-0825. Leave message. 211 B So. State 0314 2 o tt --(near G INO'S) $30 REWARD for information lead- ( G ing to rental of 4-7 bedroom house. 662-396 Call 764-4940. 35L314 cJ318j1 FEMALE WANTS single room for TUTORING, EE, Statistics, Math, - fall, preferably co-ed house. Call Computers. Call Walt, 994-3594. Jtc Harriet at 665-0740. 02L315 -------- ------_ - G --~- ---- TYPING and EDITING. Call Jean, BIKES AND SCOOTERS '4-3594, 10 am 10 p.m. -c w BOTTECCHIA PROFESSIONAL. All PAPERS tradi Campagnolo with universal brakes. 60-cm frame unridden. 761-2761 or NOTES NJB 761-2544. 27Z314 11568. THESES FLIERS TH -! COPI ED This WH ILE-U-WAIT fi h0 " ""of t High Quality at pant Ocestra pand SLOW Cost ence. T C I time ITHEOPYMLL at UM STYLISTS at the Union 1 Open 8:30 A.M. Mon.-Sat. cF316 XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicatingj COPY QUICK 217 S. University 769-0560 WHY WALK FARTHER? et your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP DING INVITATIONS - Mod. or itional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc would like to meet NJG. 769- 994-3415. 31F314 GESTALT WORKSHOP MYSTICISM HE UNCERTAINTY OF BELIEF MARCH 15 and 16 $25 workshop will explore the areas uncertainty: the physical, the tal, and the emotional Partici- s will share their own experi- s, work on sensory awareness, on expressing feelings. Also for individual work. Anthony Cendra Parks 665-3221 761-9195 25F314 READ and USE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Copr.' ACROSS 44 1 Humid 45 5 Mails, in 46 Margate 47 10 Author Morris 14 Melville novel 55 15 Creamy white 56 16 Always 57 17 Lounge about 58 18 Coat part 19 Relative of the 59 franc 20 Flower for May: 60 Phrase 61 23 Butter used in 62 India 6<3 24 Time of day: Poet. 1 25 Contemporary of 2 Cezanne 3 28 Fatherly 4 33 Kind of acids in proteins 5. 34 Jeans 35 Gold in Granada 6 36 Wagers 7 37 Dress style 38 Cabbage salad 8 39 Spelling contest 9 40 Silly 41 "Thus - Zara- thustra" 10 42 Agent of an- noyance 11 75 Los Angces Times Showered Short sleep Warning device Hawaii's state flower Florence's river Malted Shade Nurse shark of the Atlantic Former German 12 13 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 coin 31 Turnstile sign Retired 32 Sound of derision34 Bandicoots 37 DOWN 38 Pretty child 4 Mine: Fr. 40 Defoe heroine 41 Many-sided 43 figures 44 Indulge in petty 46 theft 47 Egg-shaped College student, 48 for short 49 Shoe or family 50 Heroine of Roland's "The 51 Romancers" Sam, in "Pick- 52 wick Papers" 53 Satan's work 54 Dry Salver River or state Prayers Religious leader Arabian chieftain Saltpeter Decorate Actress Bancroft Actor Lloyd Slanted, as a ship's funnels Mooed Set up itinerary Feet, in prosody Yesterday's bachelor girl Type style: Abbr. Hindu garment Incursion Actor Redford Man on the road One type of epic writing Zodiac sign Status quo - Common con- junction. Headwear for an angel The hip joint Part of BTU Theatrical scenes 10 ,11 12 13 I ft 10 2 3 d4 5 18 21 23 26 127 37 i ' y 211 B So. State (near GINO'S) 662-3969 CJ320 i i 214 sE _ __ ___ i 33 36 UZ 35 Flannel Shirts from 2.00 Graduate I THE UNIQUE VISION Plaid Pants ......4.00 -m 1 1 ffAo i Plaid Pants .... 4.001 _-.....1 _....! Al I 1 I