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January 14, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-01-14

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311e icd id Dailu
Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

e tteis




Tuesday, January 14, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104


\: \ \ \N /1 \ i \V ir , "'' IA '
~ ~x
~ ~ ~ k ' Pbhisher--tal Synd etft 1974,
Inflation is all your fault because you won't stop spending
money on food, clothing and shelter.'

To The Daily:-
THIS IS AN open le
public, to remind you
people didn't have th
Christmas they could
One and one halfa
fore Christmas ourg
triever was untied a
from our yard. Doe
know what it is like
warm and happy fam
ber by a "DogNappe
like to know what ca
about this. How ma
have been victims of
occurence? Are there
on how many dogsa
each year in this ar
are they stolen? Ha
ever been investigatio
this type of crime?I
just a few of the m
tions unanswered to u
anyone care?
We believe that t
not be allowed to co
that something hasg
done now. Please, if
concerned or have an
actual information on
occurences, could we
you? We'd be gratefu
help and perhaps som
be learned to preven
pening to others.
-Richard andJ
To The Editor:
exhorts us on the bles
free, open-ended educ
society, may I draw
tention to a recent m
Richard C. Daggett,
Personnel Admimstra
memo purports to dea
recent increase ini
University property. I
security measures a:
among which are:
* The Security forc
responsibility and the
to inspect packages,
lunch boxes and other
by making periodic ex
tions either on an all
or individual at rand
This includes packag
tions in University
0 Missing items and
ed' persons must be re
the immediate super
soon as possible . . .
officers and supervis
the responsibility and
to obtain the name an
and to question the n
business of any person
pears 'suspicious' or
ized to be in the Hosp
everybody affected by t
tive to ignore it and
possible not to comply
inspections that may
of them. This kind of i
and behavior smacks o
state, and while most o
the University has us
by the balls in any
there is no reason
should comply with it
its grip. Any tightera
be sterile. A few qusti
as "Who is a suspic
son?", "What is the
random individual ch
and most importantly,
spects the Security m
quite to the point. Se
the Hospital are hard
suspicion, as anyone w
these men would confi
not, never has been, a
will be difficult to smu
perty out of the Hospi
one who works hereI
thousand ways to do it,
it in small ways, fram
sweepers to Departmen
The police state menti
quired by Administra
combat theft is frighten
implications and must b
I wonder if anyone c

with the Law School he
be interested in challen
"authority" supposedly
ed by Security to susp
barrass, harass, discomi
insult anyone leavingt
pital at will. Is there
to respect for the rig
vacy, decency, and int
the individual, or wil
eventually be trained
that we're not really
folks until we allow th
fingers of Security tod
over our bodies and
personal lives? I say d
curity and d'amn those
those cattle more than
ing glance.
-Name witheld by
December 11
To The Daily:
ple's Friendship Assoc
Ann Arbor were very dis
ed to read in the D
6th Daily that U-M P
Robben Fleming has
to attack the Chinese
tional system. It is v
fortunate that Presiden
ing has chosen to repe
of the most well known
tions of the Chinese so
tem. To get an under
of what i s ninrr nn i

napper to the following: 1) students
are selected on the basis of
tter to the their political attitude toward
that some the present government and its
e merriest policies; 2) students are given
hmerr.t few academic options, told to
weeks be- study in "X" areas, serve the
golden re- people, and then assigned a
and stolen job at the end of three years;
-s stoe 3) professors who espouse other
to lose a philosophies than the govern-
ily mem- ment no longer work on the
r"? We'd faculty; 4) China has no gradu-
n be done ate schools.
ny people THE PICTURE painted by Pre-
this cruel sident Fleming is very gloomy.
statistics It would seem that the people
are stolen have no say in the education
ea? Why of China's youth, that a grey
ve tnere bureaucracy runs China's back-
ns done in ward universities. The facts
These are are quite different. University
any ques- students are chosen by their
a. Does fellow workers, peasants and
neighbors, on the basis of who
is should has shown a real desire to
tinue and serve the interests of the peo-
got to be ple and put their own interests
you are second. The Chinese do not be-
v idea or lieve that "academic achieve-
these sad ment" should be the primary
hear from factor in choosing university
l for any students; this leads to elitism
ething can and encouraged selfish atti-
t it hap- tudes among students. The Chi-
nese workers and peasants nat-
Jeanne urally want the students they
send to the universities to be
people who are devoted to the
control masses of people, not to their
own careers.
T Fleming The question of "academic
sings of a options" is closely connected
ation and to the previous question. Areas
some at- of study are closely related to
emo from the actual needs of the people.
Hospital Since China is a poor country,
tor. This her people have naturally con-
1 with the centrated their educational ef-
thefts of forts in areas that will directly
n it new help to transform China into an
re stated, industrially and agriculturally
advanced country. The tremen-
e has the dous progress that China is
authori4y making is due to the heroic
b a g s , struggle of Chinese workers
containers and peasants, and the great con-
it inspec- tributions that educated youth
inclusive are making in industry and ag-
om bAsis. riculture. China can not afford
e inspec- the luxury of spending enormous
Parking resources on "pure research"
or on educational programs un-
'suspect- related to the life of the peo-
ported to ple. However, the Chinese do
visor as feey they need political educa-
Security tion where the ideas of the new
ors have society are explored and de-
aurmority veloped. This is not limited to
d address the universities - it permeates
ature of Chinese society.
unauthor- President Fleming raised was
,ital. . the disappearance from the uni-
versities of professors who es-
nc)urage pouse "other philosophies"
his direc- than the government's. The fact
if at all of the matter is that during the
witn any cultural revolution many high
be asked government officials including
nspection the President, as well as many
f a police professors and university offic-
f us kn"1w ials found themselves under at-
generally tack by students, peasants and
situation, workers. The people demanded
wh,, we that all officials be accountable
to tigten to them. In many places the uni-
and we'll versities were centers of ca-
ons, such reerism and elitism. For this
ious per- reason the universities were
basis of shut down and political strug-
ecking?", gle raged for quite some time.
"Who m- As a result, many professors
en?" are were helped to change their
curity at attitudes, and those who re-
ly above fused were no longer allowed to
ho knows teach. The Chinese call this
rm. It is "mass democracy" and they
nd rever see it as a necessary deterrent
ggle pro- to rule by an elite.
tal. Any- Lastly, President Fleming
knows a mentioned that China has no
and does graduate study program, and
n 1 o o r "liberal arts" students study
It Heads. for only three years and physi-
:aity re- cal science students for three
tion to and one-half. The reason for
ing in its this lies in the fact that the
e fought. Chinese are working hard to
onnected build up their country. They

re would feel that by concentrating their
ngi'ig the education and focusing on the
y claim- current needs of the people,
S:t, em- they can move their country
ifort, and forward. Therefore, through-
the Hos- out China the i universities are
no lijmiit closely linked with local indits-
hts, pri- try and agriculture and health
egeity of care.
to think is being carried on in two na-
decent tional centers: the center for
e grubby national defense research and
dance all the national academy of sci-
into our ence. These centers have car-
Iumn Se- ried on uninterrupted research
who give on a very advanced level. If
a pass- President Fleming doubts
China's achievements in this
y request area he should ask himself how
China has been able to launch
a heavy satellite into outer-
Ch.na space, produce Atomic bombs,
Chin and synthesize insulin for the
first time in hnman history -
ina Peo- all without U. S. or Soviet as-
iation of sistance. The great advances
sappoint- that have been made in surgi-
ecember cal techniques and acunmncture
?resident testify to the great wisdom of
seen fit the Chinese people as well as
educa- China's ability in modern sci-
very un- ence.
it Flem- FINALLY, WE AGREE with
at some President Fleming that normal-
n distor- ization of relations between the
cial sys- U. S. and China will be diffi-
standing cult without settling the crucial
n China n otinr i rf Taiwan and . S.

implementation of the Paris
Peace Agreement.
U.S. - China People's
Friendship Association
December 9
To The Daily:
THIS IS IN response to David
Warren's anti-hunting article
which appeared in the Michigan
Daily on November 9.
Warren simply doesn't under-
stand the facts of life and pop-
ulation dynamics. He believes
that outlawing hunting will re-
duce pain and cruelty to ani-
mals. He conveniently o v e r-
looks the fact that death is part
of the life cycle in nature and
that it is rarely gentle. Death
in the wild is inflicted by star-
vation, disease, predation, fight-
ing, and accidents. In human
terms any of these mortality
factors are usually violent and
cruel. Watching a predator tear-
ing apart a live rabbit or bird
isn't exactly a pretty sight, nor
is observing a near-starved deer
wallowing in deep snows.
The questions to consider are:
(1) do we choose to systema-
tically harvest annual surplus
game and fur crops, or (2) do
we choose to allow surplus ani-
mals to be destroyed by preda-
tion, disease, starvation or ac-
EACH YEAR game animals
produce more young than the
habitat can support and hunting
makes it possible to harvest sur-
plus animals. Animals which
cannot withstand hunting a r e
protected year-round by state
and in some instances federal
laws. If surplus game animals
are not removed by hunting,
they become victims of these
decimating factors. During the
1947-48 winter an estimated 59,-
900 deer starved in Michigan.
They died because of severe
weather conditions and over-
protection from hunters. I wn-
der how Mr. Warren w o 1 d
have solved such a problem?
Hunting and fishing are part
of this country's heritage. These
sports are not for everyone, but
then not everyone enjoys golf,
basketball, football, or danc-
Contrary to Mr. Warren's
opinion, hunting is a relatively
safe sport. In 1972, on a per
hor basis, riding in a car was
5.4 times more deadly than the
average for all kinds of hunting
in Michigan.
I resent Mr. Warren present-
ing his opinions as facts.
-Charles Schick
Jan. 13
Editor's note: Since several
readers have made this sort of
comment recently, it is appro-
priate to note that editorials,
especially on the left side of
this page, are ALWAYS opin-
ions. Facts are occasionally in-
eluded to support an opinion. A
simple equation to remember:
in any news medium, an editor-
ial is an opinion.
p ropagand
To The Daily:
MARNIE HEYN wrote, in her
editorial, "Bring the Propa-
ganda Home," that Robben
Fleming doesn't know how fun-
ny he is. I maintain that Heyn
doesn't know how funny she is.
To imply that American s t u-
dents cannot get an education
unless they subscribe to their
(the government's) political
philosophy (Fleming's w o r d s
on China), is not simply to ex-
aggerate; it's to almost com-
pletely ignore facts.

Fleming reported that one of
the three .qualifications for en-
try into a Chinese university
was belief in the government's
philosophy. Does Heyn want to
suggest that that is a qualifica-
tion in this country as well? I
can only speak for myself, but
less than two years ago I was
accepted for admission by three
universities in three different
states and none of them had, as
a condition for that acceptance,
a mandatory allegiance to capi-
talism or democracy or the Con-
stitution or anything. None of
them even asked what my opin-
ions on those subjects were.
NEXT IHEYN tries to find sim-
ilnrities between the Chinese
system and our system of de-
termining a student's academic
proeram. Perhaps I have been
overlookRd in some bureaucratic
mixun, but no one has ever
"told" me what my major will
or should be or even what
courses I should take and I do
not expect that anyone ever will.
Yes, the nropaganda has been
broulht home and put on the
editorial page of the Daily.
Pronoganda is the word for half
truths, misrepresentation, and
distortion of fact and anneal to
vague fears and paranoia, isn't
-Andrew M. Zerman
December. 10

interested in hearing how one
"college graduate" has been
faring in the "real world."
Dear Mr. Neil:
As you say in the form letter
sent me as an alumna for the
purpose of soliciting funds for
the University, I will aiways
feel a tie to U-M because the
four years I spent in Ann Ar-
bor were important ones in my
development as an artist and
a pers6n. It is, I suppose, to be
assumed that my college educa-
tion has so well prepared me for
success in the field of my choos-
ing that although I have betn
a Michigan graduate only since
May of this year, I am already
being asked to contribute money
to my alma mater. I feel it ne-
cessary to give you a personal
reply to your form letter instead
of the expected check in the
envelope provided for that pur-
I'M NOT sure how typical I
am as a Michigan graditire, but
I think there are certa~uly many
who are in my position. 1 grad-
uated from A. & i). with a
Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
cum laude, came back to Phil-
adelphia thinking there would
be a large employment merket,
and was unable to find employ-
ment in my field.
The reasons for this are (1)
the national economy's iob rar-
ket is continually hrinking to
create a large rate of unemploy-
ment: (2) the job market in
Philadelphia is worse than
would be expected in such a big
city: (3) no one in my family
has influential conections in this
city which would nraw'de me
with employment; (4) the field
of art, never one with abundant
job opportunities, is nractically
devoid of such: (5) thos people
getting the few jobs th t are
available are those w:rn years
of experience at the particular
tyne of work and or those with
highly specialized training in
the field.
having j-st gradla-ed from
college with work-; u1v em-
nloyment and summer ciarical
jobs on my resume, I cannot
comnete. In an earlier bo rcing
economy, employers could af-
ford to snend a little e x t r a
money to train some me who
wold soon be doing valuable
work for the comnanv. Jnw it
is more imnortant {o have ex-
perience than talent. And all
this this above and i-cxond the

basic inequity in the lot of
the visual artist in contempar-
ary society which does not al-
low him/her to survive without
spending most of his/her val-
eable, potentially creat*ve t me
doing work for someone else
that may sometimes be enjoy-
able but rarely is as artistically
satisfying as original, personal
works of art.
YOU MAY BE wondering what
the point of al this it is it
simply to enable you to under-
stand why I am not giving the
University any money. I am
presently working as a substi-
tute art teacher for the Phil-
adelphia Board of Education for
$80=$115 a week and have very
little money to spend on any-
thing other than necessities. I
make most of my clothes a n d
live in an old house near the
University of Pennsylvania very
reminiscent of the student hous-
ing in Ann Arbor. I want to go
back to school sometime i-1 the
near future to get by M.F.A.
This will probably be the only
chance I'll get again to spend
as much time as I want doing
art work, but at a dear mrice:
witness ever-rising college tii-
tions. And the question is:
when I have that degree, will
I have any better chance of
getting ajob T want? Mean-
whil , the American farce goes
on. A product of the evervone-
sh rtld-gcr-to- olleae ta-get-a-bet-
ter-iob myth has gone to college
and become, financially if not
in any other way, a member of
the vast lower class. Intellec-
tfallv I cannt really believe
t'ha't I can't afford to live in a
dubiously desirable middle-
cla-s style: it does not seem
re-i that there should be such
a di-hptoniv between my self-
imbte and my social status.
PT EASE do not send me any
more requests for mon:v. I oe
not know when I will ever be
ab)le to givre you money, but I
assure von that althnih I see
the need for wide-ranging in-
nrovements in U-M administra-
tive and academic systems, I
would be glad to belp the Uni-
veritv financiplly if I w, re able
to do so. Until I do, please di-
vert the mones, naoer. time and
enerpy used in contacting me to
a worthier purpose.
-Gloria Gardinerr
November 23

discrimination correspondence

Blue ribbon panel to investigate CIA

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To The Dailv:
dance department, I read with
great surprise your January 12
article about Michael Mears
and his claims of discrimination
against male students in the
U-M dance department. The in-
accuracies in the article beg
for correction.
Although Michael will be the
first male graduate student to
be graduated in dance, the
dance department has trained
male dancers to the point of pro-
fessionalism.'\Male dancers are
in great demand and U-M-
trained male dancers were ac-
cepted into the ranks of pro-
fessional dance long before their
equally skilled female counter-
parts. Male dancers have been
prominently featured in depart-
ment concerts far out of pro-
portion to their numbers.
Michael curiously neglects to
mention that he is one of two
male graduate students and
that there are six male under-
graduate majors. Neither is any
mention made of the important
fact that one of the four full-
time. faculty members of the
dance department is male.
cuss the selection of students
for repertory classes for this
semester. Every male dance
major who auditioned was ac-
cented. This is affirmative ac-
tion, particularly since only ap-
proximately 25 per cent of the
women were accepted. Men are,
in fuct, encouraged to dance
and perform.
Michael's description of the
role of men in dance as one of
"support for women" is very
much derived from ballet. The
U-M dance department has a
contemporary dance orientation
and men are in no way relegat-
ed to secondary positions. Mi-
chael offers no suggestions for
snecific dance courses for men.
His characterization of male
movement as "faster and more
forceful than that of female
,-in rr' 10 "a n elfr.nrrr

To The Daily:
furnished cell, alone, friend-
less and heavy from toil. Block-
ing my path stands the chilly
iron statue of blind justice rest-
ing on the rock of tradition.
What human power can thaw
just a little of this iron lady so
that the milk of human kind-
ness may flow from her breast?
What human power can set her
cold heart beating with the
warmth of human mercy and
I - James Wilkerson - am
weary of body and mind; only
my heart beats bravely on after
four years of incarceration, hop-
ing against hope that some
day its sturdy beats will ham-
mer out a place for me. Today
I am not a criminal; my only
ambition is to become a useful
member of society.
If I could find some friends
to write me letters, this would
be total reward for my incar-
ceration. All letters received
will be promptly answered.
James Wilkerson
Box 787
L'easville, Ohio
To The Daily:
I am a lonely man (incarcer-
ated) and desire to have some
friends to correspond with. I
am a sincere man with varied
interests in life, and am in
need of some "real friends."
Perchance this ad will find
someone who is interested in
writing to me and sharing their
thought with me. All letters
will be promptly answered.
David H. Bell 132-335
P.O. Box 787
Lucasville, Ohio
January 13

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Letters to The nniv chmkid

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