See Editorial Page
i I
Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXV, No. 125
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 28, 1975
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
926 and 792...
. . . are this week's winning numbers in the
state lottery. The Jackpot gold ticket numbers
are: six-digit 084717; five-digit 26567; three-digit
945. Lottsa luck. Keep tryin' and buyin'.
Jobless rate up
Ranks of the jobless swelled to 12.5 per cent in
Washtenaw County last month, according to data
released by the state government Wednesday. That
marks an increase of some three per cent over
December's figure - the highest monthly increase
ever recorded in the county. Thus of the civilian
labor force here of 119,400 persons nearly 15,000
were out of work last month.
No thanks
A senior at Pioneer High School Wednesday re-
fused to accept a good citizen award presented to
her by the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolution because she
contends the group has taken a racist position
with regard to minorities. Lynette Allison, a black,
said she did not want to be a token. A DAR spokes-
woman denied the group has ever shown racist
Open again
The two Vaudeville Delicatessens which the In-
ternal Revenue Service shut down earlier this
month have both reopened for business. Leonard
Dennison, the owner of the restaurants, explained
that h was forced to file under Chapter 11 of the
Federal Bankruptcy Act, which pertains to Debtor
in Possession. This form of reorganization, he said,
assures that all creditors will eventually be paid.
But you can expect to fork over an extra nickel
or dime for most of the delis' items: Dennison
said the price increases were necessary to make
sure the restaurants remain profitable.
Dope note
A two-and-a-half pound cake allegedly flavored
with marijuana was being held as evidence yester-
day against five people charged with violation of
state narcotics laws near Grand Rapids. Kent
County deputy sheriff's raided a home in the area,
confiscated the cake at a birthday party, and then
arrested four men and a woman. No report on who
blew out the candles.
Students in the WATFIV sections of Computer
and Communication Sciences sections 273, 274, 493,
and 494, tapes of a lecture series by Prof. Brice
Carnahan are scheduled for Tuesday through
Thursday next week from 3-5 p.m. in 2076 Frieze
Bldg. Further lecture tapes will be prepared, if
the GEO strike continues.
C'mon Jack
Jack Nicholson said yesterday he is bored with
being a perpetual nominee for the Oscar award
but will accept the prize and consider it an honor
if he finally wins this year for his role as a private
detective in "Chinatown." But Nicholson, nomi-
nated three times already, said he would carefully
avoid trying to win the prize by promoting him-
self through advertising or public appearances
while voting for the award is in progress. "I would
hate it if I won that way," said Nicholson who has
previously been nominated for "Easy Rider,"
"Five Easy Pieces" and "The Last Detail."
. with vacation approaching happenings have
been cut to a trinkle . . . they start off with a
non-happening: Ramblin' Jack Elliot will not ap-
pear at the Ark this week-end as previously an-
nounced . . . Today at noon David DiChera, direc-
tor of the Detroit Music Hall, will give a talk at
the Pendleton Arts Center on the second floor ofo
the Union . . . the African Students' Films will
present a free showing of Civil Rights Move-
ments; The Ku Klux Klan's Invisible Empire in
Lecture Rm. 1 MLB at 8 p.m. . . . today through
Sunday the eighth annual Ann Arbor Antique Fair
and Sale will be held at the Holiday Inn West on
Jackson Rd . . . Sunday at 7 p.m. David's Books
will host a masquerade party at the store, 529
E. Liberty St. Guests should dress as books, titles,
or authors and the public is invited.
On the inside...
. . . the Editorial Page features Paul O'Donnell
writing about the French transit system . . . Arts
Page presents Cinema Weekend . . . and it's hoc-
key on the Sports Page as Brian Deming takes
a look at the upcoming series and the WCHA play-
(ln th p nnrtldo _-
unit talks
over dorn
The Housing Unit Committe
(HUC) yesterday held a las
minute session before sprir
break to discuss several pry
posals designed to deal with tI
problem of students who wisht
return to the dorms, but f
whom there is no space.
The squeeze on Universit
housing is the result of an i
creased number of freshma
dorm applications, and affec
1,000 students. University polic
is to guarantee incoming sti
dents space in the residenc
suggested that each dorm hol
a lottery to determine priorit
for rooms.
University Housing Count
President Dan Berland's sugge
tion was to augment a systei
giving decreasing priority c
the basis of class. Sophomor'
would be given the best chmi"
to return, and seniors the leas
under Berland's model.
Bursley director Loretta A
derson's plan would allow ea.
class a fixed percentage of a
B1l may face
fight in Senate
WASHINGTON (Reuter)-The House of Represen-
tatives last night voted a 21.3 billion dollar anti-recession
tax cut and an end to the oil depletion allowance tax
benefit enjoyed by the oil industry for nearly a half
The House approved the tax cut and repeal of the
depletion allowance retroactive to January 1 and sent the
measure to the Senate, where hearings will start next
THE OUTCOME of the tax cut was never in doubt but the
vote to end the oil depletion allowance was both historic and close.
Members voted 216-107 to repeal the tax benefit, worth about
AP Photo
Ma Bell buns
Smoke envelopes a five-alarm fire in a New York Telephone Company building in lower Man-
hattan yesterday, injuring more than 60 firemen and civilians. The fire knocked out service to
nearly 200,000 private telephones and several e mergency police lines.
Police arrest 25
2.5 billion dollars a year to the
oil industry.
The tax reduction-designed
to pump more money into the
ailing economy-covers both in-
dividuals and corporations. In-
dividuals would get up to a $200
maximum rebate on their 1974
taxes. The Treasury Depart-
ment would send out the first
checks in May.
Shbject to the $200 ceiling for
each family, taxpayers would
get 10 per cent refund on last
year's tax bills. Families earn-
ing over $30,000 a year would
be limited to a $100 refund.
THE TAX cut bill was the
first major Congressional effort
of the year to aid the economy.
The bill also increases the in-
vestment tax credit for busi-
nesses and reduces the 1975
taxes for low and moderate in-
come people.
Senators from oil-producing
states are expected to fight the
proposal to end the depletion
allowance, an effort which could
delay final Congressional ap-
proval of the tax reduction plan.
A Republican move to reduce
taxes by only $17 billion lost on
a 251-160 House vote. That
amendment was similar to
President Ford's program of a
S16 billion tax cut-412 billion
for individuals and four billion
dollars for corporations.
FORD'S PLAN would have
given a larger rebate for 1974
taxes but Democratic tax writ-
ers rejected the proposal on
grounds that it favored the rich
rather than the poor.
This was the first time in the
memory of veteran Congress-
people that the House voted to
end the oil depletion allowance,
although in 1969 the allowance
was reduced from 27.5 per cent
to the present 22 per cent.
Under the depletion allow-
ance, 22 per cent of oil company
revennes are free from taxa-
tion. It has been a fixture of
See HOUSE, Page 2
By The Associated Press
New government figures fore-
cast more economic trouble
ahead and the Federal Com-
munications Commission okayed
a $365 million rate hike fzr
American Telephone & Tele-
graph Co. that would mean a
7.2 per cent rise in the price
of long-distance phone calls.
New Commerce Department
statistics showed the govern-
ment index of leading indica-
tors fell to a record low for the
second straight month-the sixth
consecutive month of decline.
The index, based on 12 economic
factors, is designed to show
where the economy is heading.
OF THE NINE factors for
which figures were available,
seven pointed to further deterio-
ration. The only positive factors
were higher stock prices and
1 o w e r consumer installment
The average work week
shrank; new claims for unem-
ployment rose; spending and
planned spending on new manu-
facturing facilities dropped, and
the number of new building per-
mits issued fell.
The government index report
was reflected in a restrained
stock market yesterday with
See GOVT., Page 2
Twenty-five persons picketing GEO picketers
in support of the Graduate Em- ernoon near
ployes Organization (GEO) laundry on
strike against the University charging them
were arrested yesterday morn- comply with a
ing near the University elec- a police officer
trical shop as the union walk- At approxim
out carried on into its 17th day. day morning
The arrests, which were Klinge, comma
made at 7:30 a.m. by the cam- pus unit, told tI
pus unit of the Ann Arbor po- the gateway
lice department, resulted in 24 electrical shop
charges of trespassing, and one not moved by 7
charge against history tf Mark to arrest you
Rozeen for failure to comply law of trespas
with a lawful order of a police ing you this
officer. move now.
o arrested two
Wednesday aft-
the University
North campus
with failure to
lawful order of
ately 7:25 yester-
Capt. Kenneth
ander of the cam-
he 25 picketers at
going into the
, "If you have
7:30 we are going
under the state
sing. We're giv-
opportunity to
PIRGIM reports
state investin in
out tatbusinesses'
About $2.5 billion in state trust funds is being invested in
out-of-state businesses, according to a report by the Public
Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM).
The PIRGIM report says Michigan's Treasury Department
has invested over 80 per cent of the money from state trust
funds in corporate stocks and bonds, with most of the remainder
going into Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages.
THE STUDY ADDS that this money could be invested in
Michigan industries and small businesses to create jobs for the
large number of unemployed workers in the state.
State trust funds consist of money held by the state for retire-
ment systems for public employes. The money comes from
See PIRGIM, Page 2
"I would be hopeful that you
would move," he continued,
"but I have no option but to
make the arrests if you don't."
to comply with Klinge's order,
began chanting, "We demand
agency shop," and continued to
march, as Klinge signaled for
one of the officers to back a
patrol wagon toward the hud-
dled picketers.
The police then proceeded to
arrest the GEO supporters'
placing 13 of them into the
wagon and the remainder into
rpatrol cars. Klinge later called
therpicketers "peaceful" and
added "there were no prob-
lems with any of the arrests."
Livia Bowditch, one of the
picketers arrested under char-
ges of trespassing, asserted
yesterday, "We've been picket-
ing there through the duration
of the strike without any inter-
ference . . . and all of a sudden
it's private property. They hand
us one set of laws one day, and
another the next.
"I'M NOT about to be pro-
hibited from normal, legal pic-
keting," she continued. "We're
not picketing in hospital rooms.
That driveway is public prop-
erty and we'll be back again
GEO spokesman Dave Gor-
don maintained, "The arrests
were not exactly coincidental
after the University has just
presented us with a final offer
that we refused to submit to.
They are trying to break this
strike by putting pressure on
us, but we're not going to be
Students head south
"Push has come to shove,"
said Gordon, "and now they're
(the University) treating us
like any corporation would
treat any recalcitrant em-
ployes. This is supposed to be
an institution of higher educa-
tion with people treated accord-
ingly. Well, that's a bunch of
THE OFFER Gordon refer-
red to was a package proposal
See POLICE, Page 7
All smart birds long since de-
parted for warmer climates and
their human counterparts are
following in close pursuit.
Spring break is a breather
for students, perhaps a time to
catch up a little on work ne-
glected in previous weeks.
Those who can afford it though,
head south in search of sun,
surf and sunburn only to re-
turn bronzed, peeling and fad-
ing fast.
ACCORDING to Coleman
G a r t h, manager of Boersma
Travel, skiers are few. He
says, "Florida, the Bahama's
and Jamaica are going to look
more like Ann Arbor than Ann
Arbor." He claims the vacation
business is good and at Boer-
sma business is equivalent to
last year.
Chris Rolston of Regency
Travel agrees that skiing is
pretty much over. The trend
there is also the traditional
Florida and island vacations.
Although travel agencies
claim business to be good, a
random sampling of students
refuted this. Most said sadly
that they were "just going
AMONG the travelers, Gary
Glenn, a literary college senior.
smiled and said he was going
to Florida on a sun, fun and
camping vacation. Obviously
preparing for his vacation he
was walking without a coat in
the sub-freezing temperatures.
No fan of the state's weather,
he says, "I've lived here for
20 years and any time I can get
away is time enough."
One student who wished not
to be identified said that he
was headed for Jamaica for a
work and play visit. He was go-
ing in search of some good Ja-
maica weed.
ANOTHER student who called
herself an "unidentified co-ed"
stated forlornly, "I have to
stay here to work because I
don't have enough money to
pay my tuition."
There are alternatives to the
expensive trip to the warm
weather, or the potentially de-
pressing visit home, however.
For some, like Brad Eschler
and Bay Renner, a camping
trip in up north is the mid-
price solution.
For the more affluent, the
cultural centers of the east still
have their lure, and Boston,
New York and Toronto, will
all be destinations for some
students wearied by a late flur-
ry of exams.
Army may eliminate
The Army plans to warn the University
shortly that the Army Reserve Officer
(LSA) academic credit, Irish was confi-
dent yesterday that "in spite of the no cre-
dit situation we will have 20 juniors next
Army and Air Force units fall short with
only 13 juniors.