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February 26, 1975 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1975-02-26

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Wednesday, February 26, 1975


Page Five

By ROBIN HERGOTT enough, make an indentation in -
Besides being more econom- it with two fingers. If it springs
ical than commercial products, back, it is ready.
homemade bread is infinitely The first rising takes from 1-2
better tasting. Bread baking is hours. Set the bowl in a draft-
surprisingly simple, yet can be free place, such as in the oven,
an extremely rewarding exper- until the dough doubles in bulk.
fence. Once the basic techniques To test, make an indentation
are known, even a beginner can in it with two fingers. If the
make most any kind of bread holes remain, the dough is
successfully. doubled.
It is best to use unbleached
rather than bleached flour in To shape the loaves as spe-
recipes calling for all-purpose cified in the recipe and roll 2
flour as it yields better-textured out to form approximately a 2
loaves. Experiment though with 14 x 7-inch rectangle. Roll up 7
different types of flours and from the short end as for. a 1
meals, such as whole-wheat or jelly roll. Fold the ends under
rye, to produce breads with and place the loaf seam-side
different tastes and textures. down in a buttered pan.
To knead, place the dough on Let the dough rise again in
a lightly floured surface. With a draft-free place until doubled R
floured hands, fold the dough in bulk, about 40 minutes to 1 s
over towards you and push it 1'4 hours and then bake. Allow C
down and away with the heels the loaves to cool about two w
of both hands. Give the dough hours before slicing. k
a quarter turn and repeat un- WHITE BREAD
til it is smooth, elastic andB
small blisters appear on the 1 cups milk o
surface. Add more flour if the 3 tablespoons sugar b
dough is too sticky. To test if1 1 tablespoon salt a
the dough has been kneaded 1/4 cup butter or margarine a



beats b
1112 cups boiling water
1 package active dry yeast
1/3 cup warm water (100-115-
1 4 cup softened butter or short-
11 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons molasses
2 tablespoons honey
1 cup milk
1 cup whole-wheat flour
more flour 4 cups all-purpose flour
dough gets Cook the cracked wheat in
tered bowl, boiling water about 10 minutes,:
ace and let stirring occasionally to prevent
bulk. Divide sticking, until all the water is,
into loaves absorbed. Dissolve the yeast in,
into three the 1 3 cup lukewarm water in
d. Put in a large mixing bowl. Stir the,
and let rise butter, salt, molasses, honey
ulk. Dough and milk into the cooked crack-
edge of the ed wheat. Cool to lukewarm
h egg yolk then add to the yeast mixture.
3ake at 400- With a large spoon or with one
nutes, until hand, start stirring in the flours,
when tap- 1 cups at a time.
les. If soft When the dough is stiff

ly tacky but not sticky texture.)
When smooth and elastic, shape
into a ball and put in a buttered
bowl, turning to coat with but-
Cover, place in a warm, draft
free spot, and let rise until
doubled in bulk, about 1
hours. Punch down and shape
into two loaves. Put in well-
buttered 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan.
Cover and let rise again until
doubled in bulk, or until the
dough reaches the tops of the
pans. Bake in a preheated 375-
degree oven 30 to 35 minutes, or
until the loaves sound hollow
when tapped on top and bottom.
Cool on racks. Makes 2 loaves.

%2 cup warm water (100-115-de-
packages active dry yeast
cups flour
egg yolk mixed with 1 table-
spoon water and or 2 table-:
spoons melted butter or mar-
Heat milk in small saucepan.
Remove from heat. Add sugar,
alt, 1/4 cup butter and stir.
Cool to lukewarm. Put warm
water in large bowl and sprin-
kle yeast on top. Pour milk
mixture into the large bowl.
Beat in eggs. Add two cups
of flour at a time, until dough
becomes too stiff to stir with
spoon. Remove the dough to
floured board. Knead for 10-

15 minutes, adding
as necessary if d
sticky. Place in but
turning to coat surf
rise until double in b
dough in half. Shape
or form each half
stripes and brai
greased pans. Cover
until doubled in bi
should be over the<
pan. Brush top wit
mixed with water. B
degrees for 40-46 mi
loaves sound hollow
j ped with the knuck
crust is desired, bru
melted butter. Coo
Makes 2 loaves.

The last day of Lord Krishna
Chha: Bengali dance
delights at Rackham


sh top withn
l on rack.

enough to .work, turn out on a
floured board and knead 19-12
minutes, working a little of the
remaining flour as necessary.
(The dough will retain a slight-

% cup fine cracked wheat

- . . . --- -- r-

By MARNIE HEYN fi-aers, bo'
duction toge
The few hardy souls who among the
braved downpour and puddles out the rhv
Saturday night and trekked to tale they ac
Rackham Auditorium were re- The first
warded with a taste of Bengali gram "The
village culture that is inacces- falo-demon
sible to most Westerners: from indiae
Chhau, the masked dance of of the Sh
West Bengal, was a treat for Shiva's son
the eyes, ears and myth- elenhant a
consciousness. confronted
The troupe of eight dancers demon Asm
and three musicians, directed gods: but t
by Asotosh Bhattacharyya, per- by their r
formed five narrative pieces sweens ont
drawn from Hindu mythology in cuddly lion
a folk dance style that has kin demon
In such far-flung places as Uz- The nlot s
bekistan and Georgia in the and third p
west and Tahiti and Hawaii to ana, the e
the east. Rama. who
The theatrical accoutrements tion of Vis
of Bengali masked dance are of the d
as important as the dance style Rama and
itself: the costumes, masks and shmana kil
headdresses identify the char- has been d
acters in these traditional play- ing their
lets and function as stage set- And ini "
tings as well. The musicians, Rama pass
who improvise within accepted tion test by
parameters, provide not only the no one els
rhythmic underpinning for the wins a bea
movement but interact with and of Penelone
comment upon the dancers as sword in th
well. After inte
The musicians began the switched he
evening's program with a brief of Lord Kri
vocal and instrumental proces-'later incarn
sional. Ganesh Kalindi kept his counts how
shenai, an oboe-like double reed killed by aI
instrument, wailing for most of him for a d
the two-hour performance. women, sin
Buddheswar Machoar rolled outI by male da
the bass on the dhamsa, an women didr
enormous hemispherical drum. dramas. In
And Dhruba Laya, who sang Abhimanyu.
and played the dhol, a double- is ambushed
headed tubular drum that is seven war
struck both with a stick and brave man.

und the whole pro-
ether as he moved
dancers, pounding
thm and singing the
cted out.
dance on the pro-
e killing of the buf-
Mahisha," is taken
enous Bengali myths
iva cycle. Two of
s, gotten up as an
nd a neacock, are
by the powerful
r. He defeats both:
hen they are saved
mother Durga, who
o the scene with a
and vanquishes the
source for the second
ieces is the Ramav-
xvloits of the hero
is an early incarna-
hnu. In "The death
emoness Tadaka."
his brother Lak-
i a demoness who
isturbing sages dur-
religious practices.
The bow contest,"
es his hero recogni-
hefting a bow that
e can lift, and so
utiful bride. Shades
e's suitors and the
e stone.
rmission, the troupe
roes. "The last day
shna" (Krishna is a
ation of Vishnu) re-
Lord Krishna was
hunter who mistook
deer. He is mourned
ince until recently
ancers costumed as
not dance in village
"The tragic end of,
" Krishna's nephew
d and massacred by:
riors, but died a



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