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March 12, 1975 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1975-03-12

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See Editorial Page

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Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 127

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 12, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




t i
Construction OK'd
City Council finally approved a site plan Mon-
day night for a $4 million federal office building
on Liberty St. Controversy has surrounded the
proposed building since its inception since the
plans require tearing down the Masonic Temple
for parking space. One of the major functions of
the building will be to serve as a new Post Of-
fice headquarters.
Credit cut banned
Now that GEO's no-reprisals-against-undergrads
demand has been accepted by bargainers for the
University, it's sort of a moot point, but Residen-
tial College (RC) director Marc Ross has circu-
lated a memo among RC staff which planned to
reduce credit for students if the class cancellations
had continued after spring break. The memo,
dated March 6, reads in part, "If, because the
strike is still unsettled, you will not resume the
teaching of your classes, please let us know so
that we can work out some equitable reduction in
credit for those students affected by your continued
absence." The subject of the memo was labeled,
"Obligation to Students during GEO Strike."
Candidate quits
Richard Ankli ("the Fool") officially withdrew
from the race for councilperson of Ann Arbor's
second ward today. Off and running is Frank
Shoichet, the Human Rights' Party's (HRP) re-
placement on the ticket. However, he'll have to get
at least 300 signatures down to city hall by Friday
to be on the ballot. An HRP spokesman forsees no
problem in this, "We're going to try and get at
least a thousand names."
Chairpersons called for
University Activities Committee (UAC) senior
officers are now taking applications for chairper-
sons to head UAC committees for next year. You
could be in charge of such activities as MUSKET
or future worlds. For more information call 763-
1107, or stop by the UAC offices on the second
floor of the Michigan Union.
are on the serious side today . . . the
Wounded Knee Offense /Defense Suport Commit-
tee will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 25 of Angell
Hall. Anyone interested may attend . . . Steve
Crow, a Cherokee poet, will read from his own
work at 8:00 p.m. at 1'ingr Chnrlv's, 705 West
Cross St. in Ypsilanti. The reading is Dart of the
Native American Heritage Festival. For further
information, call Alietha Helbig at 487-0138 or 971-
2694 . . . "Vales in Personal Relationhins" will
be the topic of discussion at a noon Ilmcheon in
the Guild House, 802 Monroe . . . Prof. Dorothea
Jameson of Colnhia university will present the
John F. Shepard Memorial Lecture on "Color
Vision: Mechanisms, Models and Perceptions" in
the Rackham Amphitheatre at 3:45 p.m. The event
is sponsored by the Psychology Department . . .
those interested in the "Festival of Life" sched-
uled for April 11, 12, 13 in the Arb should attend
an organizational meeting this evening at 6 p.m.
at 719 Spring St . .. a panel discussion on 'Con-
temporary Ethics of Criminal Law" will take
place in Rm. 120 of Hutchins Hall at 7:30 p.m.
and, for art lovers, there will be an exhibition
and sale of original Oriental art at the Union Gal-
lery from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The exhibit is
being given by Marson Ltd. of Baltimore, and will
last until Friday.
Cigarettes unsafe
Cigarette smoking by a pregnant woman may
substantially reduce movements of her unborn
child that will enable it to breathe properly at
birth. According to the study in The British Medi-
cal Journal, as few as two cigarettes caused an
immediate 25 per cent drop in the breathing move-
ments of 18 fetuses. Though an unborn child does
not inhale air, the flexing and stretching of its
breathing muscles is essential in its preparation
for the time when it will exist independently out-
side the mother.

On the inside...
. Sports Page features a review by Rick
Bonino and Jon Chavez of Michigan's perform-
ance at last week's Big 10 wrestling meet in Co-
lumbus . . . Arts Page includes the weekly food
column by Robin Hergott, which focuses on pie
this issue . . . and the Editorial Page features a
story by Richard Boyle on U. S. supplies to Cam-
On the outside...
Big storm? A massive winter storm over the


With a defiant proclama-
tion that "this is only the
beginning," t h e member-
ship of the Graduate Em-
ployes' Organization (GEO)
voted overwhelmingly last
night to begin a two-day
contract ratification v o t e
and to return to the job,
bringing t h e i r month-old
strike to an end.
Results of the ratifica-
tion vote will be announced
tomorrow night. If the vote
is affirmative, the strike
will reach its official con-
clusion and the contract,
the final product of nine
months of negotiations, will
go into effect.
A TENTATIVE agreement on
all contractural i s s u e s was
r e a c h e d by the bargaining
teams for the University and
the GEO on Sunday.
However, the GEO stood firm
on its demand that the admin-
istration make a statement of
policy to the effect that no aca-
demic reprisals would be taken
against strikers or undergradu-
ates who supported the walk-
out, and the strike dragged on
for 48 more hours as the Uni-
versity considered the union's
GEO leaders declared glee-
fully to their amassed mem-
bers at the Union last night that
the University was forced to
capitulate on the issue due to
intense pressure caused by
stepped-up GEO picketing yes-
"I THINK the militant pic-
keting today really helped put
us over the top," said GEO
spokesman David Gordon late
yesterday afternoon.
University President Robben
Fleming refuted this claim
with a chuckle last night:
"That's a figment of their
imagination," he said. "That
didn't have anything to do with
it. Today was really the first
time I saw it (the finalized de-

mand) and when we did, (he
and Vice - President for Aca-
demic Affairs Frank Rhodes),
we agreed that was a reason-
able proposal."
FLEMING went on to say that
the matter could not possibly
be covered in a contract since it
is not related to a condition of
employment, but that as a gen-
eral statement of policy is could
be accepted.
An atmosphere of relief per-
vaded the mass meeting of ap-
proximately 500 tired GEO

strikers. With repeated bursts
of applause for speaking lead-
ers the membership appeared
content with the contract agree-
nent and anxious to return to
the ,job.
"The fact is we won a tre-
mendous victory," declared
Gordon at a raucous GEO party
after the mass meeting. "We
organized, we won demands,
and we set up the basis for a
strong union.
"I ADMIT the contract's not
See GEO, Page 7

F1ew gripes cited as
union members go
back to classroom

Jubilant GEO members applaud the union's decision last night at the Union to begin a con-
tract ratification vote.

Graduate Employes' Organi-
zation (GEO) rank - and - file
members were, for the most
part, satisfied with the tenta-
tive c o n t r a c t yesterday, al-
though many have reservations
about certain clauses.
But despite their reservations,
the picketers appeared enthu-
siastic about returning to class.
members was summed up by
Mike Shane, a teaching fellow
in physics, when he stated, "I'm
not satisified but I'll settle for
it." He added his personal pref-
erence was for stronger agency
shop and class size clauses.
John Schafer agreed adding,
"We got a deal we can live
Despite dissatisfaction with
portions of the contract, no
clear consensus emerged as the
worst clause of the agreement.
WHILE SOME members con-
sidered the agency shop clause
weak, others are glad it was
included at all.
"Now that we have agency
shop, we know there will be a
union next year," stated Marti

While walking the picket line
yesterday, Dennis Moore com-
mented, "The monetary in-
creases became of secondary
importance to agency shop. We
went for a strong union over
personal gain."
freezes graduate tuition while
increasing teaching assistant's
pay. David Warren stated this
recognition by the University
that graduate employes must
return much of their compen-
sation in the form of tuition was
a major achievement.
One striker who refused to
give his name voiced a minority
sentiment: "They can take their
contract and shove it. It stinks."
He went on to say he believed
the union should have demand-
ed a 25 per cent pay increase
instead of the 5.6 increase that
the union agreed to. All other
issues, he felt, should have been
This opinion was countered by
Michele Hoyman, a member of
the GEO bargaining team. "On
economics we did better than
anticipated considering the Uni-
versity's budget problems."

Lon Not go vt.

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (R)
- President Lon Nol fired his
commander in chief and jug-
gled his government yesterday
as Cambodia staggered under
the weight of the rebels' dry
season offensive.
Premier Long Boret resigned
but Lon Sol quickly asked him
to form a new cabinet. Diplo-
matic sources said the shuffle
could be the first step toward
the ouster of Lon Nol himself.
IN OTHER major develop-
ments related to Cambodia:
-The emergency U.S.-financ-
ed airlift into beisieged Phnom
Penh was reduced to high
priority items because of heavy

shelling of the city's airport.
American officials said the
cargo planes were still moving
ammunition and fuel but rice
flights were suspended and de-
liveries were 15 per cent under
Monday's total;
-A Senate Foreign Relations
subcommittee in Washington
voted to grant Cambodia $125
million in supplementary mili-
tary aid. But a House subcom-
mittee reportedly deadlocked
over the issue and postponed
further action until today. The
figure approved by the Senate
subcommittee was a compro-
mise from the $222 million or-
iginally requested by President

to tte rs
Ford. The lower figure was
suggested by the administra-
tion, subcommittee members
said, as a means of carrying
the Lon Nol government
through the current dry season;
-Sen. John Tower (R-Texas)
said the collapse of the Cam-
bodian government is "immi-
nent" and could come within
days. Tower made the comment
after meeting with Defense
Secretary James Schlesinger,
but the senator made it clear
he was giving his own view;
-President Ford's spokes-
man Ron Nessen said the U. S.
Embassy in Phnom Penh had
"suggested" that nonessential
Americans leave the capital. He
said there areabout 400 Ameri-
cans in the capital and "very
few" would be involved in the
V i e t n a m a Saigon mili-
tary spokesperson said, "Com-
munist forces have launched a
nationwide military campaign."
At least three district capitals
were captured by communist
troops and the fate of two oth-
ers was unknown. But the ma-
jor battle was building around
Ban Me Thuot, a forest-rimmed
city with a population of 165,-
000 persons in the central high-

Food Week begins with Future
Worlds panel; workshops set


Food Week, sponsored by the Food Action
Coalition (FAC), is now underway with workshops
and panel discussions scheduled to continue until
Saturday. Campus activities centering on global
food issues were kicked off Monday night by a
Future World's panel.
FAC, a community and student organization
concerned with nutrition and health issues, has
planned Food Week to educate and get people
actively involved in helping to alleviate the
world-wide food crisis.
"WE ARE ALL united in one common bond,
we like to eat," commented Phil Kritner, doc-
toral student in the Environmental Advocacy
Program, as he introduced the fellow panel
Alan Berg, author of Nutrition Factor, stressed
that the food shortage is serious but must be put
into perspective. "We must try to dispell grow-

ing hopelessness which produces inertia," he
"If there is a holocaust, it will be a man-made
holocaust," he added, explaining that "needy
countries" have the ability to control massive
malnutrition if aided by more "well-off nations."
WORLD-WIDE respect and cooperative atti-
tudes were advocated by Dr. George Silver, Pub-
lic Health professor from Yale, who recalled his
personal experiences in the sub-Saharan coun-
"Fertilizers used for our golf courses and and
lawns should instead go to countries in need of
these things," he explained.
Turning off the microphones and asking the
audience at Hill Auditorium fill the front seats,
Carter Schelling from Ecology Action in Cali-
fornia opened his speech screaming, "Personal
agriculture is where it is!" He pointed out that
See FOOD, Page 7

elley terms
By DAVID WHITING - unteer der
i- sons- w
The State Attorney General's Office in- door regis
formed City Council Monday that the door- tion sites
to-door voter registration proposal on the Governo
April ballot is illegal and "conducive of endorse t
election fraud." Attorney
An opinion issued by Attorney General mendation
Frank Kelley and Asst. Attorney General proved.
Louis Porter states that the ballot proposal However
violates state law. City Attorney Ed Pear Milliken's

voter plan illegal

puty registrars - about 660 per-
ho could then engage in door-to-
tration and create voter registra-
anywhere within the city.
r William Milliken refused to
he ballot issue following Assistant
General Louis Porter's recom-
that the proposal not be ap-
r neither Porter's opinion nor
refusal to endorse the voter reg-

HOWEVER, Larry Moloney, who drafted
the proposal, said he fears the Attorney
General's opinion will influence voters..
"We will do the best we can to overcome
this setback," he commented.
Moloney refuted Porter's statement say-
ing, "We strongly feel the voter registra-
tion proposal is legal."
The Attorney General's Office cited the
ballot issue is illegal because:
-it violates state law by requiring the

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